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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/22/2020 in all areas

  1. "Are you serious? You Say you are releasing it December then you go onto say that you delay THEN you dont say anything for a whole month and THEN DELAY IT ANOTHER MONTH. You said that It was delayed a month 2 MONTHS BEFORE THE ORIGINAL RELEASE DATE HOW IS THAT NOT ENOUGH TIME. I am Demanding a refund from this dlc. Absolutely Ridiculous."
    5 points
  2. A Message from the Founders Hello Survivors, Jesse and Jeremy here! We know things have been a bit quiet on Genesis news for the past few weeks, even though there is much more to show you, we’ve been deeply immersed in the pre-release development process. That being said, we’re writing today to tell you that the final release date for Genesis Part 1 is now February 25th, 2020 simultaneously on all platforms. This additional delay will no doubt come as a disappointment to everyone who is eagerly awaiting Genesis. We’re extremely sorry to push it back an extra month, but as we have been heads-down with the rest of the team polishing, balancing and putting the final pieces together, we really felt that the extra wait will be worth it both for the quality of the base game and the ambitious new expansion. The live ops team is taking advantage of the scheduling change by making sure we have a really fun Valentine’s event in store for you (something we originally planned to skip because it followed so closely behind the launch of the new expansion). Plus, we’ve just deployed an initial anti-meshing patch, and next week we will be rolling out a definitive anti-meshing logic overhaul that should fundamentally address those long-standing issues. As we look forward to a successful cross-platform launch of Genesis, all of this will make ARK substantially better for everyone who plays PvP and PvE. On behalf of the broader Wildcard team, we thank you so much for your passion, creativity, feedback, and support. We are extremely thrilled to bring ARK’s next chapter to you, and are looking forward to a hugely exciting 2020! Meanwhile, here are some tasty new screenshots from ARK: Genesis Part 1! Jesse and Jeremy Studio Wildcard Anti-Meshing Efforts Hey everybody! I’m WC_jellyknee, the lead Live Ops Engineer on the ARK team. I wanted to tell you about our efforts to prevent cheating in ARK in general, and our continuing efforts to defeat undermeshing specifically. We're excited to get this post out in order to address the issue of meshing with the community and, also, to share news on how we will be countering meshing more aggressively moving forward via technical solutions. I'm going to start off by quoting from a previous developer diary: You can read the rest of the developer diary here: Undermeshing has been a thorn in the side of both players as well as the enforcement team, and a serious concern for the development team. To help mitigate this, we have further upgraded our anti-undermeshing system in order to help the enforcement team track down problematic map areas, as well as tracking down people who are breaking the ARK Code of Conduct. This underlying system has been in place for a while now, gathering useful data, and we have been testing it to make sure that it works reliably. We wanted to make sure that it minimizes the amount of false positives - we don't want it to flag locations where players can get to during normal play Now that this system has been proven to be effective, we've now built another layer on top of it to take advantage of this data. I don't want to give specific numbers here because it can only help bad actors try to find new exploits, but I'll explain how this system works: 1) If we detect a player undermeshing for a certain amount of time, it will teleport them to a valid position that they were previously at. It will then monitor that player for an amount of time. 2) If the system finds that player undermeshing again within that time, or if it's not able to teleport the player to a previous position, then the player's character will die. Any items being carried will remain at that location. 3) The system is aware of what the character is doing, and will take certain actions into account to help prevent player frustration. The system, whilst in a state we’re confident will have an impact on limiting meshing, is in a state of ongoing development. We will continually make improvements and updates, along with rolling out more definitive undermeshing-resolving changes in the next week. While we continue to introduce new content and experiences to fans of ARK we will remain focused on ensuring that everyone has a fair playing experience on the Official Network. By default, the anti meshing system will be on for the Official Network For Unofficials, these launch parameters can be used: -noundermeshchecking // Will turn it off the anti meshing system entirely -noundermeshkilling // Will turn it off the anti meshing player kills (but still allow teleporting) Twitter: twitter.com/survivetheark Facebook: facebook.com/survivetheark Reddit: reddit.com/r/playark Instagram: instagram.com/survivetheark Twitch: twitch.tv/survivetheark Steam: steamcommunity.com/app/346110 Youtube: youtube.com/survivetheark
    4 points
  3. if u played the base game 2 hrs... there will not be a refund so be patient .because genesis is coming!!!!
    3 points
  4. I know you ARK Devs get a lot of backlash when you have to delay the launch of another DLC, but if that means that we get a less buggy release AND simultaneous launch on all systems, I believe that it is worth it. Did we foresee another delay coming after the silence about Genesis this month, yes. But this doesn't mean we should tear apart these devs all over social media. At the end of the day, they've made a great game that we can all play and enjoy. Moreover, nobody wants to see more delays in the future. Not the players, and not the devs either. But things pop up, something goes wrong, other events outside of Genesis get in the way. That happens to everybody. I just hope that we can expect more accurate release dates beforehand when going into the launch of DLCs. And when things are going awry, I hope we can get the delay notice sooner rather than later, because then at least we're not so close to the release date with so much hype just for it to be yanked back even further. A message to the Devs, thanks for making such a great game and putting so much work into it. I'm sorry that you guys constantly have to deal with backlash from this kind of stuff, but we all love this game and the community built up around it. May we all hope for a great Genesis launch in February and more success with this stuff in the future. Thank you!
    3 points
  5. It's important to remember that ARK in every way possible will eventually bring your expectations to zero. I can tell how long someone has been playing ARK by how often they are disappointed when something doesn't go the way they expected. The same goes for Wildcard Studios. The fish rots from the head, so don't expect much and assume all hype is just hot air. If you pre-ordered Genesis and are upset they keep delaying the launch, that's on you. buying a pre-order for a physical product that has some kind of supply limit or scarcity makes sense, but there is no supply limit with Genesis, and you aren't missing anything important by waiting until launch. If you do pre-order Genesis, Wildcard probably assumes that you are doing so because you want to support them, and that you are intelligent enough to comprehend what you are paying for. Personally I just don't pre-order. period. It's a business model that encourages moral hazard in the gaming industry. That being said, ARK is one of the few kickstarter/early access games that panned out, and Wildcard should be applauded for that, but don't get mad at them because you are bad with your money, or have expectations that don't match reality. Just ask anyone who's been playing ARK since early access, and they'll confirm as much.
    3 points
  6. Y'all should learn from this guy. He's been playing legacy for so long and still hyped for the new dlc without complains. He just loves the game.
    2 points
  7. hell ya!!! im hyped …. forget these haters wc team !!!! ill take all the bugs and rollbacks/updates!!!! because I love this game!!!!!! with love from legacy....keep up the great work
    2 points
  8. While caps locking it wouldn't be my approach, honestly, their reaction is understandable and they're allowed to feel that way. This has happened so so many times it's honestly unreal. People can be optimistic and say "Take as much time as you need, I'd rather a polished DLC" but it just goes to show they haven't been around for long as even with this extra time the DLC will surely have big issues. I understand WC struggles and must be stressed, but after an absurd amount of delays, as long as people aren't downright nasty, I think anger is 100% understandable.
    2 points
  9. no we will not, and everyone is free to their opinion, you dont like that kind of reaction, close your browser
    2 points
  10. I win 10 bucks yay me! I bet my sister Genesis wouldn't be out anytime soon. In addition to the horrible chibi experience at Christmas,(turned everyone on my servers into a pvp attitude) now the expansion we already paid for is delayed AGAIN. We get thrown the *fixing stuff* that's why it's late. But these are things that should have been fixed by now. I'm really glad there are improvements coming but it in no way changes my disappointment level. I feel that these changes are like.. basic liberties.. something that we as paying players are entitled to (A working non extremely buggy game). Not dangling it in front of us like a prize. My sister and I bought genesis the day it was released because we love Ark, but I'm not falling into the oh I'm so happy because things are being fixed so the delay is ok because it's not! I can't do anything about it but I can voice my extreme disappointment.
    2 points
  11. Now when you going do something about everyone teleporting corrupt gigas to ppls base and destroy all the hard work in pve
    2 points
  12. 2 points
  13. Yes, because Extinction worked and wasnt a buggy mess after the 4 times of being delayed.
    2 points
  14. No point, it's broken, Raptor Claus doesn't spawn at all making the entire event pretty much a bust unless you just want the coloured dinos.
    2 points
  15. guess its time to learn the golden rule of buying videogames: NO PREORDERS!
    2 points
  16. Is this a joke either tell us genesis is delayed or the release date. Keeping the entire community in limbo is unsatisfactory.
    2 points
  17. Could you add the gacha clause back into the Game? I know Christmas is over but Private Server would Like to let it run longer. Also Orbital drops and corrupt Dinos are'nt spawnable on Ragnarok anymore.. why?? Just give us the freedom to do our events.. privat servers are the ones who keep your game alive!
    2 points
  18. A Message from the Founders Hello Survivors, Jesse and Jeremy here! We know things have been a bit quiet on Genesis news for the past few weeks, even though there is much more to show you, we’ve been deeply immersed in the pre-release development process. That being said, we’re writing today to tell you that the final release date for Genesis Part 1 is now February 25th, 2020 simultaneously on all platforms. This additional delay will no doubt come as a disappointment to everyone who is eagerly awaiting Genesis. We’re extremely sorry to push it back an extra month, but as we have been heads-down with the rest of the team polishing, balancing and putting the final pieces together, we really felt that the extra wait will be worth it both for the quality of the base game and the ambitious new expansion. The live ops team is taking advantage of the scheduling change by making sure we have a really fun Valentine’s event in store for you (something we originally planned to skip because it followed so closely behind the launch of the new expansion). Plus, we’ve just deployed an initial anti-meshing patch, and next week we will be rolling out a definitive anti-meshing logic overhaul that should fundamentally address those long-standing issues. As we look forward to a successful cross-platform launch of Genesis, all of this will make ARK substantially better for everyone who plays PvP and PvE. On behalf of the broader Wildcard team, we thank you so much for your passion, creativity, feedback, and support. We are extremely thrilled to bring ARK’s next chapter to you, and are looking forward to a hugely exciting 2020! Meanwhile, here are some tasty new screenshots from ARK: Genesis Part 1! Jesse and Jeremy Studio Wildcard Anti-Meshing Efforts Hey everybody! I’m WC_jellyknee, the lead Live Ops Engineer on the ARK team. I wanted to tell you about our efforts to prevent cheating in ARK in general, and our continuing efforts to defeat undermeshing specifically. We're excited to get this post out in order to address the issue of meshing with the community and, also, to share news on how we will be countering meshing more aggressively moving forward via technical solutions. I'm going to start off by quoting from a previous developer diary: You can read the rest of the developer diary here: Undermeshing has been a thorn in the side of both players as well as the enforcement team, and a serious concern for the development team. To help mitigate this, we have further upgraded our anti-undermeshing system in order to help the enforcement team track down problematic map areas, as well as tracking down people who are breaking the ARK Code of Conduct. This underlying system has been in place for a while now, gathering useful data, and we have been testing it to make sure that it works reliably. We wanted to make sure that it minimizes the amount of false positives - we don't want it to flag locations where players can get to during normal play Now that this system has been proven to be effective, we've now built another layer on top of it to take advantage of this data. I don't want to give specific numbers here because it can only help bad actors try to find new exploits, but I'll explain how this system works: 1) If we detect a player undermeshing for a certain amount of time, it will teleport them to a valid position that they were previously at. It will then monitor that player for an amount of time. 2) If the system finds that player undermeshing again within that time, or if it's not able to teleport the player to a previous position, then the player's character will die. Any items being carried will remain at that location. 3) The system is aware of what the character is doing, and will take certain actions into account to help prevent player frustration. The system, whilst in a state we’re confident will have an impact on limiting meshing, is in a state of ongoing development. We will continually make improvements and updates, along with rolling out more definitive undermeshing-resolving changes in the next week. While we continue to introduce new content and experiences to fans of ARK we will remain focused on ensuring that everyone has a fair playing experience on the Official Network. By default, the anti meshing system will be on for the Official Network For Unofficials, these launch parameters can be used: -noundermeshchecking // Will turn it off the anti meshing system entirely -noundermeshkilling // Will turn it off the anti meshing player kills (but still allow teleporting) Twitter: twitter.com/survivetheark Facebook: facebook.com/survivetheark Reddit: reddit.com/r/playark Instagram: instagram.com/survivetheark Twitch: twitch.tv/survivetheark Steam: steamcommunity.com/app/346110 Youtube: youtube.com/survivetheark View full article
    1 point
  19. Valentines Day Love is in the air! We know you love events and we love providing new experiences for ARK survivors. For Valentines Day 5, we'll be introducing new content similar to Winter Wonderland where we saw the introduction of Chibi's. In addition to existing content you'd expect from past Valentine's Day events, we'll be introducing new content to collect. Our pint-sized chibi friends were such a welcome addition we've decided to reintroduce them for this event! You'll be able to collect the 54 chibi's from the past event, in addition to 5 new chibi pets. We know you're probably fishing ? for more information on how to get your hands on the new chibi pets, emotes and skins. We'll hook ? you up with the details in due time Similar to the last event, we added new functionality that modders will be able to take advantage of in the future. This advancement expands our item skin functionality to allow support for items like the bow that support multiple ammo types. Simply put: We're able to add skins to more item types now! We're thrilled to share new emotes, skins, and chibi's with the ARK community for Valentines Day 5 and we'll be sure to post more details as we near closer! On The Horizon PvP Legacy Server Wipe Next week, On January 28th, PvP Legacy Servers will be wiped. Saves of the server will be provided following the closing. Please see below for more information EVO Event Survivors on all platforms will be receiving a special Evolution Event perk this weekend! It will be active from Friday the 24th of Jan at 1 PM EST until Monday the 27th of Jan at 3 PM EST. All Official Servers across each platform will be undergoing this evolutionary change which includes: 2x Harvesting Rates 2x Taming Rates 2x EXP Rates Until next time! Twitter: twitter.com/survivetheark Facebook: facebook.com/survivetheark Reddit: reddit.com/r/playark Instagram: instagram.com/survivetheark Twitch: twitch.tv/survivetheark Steam: steamcommunity.com/app/346110 Youtube: youtube.com/survivetheark
    1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. Omg some people just need to grow up. Its just a game. Stop bitching and moaning like babies, wild card have their priorities just like you have. If you paid for the DlC already good on you that means it gives others a chance to buy the dlc end of January and be on the same level as the rest when the dlc comes out. I’ll wait a year if I have to as long as the release is smooth and not glitchy with all the patches and downloads we had with other DLC releases. Then major thing I think wild card need to address to now is the kitting on extinction servers pve official and give teleporters the option for alliance, public and closed. These options would help.
    1 point
  22. That’s why you don’t pre order anything from these guys! They never get any date on time,!and they acting like it’s a one month push back when I’m sure it was originally supposed to be out in December or early January now end of February lmao wow what jokes
    1 point
  23. so im getting a refund thanks, 2 month delay bruh... i love the game ark but i wish wildcard wasn't behind it..god just image if a competent studio had this game smh.
    1 point
  24. chances of it being delayed again? high
    1 point
  25. cut the guys some slack, they are doing this for us. It’s a pain to get delays, but what, you are just gonna buy it again aren’t ya
    1 point
  26. This is f**king ridiculous. Been waiting months already. I been playing ark long enough to expect this to happen cuz it does everytime. That dont mean i have to like it. I'm so aggravated now. This guy ^^^^ is 100% correct. Its going to be poop regardless of how long u make us wait. Just release it and let us help u!
    1 point
  27. Its just lies to get more people to buy the dlc
    1 point
  28. Hope this means I won’t lose my inventory while using climbing picks on tribe owned structures anymore
    1 point
  29. I hope they run the valentines event for a few weeks versus the one week since we are waiting on the release a month longer then expected. So many duplicate chibis during xmas. Never did get any of the special ones. Nice to get a second shot at them.
    1 point
  30. While I knew this was coming it's ridiculously absurd how this has happened every time since SE.
    1 point
  31. A delay is never fun but at least we now have a date to HYPE for! And OMG those pictures are awesome❤️
    1 point
  32. Hopefully the servers are more stable than Extinction at release.
    1 point
  33. Just say now if you need to delay it, dont wait til last day when it should come out and then tell us.
    1 point
  34. And which Ark DLC came out without many errors? Do not wait for miracles, many expect this dlc later this year.
    1 point
  35. it's not a matter of waiting for it to be fixed or not, it's the complete lack of information they are giving us about it. im fine with waiting longer for it as much as i don't want to but, if they don't tell us it only frustrates the community. most of us paid for it and expected it in December.
    1 point
  36. More what I plan on doing in ARK today than what I have done. We have a planned mission tonight to bash the Alpha King Titan on our Extinction map before the server is re-purposed for the new Genesis (when it finally lands). We tamed all the other titans earlier in the week and managed to get each at Alpha level and have a decent MOMI (megamek) to go ahead and mighty morph our normal Meks (power rangers). Just short on players this time with only 3 of us - so hoping that we can still pull off a victory. I'm gonna be flying high and safe on the Desert Titan, one on the Ice Titan and another in the Mega Mek - using whistle commands to get the Forest Titan to tank the King and with a highly in-bred army of Gigas to take up any slack and help out with the element veins. .. then I'm back to working on my save game viewer tool to increase the accuracy of my map plotting and some user experience tweaks based on user feedback.
    1 point
  37. There is a difference this time they charged people ahead of time with an expected release date, if they didn't do this bs season pass poop there wouldn't be as much of an uproar people feel cheated out of their money.
    1 point
  38. Radio silence on a DLC with pre-orders that has already been delayed is scummy. I'm sorry but it absolutely is. If you're afraid that people will lash out, fine, but you're better off facing those fears instead of appearing shady. People definitely have the right to be upset and I'm sure WC is also stressed out about this so I get both sides, but still, this could be handled better. Also, to those saying that they'd rather it be delayed for more fixes, that's all well and good but we all know the game will launch with issues. Usually it takes players reporting certain things before they're even aware of certain issues so in a way releasing is a good thing, but not if it's totally broken which I assume is the case by this silence. Do the right thing for the community and be more transparent please. I was hoping this time things would be different, for once.
    1 point
  39. Bahahahaha! WC has no clue after all this time. Have not learned a single thing about communication. Looks like my original post about a February/March release date was correct! When I saw December I laughed out loud and said to my wife "Ya right! Not with Christmas". Here we are. Those of us who have been here for a while are not surprised. WC will keep it up. Then they will drop it with little notice to try and make it feel quicker, rather than update. Now the next question will be - once they actually give a firm date - will they delay that?
    1 point
  40. Who cares about Genesis, how about they address the game breaking glitches like the muntage build into peoples bases. Nah thats to much, lets focus on pretty colors and useless pets.
    1 point
  41. why don't you upgrade some legacy servers to official servers? it is a lack of consideration for people who have played ark for a long time or ended up on a legacy server without knowing . Release the transfer of legacy *PVE* servers to official, nobody will lose anything, only the wildcard itself will lose the old players.
    1 point
  42. Everyone has pretty much figured out the dlc is going to be delayed..why not go ahead and announce it will be delayed? Sure there will be people still complaining but at least it won't be complaints about the radio silence we are currently receiving on a PAID dlc. If it were a free map like Rag or Val, personally I wouldn't care about the silence. But when you pay for something the purchaser should at least be kept in the loop about delays in receiving what they paid for. I understand WC is not some huge team of people, and having played nearly every day since it hit ps4 I have come to expect the delays not only on updates but dlc as well. But not keeping people in the loop, delays and all, for something they paid for is how you lose business and stifle growth of a new customer base. That said, not gonna lie, excited for the Vday event and the prospect of new chibis..hoping griffins are one of the new chibis?. If fishing is involved this may be the first time since preLegacy I've had reason to break out and actually use a fishing pole.
    1 point
  43. Personally I prefer a delay regarding Genesis. Doesn't matter how long. IF (and i stress IF), they will release a DLC that is at least half or less broken than Extinction was. Any rush and childish complaining about it begs for disaster; and the whining will increase. I don't want any more server wipes because of bugs after the release, I don't want broken spawns of end-game creatures in your base, I don't want server crashes, exploits that enable looting on PvE, creatures dying during lag spikes or stuck in meshes. I am sick of these things that keep persisting and sometimes only get exacerbated with each patch and update. I finally want a polished, sufficiently tested out DLC that justifies every cent I spent on it. No rush; any delay is acceptable; people understand if you keep them informed. Just do a better job. What releases have been before can't be imposed as an acceptable standard, sorry to say this Ark Team. You need to do better.
    1 point
  44. Come on! tell us that Genesis is going to be delayed again! waiting expecting the worst is not fun
    1 point
  45. Tribemate and I made a base on Valguero, a Tek tree-house in the redwoods. Went to the Ice Wyvern trench and pulled a 180 egg on my first go and he got a 175. Hopefully that is the start of what will be a successful little haul
    1 point
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