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Joebl0w13 last won the day on January 6

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  1. No. The only way is through the ticket system. It may or may not be addressed.
  2. Joebl0w13


    Please report bugs here -> Bug Reports
  3. Known bug. Please report bugs here -> Bug Reports
  4. This section of the forum is for the mobile version of Ark. For all other platforms: Please report bugs here -> Bug Reports
  5. This section of the forum is for the mobile version of Ark. For all other platforms: Please report bugs here -> Bug Reports
  6. Did you fill out the form at the top of this thread? The people working tickets have nothing to do with the servers. They don't manage them at all, they will close those tickets.
  7. That's the point. They didn't put them there on purpose. They are missing or messed up sections of the map. This is clear by the fact that they patch them out if they find them or are alerted to them.
  8. Game was never built for single players. It's just the way it is. I know single player PVP in this game is bad... (been there/done that) but, it wasn't designed for it.
  9. Na, this is far easier than trying to plug up every hole. Let the players find them lol.
  10. Might be some of the reason behind the change. Getting rid of rat holes.
  11. Please report bugs here -> Bug Reports
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