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Joebl0w13 last won the day on July 15

Joebl0w13 had the most liked content!

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  1. Not a forum suggestion. https://support.curseforge.com/en/support/solutions/articles/9000235469-ark-premium-mods
  2. On an official server, your only option is to seek help from support: support ticket here.
  3. That person doesn't have a patent on 'spider'. They can put a spider in their game if they want, name it what they want.
  4. At this point, his posts are just spam. Any more mentions of it will be removed as such.
  5. Please report bugs here -> Bug Reports
  6. Ark 2 hasn't been released yet.
  7. Please report bugs here -> Bug Reports
  8. Please report bugs here -> Bug Reports
  9. Please report bugs here -> Bug Reports
  10. I didn't. I posted a quote from Svala stating true black was added to the game.
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