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Community Crunch 244: Halloween and Gen2 and Extra Life! Oh my!


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  • Wildcard Admin

Welcome to a spooky edition of the Community Crunch and Happy Halloween!


What better time to introduce you to a creepily cute new creature preparing to make its debut on the ARK for Genesis 2. Would that adorable face mean you any harm? Of course not! 

Stay posted for more exciting Genesis 2 reveals and teasers during our Extra Life stream! 

...speaking of...

We are gearing up for another year of Extra Life.  The Extra Life charity stream is a 24-hour stream where all proceeds directly benefit children in need.  This year's Extra Life event kicks off on November 7th at 10 AM PSTExpect prizes and giveaways like Collector's Edition's, boosted Official Network rates, and sneak peeks at upcoming content. We also have some very special guests lined up to make an appearance and it's something we don't think you'll want to miss! The rates for the Extra Life event are listed below.  Can we hit a billion?


You can sign up to the Studio Wildcard Extra Life team here 

And you can read all about Extra Life here



November 7th also marks the date of the much awaited Tender Loving Care 3 patch.  We can't wait to get the turbo boosted Wolly Mammoth and Stego into your hands along with some juicy Quality of Life additions! Read more about what's included below:

LiveOps Update

This past week, we completed a Official Network upgrade that will have a positive effect on all platforms.  The intent of the upgrade was to resolve problems relating to character loss, player timeout, latency, and failure to download or upload player data.  We thank you for your understanding and patience as the upgrade came with a brief interruption in service on the Official Network.  Ensuring a smooth playing experience on the Official Network remains a top priority.

EVO Event: Fear Evolved


Survivors on all platforms will be receiving a special Evolution Event perk this weekend! It will be active from Thursday the 22nd of Oct at 4 PM EST until Friday the 6th of Nov at 3 PM EST. All Official Servers across each platform will be undergoing this evolutionary change which includes:

  • 2x Breeding/Maturing/Egg Hatching
  • 2x Harvesting
  • 2x Taming
  • 2x XP


Fan Art

Zombie Wyvern by PicturesofArk

Jerboa by Amberghini

My Tribe Mate and I by Trashcan Mcgee (Discord)

Wild Caard, notice me! by Timidd (Discord)


Architecture Fun by Gamecruisers


Arks theropod offspring by Apal (Discord)


Wyvern by kawarayane




Have a safe and happy Halloween!
Studio Wildcard

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i just wish that during events that give u different colour dino spawns we actually get more coloured spawns... one in 10ish on the bloodwyverns just pains me... Also anyone that has seen anything can quote me on this but besides the Heirs i havent seen a legit bloodwyvern spawn as true black... As for that Lil rat... it looks like a mutated bulbdog but alien creepy looking... pass

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I hope you’re not taking away 3x taming!!!  Man I love what I see in this crunch but just have some considerable concerns:

Number 1:  So the Fear Evolved Event is ending the 6th, across platforms, meaning Xbox (including crossplay) takes the shaft by not having until almost 4 FULL DAYS after everyone else.  Things happen, fine, but then to push out a “optimization” update that actually made things worse at the start of an already delayed event? 

Number 2:  On the 7th we’re getting the extra life event (which is awesome and it goes to one of the best causes and charities in the world), BUT we are also getting the TLC3, do you really think that is smart?  Servers are going to be laggy as hell, disconnect issues right and left, servers at almost cap by the time we get to the 12 hour mark and yes think ahead change the imprints to match the rates at the start instead of halfway.  Not to mention depending on the size of the download we’re going to have due to TLC, much over 15 gig and I’m not playing for a couple of hours even with cable internet download speed (35-50 Mbs).  Not to be a stick in the mud but you guys are setting yourselves up for a complete cluster of disaster and a very pissed off community.  Now if you extended the time for the rates that would be one thing so people can actually enjoy the game.

Last but not least number 3:  You have stated that transfers for Crystal Isles is opening on the 20th, and probably at the start of the Turkey Trial event.  Same idea, same less than ideal idea.  I understand that it’s probably easier to have one update cover a couple things but I don’t think you guys understand what it does to the community and to the real world game play.  Once transfers open there is going to be a flood of players transferring mats, animals and hack ENTIRE BASES back and forth, that alone with the constant logging in and out with transfers is going to lag the servers to almost non playable, ON TOP OF AN EVENT.  This will not be good.  2020 had been enough of a fiasco don’t ya think?

My idea of a solution, take it or don’t just an idea, and some won’t be happy about it but here it is:

     Delay the TLC update and push the opening of transfers forward, both by a week and make THAT an update.  Then you have just the Extra Life event at the end of the Fear Evolved ( even though Xbox players get the shaft), which will be hell on servers as it is.  Then by pushing transfers opening on CI forward with the TLC, we’re not getting hit with possible game breaking updates at the start or end of events.  Wildcard staff have openly admitted that there’s always something unforeseen that causes issues that needs to be fixed, why tempt that demon?  Seriously, why?  Please just think about this, save us the servers and most of all you at Wildcard, a complete mess.  Please?

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1 hour ago, ccz2887 said:

I hope you’re not taking away 3x taming!!!  Man I love what I see in this crunch but just have some considerable concerns:

Number 1:  So the Fear Evolved Event is ending the 6th, across platforms, meaning Xbox (including crossplay) takes the shaft by not having until almost 4 FULL DAYS after everyone else.  Things happen, fine, but then to push out a “optimization” update that actually made things worse at the start of an already delayed event? 

Number 2:  On the 7th we’re getting the extra life event (which is awesome and it goes to one of the best causes and charities in the world), BUT we are also getting the TLC3, do you really think that is smart?  Servers are going to be laggy as hell, disconnect issues right and left, servers at almost cap by the time we get to the 12 hour mark and yes think ahead change the imprints to match the rates at the start instead of halfway.  Not to mention depending on the size of the download we’re going to have due to TLC, much over 15 gig and I’m not playing for a couple of hours even with cable internet download speed (35-50 Mbs).  Not to be a stick in the mud but you guys are setting yourselves up for a complete cluster of disaster and a very pissed off community.  Now if you extended the time for the rates that would be one thing so people can actually enjoy the game.

Last but not least number 3:  You have stated that transfers for Crystal Isles is opening on the 20th, and probably at the start of the Turkey Trial event.  Same idea, same less than ideal idea.  I understand that it’s probably easier to have one update cover a couple things but I don’t think you guys understand what it does to the community and to the real world game play.  Once transfers open there is going to be a flood of players transferring mats, animals and hack ENTIRE BASES back and forth, that alone with the constant logging in and out with transfers is going to lag the servers to almost non playable, ON TOP OF AN EVENT.  This will not be good.  2020 had been enough of a fiasco don’t ya think?

My idea of a solution, take it or don’t just an idea, and some won’t be happy about it but here it is:

     Delay the TLC update and push the opening of transfers forward, both by a week and make THAT an update.  Then you have just the Extra Life event at the end of the Fear Evolved ( even though Xbox players get the shaft), which will be hell on servers as it is.  Then by pushing transfers opening on CI forward with the TLC, we’re not getting hit with possible game breaking updates at the start or end of events.  Wildcard staff have openly admitted that there’s always something unforeseen that causes issues that needs to be fixed, why tempt that demon?  Seriously, why?  Please just think about this, save us the servers and most of all you at Wildcard, a complete mess.  Please?

I second this from first till last letter!

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