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  1. I do not see how this would help. Making breeding easier means more people raising more dinos. And that means more lag on the server.
  2. At this point I do not care about not being able to join Extinction bacause as an Xbox player I can not join any map at all. Decay timers are running, babies are dying and... someone still feels like this is a way to go?!
  3. So... how am I supposed to join? ARK_ Survival Ascended-2024_09_06-04_44_59.mp4 Server reports there are only 39 people there... yet I get SERVER FULL when I try to get there.
  4. Why? Why would you increase rates on the new map? There will be many people coming there anyway, no need to lure them. And rushing the start just kills the best play phase on any map. So... why?! ☹️😡🥺
  5. Zou CAN get rid of those. Just navigate to Cosmetics section and drop them as any other item. But I agree that it feels realyl akward with all those skins you automatically get after respawn and can be unaware of easily.
  6. It really feels so cool to pay for a game I am not able to play due to full servers. Thx a lot WC 😞
  7. Same here. Weather, fast spoiling times etc... this all made living on Scorhed Earth a lot harder than Island used to be at that time. But the only bug I recall happening was Terror Bird spawning inside the building and killing us while we were afk.
  8. Now with all respect, this is a total bullpoop. Sure, I do like breeding events as well as everyone else does. Sure I do like to get things done easily as well as everyone else does. I would gladly start raising my dinos faster should they decrease their maturation time... like everyone else would. That would be great... for a while. For a very very short while. And than what? It would just become boring again. Have you ever heard about so called "power creep"? What joy is in getting a mutated dino if you can breed them again and again without any delay? If you can raise them with no effort.... Having to put some work in it is really importatnt part of the game. Without it it will become very boring very fast. Just try to play single player with boosted rates and you will find out how enjoying it is going to be in a month or two. Sure, we all do have some other life outside the ARK and game should respect that. But ARK does respect that today. You have cryopods, that give you an option to stop and go your raising any time... this was the best addition in whole ARK history. Trust me, I know what I am talking about. So, long story short - I do not want any adjustments to breeding rates etc. But I really want WC to finally fix all that poop that makes Gen2 servers crashing again and again. Right now I am just waiting to get my server back online again... I will gladly give my money for ARK2 if it is extreemly hard survival game. But I am not going to pay a dime for something as buggy as Gen2 is again!
  9. Well... I do not know if I should call it a bug or what but.... I have just checked in the game and my seeds have no spoil timer. And those seeds I had in dedicated box are still there, I can take them out, put them back... no spoil timer at all. So... what is the problem???
  10. Being a console player I do not care about mods as they are not available to me.... So, nice picturees and... nothing else?
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