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Everything posted by Duffmek

  1. spend hours farming / transporting metal / any resource VS a strider doing the SAME job in minutes ... yeah no advantage whatsoever ..... Yes end result is the same but dammmm did the strider make life 200% easier add the skiff and u was in easy mode ark for land based resources.
  2. wait 1st april? ...... IF this goes forward with ZERO problems i will be immensely surprised lol
  3. kinda better then! wowsers something done right but feels wrong lol be better for server crashes etc a bit longer here and there never hurt
  4. waiiiiiit ... u released it as a mod? not a game wide event? wow thats almost .... lazy? or more work depending which way it works ... /shrug i dunno i thought it was WC not having it ready yet, but its released as a mod does that mean people can opt out?
  5. to all the people saying chill at WC because its an early access game ... let me remind you all it wasnt going to be early access until snail needed cash fast and WC could not get the basic bare bones of UE5 into the game before that cash was needed.... tired of seeing these comments on all the social outlets that the community are on /rant
  6. i 'played ASE in EA and it was believe it or not BETTER than this - the only thing better than the OG ase is the fact we now have mods - the fact they rolled all the crap back to basics is a waste of time hence still not touching asa with a barge pole
  7. TBH them dates are ALL looking really delayed considering the problems WC are having atmo plus the delay of ASA already soooo but IF they come out on time I am going to have to say they will be full of bugs just like The Island and they will have to either fix as they go pre-release or do a release fix like now.
  8. well it seems microsoft has backhanded some extra cash to WC / snail we just gotta find the paper trail ...... PS watching videos where the hell are the actual dinos?? this island is almost BARREN
  9. crossplay servers are not out yet plus its xbox / ps / windows store for x play anyways for somt reason they said they cant do it with 'steam' yet so dont worry u will have nice fresh servers to crash / lag and kill on later
  10. omg that trailer!!!!!!! what a crock. some bits good other bits ASE on high lol
  11. yup ... thats real logic ... (at which point do we tell them that a console is a compressed computer in a box)
  12. gotta admit hes right you all know ..... unless ofc WC / snail have 'extra money' hidden in the xbox / microsoft deal which at this point realllllly would not shock me one bit lol (all conjecture / subjective etc)
  13. Soooooo outed by xbox? in bed with microsoft ..... just what on earth is happening? do WC / snail even hear their community's concerns / questions or have they just waited for this xbox thing to answer them all .... time will tell
  14. There is patience then there is a complete lack of communication / marketing any strategy whatsoever that is valid in anyones eyes and minds lol. You seriously expect the community is going to sit back and watch NOTHING happen after having been told that the current official servers got nuked and we get bugger all transparency from WC and Snail until we start digging it up lol - WE knew snail was broke before any company here told us .... but yup we need to have patience.
  15. Its called notification that bell at the top right ... if the same name keeps popping up its hard to miss ..... plus they have been reacting alot the past few crunches - its also called memory not in a 'bad way' lol and nope wouldn't care less if i had no reactions at all.
  16. patiently waits for ikusu to facepalm all the bad posts lol
  17. well now ....... what the heck ...... u 'start the hype' with a decent ue5 photo mode thing then derail it with this ... we KNEW to expect the dread however thats fuggin it?!?!?!?!?!?!? sheesh.
  18. One rather pretty Screenshot in photo-mode does NOT make a full complete running bug free game .... Early access title first of all - so what are we NOT seeing which on that photo is A LOT of the game missing....
  19. it is coming out in early access so yeah bits unfinished and bugs galore again
  20. maybe they only just finished that bit this week.... which i hope is not the case because that could mean that with it been EA there is very few dinos / terrain complete
  21. cant blame people for that the terms are quite clear in the steam pages a page needs to be visible 2 weeks before sale .. nowhere does it it say private either its a little confusing lol
  22. LOL exact same comments ..... yeah no bot behaviour at all ... guys the photo is nice, and this post has nothing but praise (so far) albeit some are a little bit suspicious lol 👆
  23. I would LOVE to see a 1 min in game trailer with these GFX's just to see the performance now nvm just the rex
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