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Everything posted by Joebl0w13

  1. I think they made it pretty clear they are not going to talk about it.
  2. Enough of the personal insults. You can debate the new creature all you want. But trolling and personal attacks will be removed.
  3. Why??? Post this silly thread.
  4. Did you complain about the other 59 fantasy creatures in the game? https://ark.wiki.gg/wiki/Fantasy_Creatures
  5. Yes, everyone. Please report bugs here -> Bug Reports
  6. Please report bugs here -> Bug Reports
  7. It's not theft when it's an exchange of currency for goods or services.
  8. There's some known issues with inventory. They are working on it. Please report bugs here -> Bug Reports
  9. It's long gone if it was left on one of the closed servers.
  10. Please report bugs here -> Bug Reports
  11. People have opinions. It's odd right?
  12. They clearly state the event colored dinos will be on official servers: "Wild event dino colors will bleed through to official servers, adding a ghostly touch to the wilderness."
  13. Not sure if this is what you are looking for: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1_bmK3fflkHW7gzXFOmodKSdPmxse0NP9
  14. Please report bugs here -> Bug Reports
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