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Character Lost - Mega Thread


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Sorry for your loss?

be sure to check the original server sometimes it'll be in the download file. this happens too much. first step is to log a ticket.


On PC it usually takes a month. I hope someone in you tribe has admin access that can let you back in. I have heard tell of a GM refreshing a guy's base till their appointment. I would recommend leveling up a new character. let them give you the New 101 character. the imprint you have to creatures are gone and cannot be giving back. go to the appointment with the GM carry a new character not the one you leveled up.

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i know it's not alot of help but what causes this usually is you upload to a server then it crashes rolling back to a time before you were on the server.  Server data is saved once every 15 minutes at minimum may be longer on official servers, transfer data is saved as soon as any changes are made to it ie. downloading or uploading.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Your interaction with that GM is almost the exact same interaction I had with them!! Literally a copy and paste of the replies you received i also received. It's what, nearly 3 months later, and I'm still waiting on my character to be restored. Terrible customer support. Absolutely abysmal. Delighted I didn't buy the Genesis DLC. 

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ark downloading transferred character failed 007

hey guys when transfering today i got this message and cant download my character anymore is this the fabled lost character that people are talking about here?
any idea what to do? i opened a ticked any idea how long it usually takes to bring a character back? and while i wait can i create a new character on my server to keep the buildings standing?
thx in advance for any info im really bummed about this

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I lost my character (129 and all boss fights on alpha) and was told to submit a screenshot of my implant.. who screenshots their implant?! What incompetence is this? I am quitting the game and never buying anything from this company again. I am even going suggest on my YouTube channels people to avoid this failure of a game.

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Screenshot your implant?! Lost character and will to play

I lost my character (129 and all boss fights on alpha) and after a long discussion with customer support was told to submit a screenshot of my implant.. who screenshots their implant?! What incompetence is this? Why should I be forced to redo everything? I lost all my imprints on my dinos, every boss fight and a ton of levels....Servers are lagged to hell, death and loss of gear/tames to mesh all the time..it was barely tolerable.. losing my char was the last straw. There are a LOT of other games out there. Don't support this! Spend your money elsewhere!

I am quitting the game and never buying anything from this company again. I am even going suggest on my YouTube channels people to avoid this failure of a game. 

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the implant has an id# on it that they can make sure it's lost on the network.  Lots of people name their characters the exact same name across their account.  Only way to show which character it is for reals is by the # on the implant.


sadly most players only show up on the forums after problems occur.  Most of the best practices arise in conversations here.  Unfortunately it's a game that requires too much research to figure out how to play w/ minimum losses to the bugs.

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is there a way to get this number through some local file on my PC? I am looking through PlayerLocalData and other files but not really sure if that's possible. Who screenshots their implant without knowing that there is no backups of chars done and that this is their only means of helping you!? I wish I know that this was something important before i started changing servers and char vanished to laggy server!!

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4 hours ago, Hamoct said:

is there a way to get this number through some local file on my PC? I am looking through PlayerLocalData and other files but not really sure if that's possible. Who screenshots their implant without knowing that there is no backups of chars done and that this is their only means of helping you!? I wish I know that this was something important before i started changing servers and char vanished to laggy server!!

If you ever feel like starting over, join an unofficial with decent admins.

I have lost my character 2 times and the admin will just give me back my character from an older save.

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1 hour ago, Baklap said:

If you ever feel like starting over, join an unofficial with decent admins.

I have lost my character 2 times and the admin will just give me back my character from an older save.

admins can do that in ark? why can't GM's on officials?

we always end up with, make new char, make appointment, wait 2-4 weeks, uncryo alllll your dino's, they restore some bosses, move over imprints to new character, lvl up to 105 unless you unlocked ascensions in preparation and have proof you had higher lvl

all these hours of work by both player and gm and weeks of waiting can be avoided by feature like that, punch in command that would restore latest (naked) version of player with specific implant id ... but you're telling me this already exists? 

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lost my Character

Я перешел со своего сервера на другой, и при переключении на сервер моя игра замерла и разбилась. Я захожу на свой сервер, там нет персонажа, я захожу на сервер, на который я зашел, его там нет. Пожалуйста, скажите мне, что делать?

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On 10/21/2019 at 4:37 PM, caleb68 said:

Character data, as well as items transferred from Ark data, should be saved the second its done, rather then waiting for a server save.  This would literally cut back the loss of characters and items lost due to server crashes well over 80%. 

It's not so easy because the dupers would abuse any instant saving.

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Where is your character saved when you upload only? Is there an extra server that saves stuff that isn't on any server? Because if so perhaps that server could be given some extra hard disk space, and any time someone transfers just write some extra data to that which documents what when where etc. so when someones like DILO my stuff isn't on any server a admin can just query the extra file and be like oh yes it looks like you had full tek, three poded what evers and your character was level 105 with such and such engrams, here ya go...

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On 10/21/2019 at 2:51 AM, slejo said:

Lost character - HOW IT HAPPEN

I was travelling from Aberration (from 223) to Extinction (NA 500). When you travel between servers your data is saved into destination server (NA 500) and deleted in source server (Abe 223).


I have been thrown into NA 500.. after one ot two minutes there was server crash and rollback so.. data of NA 500 was loaded from last backup save... from the time when my character wasnt there yet...

Finally after restart server from backup, there wasn't my character at NA 500 and Abe 223... no character, no gears, no equipped 2 rock drakes..

And the question is.....

Why traveled character data is not written in another file independent from server backup copy? So that character that will arrive into time between server backup and server crash will  not be erased?


I have lost 2 with ascension on official small tribes pvp in just a years time. The email reply from GM Athyo after reporting it was not only a complete waste of time, it was pure incompetence. The fact that this & connection issues are not their number 1 priority says a lot.

Everyone i know on official pvp has lost atleast 1 character. Prepare for it by making a back up, as them *potentially* fixing it won't happen unless you have an updated picture of your implant and willing to wait a month or 2 for them to get to it. In that time you could have already leveled another and done boss fights again.

With almost 0 enforcement of TOS, one wonders what they even do. With a game like this where so much time goes into it, especially if you're on pvp, it is devastating to lose that character. All tekgrams earned, the levels above 105 grinded are legit on pvp, imprints & skins & event skins ect gone. If you're solo then you're really screwed.

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