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GrumpyBear last won the day on April 17 2023

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  1. On ASE, we can use maewings to feed unclaimed babies by having an unclaimed maewing by them. Since they are both unclaimed, they are in the same tribe. So this is a way to keep babies alive until you get back to base to claim them.
  2. Considering the regular mega can't go into rad zone w/out countering the radiation constantly, I'd consider it an extremely low priority. I don't even bother taming the regular ones. The ab ones are cooler looking to me.
  3. I just clicked on the skin in inventory and selected place, it then showed green when it was on top of one of my existing walls. It then changed the look of that wall that was already in place. I didn't need to place the skin on a stack before hand. Things I did before using the skin, installed then closed the game. Then I restarted the game and joined my server.
  4. They aren't talking about duping the character against terms. They are talking about them(wildcard) coming up with a system where the character is backed up into the cloud so that if they are lost on a server, they can easily just grab the last version of it from WC, not some exploit. Say you upload your character to the cloud from a server, now the cloud has that copy, you go to another server, upload again back to the cloud and the latest version overrides the last copy the cloud stored. Go to a different server, lose your character. Go back to the cloud and get your last known version. Its not that complicated. They could easily do it.
  5. Has someone mentioned that ark data is shared by all characters of the account owner? Meaning , you dont' have to go to another server with your main character. You can make a new one on the traders server and pull the item from an obelisk. Its not a great solution, but if there is a dire need - there is a way. I would think this would hold back the trading market to a large extent, but for those who want to invest the time, it is possible to do with minimal losses. ..i'll add you don't need to mention that a lvl 1 character can't move with stacks of tek ceilings. That's why trading would have to be done in person and not vaulted pickups. That's why I stated, it will hold back the trading market to a large extent if character loss is too common. With servers crashing every couple hours guaranteed, I wouldn't move a character unless I have someone on that server letting me know when it crashes next. So I can move over after it comes back online. Server hopping is the dream, but its major league gambling at this point. We went through all of this on ASE over the years. It took them 4 years to cut the character losses down to the point we forgot about it. Half of that is probably simply because the player population dwindled and reduced the server stress, the other half WC can take credit for.
  6. One of the bonuses of building in a dense neighborhood, is that when others live nearby and keep your base rendering, eggs come more often.
  7. 2 days of posting the max amount of posts the site will let you post.
  8. I think the first thing I'd do is hit up Gen2 and do all the missions before the servers turn to poop.
  9. Looking at the Metal Ocean Platform and the Wood Ocean Platform, I'm noticing there's no mention of the build height for them. Could we get that put in?
  10. I don't think it was very clear. That's why they mention it in this crunch that they were going to put it w/ the evo events. Even the idea of evo events continuing wasn't clear until a couple weeks into this new year. Its going to make many people very very happy, and leave some of us naysayers with egg on our face.
  11. I’m not a language expert, but as far as I know, several different languages use the same alphabet. There could be unintended consequences to trying to filter for multiple languages.
  12. I wonder if this is chatGPT's fault. Maybe they switched to AI to filter it out, and the AI was trained by pre-teens chatting in CoD.
  13. Thank you for that confirmation. Absolutely hilarious. Ark loves to throw challenges our way. I guess we got a whole new game, efficiency of language. We could end up with all new shorthand language here for the game. Old players returning will come back to a whole new language.
  14. Do all of you already have your parental controls turned off? It would be hilarious if everyone complaining has them on. I'll ask my kid to dive in and test things out on his game when he gets home from school. That way I can see what you all are seeing maybe.
  15. then you all should be complaining to where you will get some sort of answer. https://support.survivetheark.com/hc/en-us In the upper right corner of the page, you click log in, then click on submit a request. That will open an actual ticket to report a bug with the chat. This will get you a more definitive answer than going here on the forums, where none of us have a view of the internal workings on this. If someone did that, they could come back here and give us a run down on the wildcard response. This will help us focus our energy in the right places.
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