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Wipe Official Servers



After almost 2 years of constant breeding, every larger group now has incredibly mutated dinos that are nowhere close to what the game was originally balanced around. This means that dinos like Rhinos or Therizinosaurs deal much more damage and are much harder to kill than they were 1.5 years ago when the game released. Politically, the game is currently very stale, with alliances constant, no big conflicts and many people leaving the main cluster for others clusters or other games for a fresher and more exciting experience. A wipe would easily reset breeding back to its original state and bring these dinos back down to what they were originally, and bring back many players that have left over the last year.


edit: im talking (mostly) about the Official PvP network, non-legacy, main cluster)

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On 4/25/2019 at 5:47 PM, Swerfy said:

No, there are so many more people that are waiting for a wipe. The game is stale which is why they need to wipe every year. If they did that then there wouldn’t be a problem

The only ones , that want a wipe its the damn kids that always are winning about something , instead of playing the game. I play the game for 3 years and dont have any problem with my evolution and i still have much to work for

. Just because , you are too lazy to work for your stuff and want everything for yesterday , i dont have to be punished by all that posture of yours.

My server is constantly with 20+ people on, and everyday new players start on my server, 1 out of 10 succed and keep playing, cause all the others only know beg and ask for stuff, and we dont support that kind of attitude .

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All the cries are from PVP players. If you really want to play PVP, face it like a Hero/Heroine. Don't ask for Developers like a Coward to help you wiping others work. Because you don't have the ability to fight other PVP players. If you are really cannot survive PVP, then why do your ass always want to play PVP? Why don't you try playing in PVE? And we are getting new maps every year. Where the hell are you when a new map is released? Why don't you try in a fresh map when it is released?

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its funny that people with a low post count want a wipe, and people with a high post count dont want a wipe.

new players will always want a wipe, that will never change, they want to start equal with all the others.

90% of the starters only play this game for a few weeks upto a few months,

and there would be more people that want a wipe because there will always be more starters then established players.

this is why it is extremely hypocritical and mean to ask for a wipe because statistics say that you are not even here anymore after 3 months.

some dinos like tuso mosa and basilo take 1.5 years where they are now, they are op, but they are not even close to max possible. you want to wipe this work.

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Why would I join a game and do all the work playing the game like looting and breeding if I know that the eventually the server will be wiped??? To be honest right now I am already questioning myself whether or not its even worth start playing on official servers, just because of this thread.

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guys ... its a survival game.  People cheating , glitching,  meshing is all part of the experience.  Evolve --  its in the title of the game.  Adapt be smart and you will survive!   Im on console ps4 pvp official.  Just hit level 100 since starting in January, EVER.    3 man tribe always getting over powered by these megas but guess what... i run and hide my stuff when i have to. . I switch out servers when i have to.  if your lazy in the game,  someone who is not will get you.   Survive- Evolve- Adapt to the bullpoop cheaters.    


If you are a low level trying to make it to the top... you will be raided at least 20 times.  Don't get frustrated because each time you build it will be better then the last.  lol, and you need the experience points anyway lol 



I think rail gun shoots through to the cheating meshers, and a parasaur can detect in mesh aswel.   And if all else fails well im sorry ARK but if you yourself need to go in the mesh to kill off raiders, you should because they gona take your stuff you spent time for and you can  submit as many tickets as you want.  You know you're not getting your stuff back lol.   

GL guys. 


p.s. #2.

if you cant beat em, maybe join em?

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23 minutes ago, Labriel said:

Server reset

All official servers should be reset and wiped. I own a whole server and it is boring that pvp is based around people who already built big and own mega tribes. I dont go around killing new player but the old player make it impossible for new player to enjoy the game and start over and  this is the reason why the games is dying. Some people think that resetting the servers would kill the game even more, but most of the people that think this way are people with mega bases and alliances. Resetting the servers will give new players a chance at the game and pvp will skyrocket. I already own a massive base and dont need this, but I want the game to be fun again!

Then tear down your base and open up the server again. You have that option. 

Stop with the game is dying stuff too. Game's been dying since Legacy, apparently, yet there it is in the top 10 on steam every month. 

Anybody who wants a wipe is free to wipe themselves and start over. Nature of the sandbox. 

They will lose more players than they gain if they full wipe.

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20 hours ago, yekrucifixion187 said:

They have the altered servers in the form of beginners servers. Believe they wipe every 3 months or maybe 6. You can transfer out but not on. Should cover everything you are looking for.

I know about the beginner servers I mean ones just like the reg servers, on beginner I think cap survivor or dino level is like lvl 30 or something so what Im referring to is ones where max lvl is 150 and 105, sorry if I didn't make it clear enough/ known

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On 5/8/2019 at 11:47 AM, Gizmo7777 said:

Do you really think people don’t want a wipe after nearly 2 years?? Your delusional 

I’m absolutely sure , I play almost 3 years now , that the only ones that want a wipe , are the crying children that can’t survive 5 full minutes, don’t want to farm and complain that taming is too hard . 



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Please Wipe Official Servers

Official servers are absolute cancer right now. No matter how long you try to defend if anyone wants to wipe you they can just infinitely dupe Meks and rush your base for however long they want until your eventually wiped. Most duping methods have been patched but all of the duped loot is still there and the recent “enforcement” that was supposed to wipe/ban the cheaters didn’t work at all because on the server me and my friends play on they literally rolled back the server after the dev left and they got all their loot back. 


What I feel should happen is that all the official servers and small tribes servers get wiped, and for the first 24 hours of the fresh servers take out explorer notes so there’s not people who are instantly level 70-80 and so we can also get some fun pvp that isn’t level 80s 5 minutes into the server running around with 200% movement speed or some melee bob with 350% melee damage that can punch you out in one hit.

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Dude123, PVP in Ark is too much evil. Seriously those who enjoy wiping others' 1000s of hours of work, they really have problem in their mind. That's why I never joined in any PVP server. You can start playing PVE where sometimes it might be hard to get place but WildCard releasing multiple new maps every year and some maps becoming empty because of new map. Just got Genesis part 1 map and Crystal Isles is upcoming official map. So you always getting chance to start new with others. Why still expect wipe? Center, Scorched Earth & Aberration maps are much empty nowaday.

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I would have to agree with the wipe all PVP servers because now that ark has fixed most of the cheating ways of duping and meshing, it would give a fair chance to everyone to get to alpha status. Plus all the tribes that are on official right now cheated there way to the top and I know this because I played in a mega tribe for about a year and duping was a constant thing. And before that my tribes would always get meshes. 

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@namelessyou asked yourself some questions but missed the most important one: Why do you even care what others have on PVE since it does not influence you.

You can chose to play without bred lines from other people and still do bosses, you can farm your own stuff and play for yourself. 

The reason you probably care for such things on PVE is that it's an egoboost, don't take this in a bad way, we express ourselves ingame if we miss this IRL.

You could be happy with what you have since it's PVE but you don't want others to have things which they got with an unfair method. But why is that method unfair on PVE? It doesn't influence you or your gameplay. 

I despise cheaters/hackers and dupers and they all should be steam banned on all their accounts but asking to wipe PVE servers because some people hack/dupe and wipe everyone away because you yourself find it unfair is a little selfish, isn't it?

I can only look at a good friend of mine, who has the same issue. He constantly complained about the OP breeding lines that make everything so easy but when I suggest that he should just breed his own lines, play at his own pace and do bosses without any help, he refused. He enjoyed the closed Valguero servers because he had good rexes and could do the boss on beta as one of the first on the server which boosted his self esteem and made the game more fun for him. This can turn very quickly as soon as the servers opened, everyone was suddenly able to do the bosses easily and he stopped playing because people wouldn't come to him anymore for tips or dinos. He needed the recognition ingame to be happy and have fun, which is not a good thing IMO.

I find this very sad and would encourage everyone to not seek recognition in a video game. You should play it because it's fun, set yourself tasks your want to do or reach like in IRL or to find friends and play with them.

(Even if ARK has horrible, horrible gamebreaking issues, it's still a fun game.)

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On 4/25/2019 at 10:06 PM, BertNoobians said:

its the big tribes and wanna bee arkers from other servers that ruin the lives of the beginners in pvp ark. i fly around almost every day and see the horror of blown in little starter bases. this is something our tribe doesnt do , only the scumbag tribes. ths is why a little tribe cant grow to the top. toxic behaviour wont change with a devwipe. its also to easy to offline raid right now. small tribes cant protect themselfs. has nothing to do with dino stats that are to high that need to be reset.

Small tribe or just beginning players need an offline raid protection or someway to prevent the megas from attacking them.

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More relevant than ever. If devs aren't going to wipe they should at least add more wiping clusters. Add a smalls that wipes every 6 mo/put the cross arks on a wipe schedule to boost their population (ORP/Notek, etc.) Add no tame servers monthly wipe, add primitive arkpoc, anything. PvP servers need some help. Small tribes is all mega tribes RMTing at this point and no one plays it because of that.

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