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Everything posted by yekrucifixion187

  1. 1 Event left to introduce a Pachy chibi. I hope it comes through for the Winter Wonderland.
  2. Transfer times should be the same as every other new map. Around 3 months to bring stuff in. That hasn't really altered much in the last almost 4 years (only counting since official launch).
  3. 3x breeding encompasses raising. It's Easter event. Black isn't an Easter color.
  4. That doesn't make them money. That would be poor business. SE is the prime example of that. Everything was put on Rag, people stopped paying for the map even when they tried to make the map an easier experience. Drakes and Reapers still make Ab a viable purchase.
  5. While I'm not overly bothered by the delay, as it is expected at this point, this comment from you is pretty dumb. I paid money to someone who promised me a working game. That contract entitles me to voice my concerns when they are not holding up their end of the deal. That's called consumer rights. Feel free to keep your displeasures to yourself but if I want to voice mine, I've paid for that right.
  6. Events usually end at a specific time so if the next imprint won't be before event ends, cryo it immediately after the last imprint you'll definitely get during the event. Even if the event ends up running a little longer, better to not risk it.
  7. Tame a Procoptodon. Smaller, Faster, and Better Weight. Trust me here.
  8. Mammoth sounds awesome but Stego seems wasteful. They already had a strong role in both PvP and PvE. This leaves the Megalodon as useless as ever, the Quetzal trumped as a farmer enhancement by the Argy, Karkinos, and Hovercraft, and the Bronto a distant memory in PvP and the same berry gatherer in PvE. That's first take, however. Hopefully I am wrong and the Stego does expand its capabilities for both game modes.
  9. Sounds like an amazing update coming. Pay no attention to the one's whining. You'll never be able to please them unless you pay them to play your game. They are crying about 2 TLC but fail to realize the Dunky is getting a TLC too. Crying before they even know what the major TLC entails. Pathetic. Crazy on the reduced mating timers but in some ways it makes sense since those dino's output doesn't match the investment anymore since other's can do it better often. Giga's still king so makes sense there is no breeding changes. Looking forward to everything you covered.
  10. Support is not for server issues. You have to fill out an outage form, located in the platforms bug section, for server issues. Support is for in game things like griefing, cheating and other exploits, etc. Your point still stands though. Support just isn't up to snuff. They say because they lack the people but it's more than that. The biggest problem with support is to many arbitrary decisions based on "internal policies" that change with no notice and no documentation for us to track. A friend could get one answer while you get another for the same type of issue a week apart. That reeks of laziness at the least and corruption at the worse.
  11. Looks good. I haven't been a chibi person but I definitely want a Basilisk chibi. Keep up the awesome content while fixing what you have been. Genesis loot tables should be near the top of that list. Looking forward to what's next.
  12. You should read the rest of the comments. Namely the one that explains they added 2x taming to the event after they made their comments. So they may have influenced them to add it.
  13. I wouldn't. I learned Winter Wonderland is next week and they will be doing more enforcement tomorrow. Awesome if you knew that already. I now know as well and can plan accordingly.
  14. Yep you can bring a shotgun. Not sure if you're trying to take a shot at @Aushegun here but in case you are... You killed Gamma with a Asc pump, probably max damage. He had never experienced that bug before and had crazy OP Rex's so maybe he didn't bring a shotgun because he has never needed one before. Where's the element you just invested your time in achieving? I mean you killed the boss, but the reward is skins. Woo. The landing logic does not have this issue on the SE Manticore, why does it on the Rag and Val Manticore. As a person who was aware of the bug and came equipped in case of it with my Theri's, it still happened to me as well despite a 275 dmg shotgun with 500 shells and a 298 assault rifle with 1000 ammo. I burnt all 1000 ammo and most of the shells plus got some hits with the Theri's when it landed but probably started shooting later than I should of since it wasn't obvious it was bugging early on. Ark happens. Jumping off the Yuty or Theri earlier and starting to shoot is the only thing that may have saved that one but the likelyhood you recognize the issue and take action is 50/50 at best.
  15. Been there when I tried to solo Rag on official with my Theri's. It sucked losing all that stuff but I spent a big majority of the fight running around on the ground and actually had a blast despite the loss. My characters name was Grog so we use to envision him as the Chuck Norris of our alliance, that boss fight or the time I finished a red OSD drop from round 3 on foot with a compound bow and pump shotgun because the Giga raged and died were "the most Grog thing ever done" as my friends liked to put it.
  16. PS4 Single Player- Took the Rav out to harvest some metal so I could cook it why I worked on my base. I don't need a lot currently so I just run up to the lake below the portal and harvest the couple metal and crystal nodes there. I will take the bear out to kill some crabs later for poly but I want a fridge, a few AC's, and a generator. On my way to the area I finally found a decent level roll rat. 125. I had my bear cryo'd so I popped him out, cleared the area around the rat, found a hive and tamed him up. That will help the build immensely. Called it an early night. The next day, I got on but wasn't really feeling the building so I decided to do some farming/taming. First I checked off the cliff face I first built at to check some Megalo levels. There were 2 in the area that I suicided off the cliff so I could build. I haven't done a dino wipe yet so I wanted to check their levels. I spied them up and see one is a 140 and one is a 130. M and F. Pretty much the luckiest I could of gotten that close to green. I'll keep them in mind for a tame down the road. Next I cleared some more metal and then took the bear out to kill crabs. I was surprised by a Rav and so killed it. Unlucky it was a 145. Too quick on the trigger that time. I spied Spino's as I cleared the river of crabs and found a 140. Spino is best bet to get my first Drake egg since only a few things will aggro it in red. I set the trap and kited her on in. KO'd her and her hp is awful but she's got 245 melee. Tamed her up and got a great roll into melee. 420. Cleared out more spino's and just to push the breeding forward a bit, I settled on a male 125. Nothing special on it but the baby will be a first nice raise. Took the poly back to base and crafted up some gens, ac's, fridges, and found a drop to craft a cryofridge and few more pods. I'll commence building when I get back on later and probably tame up those megalo's.
  17. PS4 Single Player- The search for a decent Roll Rat continues. I'm not prepared for blue zone yet so the Roll Rat search is limited to green zone. I went out first on foot. I have, at the time, 174 movement speed, and the Rav is being used for weight. I ran to the portal, to fertile lake, scaled the cliff sides and finally came across a level 75 rat. Unfortunately I don't know the bee spawn locations well so the next trip was to find one of those. Taking a path towards fertile lake I ran by scorpions, pack of raptors, pack of raptors, pack of ravagers, scorpions, and got caught on a rock. A sneaky scorpion got 2 hits in and then I was off again pass another pack of raptors when I got KO'd. 30 fortitude but with only cloth armor, I guess 2 hits from a mid level scorpion is too much. The raptors jumped on my body and killed me fast. I spawned by fertile lake and ran back to the death spot but the bag was gone and there was no light beam. I ghosted and still no bag. It's nothing but empty space under there and so I guess if my bag went under the map it fell into the abyss. I ran up to a 120 Basilisk and punched it, then spawned back at my base. I regeared and returned to the spot of my demise for revenge. After I got sweet justice, I continued my look for a Roll Rat/hive. I stumbled upon a 130 Dire Bear and had to have it. On maps like this, early game tames get leeway on levels. I fashioned a standard 2 x 2 trap and guided the bear inside. It bit me once for 116 damage so I was curious on its melee. I only have a standard crossbow which is always dicey when taming a bear so after about 20 arrows I placed a sleeping bag and got into the trap so it could kill me. It never did. I killed a Parasaur and drug it but the bear never ate it either. Finally I decided to risk it and kept firing arrows. With about 80 hp left it finally went down. Ravagers and raptors appeared so I spent a few minutes killing them and then threw the kibble in. I forgot to check its melee but when it stood up it had 371. Pretty good tame. I then walked my Bear back to base and found a level 80 rat. I was getting off so I will get that next time I'm on. I got on the next day and took the bear out to get honey to tame the rat. Went to a hive I do know about and then made my way towards fertile lake. The rat wasn't around but I could hear it fighting close. I spotted it as it evaporated to two Ravagers. I spyglassed them. A 120 and a 140. I bola'd both and piked the 120 to death. Then I started tranquing the 140. We had a little back and forth but I eventually got it down...with an extra arrow. Sigh. I built a trap around the Ravager then slaughtered a sheep, healed it up, stimmed it, and then spent the rest of its time down cooking lamb chops and clearing the area of threats. While fighting raptors the bear got pinned. They need to fix that bug. I have the bear on neutral to protect me when I get pinned but now its pinning the bear and another one is pinning me which is a pain. Luckily I upgraded to hide armor so I'm lasting long enough for the bear to help me out. I returned to the Ravager and KO'd it again. Instant tame but nothing overwhelming in stats. 830 weight so I'll retire the old tame and make this my new weight carrier for the time being. I need to go forward with my base build up so I guess the Roll Rat will have to wait. I'll hand harvest the wood so I can get my crafting area set up, make some hazard, and venture into blue for Megalo's and maybe better rats down there.
  18. Makes sense since part of the encryption apparently makes reference to anti theft countermeasures.
  19. PS4 Single Player- I started a game on Ab. There's a lot for me to explore yet on the map so I spawned in the mushroom forest and ran down to the edge. Found a nice secluded spot so I set up a little farming base. Been playing 2 days. Day 1 was mostly running around and getting some levels. A couple deaths but wasn't too bad. I hand farmed a few items and scouted a permanent base location. It's on an isolated cliff overlooking the edge. It's going to need a big ramp/stairway for access. Near the end of the day I found a 130 Doedic so I knocked it out and tamed it up. That'll help speed things up. Day 2 I started laying the groundwork for the ramp. I am going to build it out wood first. Even with that low cost, it was taking awhile so I broke off from farming to hunt down a Roll Rat. I actually had more deaths on day 2 than 1. Partly due to just focusing on looking for a Rat so situational awareness was weak, partly because I was feeling 9ver confident and fighting the packs of Ravs and Raptors instead of avoiding. I found only a 145 Trike, not something I need this go around, but everything else I came across was pathetic. I never found a decent Rat (want at least an 80) but did run across a level 75 Rav. That'll help with its weight reduction on certain mats so after fighting off its pack I eventually got it down and tamed it up. I laid a few ziplines up to the base so the Rav makes transporting up there much quicker than using climbing picks every time. The hunt for a decent Roll Rat will continue tomorrow amd I may lay out some sap taps so I can start prepping to tame snails for CP.
  20. Theri's fine. Jack of all trades and one of the strongest dino's in the game. Dodo. Let it be. Serves it's purpose fine. Poops eggs for kibble. No other utility needed. Gigant. It's fine. Easy enough methods to kill it. Strongest mount in game. Carno. Model rework. Think it should become a top 3 prime meat harvester. Early game, getting prime meat can be a bit tougher so it gives it a real utility over the Rex. Think it should also have an extended prime meat spoil timer while in inventory. I like the idea of a stun. Megalodon. Serious model rework. Needs to be bigger. Could do with a bleed attack or a feeding frenzy attack. Feeding frenzy attack- Damage buff scales with hostiles in AOE as well as damage reduction. Capped at 50% output with 10+ dino enemies. 33% damage reduction with 10+ dino enemies. Speed increase as well during frenzy. Also give it the ability to have a chance to harvest prime fish from basic fish kills (Coel, Salmon, Manta's, Pirhana's). Think those 2 buffs would give two of the more legendary dino's mid to late game appeal.
  21. Single Player I've done a bunch since last post. Finally gearing myself towards the bosses so after contemplating a few unique dino idea's I settled onto a familiar friend in the Theri. I farmed up about 25 traps worth of material (I lay a 2x3, go 2 high on doorways in a 2x2 section, then run stairs/ramps off one side) then placed them on Rag, Valguero, and the Island close to Theri spawns. I decided i didn't want to house an egg farm so just spawned in about 300 extraordinary kibble and went to work. Jumping between maps, clearing spawns, and after about 35 tames I came out with 8178 hp, 1860 stam, 678 wt, and 371 melee. The stam is amazing (52 levels) and the rest are decent starting points though I am sure with continued hunting I can find higher clean HP and melee. I'll drop them as I see them but start on this line to build up a bit for at least a beta Rag/Valguero fight. In single player you have to transfer out through obelisk's or transmitters, so I need the transmitter unlocked so I can go to Aberration and get back home because I'm not trying to go to the surface every time I want to jump. During breaks of Theri hunting I went to Extinction and tamed up some Owl's and Gacha's. Got myself a few silica pearl gacha's which is nice since my need for electronics is low and the rest can be stored for a Yuty saddle once the need arises. I also pulled an organic poly and oil gacha so the main resources I need on the island are settled. The owl's weren't great stats but were perfect for what I wanted which was a fast flyer and the healing ability. I tamed up about 4 of them and was able to get 3.1k hp, 1700 stam, 630ish wt, and 320ish melee. I thoroughly enjoy the owl's so I may revisit that project down the line. During my hunt in Valguero I also grabbed a couple 140 Deino eggs so I am working on them a bit. Such easy raises. I am not a fan of having to lead packs around on a regular basis but they'll be fun on hum drum days. Decent enough stats (well a bit low on the melee but it's a project for fun) so they had 1320 hp, 495 stam, 201 wt, and 236 melee. I won't breed them like I did on my unofficial server but if I find a decent saddle I may breed them to a point to try them against some of the gamma bosses. Finally, I also decided to work on Rhino's a bit. Spotted a few 150's in my travels on Val and Rag so dropped them and came out with 371 melee on one and 4400 hp on another. Both are females so I am hoping to find a male with over 504 stamina to start breeding them together. I did take a day to go wild on Extinction and created a new character, spawned in a couple level 450 Theri's and breed up a pair to run a red drop. I combined the hp and melee stats (14k hp, 546 melee) got a male and female fully imprinted, spawned in a 100 armor saddle for each, 20 cakes each and demolished that red drop. Standard 21k hp but a ridiculous 1600 melee with full levels. It wasn't even really fair. both walked out with 20k hp still. I killed them off after but decided to keep the character uploaded as my crafter at level 105. Put it in my tribe on the island so the annoyance of having to relearn each engram after every mindwipe is no longer an issue. I said I'd upload my island base so; I am normally a box builder but have been experimenting a bit more, particularly with bridges.Trust me when I say this a bit of a big build for me. Lol. I kept it simple, and plan to build a bridge down to the ob to transport my boss dino's to and fro. I am not sure if I will upgrade to metal. Possibly on the hatchery so that I don't have to constantly repair when I pike disappointments. These pictures were taken pre indy forge, chem bench, and electricity. I'd like to incorporate some of the S+ items they added for console but it normally turns out looking crappy and i get frustrated so I kind of avoid it besides for stairs. I did take a trip over to my unofficial and work on the Deino's. After about 800 additional hatches with no mutes (despite being 0/0 on females and 19/20 on the male) I called it a day on them and will just raise some to run a fight. Final stats are 1740 hp, 780 stam, 221 wt, and 378 melee. I'll need to coordinate with my buddies so they can raise some of their own and we can set a time to run a fight but I'll let you know how that turns out. They are taking another break, except for one, as we await Genesis. Val was cool but you run out of goals pretty fast and without it being incorporated into the story line, it just starts to feel empty. out of the mod maps only Rag constantly keeps me intrigued despite not being part of the lore. Those guys did a real good job on it. i have a feeling Olympus will be the next modded map incorporated into the main game, though Crystal Isle's might be cool, so I hope it has something unique to it. On the to do list next, besides muting the Theri's, is setting up a spot on SE so I can run the drops over there and take my Theri's out to the desert for Deathworm leveling. I have all the notes to hit over there so it'll make for the easiest leveling besides for Red drops on Extinction. Until next time.
  22. PS4 Single Player continued I currently am operating out of a simple 2 x 2 wood house over at Stonehenge so decided it was time to figure out where to build the main base. I want to be somewhat close to an Ob and the resource pickings are slim at Red. I considered going Central on Redwood mountain but I like to farm metal there. I lived right at Green on legacy so would like to switch that up too. I want the natural landscape to provide a lot of my protection so I don't need to place a lot of gates and walls. I scouted a few locations but nothing appealed to me so I decided to farm up some metal. I made a small platform and placed 6 refining forges and cleared a couple of the mountain tops near my base. Got crystal and metal. I needed paste so I went to hit some beaver dams but couldn't find one nor even a beaver on the map. I did a dino wipe and did another trip. Still no beavers but I did find a 140 Theri. I put it on my to do list and then grabbed up some stuff for a Rag jump. Decided I needed a doedic or a pair so went hunting on Rag since I was heading over there. Found a 140 close to green. I grabbed it and dropped it between a metal node and mountain it was very stuck and safe. KO'd it. Nothing remarkable and scouted some more while it tamed. I could easily find some in the desert but didn't want to make the trip so I grabbed up the Doedic and headed to the dams near Viking Bay. How I grab cp is I lay down some sleeping bags and then just grab the whole dam. If I can drop the wood I'll hit a few, if not I just respawn and grab the good stuff off my corpse and continue. Only found 5 giant dams this time, no smaller ones so got about 1800 CP. That'll do for now. Back to the island and I started getting stone. Figure I'll make my base out of stone. Perhaps permanently or maybe I'll switch it around down the line. I took some of that stone and made up a trap for the Theri. Set that up and tamed it too. Just like the 140 Anky, may be the worse 140 Theri I ever tamed. 5.9k hp, 800 stam, 280ish melee. It got 570 or so weight but definitely disappointing. Still I got a wood gatherer now so I put the weight Argy on follow and grabbed some. I started pre making stone structures. I did another base scout location and decided that building on the flat plateaus on the Westside of green just made the most sense. I'm going to connect the two plateaus with a bridge so I may post a pic of that at some point. That's what I'll cover for now. I have a few things I want to do in the next couple of plays. I will probably jump to Extinction to get some Gacha's and Owls and I want to get a Griffin so I can farm the loot drops on SE though maybe I can get a good Owl to do that instead. Until next time.
  23. PS4 Single Player Done a bit in the last few days. Took the Argy's over to the island but of course they disappeared when I tried to download them. I spawned a 135 and 140 to replace them. Didn't get the high melee but got better stam. I'll take it. Raised 2 up. One for battle, one to farm. I took the battle one out first. Grabbed 5 notes and started killing stuff. Came across a 140 Anky so I farmed up a quick trap and KO'd it. Might be the worse 140 I ever knocked but anything is better than a prim pick. After that was done, I grabbed the farmer and hit some more notes to get it levels. I decided I wanted a better pair of Anky's so I decided to head to Valguero. I made up some structures to build a spawn in point, loaded up my gear and the battle Argy. Spawned in and made my way to Green Ob which is the safest ob. Only had to outrun one set of Raptors and a Rex so not a bad trek. Decided to place my spawn in right at green. Then I remembered the poly dolphins so farmed up some mats to make cryo's for safer transport. Eyeballed some Anky's by green but all were lower level so I headed over to Chalk Hills. Looked for Deino eggs but found no nests at the usual spots. Spotted a 145 Anky so placed a trap and KO'd that. That one tamed out with 351 melee so acceptable. Then I found a 140 Female Anky so tamed her up. She had 340 something melee. Perfect pair for my needs. Loaded them up and back to the island. I bred them and got myself a baby for the imprint. More to follow in a bit...
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