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Wipe Official Servers



After almost 2 years of constant breeding, every larger group now has incredibly mutated dinos that are nowhere close to what the game was originally balanced around. This means that dinos like Rhinos or Therizinosaurs deal much more damage and are much harder to kill than they were 1.5 years ago when the game released. Politically, the game is currently very stale, with alliances constant, no big conflicts and many people leaving the main cluster for others clusters or other games for a fresher and more exciting experience. A wipe would easily reset breeding back to its original state and bring these dinos back down to what they were originally, and bring back many players that have left over the last year.


edit: im talking (mostly) about the Official PvP network, non-legacy, main cluster)

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Hello everyone wanted to comment that when they put the legacy because they all made traps and dupe, new servers were created so that no error would happen because it continues to pass the under mesh, and many more things, my question is that ark will do with all that ? P.D you are going to convert others into legacy seers again to hide under mesh all the errors of the game

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6 hours ago, nameless said:


To be honest, that is what I wished for too.

But I am some how worried that all the screams that shout "wipe" will finally cause an effect, which could either be a full server wipe or a new isolated official cluster.

Most people who scream for a wipe plays pvp. There are a few people who wants a wipe to pve but not as much as pvp since meshing or duping does not affect pve players as much as it does to pvp. I rather not have a wipe to pve.

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Considering about the pillaring or claiming the lands of the servers in PVE, there are other solutions without making wipe the whole server, It can be limiting the amount of pillars one tribe can put(Without building) & those who violate the allowable amount of pillars and foundations, only their tribes will be wiped, nothing else in the server.

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So I was sat talking with a few of my tribe mates, and a thought that crossed my mind was what makes us build in caves.

Like why do we do it ??

And it seems that with the insane amount of HP (on soakers) and also that of titans that came with extinction, along with a few other tools but namely the latter. We decided it was too hazardous outdoors because of these things, along with offline timers. Other than that the biggest worry on xbox at least was meshing (but this doesnt matter) if your outside or in a cave, tbf if they can get you they will with no remorse.

So the next question after that was how can we bring back the life to ARK SE ???

Immediately a full server wipe came to mind (BUT) its important to note it would be a regular wipe of say every 2 years, I am aware that breeding and stats take a lot of time and effort even with todays knowledge and tools. However the aim here is to preserve the traditional ARK SE way of life without allowing dinos to get so crazy it forces cave warfare and hiding away. But with this time frame it still allows for mutations and competition between rival tribes giving some an edge, but also a new lease on life that allows for a fresh start for all across the board maintaining some of the original excitement.

With out extreme wipes happening every 5 minutes because nobody wants that, not when they have weeks months of worth of work invested. 
But i think around a 2 years marker is a good buffer, anyone elses thoughts ??

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Just now, Aylana314159 said:

WC could release some servers with breeding turned off. Not sure how popular they would be, breeding is one of Ark unique gameplay mechanics.

breeding is a really cool part of the game I just think they need to keep it good and worth while but also limit the endless nature of it. it should be capped

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I've been playing Ark since it came out and I'll say it isn't supposed to be all politics and death arena... There's a story behind the game and some people like to explore. Defending is ok and PvP is fun breeding and getting to the max is fun but holy the guy's that are only here for the PvP and are toxic are just too much. You want to know why a wipe is good? Is cause equality in the game will bring more players even possibly bring back older player's. The meshing is still and issue (official PvP). Hell you can't even be a bob on the island without some MEK destroying your thatch hut now. No I'm big on please wipe it all and I'm stacked with Tek. Wiping wouldn't be a bad decision and for the guy's that's against it I'm sure have either a huge base or a few servers full of tames and loot but it's more so of the money they make that is their reason to why they don't want a wipe. Either way wipe all servers fresh and watch how people come back the game is good and exploring is fun, I want that experience again without the megatribe fear that me and my guys cast on new player's. People want equality.

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On 25/4/2019 at 11:36, BertNoobians said:

Es curioso que las personas con un recuento de publicaciones bajo quieran una limpieza y las personas con un recuento alto de publicaciones no quieran una limpieza.

los nuevos jugadores siempre querrán un borrado, que nunca cambiará, quieren empezar igual que todos los demás.

El 90% de los principiantes solo juegan este juego durante unas semanas hasta unos meses,

y habría más gente que quisiera una toallita porque siempre habrá más titulares que jugadores establecidos.

por eso es extremadamente hipócrita y mezquino pedir una limpieza porque las estadísticas dicen que ya ni siquiera estás aquí después de 3 meses.

algunos dinosaurios como tuso mosa y basilo tardan 1,5 años donde están ahora, están en funcionamiento, pero ni siquiera están cerca del máximo posible. quieres borrar este trabajo.

Realmente es todo lo contrario, dejé de jugar oficial PVP cuando estuve con las alianzas de 99 y Fearless, es absurdo, eran dueños de muchos mapas y teníamos que limpiar cualquier base aunque fuese de paja para ganar rango... es un acto total de cobardía y le quitaba la esencia al juego, los mapas oficiales murieron con estas mega-alianzas (1 de 75 es el general de conectados), no entiendo cuál es el miedo de WC de ofender a estos jugadores de 5 años de lealtad, perderían un 3% del total potencial de jugadores que entrarían con una limpieza, incluso los antiguos volverían a sentir la adrenalina de iniciar de cero compitiendo contra muchos, pero seguro no jugarán más porque ya no tendrán ventaja jajaja

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Official Server Wipe.

From all the people i have talked to Friends/Family and on social Media. A Server Wipe would not JUST benefit players but WildCard and Ark in general. Of Course a wipe being done once a Patch/Fix is implemented into the game to Fix Duping. Why you ask would it be beneficial well yes ark would lose the cheaters but at the same time bring back a BIG percentage of players that quit due to the cheaters. 

So even though i have very good bases and ALOR of tames i am still 100% for server wipe.

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18 minutes ago, FaZeLightingPrO said:

Wipe official servers

Every single server?







Beginners servers





Come on, be more specific. 

Most PvE and primative players don't want a wipe, most crossark and cross play do not, arkpocalypse has just been wiped, beginners servers probably don't need wipes 

PvP may be the only place to benefit from a wipe but why wipe it when you can set up a ... Wait for it

Year 2 pvp server cluster. The introduction of a yearly PvP server cluster that gets wiped every 12 months. Who will rule the arknet for this years rotation


Yea don't ask for one thing when something else will do just as well




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Seriously on weekends official servers at max pop are usually 1-2 70 people servers (which are duper’s having endless massive fights with duped Meks and manas) around 5-10 30 people servers (normal people trying to build up but duper’s know this and go on these servers occasionally and wipe everyone) and the rest are under 10 people.


Personally I think we need ACTUAL classic pvp servers, real old school good pvp when quetzals, gigas, and breeding weren’t a thing and when the rex and Spino were still feared, but you could still win fights on foot pvp if you were good at it.

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Server Reset

The game is dying because of the hostile environment that is the exact opposite of what any potential new player expects even experienced players have to deal with these issues when joining new servers. All of the servers should reset at the very least once or twice a year to ensure that the game remains playable, whenever you join a server regardless of the map, one of two outcomes occur, either you instantly die to an alpha and/or higher leveled dinos and players, or even the over powered bases that players have created. It does not matter where you choose to spawn either, every single spawn zone is plagued with these issues and the longer the servers are allowed to remain untouched the worse this becomes. Another issue with not resetting servers is that most obelisks are quickly made inaccessible due to player bases or even as I have experienced players building giant blocks just to prevent anyone from using the obelisk. They even get covered in turrets which is even more unfair to players. I have also encountered player traps on PVE servers, I spawned into a metal building filled with fresh spawns who were forced to quit the server as they had no choice and no possible way to play as they were placed into a tall metal building with no equipment or ability to escape. If this is truly how the game is meant to be played then no wonder it is dying so quickly. another issue I have encountered is the dino AI but that's another issue.

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9 hours ago, Quilleute said:

So let me get this straight, just cause PVP is dead , why do PVE players , that worked so many years , have to be subject to wipe ?

I worked my ass off for years , to achieve all my goals so far , and I still hope achieve more, and enjoy the gameplay.

The subject of this all idiot post is “wipe all servers “  completely idiotic for me . Fortunately devs already spoken , and wipe is not even considered at this moment. 

This thread is about official PVP, not PVE servers. PVE need not be wiped. For some reasons the OP worded it poorly.

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From all the people i have talked to Friends/Family and on social Media. A Server Wipe would not JUST benefit players but WildCard and Ark in general. Of Course a wipe being done once a Patch/Fix is implemented into the game to Fix Duping. Why you ask would it be beneficial well yes ark would lose the cheaters but at the same time bring back a BIG percentage of players that quit due to the cheaters. 

So even though i have very good bases and ALOT of tames i am still 100% for server wipe.

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every single pvp server i roll into, mostly LDL even if they average 3 pop for 2 weeks has some built up mega tribe that never stops breeding and building, some servers have upwords of 9000 turrets , you cannot compete with them if you so much as fly the wrong way they will wipe you, i think a LDL wipe would not only bring back a lot of players but allow for some hype for ark 2, even if everyone says ''hard work will be ruined'' your the only only dam tribe on the server you should of played pve, or if people want to cry add an additional 1 ldl server for every map,


these changes need to happen the game is not in a healthy place there is a reason all games wipe at some point

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I've spent a year breeding dino's on pve to get good stats from them, I've just recently got my rex up to 1k melee, a wipe at this point for me would be as if I hadn't done anything for the past year, and would totally ruin my enjoyment of the game.  Having to do that all over again and knowing how long it took me to get to where i am now being a solo player 90% of the time? no, a wipe would be a game killer, not a solution.

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41 minutes ago, eESTlane said:

wipe isn't fixing anything. dinos will be over-mutated again in no time. get a solution for that and then maybe ask for a clear slate...or new servers

i think its fine that they can get that good but by the time they get to that point a server reset is normal needed cuz servers are dead. if they cap mutes ppl wont breed that much so i think no cap


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