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Wipe Official Servers



After almost 2 years of constant breeding, every larger group now has incredibly mutated dinos that are nowhere close to what the game was originally balanced around. This means that dinos like Rhinos or Therizinosaurs deal much more damage and are much harder to kill than they were 1.5 years ago when the game released. Politically, the game is currently very stale, with alliances constant, no big conflicts and many people leaving the main cluster for others clusters or other games for a fresher and more exciting experience. A wipe would easily reset breeding back to its original state and bring these dinos back down to what they were originally, and bring back many players that have left over the last year.


edit: im talking (mostly) about the Official PvP network, non-legacy, main cluster)

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A complete random wipe sounds like the type of hideous plans WC would go for.


They need to add more maturation events, and higher than 2x rates ocassionally atleast, so new tribes can attempt to become established. Maybe even orp during maturation events. 


A complete wipe sounds like a lazy solution, when there are a bunch more viable options that won't cause a ton of players to quit playing.

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Wipe the official crossarks

The pvp is dull, you’re either fighting someone who has nothing compared to you or vice versa. I think wiping the crossarks and opening less of them will see more players on those servers and it will be way more fun.

Another fix would be to cluster all the crossarks together and let them fight each other.

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Server reset

All official servers should be reset and wiped. I own a whole server and it is boring that pvp is based around people who already built big and own mega tribes. I dont go around killing new player but the old player make it impossible for new player to enjoy the game and start over and  this is the reason why the games is dying. Some people think that resetting the servers would kill the game even more, but most of the people that think this way are people with mega bases and alliances. Resetting the servers will give new players a chance at the game and pvp will skyrocket. I already own a massive base and dont need this, but I want the game to be fun again!

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How about wipe the main cluster servers that are DEAD there are over 60+ pvp ps4 servers that have a pop of 0 alll day through the week an another 40+ servers with 1-2 people on it all those could be wiped let the tribes upload an transfer  an create a whole new cluster a whole new experience an start with no transferring in with dinos or characters that weren’t tamed on the server it could be a whole new start to ark that would bring many new and old back to play cause let’s all be honest there’s no way a tribe of 4 can start out on ab official or small tribes an not get wiped Instant by the Huge tribes 

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Make all current servers across the board legacy getting rid off all low populated servers .  Release new ones, its been nearly 2 years.   Ive been playing since day 1 beta.  Accepted the migration although it broke our hearts but came back on new servers in an instant we are currently bored on our server just refreshing timers.  Better than wiping.  Those who want to carry on legacy so be it.  others want to start again and newbies want a level playing field. 

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I have to leave ark after every new large update.  The kibble rework, the structures, any new maps.

Why do I do this? Because I expect console crashing bugs.  But after enough time passes where I feel like you took the major bugs, I return to the game and have to relearn it.

I would come back into the game with server wipes. . . There's simply nowhere good to build a base in extinction or scorched earth servers (with water access.)

It would be nice to see 1 of each map wiped once a month.  I think that would keep it running.

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I feel the older.maps should be wipe like island center so  most of.the people just use the. For storage new player cant real.get.on them.no real.place to build and it make.new.people.to.ark.kinda go.f this game becose they cant get into the older.maps.  this.is especially especially the case on pve and the.server bee .soo over taxed they lag none.stop crash all.the time.and people.are.loseing char from it

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I'd like to see them continue with some fixes for meshing and other issues. Maybe put out a plan for new TLC and/or new map DLC and then a fresh wipe in a massive update, similar to what we saw at the end of legacy. People don't like to think about losing their stuff, but officials are boring currently. Fresh new Officials would bring a lot of people back, including myself.

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fix all the duping/meshing/cheating. then wipe every server/any platform, or remove the game from steam/store and close the servers! this game is not legit. we wasted our time to much on this game. we got meshed 6 times. we fought against dupers and aimbotters. its pointless. this game is broken. im telling facts only and everyone should agree with me. people should not be able this game in this state. new people got scammed, when they start legit. 

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There are servers that wipe on a schedule play on one of those they are actually pretty damn fun. How ever wiping all servers would be a terrible idea for the game. Some of us work a lot and have only gotten where we are due to an hour or two here and there (PvE obviously). Many of the players active in the workforce would quit, we would go back to square one and anyone who has started from nothing knows without "OP" dinos and all the facy doodads we have our hour or two a day wouldn't get us very far. 


PS: Yay early bird.. again... darn security updates and losing access to my old email and therefore my old forum account... 

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