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Separate PvE and PvP balances



There should be a way to separate the balances made to dinosaurs and game mechanics between PvE and PvP.

Multiple balances have made PvE nothing but hard. Managarmr being a recent example, in PvE they're useless now thanks to the many balances made to make PvP better.

Flier nerf was a huge change in PvE making fliers and transportation harder by forcing us to land since PvP was taking to the skies too often and the game tried to "ground" the fight

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5 hours ago, Chubchub2020 said:

There is already a single player setting that adjusts the game for sp. Why couldn't there be a setting for pve that just unnerfs everything? honestly all the nerfs are for pvp they take all of this time to fix pvp and destroy pve. Save the setting you have before the nerf, create a boolean that when =true enacts the nerfs. It would only be a lot of work because they didn't start doing it this way.

I'm not saying that it isn't possible, I'm just saying that it would be A LOT of work that I doubt Wildcard would take the time to do. If you truly want to play with pre-nerf stats, I recommend just playing on unofficial servers instead of official, since I am positive they have no intentions of separating PVE and PVP stats on official

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On 4/24/2019 at 5:45 PM, Lowly said:

You know what's hilarious is that pve players always blame PvP for the nerfs, I'd love to hear from PvP players what needs are the result of PvE players

To be fair (I am a PVP player) PVE Player dont demand much momst of the time
But where PVP players use Progress by Broken Dinos like the Managrmr PVE dont really lose anything (of course Breeding for the OP Mana when it will be nerfed at the end sucks)

Most upset I am about Wildcard to release something like this in the first place. Why not Introduce new Ideas/Dinos much to weak, buffing most of the time Is more accepted the nerving it... but thats the Devs PayToWin DLC content Idea.

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1 hour ago, Lowly said:

Still waiting to hear what Nerfs PVP has suffered because of PVE needing something

PvP can fly in caves, build in caves, pick up wild Dino's and destroy other peoples; spiked walls, taming pens, pillar spam, land ownership claims

What did PvP suffer because of something PvE did?

I Dont think PVP suffers really from a "PVE-patch" since PVE donst often demand stuff
but Mana was/still is so broken for PVP-players that it start to make the game unplayable

I dont hope that PVP or PVE player suffer from some patches and I dont think we should shout at each other for diffrent needs.
I am pretty sure WE (PVP AND PVE) together would find solutions wich woould be okey for both

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15 hours ago, Aylana314159 said:

Its not. The mana is just the newest example. The whole history of Ark is PvP nerf needed, PvE unfortunately gets affected.

Please Tell me more than just the Managarmr  Gacha and Velo (like the not finished Extinciton DLC pack
(Flyer nerv was allso in favior for PVE players since nobody uses ground Dinos befor anymore for travel and Transport)

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52 minutes ago, FriezaCy said:

100% agreed, in addition to the seperate nerfings And along the same lines, clipping should be different. Pve should be allowed to clip, at least more than we can now. What I mean by this is, in unoffical you can change the server settings to allow your buildings to clip into the terrain for a smoother build. Being able to incorporate mountainsides or use foundations the "flatten" a spot is probably the best thing about unofficial servers. I cant imagine a reason pve shouldn't be allowed to do this.

You saying official PvE servers should have the setting disable structure collision changed?

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On 5/11/2019 at 4:41 AM, GreenRoc said:

Before Flier Nerf:
Less than 5 minutes to fly from one base on my Unofficial to another base.

After Flier Nerf:
15+ minutes between bases, with one or two rest stops.

This was my unofficial, my rules, my server. And the flier nerf was unwanted, but was forced on us regardless of how much I verbally rejected it, or verbally requested configs to opt-out.

Flier nerf may never have happened to PvE if PvE and PvP were coded separately.

I see zero reasons why any tame needs any nerf on any PvE server.

Who cares if a tame dodo on PvE could 1-shot a wild giga... (just to show an example of an extreme). I cant imagine any downside or "unfair" advantage to this.

Nerfs are based on balancing the game.  Mana became too op and the fact that PVE players are complaining so much that they want them back is enough that you too also thought they were Op.  If they code the dinos differently for PVP verse PVE than that is doubling the work for when a dino getting updated and it doubles the chances for something to get coded incorrectly.   


Also without dino nerfs PVE would get destroyed by Ark Turkey Trials.  OG Wild Turkeys were no joke. 

Edited by Weberm35
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I dont really think separation is needed really.  I think more BALANCED nerfs would make sense.  Im a pve and a solo guy.  I know a huge reason why flier nerf was implemented was because players on PVP were uping their argys speed to 300+% making them move faster then the auto turrets tracking mechanism.  Obviously something had to be done.  Their choice was to completely lock the stat, highly unbalanced nerf decision.  The intelligent choice would of been cap the speed at around 200%.  Fixes the auto turret issue as well as keep some speed for getting around keeping pve happy.  And lets be honest the majority of us still mostly use fliers despite the nerf.  Im still flying a bird 90% of the time.

As for mana nerf, yet again stupidity in the nerfs.  Yes it was stupid op, to op for pve even, but the nerfs went a bit to far.  Add a cooldown to freeze, yes because its the only rideable dino that can 'stun' anything.  Reduce range, sure but overall, not just the dmg.  Heck i here more ppl complain about the actual freeze, not the dmg...Reduce both to lightning wyvern lvl, u dont really need more, even on pve.  Reduce speed if its going to fast for turrets, otherwise leave it be.  Its the extinction dragon, end game, pay to have, actually requires u to achieve a specific lvl dragon(thats also part tek).  It should maybe b allowed to out do wyverns a lil since wyverns are midgame, free, and a lvl 1 that gets lucky could ride tame(highly unlikely and maybe to extreme on the lvl but you get the point).  Its breath should be strong enough to match a lightning wyverns breath(considering the duration of the attack) maybe slightly weaker to balance the freeze effect from your initial hit.  Thus lingering balance on stronger enemies u cant refreeze because of the cooldown.  Needed nerfed yes, but allow it to still b worth it as an endgame tame.  End as end of ark, tho it is the highest lvl to ride extinction added creature which technically still makes it the final tame.  Gigas are available on island, wyverns on scorched, extinction is after so anything it brings is technically more endgame.  The lore also backs this considering extinction is the end of the story, and the end stuff is supposed to be better.  You dont get the master sword midgame and upgrade to rusted sword at the end.

But 1 point im trying to point out is i dont think we need a separate layout for both, the devs just need to actually think before they nerf.  As i said above there could of been better nerfs or adjustments made that could of pleased everyone, except of course those few hardcore ppl lingering on the edges wanting permanent god mode or dark souls on expert.

Edited by Onimusha759
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To Ark Devs about Genesis....

A simple request:


As you go about creating the concepts behind the new tames and items, I implore you, please ask yourself a simple question. "How will this impact pvp balance?" Extinction is a huge example of what happens when you allow your inner nerd child run wild with concepts that are without a doubt cool. And believe they are cool concepts that utterly break, no, smashed pvp balance. And many in the pvp community would agree that we are still reeling from it.

So while you are neck deep in nerdgasm please take a sobering step back and ask yourself how will this impact pvp balance or how could this be abused in pvp (cough lava lizard cough).


Thank you.

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while i generally don't play pvp except in frequent wipe servers like arkocalypse because i just can't get invested in pvp, i would like them to get it right in the first place since i know they aren't going to seperate pve and pvp balance issues.  I personally do not want another managarmr incident where i got whiplash from all the changes in pve so that pvp players could cope with it.  It seems to me though that going forward they have been keeping that in mind so we'll see.

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3 hours ago, LEDminer said:

Yes, because it would be logical to please the majority of the playerbase.

Or maybe, balance the two in tandem, making things balanced for PvP, but keeping it good for PvE. Please the whole playerbase.

It just dawned on me. How can we really divorce pvp balance and pve servers when there is a lot of pvp that happens on pve server with the tribe war system? Now that system is in place is there really such a thing as non-pvp servers? No. The only difference is consensual vs non-consensual pvp. But still PvP.

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5 minutes ago, Joebl0w13 said:

That’s not what he said. He flat out stated most of our players play PvE

You can doubt the accuracy or not believe him. Doesn’t change facts. 

You are being willfully ignorant to the track record of WC knowing their own game. This is the company that gave a few days in the first great migration and had NO idea that server transfers weren't a thing on THERE OWN PRIM+ SERVERS. Oh and who was it that was blissfully unaware of that? 

Lets just take a gander....

Oh yes, it was Ced, the very same guy who you are quoting as "fact". Sure.... He literally just asked some player on twitter about the configuration of his own mod unaware of its status.


You can doubt the accuracy or not believe him. Doesn’t change facts  that he has shown himself not to be knowledgeable about his own game.

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2 hours ago, Joebl0w13 said:

That would be called, a fact. 

That would be called information from an unreliable source. 

2 hours ago, Joebl0w13 said:

Burns you up most people just don’t play PvP.

That would be called an immature straw-man argument.

2 hours ago, johnm81 said:

Oh yes, it was Ced, the very same guy who you are quoting as "fact".

And that would be called the point you completely ignored as it removes reliability from your source.

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I think they have to look st the things that unbalance pvp. And if you ask me, and from what I've heard, the majority of it comes due to stacking bred dino stats, and mutations. I'd propose the 'fix' could simply be to disable all breeding on pvp servers completely. This should dramatically, and perhaps drastically, level the playing field.

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On 4/24/2019 at 1:18 AM, covenantgrunt said:

In pve they should just enable creative mode and God mode. People should not even have to farm just spawn in creatures and bases. And instant kill anything by right clicking on it. It's pve balance don't matter.

I think exactly the same could be said for pvp. Might make more sense actually. Then the kiddies wouldn't complain that an op dung beatle wiped their entire base. Just spawn in a new base, then spawn in whatever dinos you want to do battle with whomever you want! 

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I agree been pve xbox player since game was on the game preview list every patch they do for pvp balances has fed up pve its not a hard ask to seperate pve ruleset and balances from the pvpside of game quetz plat and plants flyers move speed ect all were huge f yous to your pve community as all we do on pve is tame breed stuff and build suppose to be relaxed and chill but we always got to worry way it is right now whats next thing pvp will screw for the rest of us non pvp players which is unfair to a good portion of your player base

Edited by DuncanMacleod08
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On 4/23/2019 at 11:11 PM, DauntedVenus said:

There should be a way to separate the balances made to dinosaurs and game mechanics between PvE and PvP.

Multiple balances have made PvE nothing but hard. Managarmr being a recent example, in PvE they're useless now thanks to the many balances made to make PvP better.

Flier nerf was a huge change in PvE making fliers and transportation harder by forcing us to land since PvP was taking to the skies too often and the game tried to "ground" the fight

This I have wanted since day one two separate balance files for PVE and PVP, including element transfers and tributes transfers. Makes sense on PVP no sense at all on PVE

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