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Separate PvE and PvP balances



There should be a way to separate the balances made to dinosaurs and game mechanics between PvE and PvP.

Multiple balances have made PvE nothing but hard. Managarmr being a recent example, in PvE they're useless now thanks to the many balances made to make PvP better.

Flier nerf was a huge change in PvE making fliers and transportation harder by forcing us to land since PvP was taking to the skies too often and the game tried to "ground" the fight

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2 hours ago, Coffee6969 said:

I 100% agree with this as a PVP player, So often we are forced to endure nerfs and gameplay forced upon us due to PVE needing something to act or be a certain way versus how it effects the PVP side of things

Got an example. Because all the nerfs i know about were due to PvP reasons.

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19 minutes ago, Artcore said:

Bumping this topic due to recent changes

Remove meshing protection system from PvE, according to False positive thread its clearly making more harm than good. Meshing does not give any advantage in PvE in the first place, culls creative building possibilities and makes players lose their collection dinos (aka event drakes, wyverns, reapers etc.)

For once, please just act.

You can't bump game suggestions. They are sorted by vote rating, not by last post.

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On 4/24/2019 at 7:18 AM, covenantgrunt said:

In pve they should just enable creative mode and God mode. People should not even have to farm just spawn in creatures and bases. And instant kill anything by right clicking on it. It's pve balance don't matter.

I feel this is sarcasm, pve players that play official, dont want creative mode and God mode, that's why they play official instead of private dedi or singleplayer

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I'm okay with the flyer nerf, it made it so players would opt to use other creatures instead of just solely using a lightning fast flyer. I know also that it is hard to code in separate entries for PVE and PVP when it comes to creatures. Essentially, there would be two different instances of the same creature. Not real sure if making separate settings for PVE and for PVP for dinos is something that we would likely see, but it would be cool.

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On 4/23/2019 at 10:40 PM, Coffee6969 said:

I 100% agree with this as a PVP player, So often we are forced to endure nerfs and gameplay forced upon us due to PVE needing something to act or be a certain way versus how it effects the PVP side of things

Still waiting to hear what Nerfs PVP has suffered because of PVE needing something

PvP can fly in caves, build in caves, pick up wild Dino's and destroy other peoples; spiked walls, taming pens, pillar spam, land ownership claims

What did PvP suffer because of something PvE did?

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Just now, WitchesTwex said:

I think they have to look st the things that unbalance pvp. And if you ask me, and from what I've heard, the majority of it comes due to stacking bred dino stats, and mutations. I'd propose the 'fix' could simply be to disable all breeding on pvp servers completely. This should dramatically, and perhaps drastically, level the playing field.

Breeding is a fun part of the game, disabling it would tick a lot of people off. They could fix the mutation cap, so people can't just infinitely mutate their dinos and have 150 points in melee. Allowing smaller tribes to get their hands on these super bred dinos as well by means like an update to oviraptor egg stealing mechanics could even the playing field aswell

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1 minute ago, Eoptap said:

Yup if you paid attention you would notice that I was telling the pvp person that the standards are not the same, and should be seperate.

The person you replied to was talking about the flyer nerf. You were talking about manas. Completely different things.


The flyer nerf increased the challenges of PvE making land dinos useful for transport and travel. Instead of get flyer = easy mode = win.


The mana nerf is a completely different topic. 


I don't think any major nerf should be enacted without settings (not requiring mods) to revert them. Also, PvE shouldn't be effected by PvP only nerfs. But this would mean creating one or more setting(s) to make PvP and PvE different.

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3 hours ago, LEDminer said:

Yes, because it would be logical to please the majority of the playerbase.

Or maybe, balance the two in tandem, making things balanced for PvP, but keeping it good for PvE. Please the whole playerbase.

It just dawned on me. How can we really divorce pvp balance and pve servers when there is a lot of pvp that happens on pve server with the tribe war system? Now that system is in place is there really such a thing as non-pvp servers? No. The only difference is consensual vs non-consensual pvp. But still PvP.

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On 8/2/2019 at 3:10 PM, MagUruk said:

there's also the problem with placing the Tek Generator and the long range it needs to be away from others foundations. I guess it has this long range for PvP reasons (long range of Tek Turret and all that) but on PvE you build your base and just after it is finished and you want to place a Tek Generator you realize that your neighbours are too close and you aren't allowed to place it anywhere inside your own base and there is nothing you can do about it

make aliance  with yout neighbors :-).  


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Just now, johnm81 said:


It just dawned on me. How can we really divorce pvp balance and pve servers when there is a lot of pvp that happens on pve server with the tribe war system? Now that system is in place is there really such a thing as non-pvp servers? No. The only difference is consensual vs non-consensual pvp. But still PvP.

The tribe war system has been there for years. Cheesed for years. Most people never use it. Interesting premise though. Burns you up most people just don’t play PvP

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On 4/23/2019 at 11:11 PM, DauntedVenus said:

There should be a way to separate the balances made to dinosaurs and game mechanics between PvE and PvP.

Multiple balances have made PvE nothing but hard. Managarmr being a recent example, in PvE they're useless now thanks to the many balances made to make PvP better.

Flier nerf was a huge change in PvE making fliers and transportation harder by forcing us to land since PvP was taking to the skies too often and the game tried to "ground" the fight

I highly disagree with what you saying about nerf to flying tames. 
This was a big step in the right direction, finally some other tames was worth using, before the nerf it was like: Can it fly? If not, can't use it. 

Also nerfing flyers means that less massive bases has to be loaded in PVE at the same time and therefore causing less stress stress on the server. What would be the point of having teleporters then, if I can fly there in a second?

But in general, the game should have been a PVE game only. Trying to balance PVE and PVP at the same time is a massive fail, PVP will always be broken in a game like this and the majority of players are playing PVE anyway.  
If it was only made for PVE, this game could have been 100 times better. 

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