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Separate PvE and PvP balances



There should be a way to separate the balances made to dinosaurs and game mechanics between PvE and PvP.

Multiple balances have made PvE nothing but hard. Managarmr being a recent example, in PvE they're useless now thanks to the many balances made to make PvP better.

Flier nerf was a huge change in PvE making fliers and transportation harder by forcing us to land since PvP was taking to the skies too often and the game tried to "ground" the fight

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PVE should have different setups and abilities than PVP example PVE should have classic Flyers enabled so that you can put points into speed weapons and items that were designed more for PVE perhaps should be rebalanced on the PVE servers to fit fighting  PVE..so many.of the new.dino.or tek we get seem.and feel pvp.focus and us pve player kinda feel like we.geting.jept 

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After reading through a few of the suggestions here in "game suggestions" its becoming very clear most of the posts are for pvp.

This is the underlying problem with this game, if you play pve, its been going downhill for a while now as far as gameplay, pvp and pve need different balances and Ark leans more to pvp for balance probably because more people complain here about things they dont like.

The way I see it, you like being grief-ed in game which is basically anything goes pvp, then take your medicine and stop complaining.

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On 4/23/2019 at 11:18 PM, covenantgrunt said:

In pve they should just enable creative mode and God mode. People should not even have to farm just spawn in creatures and bases. And instant kill anything by right clicking on it. It's pve balance don't matter.

I.. I cant... I. Can. Not. Even. Explain. How. Stupid. This. Statement. Is.

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2 hours ago, divisd1 said:

I know also that it is hard to code in separate entries for PVE and PVP when it comes to creatures. Essentially, there would be two different instances of the same creature. Not real sure if making separate settings for PVE and for PVP for dinos is something that we would likely see, but it would be cool.

It would be easy (just a bit of time) if WC added settings for all stats for each species of creatures and maybe settings for special abilities. Make it customizable for unofficial servers. Then it would be a set of settings for PvP and a different set for PvE.

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16 hours ago, Aylana314159 said:

It would be easy (just a bit of time) if WC added settings for all stats for each species of creatures and maybe settings for special abilities. Make it customizable for unofficial servers. Then it would be a set of settings for PvP and a different set for PvE.

It would not be easy at all. Have you ever looked at the dev kit to see how stuff actually works? Easy to give suggestions and say they are easy to implement if you haven't the slightest idea of how any of it actually works.

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18 hours ago, Coffee6969 said:

I 100% agree with this as a PVP player, So often we are forced to endure nerfs and gameplay forced upon us due to PVE needing something to act or be a certain way versus how it effects the PVP side of things

You know what's hilarious is that pve players always blame PvP for the nerfs, I'd love to hear from PvP players what needs are the result of PvE players

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4 minutes ago, divisd1 said:

It would not be easy at all. Have you ever looked at the dev kit to see how stuff actually works? Easy to give suggestions and say they are easy to implement if you haven't the slightest idea of how any of it actually works.

I have used the devkit. The devs already have entries for species damage and resistance. They would just need to extend this to other stats.

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18 minutes ago, divisd1 said:

I am positive they have no intentions of separating PVE and PVP stats on official

You don't know this for a fact. WC revamped the suggestion forums to see what was most important to players.


Clearly separate balancing for PvE and PvP is very important to players.


Each needs to be properly balanced.

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On 4/24/2019 at 8:18 AM, covenantgrunt said:

In pve they should just enable creative mode and God mode. People should not even have to farm just spawn in creatures and bases. And instant kill anything by right clicking on it. It's pve balance don't matter.

No I am PVP player by Heart and even in PVE Balancing matters (not as much as PVP but it does)

Why should they feel pround when you dont have to achive something?

Just becouse I am a PVP player by heart dosnt mean I dont care for other People who allso call ARK there "Home" if PVP or not I dont care but It should make both of this groups some fun

one easy Fix I would see Is not devide PVP and PVE Dinos since most PVE Player Breed them for boss fights... why not give them a Buff in the Boss arena? that there Range is extended and Damage is buffed?

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3 hours ago, Voltarendolo said:

Please Tell me more than just the Managarmr  Gacha and Velo (like the not finished Extinciton DLC pack
(Flyer nerv was allso in favior for PVE players since nobody uses ground Dinos befor anymore for travel and Transport)

How long have you played Ark?


Flyer Speed nerf was needed by both PvP and PvE, not taking about that. Though WC should have added a setting for single player mode and unofficials to have a choice.


Here is a non-exclusive list

Giga nerf

Griffin nerf

Meat feeding nerf

Moschop nerf

Dolphin nerf



The newest DLC is fresh in everyones mind, and was particularly unbalanced which screams of pay to win (dlc pay wall). But WC has a long history of nerfs that were needed for PvP but not for PvE.

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I would have to agree with your initial statement on the mana's being practically useless in PVE at the current moment. It's beyond frustrating that not only can we not hardly use them but on a couple maps (and even then with risk of losing the mana and your gear forever), but that they continue to ignore the extreme buggyness of them and keep nerfing them with no way to revert to old settings without mods. I absolutely love manas and think they were a great addition to the game, but I just wish they would spend more time on the bugs with them before worrying about so many heavy nerfs. 

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Flier nerf bothered me to the point where I quit using them, now days its been so long ago I just don't care anymore. Of all the nerfs however there is one that I cant help but point at and ask.. Really? You really did this?

It was the slingshot nerf. They applied TWO nerfs to the slingshot because it was overpowered in pvp servers as players would use them on each other. They slowed down the fire rate and reduced the torpor it dealt by 25%... on everything.

Slingshots were awful before but people still used them for taming, my first tame ever in a ark server was a trike with a slingshot (before trikes had resistance on the head). Its more of a april fools joke to nerf something like slingshots in pve, this nerf is something Ill never forget and always make fun of :P.

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100% agreed, in addition to the seperate nerfings And along the same lines, clipping should be different. Pve should be allowed to clip, at least more than we can now. What I mean by this is, in unoffical you can change the server settings to allow your buildings to clip into the terrain for a smoother build. Being able to incorporate mountainsides or use foundations the "flatten" a spot is probably the best thing about unofficial servers. I cant imagine a reason pve shouldn't be allowed to do this.

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Before Flier Nerf:
Less than 5 minutes to fly from one base on my Unofficial to another base.

After Flier Nerf:
15+ minutes between bases, with one or two rest stops.

This was my unofficial, my rules, my server. And the flier nerf was unwanted, but was forced on us regardless of how much I verbally rejected it, or verbally requested configs to opt-out.

Flier nerf may never have happened to PvE if PvE and PvP were coded separately.

I see zero reasons why any tame needs any nerf on any PvE server.

Who cares if a tame dodo on PvE could 1-shot a wild giga... (just to show an example of an extreme). I cant imagine any downside or "unfair" advantage to this.

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The post I wanted to reply to, for some reason I cant select a section in their comment.

I do not think the mana is "op" for PvE, I personally hate the term "op". Please do not put words in my mouth that I never said or thought Weberms.


On 4/23/2019 at 11:18 PM, covenantgrunt said:

People should not even have to farm just spawn in creatures and bases.

I dont like building materials handed to me, same reason I dont like Creative Minecraft.

I dont like to lose anything I spent time on. It's why I do not play PvP, because I dont like it even MORE if some player caused that loss to happen.

PvP seperate from PvE is not unheard of.


Now for semi-joking, which I rarely do, but it is late and I am feeling rather silly now:

I wish there was "Classic Ark" you know? Before gigas, before breeding, before pegos and ikkys, but with all the bugs fixed.

Dang, I got WoW classic on my mind... I wish there was a choice if I want my hard earned time wasted by changes or not.
Oops, there goes Water Strider's Water walking, nerfed because we were using it too much? Joykiller... oh wait, that is a different game.



I love this game so much, I just wish I didn't have to roll with so many punches.

At least with Minecraft, we can play any release of the game we want. I wish I could do that with Ark, I'd go play a 2015 or 2016 version.



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This is an issue that has plagued the game since the beginning. The PvP streamers are who the Dev team is catering to. It is the same with all the games this company and its offshoots makes. I would think it would be fairly simple to have a separate ruleset for PvP and PvE but if it has not happened by now I don't think it will be happening.

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