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Lowly last won the day on February 10 2022

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  1. My understanding of this one, is that the Griffin's hitboxes are about one Griffin height below the Griffin's visuals as you can experience when attacking anything and hovering, that might have something to do with it
  2. All the new items are fine until you take them away at the end of the event, making the desire to use them in buildings very small
  3. All the oranges but no dragongreen 3 love you for giving me more oranges
  4. Structure saver 2 looks like such a great idea for anyone that loves building and creating amazing structures. I'd love to know if it has the ability for us to build something in creative on singleplayer then head over to a server that doesn't allow transfers in (I'd say official but I know this is a mod so it won't be on official any time soon if at all which saddens so many console players hearts) so we can practice build with creative mode then put up the finished piece on a different server or map Also I feel this is something that console players would love to see. Side note id love for ark2 when you get around to it in 5 years, to have a system that allows mods on consoles without at sort of huge long verification process
  5. I know I voted for this ages ago but I thought I'd comment, I just loaded up prim+ for the first time properly, to see what it had to offer in the 2 years since I last played it properly, (I usually use it for building as lumber looks so nice, but didn't check anything else out) and oh my, so many varieties of storage boxes, so many unique and amazing structures to make a village feel alive and not just more of the same repeated boxes and decorations This would bring new life to PvE and RP if the structures where added, the yurt, the pontoon, so many amazing structures. I'd love to cycle between prim+ bookcase and large storage and regular skins, it's all so pretty
  6. There were 3 categories for the eggsellent eggventure paint an egg, pc, console and real life and all 3 winners came from real life? There will be three competitions with a prize to the winner of $100! PC Egg Painting Console Egg Painting Real-life Egg Painting
  7. Still waiting to hear what Nerfs PVP has suffered because of PVE needing something PvP can fly in caves, build in caves, pick up wild Dino's and destroy other peoples; spiked walls, taming pens, pillar spam, land ownership claims What did PvP suffer because of something PvE did?
  8. I feel this is sarcasm, pve players that play official, dont want creative mode and God mode, that's why they play official instead of private dedi or singleplayer
  9. There is already a. Giant server file setting as far as in aware with every Dino and every stat base value and gain per wild and gain per tamed level and affinity and imprint bonus.
  10. You know what's hilarious is that pve players always blame PvP for the nerfs, I'd love to hear from PvP players what needs are the result of PvE players
  11. Green for eats that kibble Orange for makes that kibble
  12. The article says 12 noon Pacific standard time Ask Google 12 am PST to (then your time zone)
  13. A couple of ark digests back, in the first s+as Nd kibble rework one, they listed the recipe for each new kibble, the wiki is a direct copy paste of that so it's accurate
  14. Then pod the baby and unpod to change what it wants for imprinting, that's an intended mechanic btw
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