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Lowly last won the day on February 10 2022

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  1. My understanding of this one, is that the Griffin's hitboxes are about one Griffin height below the Griffin's visuals as you can experience when attacking anything and hovering, that might have something to do with it
  2. All the new items are fine until you take them away at the end of the event, making the desire to use them in buildings very small
  3. All the oranges but no dragongreen 3 love you for giving me more oranges
  4. Structure saver 2 looks like such a great idea for anyone that loves building and creating amazing structures. I'd love to know if it has the ability for us to build something in creative on singleplayer then head over to a server that doesn't allow transfers in (I'd say official but I know this is a mod so it won't be on official any time soon if at all which saddens so many console players hearts) so we can practice build with creative mode then put up the finished piece on a different server or map Also I feel this is something that console players would love to see. Side note id love for ark2 when you get around to it in 5 years, to have a system that allows mods on consoles without at sort of huge long verification process
  5. There were 3 categories for the eggsellent eggventure paint an egg, pc, console and real life and all 3 winners came from real life? There will be three competitions with a prize to the winner of $100! PC Egg Painting Console Egg Painting Real-life Egg Painting
  6. Green for eats that kibble Orange for makes that kibble
  7. The article says 12 noon Pacific standard time Ask Google 12 am PST to (then your time zone)
  8. A couple of ark digests back, in the first s+as Nd kibble rework one, they listed the recipe for each new kibble, the wiki is a direct copy paste of that so it's accurate
  9. Then pod the baby and unpod to change what it wants for imprinting, that's an intended mechanic btw
  10. Did you ever try using an old kibble, say a dodo kibble when it asked for a kibble of the same colour? That's what tons of us are curious about, lots of us have hundreds of premade kibble for imprinting that potentially isn't worth anything now
  11. Yes, nobody has gone threw and done each boss on each difficulty on each map as of yet, I was planning on doing it as soon as I got my hands on the update, would have had the info up last week but my lovely tester friend had a family emergency
  12. In regard to kibble rework It seems rediculed that the extraordinary kibble can only be tamed from rockdrake, wyvern or hesperonis eggs. for people playing on only one map, on official or for those on private dedicated or single player only playing on one map or small clusters, hesperonis golden eggs are difficult to obtain due to there randomness in nature and there are various scenarios and situations where people on consoles (no mod support) or PC, will not have access to wyvern or drake eggs and therefore will have an extraordinarily difficult time taming a thylacoleo with kibble, which is something that has almost became one of the important must have mounts, I'm aware as a development choice making thyla harder to obtain because of there over use but you also need to consider that for imprinting Dino's it is the hardest kibble by a large margin now
  13. Abput 2 weeks after pc gets the features officialy added, right now they are in open beta phase
  14. I agree with this and add, we should be allowed to mindwipe based on time passed not based on level, when you gamut max level and can never mindwipe, It should be once a month, once every 14 days, once per completion of Tek cave/Rockwell/killing an extinction titan, on reflections probably timer based as not everyone is able to do the endgame tasks
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