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So what did you do in ARK today?


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48 minutes ago, SylvanniTheNaturalist said:

Now that the XBOX bug is fixed where my Valguero data is no longer deleted, I've been having fun and exploring.

I found a lovely spot in the White Cliffs to make my base - 68.3, 68.6. A small plateau by the beach cliffs, complete with a small waterfall and pond stocked with fish. It does occasionally have some Raptors and Allosaurus spawn there, but not often. 

I admit I'm cheating with this one and force-tamed several Deinonychus, as well as hatched some level 145 eggs. I also have a lvl 217 Tek Rex and level 204 Dire Bear. It started off just a couple Deinonychus, but then I worry that something will spawn in and hurt them, so I grabbed more for better defense.

I'm mostly spending the time exploring the map and finding all the neat little spots that aren't noted on the gamepedia wiki explorer map. Waterfalls, ponds, neat scenic spots, good base locations. I'm writing down the GPS coordinates for my own use, might post them somewhere. 

I plan on eventually building the base up, but so far I just have some storage, a couple bedrolls and store my critters. 

Loving the map so far. Some areas are definitely incomplete, but it's refreshingly different from the other maps and I'm constantly finding new little spots. 

I have a thread going on Valg boards with points of intrest, would love some of those there :)

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Tamed a raptor, a para and a trike to try and ramp up my metal supply, but caught the attention of the local raiders so I guess I'm on the move again. I'd managed to put away a decent stash of gear, though I won't be touching that tonight. Going back to basics to do some exploring. Punch tree, pick up rock. I got this.

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Well more trouble on valguero today, our base is in the far south east corner almost off the map against one of the high cliffs of chalk hills. Well no matter what do every time we come back to the base more dinos spawn inside our walls. Because we have a few rex's now, the deinos aren't much of an issue but we are quite worried about a chalk golem spawning inside. So because we had alot of the foundations, walls and crafting stations made for an expansion. We decided to move before we starting setting up turrets and the Chalk golem goes to town. So tonight is the big move, most of the structures are placed. Time to move the tames and resources.

Out of curiousity anyone else have issues with dino's spawning in base while on valguero?

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so i am now able to post, i have done alot on val, i bred out my deinos some more to get some better mutations. i now have a pack with 10 melee, 17 health, 16 stam and 10 weight. they are so op that we killed the giga that greiffed the server for quite a bit, i decided i want to move to something else, i wanted a nice pair of rexes to breed, i went to chalk cliffs and the area flooded with argents, holy shiz 180 male first up, next up came a 174 female, then a 180 female, 180, 180, 174, 180, 174, 174. i had so many high lvl rexes i was wondering what was spawning them all, i was killing low levels and going back and forth. anyway i return back and combine all the stats into a pair of twins. i breed them for mutations and on the first egg i get wonderful bright red along with a health mut. on the 5th egg i got a cyan stripe, along with a melee mut, on my 13th. by 100 eggs i had all the colours i needed along with a few rexes with colour mutations that landed on unusable areas. so now i have just over 10 mutation stacked onto these guys. i also tamed and went to collect the argents we tamed on our way to the aberrant cave. i plan on breeding them next i plan on making the legandary kanto trio from pokemon, if anyone knows what i mean by that, moltress, articuno and zapdos, along with lugia and ho-oh as side additions, also @chris282 r u going to make the dilo avengers or the dilo league, i think that would be a good idea since u like dilos so much

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Still in the Bob stage, login to myself falling into the water through my house then got kicked & died. Oohh ARK how you never fail to remind us you're a cruel sob.

Got my stuff so it was all good. Took my new 140 anky tame down to the metal nodes near our place. When I got back I had a hankering to try my hand at getting some Deino eggs. Loaded up a spare disposable Equus with some supplies, made some flak and went off to the White Cliffs. Got lucky on the first ridge and found a nest. Swarming with Deino of course. I lured em all up and quicky hopped off my horse to grab an egg. High tailed it out of there off a cliff to safety. Level 25 egg. I go back up to check again and got a level 55 egg. I decided to check one last time after killing some deino and sheep and got a 135 egg! Went home to try and incubate it. Around 15 torches later had it going and hatched my first Deino :)

Got all the imprints on it and had to hop off. When I got on later I wanted to get a generator going and went off in my boat looking for crystal at a few spawn nodes on the map. Searched for over 2 hours across the lake at a few different spots and no luck. Ill keep looking next time im on, no fliers really makes it a lot harder for basic stuff like this hehe

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19 minutes ago, d1nk said:

Still in the Bob stage, login to myself falling into the water through my house then got kicked & died. Oohh ARK how you never fail to remind us you're a cruel sob.

Got my stuff so it was all good.



I found out that if you log out after resting on a bed, you avoid falling through the base and ending up like that. Really useful for the flying metal castle I have on The Island. Because it is so far up in the sky, if I did not log out on a bed, I would fall all the way to the ground and die upon logging in. Yeah

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8 hours ago, Sphere said:

I found out that if you log out after resting on a bed, you avoid falling through the base and ending up like that. Really useful for the flying metal castle I have on The Island. Because it is so far up in the sky, if I did not log out on a bed, I would fall all the way to the ground and die upon logging in. Yeah

I do usually log on a bed, but thanks :) I just happened to get preoccupied last night while cleaning and forgot my guy was sitting on a chair :P

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14 hours ago, Kodking194 said:

. i plan on breeding them next i plan on making the legandary kanto trio from pokemon, if anyone knows what i mean by that, moltress, articuno and zapdos, along with lugia and ho-oh as side additions, 

I have no idea what that means ;)

Funnily enough I havent done the Kanto Legendary Trio. Done the Johto legendary beasts as well as a few others inspirations.

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Went back for my stash this morning and figured I had enough time to make a quick metal run before I took off. I've been operating out of a safe house that used to be a staging point for an expedition to the North so it's pretty well tucked away, but metal has always been a problem.

I set off on my raft with a couple of Dilos (Dredd and Anderson), and almost immediately got capsized by a Leedsichthys. I swear I was being careful, this dude was practically sunbathing. We escaped to shore and proceeded on foot. Upon reaching the edge of the mountain we were set upon by a pair of raiders, who we fought off valiantly.

In retrospect there is a slim possibility that they may not have been raiders, but I distinctly remember feeling like they were going to attack before we murdered them and ate their corpses.

We returned to the safe house to find an Allosaurus fighting a Diplo, and once we'd dealt with them we saw that the safe house had been raided.

"Ack!" said Dredd, who enjoys a Cathy cartoon, and I agreed wholeheartedly.

On the bright side, we'd come back with enough metal to fix up our gear and haul ass sharpish. This time we were moving west, following the sun to a location I hoped would be more secure and better placed for resources. I started the journey in high spirits, with a six dino team and brightly polished new armour.


The Megacity Justice Crew Go West!: (L-R) Giant, me, Beeny, Anderson, Dredd, Hershey and Lopez.

An hour later the Megacity Justice Crew were dead and I was stumbling through an icy stream in tattered leathers, maybe five shots left in my busted up rifle. Things looked pretty bleak there for a minute, I don't mind saying, but Ol' Chris kept his head and pulled through the night. I'm writing this from a newly erected stone base at an undisclosed location which, if my luck continues, will be burnt to the ground by sunrise.


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Nice to get back on and chill on Valguero after a long week at work. Decided thatbI was feeling left out with everyone on the server getting Deinonychus so I preped up a horse and went out to the white cliffs for a nosey. Had a few close scares, especially raptors which seem to have mastered the art of dismounting instantly. After a few attempts I got my self 1 level 60 and 2 level 20 eggs, pretty useless but alright for a first try.

Decided to hatch the eggs anyway to see what popped out. Nothing spectacular obviously but maybe I can breed the lowely 20 female with d1nks 135 male. When I went out hunting for meat for the Deinonychus, I spotted a male 135 allo not far from our base, it must have wandered across from the white cliffs, so I preped up the narco arrows and crossbows, and got d1nks stone taming raft into position. The allo was distracted by trikes and turtles so I started to pelt it with arrows. At which point the allos female companion which I had missed sneaked up behind me. I tried my best to outrun it to lure it into the taming raft but apparantly 150% movement speed isnt enough to out run the allo. So I respawned, got my gear back and then successfully trapped the level 95 allo in the trap. Downed it and moved it off shore so it was safe to tame up, and fed it some mutton left over in our preserving bins.

Restocked on narcotics, repaired the crossbow and moved my wooden taming raft into position. Successfully trapped the 135 on the first go, and rushed to down it before it destroyed anything, didnt want to rebuild that raft. Tamed it up with any problems. Now just need to start breeding those two together and we have ourselves good tames that can defend themselves. D1nk just needs to make the saddles and I am not high enough for that yet.

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On 7/24/2019 at 3:41 PM, Aushegun said:

I haven't asked for their help. There is nothing posted on the server rules about "Not stealing eggs from others" so I'm probably out of luck.  But I did post his user name on the cluster's dischord warning people about this scumbag..


Open chat, then Alt-PrtScrn for evidence. You can paste the pic right into Discord from there.

Also, whatta d-bag.

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Started fresh 2 few days ago starting on The Island because starting on Ragnarok is too easy). Today just shooting Ichtyornis that's so many on the way circling south of The Island looking for good dinoes to tame, using Metal Crossbow and Arrow, and it is fun and VERY satisfying when I land a kill shot, it dies in 1-2 shot, reminds me of vr game duck hunt. :D

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This morning I saw my first wild Giga on the island. She started at the top of Giga mountain, then ran down to tussle with every creature she could get her jaws on. She destroyed an argie in one bite ? and she's only level 4, too! 

I went to the top where she spawned and found an egg from her. It weighs a fair bit, but it's a super cool prize to take home. 

I've been amassing narcotics, arrows, and courage to take on a Giga. I'm going to head back to my base and keep doing that, then start working on behemoth gates for the trap because I'm too cheap for metal. 

Anyone know the damage that a lvl 4 wild giga can do to those gates? ?

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