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Everything posted by AngrySaltire

  1. I wasnt actually planning on playing last night after being away for work for a few days, but I had basically just plopped myself into bed early when I noticed the call had gone out on our discord that a high level rhyniognatha had been found and the mods were holding a rhynio impregnating party. It was a level 270 (max level 300 on our server). I couldnt miss this. Thankfully I had already found and killed a male for the pheomone so I was all good there. Annoyingly I only had a lower level 120 bronto for this, I had been meaning to find a higher level for a rhynio but I hadnt had the time to get around to it. I am still trying to set up properly basically. My base is in full swing, the main build is down, got a green house, nice water pen for the basilos and a nice small hatchery out building. I am still working towards the industrial structures like the forge and I havent had time to tame up kibble creatures yet, still using prime meat to tame... Grabbed all the stuff I needed and set of to the mods base on the east coast on my argy, annoyingly at the complete opposite end of the Island from my base on the west coast. Eventually got there and with help the bronto was knocked up by the rhynio, along with a fair few other brontos already there. After an hour and a half it popped. It came out at about 120 so not the best considering the female was 270, but hopefully more than good enough for the utility use I plan for this. It came out hot pink though, might be from its mutation. I cryoed it up (we have a cryo mod) and flew back to base. I shall hopefully have time to raise this tonight.
  2. I can find it on the US webpage but struggling with finding the relevant UK page.
  3. Never mind a physical Ultimate Survivor Edition, I cant even find a digital version to order on the nintendo store or anywhere else. Can only find the older version. Is it just a case of buying the older version and its just automatic ?
  4. Am almost tempted to get it just to see if my Switch would go nuclear attempting to play this lol.
  5. So many cool and game changing things in here. I look forward to seeing these things in game. Something that jumps out at me though is the breedable wyverns, and yet no mention of Rock drakes.
  6. Nice ! An ammonite chibi ! Lord Helix here I come !
  7. Well this comment section decended into an absolute cesspit.
  8. Cant wait to see it in game. Lools great. I am just hoping the rocket booster is an optional thing for the saddle. Not sure what I feel about strapping a rocket to my pterosaur.
  9. Looking forward to a new map to explore and a new dino to tame. I now know what my next breeding project is going to be. I just hope the map is stable.
  10. They are pushing the advertising campaign so hard there are literally multiple threads in the Genesis sub topic complaining about almost the complete lack of advertising, information and hype about the DLC from WC.
  11. C'mon guys lets be real here, we all would have been severely disappointed if they released it on time, many of us would have lost many a bet on this. Next question is will it be delayed again, start placing your bets. My money is on the 31st of March. Looks like we have a firm date now though. Personally am in no rush at the moment, so much to do so little time.
  12. Oh definitely. Ark became immeasurable more enjoyable for me when I left official to Unofficial and lowered my expectations of what was to come to 0. Glad I could make you laugh and thanks for the candy !
  13. Oh I love candy ! Just dont trust them at all then, I mean thats what I do now. Makes life so much easier.
  14. Peope seem surprised that they are removing yet even more Legacy Servers. I mean did you all not see it coming ? Like really ? I mean Legacy has it marked literrally on the tin. There is a reason why a lot of us left official even though some of our servers survived the first initial wipe.
  15. I very much doubt this would happen. So long as your base is properly fortified you should be fine. ORP is a thing now and dinos spawning in bases isnt really a problem like it was. Although the dodowyvern is another matter but that'll probably be restricted to Scorched Earth. Seemed to go down well last time. I mean people have been screaming for this events return for years now.
  16. Au contraire, the last Fear Evolved event was probably the most fun I have had playing Ark. Even with the possibility of being wiped by the dodorex if it spawned in your base (cause still in EA wo anything could happen...) while offline back in the days of no ORP on PvE. Two weeks of pure terror with that, God I loved it.
  17. All hail the Dodorex ! Long live the King ! I wonder how the Dodorex/wyvern will work this time round. Will it be like last time with each on a different map or if it will be utter chaos with both on each map. Couldnt imagine anything more worrying than the dodowyvern on the Island.
  18. As far as I am aware, no date has yet been announced, where did you get the 18th from ?Keep an eye on the crunches and news items on the website until then, no doubt theyll plaster the date everywhere when they announce it. Just have patience people ?
  19. Event hasnt started yet. Update has still to drop.
  20. All in good jest ! Its all fun. Dont know how I could take offense from that.
  21. Never usually a spoil sport but colour me underwhelmed.
  22. Interesting how its been given a sub species classification, dont think I have seen that in a dossier before ? Its sounds just like a thylacoleo lol.
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