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Kodking194 last won the day on August 11 2021

Kodking194 had the most liked content!


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  1. ummm, the image showing the new creature is a bit freaky, kind of unexpected from WC. to make an image like that. new brown undies affect monster incoming.
  2. wrf wc, only 2 creatures, i can name at least 5 creatures which direly need a tlc megalodon mosasaur plesiosaur carno bronto quetzal pteranodon mammoth spider onyc dilo icthy with such a large roster of creatures that NEED a freakin tlc, you only chose 2. i bet ya they are not even ones that need a tlc.
  3. not complaining, just stating the truth, but now that we have access to flyers with mounted firearms, alphatribes will leave ground tames and reach to the skys, thankyou WC, thank you.
  4. anyone else see the gun on its back, well, here comes another pvp destroying flyer, this time, with guns on its back.
  5. Wc let me just say how happy i am that crystal isles is coming, also i bet it the brachi. cant wait for the TLC
  6. guys, its freakin Rockwell. the ugly son of a b*tch is back. cant wait to beat his ass again. I coming for you rocky. also guys, HL-NA is Australian, love her accent.
  7. i cant wait for this to come out, even though i wont be getting it till i know its worth it. cant wait to watch the breakthroughs
  8. they vaugly addressed it, they just wanted to avoid talking about it, this is not a rare thing for WC to do, they ignore and dont acknowledge their problems.
  9. which stream was this? i dont really watch the streams as i dont have time, i am guessing it will be used for some kind of special harvesting gimic.
  10. oh cool, so we will get an advanced harvesting tool, well we can probably forget bout ankies and doedics now ?
  11. does anyone know how many gigabytes of internet it uses up to download
  12. hell yeah, be prepared to have based wiped and tamed torn apart, these things are beast, they aggro onto anyhting that is player related, tames, bases and players
  13. blacka nd white would be nice, gost like creatures
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