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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/29/2023 in all areas

  1. Perfect, now the only thing I need is the PS5 to play the game ☺️
    3 points
  2. So am I understanding correct in saying that it will ONLY be Xbox players able to join the new servers at launch? NOT PC? Already bad competing with people who already got a shot at claiming land and getting a server spot, but with the cheating from PC idk if it's a good idea to even attempt to play. Never felt so disappointed in a game. I've loved Ark ever since it first came out and my cousin talked me into trying this new dino game that we had never heard of. It was something I had never experienced. The taming, the building, crafting, and, most of all, the people on my server. Trading for color combos and higher stats for breeding pairs. The feeling of accomplishment after raising a giga for 2 weeks in real life on basic troughs. We all just wanted to experience that again. With better graphics and smoother gameplay. Really rough deciding whether or not it is worth buying this game now because of how it has been handled, managed. Nobody would be saying sht if wildcard had followed through with what they had been saying. I just don't know if I want to spend 45$ if I won't be able to get on an official server or claim any land. There will be so many more people trying to join than PC or Xbox now. It is just not right or fair. Life is not fair, but when you have control over whether or not you can make it fair, then it should be. Dropped the ball big time. Everyone was sooo hyped and excited and because of poor execution, that has come and gone. Idk. Can complain until we are blue in the face and it won't matter. Good luck survivors. Farewell.
    2 points
  3. When are orp servers coming online?? Alot of us work full time and would still like to pvp on Official servers, I'm sure there's plenty of people who would appreciate them being back
    2 points
  4. It is very broken. For now I think I've found a workaround, but it severely cuts it's dps. You have to wait for the full animation to finish before attacking again. If you attack faster, it will basically cancel all futute attacks until you wait for the end of the animation. I just set a macro to 2.5 second intervals and hit most attacks. Although, this is very suboptimal and they should fix it.
    2 points
  5. No need to scream, it's completely understandable if you just walk away from this. You won't walk alone.
    2 points
  6. I would also add commands that eliminate shadows, water, rocks and vegetation. it is wrong to allow these things
    2 points
  7. Well that seals the deal for me. RIP Ark 2023 What a terrible mishandling of the remake. WC you are one of the worst dev companies ever.
    2 points
  8. We appreciate your patience while we worked to launch ARK: Survival Ascended on PlayStation. In our last announcement, we were expecting a launch date in Early December, but we are thrilled to announce that the launch date has been set for this Thursday, November 30th at 9:00 AM Pacific. Similar to other console launches, the new set of Official Servers will not go online until a few hours after the launch to allow ample time for downloading. This will ensure everyone has a fair chance to join the game and experience ARK: Survival Ascended. The new Official Servers will also go online with bonus rates (for a period of time) to allow for everyone to catch up. Thank you everyone for your cherished support, and we'll see you on the ARK shortly PlayStation Survivors! Studio Wildcard We’ve made the difficult decision to temporarily disable Windows clients from joining our crossplay Official PvP servers while we collaborate with Microsoft and BattlEye to implement robust anticheat measures for the Windows version of the game. We apologize to our Windows players but we feel this is the best course of action for the health of the game. This temporary measure affects the following server types: XX-PVP-TheIsland ### XX-PVP-SmallTribes-TheIsland ### XX-PVP-Modded-TheIsland ### XX-PVP-Arkpocalypse-TheIsland ### Rest assured, your single-player experience and private servers that haven't disabled Windows clients from joining remain unaffected. We're committed to resolving this issue swiftly and bringing Windows clients back onto crossplay PvP servers early next week. In the meantime, we appreciate your patience and understanding as we work towards ensuring a fair and secure gaming experience for all Survivors. Thank you for your continued support! Download & play new custom content created by players, including new maps, creatures, items, and game modes, through a dedicated new Mod-bowser directly within the game. Enjoy an endless stream of new ARK content as the creativity and talent of the community is fully unleashed for the first time ever across gaming platforms and stay tuned as we release more Cross-Platform Mods each week! Twitter: twitter.com/survivetheark Discord: discord.com/invite/playark Reddit: reddit.com/r/playark Instagram: instagram.com/survivetheark Twitch: twitch.tv/survivetheark Steam: steamcommunity.com/app/346110 Youtube: youtube.com/survivetheark Facebook: facebook.com/survivetheark Threads: threads.net/@survivetheark Official Wiki: ark.wiki.gg
    2 points
  9. That's great, now prevent the hoards of PC/Xbox players from having a 3rd, 4th, and 5th chance of land grabbing. Not happy with the fact that there are zero PlayStation only servers, its bad enough competing for server slots with our own platforms player base. I have watched streams of both pc and Xbox players during the launch of these new servers, it was a total sht show. Most of them are now playing multiple servers as a result, waiting for server transfers There should of been a lock on pc players at launch to allow Xbox players to have a fair chance as they normally would. Now we are going to have a handful of servers released with 3 communities of players competing for the limited 70 log in slots. Considering that the new servers are going to be launched whilst PlayStation players will have the log in failure issue, wildcard is once again ignoring the facts of the situation and giving the other communities a seriously unfair advantage. LOCK THE NEW SERVERS to PlayStation access only, until a few days after the patch lands so PlayStation users have a chance. Any PS5 user unable to log in during the new server launch period will not have a chance at any decent base location if these servers are not exclusive to PlayStation for a period of time AT LEAST. Glad to hear about the release date but its not enough, and the ark player base deserve better treatment overall. You're already forcing us to deal with this crossplay crap and all the problems it brings, do better and start listening to common sense advice.
    2 points
  10. Are you sure that Sony is aware of this? Still no date or price on it in the PlayStation store. I'll be patiently waiting until the first user experiences show me the worst issues are solved. Sofar all I see from Xbox is not realy encouraging.
    2 points
  11. To be fair with most tames you are pumping them full of narcotics and then forcing them to eat while unconscious; some brain damage is to be expected.
    2 points
  12. Kiah's Community Server, Unofficial, The Island While I was at work today, C had quite a day. He did not succeed at frog breeding, borrowed an asc longneck bp and made a very expensive rifle, then immediately lost it and a newly bred saber to a lagged jump at the end of the lava cave. Yep. I did my best to console him and said to consider it a sacrifice to the Ark gods for luck. Little did I know, I was right. He was at work by the time I got home, so I logged in to play solo. Well, as solo as one can be on a server. Today started much the same as yesterday. I started with a bigger metal run to help recover the cost of the longneck, then began running drops and doing some slow sweeps around my favored hunting areas. I got a 150 argent, but lag shot it right as it went down. Stats did not turn out well, but I can use the colors for breeding, I guess. But then as I was hunting around checking theris by green ob, I found not one but two 135 brontos, a male and female nearly side by side. I couldn't believe my luck. So I did what any enterprising hunter would do. I KO'd them both, spent a game night building protective pens for both of them, then flew home and got kibble. My rare double bronto tame did not go unnoticed by B, the server's bronto collector. He's obssessed with breeding a bronto line for rhynio taming. He had one stat left missing from his base bloodline: stamina. I didn't check either bronto's pretame stats as I was too busy trying to ensure they lived long enough to be worth the kibble I tamed them with, using up all of our preciously small supply. The first bronto stood up with 40 stamina. Success! B was so excited he offered to bring a bronto over right away to breed. Then the other bronto tamed. 42 stamina! He was even more excited and dragged his male halfway across the map to breed with my female. I gave him the egg as he was raising brontos and I wouldn't have time until the weekend. I am quite happy to finally have contributed something to the server, and I also hope that means if the stats pass successfully I'll get an egg from the finished base bloodline. Both of us continued to enjoy the favor of the Ark gods. On the way home B found a 150 oviraptor to tame. I found a 140 theri just down the beach from our base. I flew it up to drop in our entryway that doubles as a taming pen, made more kibble and tamed it up and we now have breedable HP for our soon to start theri bloodline. We don't have a male yet but hopefully I can find one that will give me stamina. I told C his sacrifice was not in vain, but did not tell him what happened tonight. I imagine he'll be quite surprised when he logs in tomorrow. I do feel a bit bad as it was late enough and I was tired by that point, so I didn't really restock as much as I would have liked. I did shift some animals around in the pen, kind of had to with two brontos now taking up a not insignificant amount of room. That was it for the night.
    1 point
  13. Sounds like a good plan, spend your money with a company that does a better job and treats their players better.
    1 point
  14. It's pretty dangerous logic to try to pursue an argument like this, there are too many problems. * Putting on tires is life-and-death. People can die if a wheel is mounted wrong, no one has ever been killed by a bad video game. * Even if no one gets hurt a badly mounted tire can cause thousands of dollars of damage to the car, a video game is not going to do thousands of dollars of damage to a computer. * People can (and do) sue mechanics for doing bad work. Even if the mechanic wins the lawsuit it still costs them time & money. That doesn't happen with video games. So rather than waste a lot of time trying to discuss and debate what a good comparison would be, which would be an unproductive conversation, the point I was making is that the ultimate responsibility for the quality of ARK rests on the shoulders of the owners and senior management. It's virtually impossible to have a bad company if the owners and managers are good, a leadership team like that is simply not going to have a team full of bad employees. Good owners & managers either replace bad employees or they help the employees get better. On the other hand, it's entirely possible to have a bad company with good employees if the owners & senior managers are not good. That's pretty much what causes bad companies to be bad. There is a limit to how much good can be accomplished by a good employee if they have bad owners and managers. If the employer mandates a schedule that prevents employees from doing things right their only choices are to do whatever work they can in the time they've been given or to quit and find another job. It's really easy to tell people that it's their fault for not finding a better job, but that's blaming the wrong people. The quality of a company is ultimately decided by the owners and senior managers. Agreed, which is what I was saying earlier. WildCard never had to learn how to be a good company because they accidentally created a game that prints money no matter how badly they treat players. The only real option players have is to refuse to buy their products.
    1 point
  15. Just for the sake of testing, I created a new folder and did a fresh install without any mods. It worked perfectly fine. And then I started looking into the mods. It turns out that the mod Deinonychus with ID 941658 has been deleted from Curseforge. So to anyone experiencing the same in the future, start googling for "ark mod id" (for example: ark mod 941658) and see if the mods you use still exists on Curseforge. Thank you @acekorneya for your help, and sorry for not discovering this sooner. It seems your new update and the deletion of the mod from Curseforge happened almost at the same time. Anyway, all good now! Your docker ASA server is working fine! 😀 Thank you for your time and effort!
    1 point
  16. Everyday Official Server NA-PVE 5150 is getting a roll back of 90 minutes to 2 hours in the mornings. I know the server saves more often than that, Devs please investigate whats going on! alot of people lost alot of progress and tames today because of this.
    1 point
  17. anyone who plays ark both in pvp and in pvp orp is really unlikely to be an occasional player, the majority who have played orp have done so for years (myself included) even every day or almost the only difference is that we are not online 24/7 and we are not in very large tribes. normal pvp is only for those who are in a huge tribe with always online players. if I'm not mistaken
    1 point
  18. Which basically proves my point. Even if your tribe mates leave WC still has their money. Whether you also quit with your friends or not, you have all donated money to WC in spite of the fact that ASE had all of the same problems that ASA does. Giving money to a bad company isn't going to convince them to become a better company. WC is absolutely not going to fix things just to make you happy or to make your friends stay, now you have to decide what you're going to do about that. Are you going to keep supporting a company that treats players, and you, like this?
    1 point
  19. If cross-play is something you're pushing hard, then the essential feature of being able to chat to each other in-game (regardless of platform) needs to be a thing
    1 point
  20. I am pretty impressed with the tamed pathing. Left a door open and had a wild carno start attacking outside dinos. My otters in the house started going nuts. They pathed up the stairs and around several things and down a hall to the open side door to join the fight.
    1 point
  21. No Playstation only servers is a joke. This remake has less server options than the previous game from 2017. Way to take a step back with this subpar cash grab. You left all the bugs and glitches in from ASE, couldnt you just leave the playstation only servers in too.
    1 point
  22. My issue with this wording is: Is there a difference between Xbox, the console, and Xbox Windows/remote/gamepass whatever other way they have expanded? With the huge delay of PS over the other platforms I realy think they should offer PS only for the time being.
    1 point
  23. In ASE Titanosaur, and alphas would never be targeted by turrets. It would also be hard for anyone to tame a Titano, just to be able to add it to a exclude list I dont remember the outcome for the Turret, accidently hitting a Titano, but I think the outcome was, the titano ignores those hits... Or something like, it only gets enough agro after 4-5 hits. Edit: I think Alphas, Titanos are in a different "faction" or tamegroup. Like Alpha Raptors are, in my experience never targeted by hyenadons for example. But normal raptors are, when the Hyenadons are in a large group?
    1 point
  24. And for those who are using the hacks in pve? Those won't block them? since I imagine that if it happens in pvp they also use them in pve
    1 point
  25. I own both PC and XBOX versions. So far my best experience is on console. Also It literally didn't show up to buy untill the day of. So my guess is this time tomorrow.
    1 point
  26. May i ask the distinction from ORP and regular asa/ase servers? whats the flipping difference there is exploits in every facet of the game, i do like the being able to disable anything on the map and just walk through online 24/7 bases, Christ that's a good one, oh i think you highlighted it quite well, garbage filled cesspool that is ark, everything you highlighted is not all specific to ORP "angry man children" wise up, spose thats a rare occurrence in online gaming eh the worst of the worst knows no game mode, nor method, normal pvp what exactly is that in ark whats the standard good riddance to ark is a better phrase
    1 point
  27. Thanks for the updates and the dedication of the teams🌹
    1 point
  28. A very useful Tip, I say it myself, if you dont have a bunker, but rather just walls, is to keep in mind that Re-fertilizer can recover big rocks (ASE) These other players can use to get dinos over your walls... Remember where those big rocks were, so you can fortify your walls better at that point, or replace your walls more accordingly...
    1 point
  29. WildCard you need to start working on your server Infrastructure major companies have hundreds of the own servers not relying on Third Party companies we Hate to see how your amazing Game being Treated like crab with this Third party server providers rollbacks server crashing That not how you want you future to be full of rollbacks and crashes. you deserve better and no one is better Suited to run your game servers but yourself relaying on Nitrado has been resulting in same issues over and over again. you can’t expect different results from doing the same thing repeatedly.
    1 point
  30. The game has been out a month....even if you stayed awake all month and played you would not be 1k+ hours. A year from now when EA is done - then thousands of hours is feasible...
    1 point
  31. We're reporting server outages, 5448, for hours now. So, our crew had a talk, for renting our own from Nitrado. But since it takes ages to even get 1 map up, we decided not to. Next to all the bugs/glitches we been reporting and seeing the exact same bugs appearing since release of ASE, WildCard surely lives up to their promisses. No enforcement of rules, no admins checking maps out (hence all spamming), kiting/luring is considered normally. Seems its back to unofficial servers where most owners do actually care about their playerbase. Thanks WildCard. Your promisses are exactly like your company. Hollow and empty.
    1 point
  32. Well has it stands there are no xbox only pve servers, in another post a moderator is saying there are only pvp xbox only servers ( cant find yhese either), i hope this is not the case and they bring pve xbox only servers as i refuse to play with or against pc players and their hacking.
    1 point
  33. They stated they will not be doing that. At least, not at this time.
    0 points
  34. Console only servers are PS/Xbox. There will be no PS only or Xbox only official servers.
    0 points
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