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aikkam last won the day on July 25

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  1. I want to add one more thing. WC's mania for focusing on mods even before fixing bugs and other problems, furthermore even if they focus entirely on mods they are not capable of developing a decent menu with filters to search for official mods, skins, creatures, event mods, installed mods other. WC if you want to continue with mods at least do it right
  2. my friend, your TLCs are excellent but you, I and other people who propose them are unable to gather many votes, I don't think it is useful to propose such detailed TLCs. I think we should create a suggestion to simply ask for a modernization of the graphics and abilities of the older creatures in general and try to attract attention and votes to the topic, then once we have many votes we can go into specifics and talk about the individual creatures as we have done so far
  3. you're not asking for the community, stop acting as a voice for the players
  4. also the lack of pvp orp servers which allow even those who have less time to dedicate to a single video game to play for various reasons, the lack of HARDCORE servers for people who want a more extreme experience and the lack of no tek servers for those who prefer a more primitive game. these reasons also turn players away from pvp where mega tribes break the game and new players who don't want to join a pvp only to find all the caves blocked and many other problems
  5. in addition to the issue of caves, bosses and elements that you rightly said, I would add two other things: 1 tribes with too many players, tribes with 50, 100 or more people can simply take control of a server by occupying it completely or crushing the smaller tribes by exploiting their huge number of players, where a mega tribe is established it is not possible to play for smaller tribes or new players. 2 mutations, it is too slow a system that can only be exploited by mega tribes giving it an additional advantage, a creature should have a maximum of 20 mutations as was designed at the beginning of ARK
  6. Hi, I wanted to ask you if in your opinion is it a good idea to combine the requests for the Hardcore, ORP and No Tek servers in a single request here on the forum to bring together all the people who are still waiting for their favorite game mode?
  7. aikkam

    ORP Servers

    still no ORP and HARDCORD, I think it's time for me to abandon the game completely
  8. or maybe he's crazy
  9. per l'enorme problema che hai giustamente menzionato nel tuo suggerimento, ovvero perdere tutto il tuo lavoro mentre dormi, lavori o semplicemente sei in bagno, c'era una soluzione nel vecchio Ark, ovvero i server pvp ORP , peccato che non esistano in ASA, se vuoi puoi votare nella discussione ORP qui sul forum. Tuttavia, sono d'accordo con te quando dici che più modalità di gioco ci sono, più persone giocherebbero ad Ark, hai inventato alcune modalità interessanti e sarebbe bello vederle realizzate.
  10. what you say is all right except for one thing, on a server of 70 people you can't allow tribes to have 300 players but even 70 is too much to avoid mega tribes you should limit yourself to 15 or 20 people maximum in a tribe
  11. the nanotyrannos is just a young tyrannosaur however the basic idea of adding new medium sized theropod dinosaurs is excellent and there are many relatives of the tyrannosaur that could be used for this purpose the allosaurus also has many relatives that could be useful
  12. strong words friend, strong but totally right
  13. but the crazy person who voted for this suggestion?
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