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aikkam last won the day on January 12

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  1. they also promised to bring all ase servers back to asa but they didn't orp, hardcore, no-tek, primitive where are they anymore? and not to mention that SOFT failure? or how good they are at organizing events, does anyone remember that they wanted to relegate them to the Ark glub only? Does anyone want to add anything else?
  2. all the deaths due to server crashes alone are enough to make it worthwhile, plus the bugs it was anything but a well-made game. how many times have i died because the server crashed while i was riding a wyvern how many! how many! and according to the thesis of the very few who support our idea for here if we liked Ase even with his defects therefore we should also like ASA I have only one thing to tell you, we are TIRED of playing with games that are so bad we did it once and that was enough we will not do it again we have already given enough trust and money to WC without even getting a small part of the promises made to us, no one remembers the promise that the old bugs of ASE would be fixed in ASA but they are still there, they had promised to rework the breeding system but it is identical to before, they had promised a more realistic character creation but instead there are still those deformed dwarves that make anyone with a minimum of aesthetic sense turn on and are in trouble for pvp, does anyone remember when the first map came out all those pebbles on the banks of the rivers and beaches that floated? did they never try their game before publishing it so as not to see them? the Argentavis puppies present in the trailer but not in the game? the next of the improved rendering of ASA did not have a good end. All the delays that will lead to having ASA base in 2000 never even if we have already paid for it, however they waste time with dlc, paid mods, and pay to win creatures, even the stories of bob as much as I personally do not consider bad with the release of scorched earth they wanted to get paid for a content that they would have finished publishing after a year, those who bought it did it in the dark, instead of making three packages of 10 euros for the three maps they preferred to get paid a year in advance for the extinction dlc while they still had to finish making the one for which they had already been paid (ASA base).
  3. surely those who have to work or study at university without orp are in difficulty, but also a younger boy/girl what they have to do second WC? stay attached to the game all the time? if you play a sport? if you want to go out with friends? or even if you were a hermit recluse do you have to play only with ark? or say we have to go to defecate can we do it without having to think about our base being destroyed or do we have to play even while we are pushing on the toilet?
  4. basically it is one of the reasons why normal pvp servers slowly empty, the same people always play there but crushed by the mega tribes they abandon and at the same time the presence of a few tribes with many players always active does not allow the entry of new players and over time the few large tribes destroy each other remaining in the end only one or two leaving a server frequented by a maximum of ten people always the same in view of gigantic bases positioned in particular points such as caves and with the shadow of the mega tribe always ready to return to eliminate anyone who tries to challenge the few sentinels that guard the gigantic bases the server becomes inhospitable to new players and eventually closed because it is used only by the sentinels. tell me if i'm wrong
  5. the population is higher in an orp server, in a normal server players are forced to always be active so the number of players in the server at the same time is higher but this also causes that server is used by fewer people because it is always full of players, the population of a server are ALL the people who frequent that server and in an orp server where people can disconnect freely they leave space for others. population and players active simultaneously is different
  6. it's true but you have the fiona to collect a lot of excrement and as you say the tek makes it obsolete so basically it only knows how to give bites
  7. almost all the creatures on the island would need 1 an update of their aesthetics, is it so difficult to give them a more realistic look? 2 many creatures should see their abilities and skills increased for example it is ridiculous that the trex is only capable of giving a simple bite, is its tail useful for anything? its size? why can't it hit with its tail or push with its back other animals stunning them and hold its victims in its very powerful jaws the megaallosaurus does it even if it is much smaller? why is the quetzl which should have been the largest winged predator such a creature unsuitable for combat, that 3 meter long beak is there for show or to impale its prey? why is it so slow in the moments when we know that in addition to flying it could walk and run agilely hunting both in the sky and on the ground?. 3 because the ankylosaurus does not have a natural armor even if its body is completely armored and its name itself means living armor, but the stego with a couple of scales on its back is practically immune to bullets and yet those scales most likely had more of a role in communication between individuals than a defensive role? just a few examples
  8. Can I ask the people present who you think was the offensive person?
  9. yes but no, ASA is little more than a remaster, they didn't do anything from scratch and to prove it THEY have the legendary bugs still there unchanged from ASE if they had redone everything from scratch they wouldn't be there
  10. when you talk about extinction I think they made the map flatter not for pve but to favor the use of vehicles, if there were many differences in level in the terrain they would not be very comfortable to use
  11. sorry but how can pvp be the weak point? many structures, weapons, creature abilities have a purpose only if you play in pvp, all the search for a hidden place to build your base, the construction of defenses and the preparation before an attack in pve are not there, playing pve is like playing 50% of ark, that you may like it but I do not doubt it I also played single player with my brother and we had a lot of fun despite the limitations of pve, only after we played in official pvp orp to have a different experience because pve was starting to get boring and it was a lot of fun playing in pvp orp
  12. justifying everything by saying that they ran out of money because they throw it away doesn't seem very nice, but we accepted it we bought ASA but we discovered that 1 many promised changes were not present, 2 many bugs remained even though they said they were committed to removing them 3 many game modes are still missing like orp and hardcore 4 the continuous delays will lead to having Asa base at 100% in 2000 never, does anyone want to add anything else?
  13. emmmmmm yes but....... yes it's true but don't tell him otherwise he'll get angry he's so happy to give away his money for low quality products.
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