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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/11/2023 in all areas

  1. So what happened to being more transparent about everything? These crunches are just like before. they really feel like an after thought or something someone threw together quickly. I think we all were expecting more. Honestly some info on the Xbox release, such as size of the download and roughly time of day we can download it, would have been nice to see. It really feels like we keep hearing you all say "we will give more info, more transparency!" and instead we get Community Crunches with nothing. We the community wait all week hoping for just a smidge of info and once again just disappointment.
    4 points
  2. The creativity and resourcefulness of Survivors, both old and new, as they find new homes on the Island has been truly inspiring. The content and experiences you've been sharing with us are, as always, beyond anything we could anticipate! This week we tackled a number of bugs and exploits, including a fix for a bug where baby dinos were falling through the map. We've made more progress towards increasing the performance and stability of servers, but our work there isn’t done yet. We've also started to tackle some of the bugs we've seen reported across our various social platforms (thank you for your reports!). Keep your eyes on patch notes to see some of those pesky bugs get zapped over the coming weeks! We’re looking forward to seeing console survivors dive into ARK: Survival Ascended so stay tuned for more information on the ASA launch for Xbox next week! To our Playstation Survivors, we’re urgently working with our partners and look forward to sharing a launch date as soon as we're able! Fan Art Gallery | Screenshot Gallery | Artist Feedback Form Help us discover your talent by tagging your art with #ARKPhotoMode or #ARKart on social media! Cover Art by @XxStevieLad87xX Creator: DAN Burtini In this building tutorial, Dan shows you how to build a cozy riverside home. Creator: Evo Evo goes on the hunt for utility tames, but the ARK had other plans for him! Baby Artemis the Deinonychus by BumpySlays22 Keeping warm with my Lover by EchidnaQuills Sitting! by @ebiflyyyy4 Secret participation by @maMe_buDo Compy insanity! by @TekARK_01 Diana and her Managarmr Jet by @ewo_zaur Lightning Wyvern by MARYFIX A little tropical island retreat by @Songbird_Gamer Before the rain by @EgoSilentium So pretty by @soapysoapp RUN DODO RUN!!!!! by @GPxGP Look out world by @Kiah0nFire Enjoy your weekend! Studio Wildcard Twitter: twitter.com/survivetheark Discord: discord.com/invite/playark Reddit: reddit.com/r/playark Instagram: instagram.com/survivetheark Twitch: twitch.tv/survivetheark Steam: steamcommunity.com/app/346110 Youtube: youtube.com/survivetheark Facebook: facebook.com/survivetheark Threads: threads.net/@survivetheark Official Wiki: ark.wiki.gg
    3 points
  3. I think the community needs to be a little more positive to wildcard. making a game is hard. I get there are issues with the game but they are working hard to fix them. give them a break
    3 points
  4. So servers crashing every 45 mins or 1 hour, abandoned structures getting refreshed every time the server spins up, UI crashes, random fatal crashes, dropping off of flying mounts when servers die, mesh, anti mesh, dinos going missing, death markers not showing etc... you call that progress? Get outta here.
    3 points
  5. Granting that buildings now in ARK Survival Ascended has a Snowy Effect when building at the Snowy Biome, I'm thinking why not also apply it on humans and creatures (can be optionally turned on & off in the settings). It may look simple but the visual cue of the environment aside from the ambience can further add to the immersion. Dynamic Environmental Effects such as Mud, Moss, Snow, Rain, Ash, Sand, Radiation, Corruption, Poison Please look at the examples below:
    2 points
  6. ..and one more thing: to all those who complain about not seeing the new dossier (of a Dino who will arrive in a thousand months) and the new shipments of creatures (which we will see in a thousand years): ARE YOU TALKING SERIOUSLY??! ! Do you understand that WC is currently in the lion's den between being able to launch the game on consoles and bug reports/resolutions as well as scary instability?? Do you really think this is something that is needed now (messing up the situation even more)?? This also applies to those who denounce WC's lack of respect in not activating the Evo event (to recover losses from Crashes? if you continue to lose progress, having an Evo would only make you lose more progress..): be aware that triggering events is known to further increase Server instability and I think that's the worst thing right now (I bet last week's trigger was for WC just like Test). Each of us has the right to give our own criticisms, but before moving our fingers (writing) let's learn to reflect with brains..
    2 points
  7. Offline raid protection on a 15 minute timer after logout was the best official server I have ever played on. It got rid of so many of the problems alot of the posters here are talking about. Orp servers made us a community but we were always aware of each other. One day we would be killing a boss together and the next we might argue and start a war with the same tribe we just killed bosses with. On another hand for the bobs that spawn on the beach and were called human, yea your going to die viciously and without remorse. If you weren't having dialogs with people on the server you were kill on site for the most part. At the same time though you could never really trust who is talking in chat because it could just be a online check to see who can be raided and that just created a whole different dynamic I don't think alot of ark players are aware of. The bad side of orp was the pincoding of everything and then making a new character and just using the offline protection main base through the pincodes as a separate character. If they can figure out how to fix that then I would say ark orp pvp is how the game is intended to be played. Just my 2 cents though.
    2 points
  8. WildCard is a joke. PsN has the biggest player base, compared to PC, or Xbox and Wildcard has done nothing but disregard them. I don't know any game thats ever said lets release our game over the course of two months. Like thats a bad joke. Your team should be ashamed, like your supposed to be a triple AAA title. You don't act like one. Same answers every week, and you guys act like your holding on for something special or like you think your games big enough that you don't need consoles. Lol can't wait to watch how long after all the DLCs come out before you ask everyone to repay for the game again.
    2 points
  9. Was the crunch lackluster? Sure. Do I think that is a problem? Not really. Would I prefer actual news like the realese date of ASA for Playstation? Absolutely. Am I able to wait for news, the Dreadnaughtus dossier and so much more? Unlike most of the whining, snot-nosed brats in this comments who can't act civilized because they don't get what they want... Yes I can. The whole Team at wildcard is working tirelessly (for months) on these games, software, coding, artwork and much more. I am so unbelievable fed up with the demanding and general negativity in the comments and community, it's not even funny anymore. Hate me all you want, I don't care. They have many problems simultaneously to tackle, so the crunches for the next week's could be a bit simpler. DEAL WITH IT.
    2 points
  10. Be nice if xbox got a time of day for the 14th for when it will actually be available for download.
    2 points
  11. A little bit more information about Xbox launch would nice....but as normal you say nothing that we don't already know...
    2 points
  12. Not going to lie, but where the *actual* crunch?
    2 points
  13. 2 points
  14. Not really, I see them in all their usual spots. If anything they seem to be more common. Try the edges of the redwoods, I see a lot along there.
    1 point
  15. TBH them dates are ALL looking really delayed considering the problems WC are having atmo plus the delay of ASA already soooo but IF they come out on time I am going to have to say they will be full of bugs just like The Island and they will have to either fix as they go pre-release or do a release fix like now.
    1 point
  16. I would like to know why the limit of structures is 5500, in Ark Survival Evolved it was 10500, many things cannot be built because the limit does not allow it, will it be increased in the future?
    1 point
  17. I was expecting information for the release of ark asa on xbox. I don't want to portray negativity. I know the guys and gals are working hard on fixing bugs and making sure the release for console does happen. I appreciate it. I am not concerned over the lack of a creature vote that probably will not release until very late next year. Let us not concern ourselves with the Scorched Earth release. It is not happening this year. Deep down, we all know that. To be honest, i couldn't care less about ark 2 or the cartoon. I want ark ase running optimally on my xbox x. I am tired of watching Syntac and his boys enjoying the game I love so much. I just want to play. I want to tame. I want to hunt. I want to grind. I just want to play.
    1 point
  18. PvP in ark has massive potential that WC has kind of squandered by not changing up the meta more in ASA. Cave building should not exist, it's way too OP and they've had to add way too OP of dinos in the game to compensate, making living aboveground impossible. Also, primitive locking other tribes by not allowing them to get artifacts or element (depending on the map) is awful design and awful for the PvP scene. The vast majority of "PvP" in ark is just offlining a base, which is player vs turret and dino AI (pve). They should have added an improved version of offline raid protection into the game for every server. Ark PvP was in it's best state at the beginning when it was PvPvE but for some reason they choose to cater to the biggest no lifes. You cannot play Ark PvP with a job offline anymore. 3 hour offline timer on your base is too much to be competitive. No job, no family, and no skipping a night allowed.
    1 point
  19. I imagine that at the moment the developers are trying to make the already existing and already broken servers work and don't want to open new types of servers so as not to have other problems, I think we won't see our orp pvp servers again very soon. Guys, I say goodbye, I'm leaving Ark behind me and I'm moving forward. If the ORP ever comes back, send me a signal. Until we meet again
    1 point
  20. Where is the information concerning DLC maps, when is Genesis releasing, when is extinction, center, and other maps are going to release? Finally, give us a date...
    1 point
  21. Nonsense. They outright lied to us. The crossbow reload glitch is still in the game!!!!!
    1 point
  22. AsE: had bugs from the start and are still current today; never gonna get fixed AsA: starting to have major bugs that annoy the people paid and playing it; probably not going to get fixed for awhile considering the last Community Crunches. If I had a penny for every time someone said “fix your game wildcard” I would be a millionaire. Please atleast fix SOME bugs on both Arks it might not happen but I can only hope
    1 point
  23. (I'm also on XBox, but..) you may have read it correctly but the sentence can also be read as CONFIRMATION that it will be released "in" the next week: "stay tuned for more information" .... "on the ASA launch for Xbox next week!" (Tuesday is part of "next week") I can't be sure which of the two readings is the right one but LET'S TRY NOT TO ALWAYS SEEK JUST NEGATIVITY, we know WC's VERY BAD information policy (disinformation) so no one believes anymore in nothing that was promised by WC, but this does not take away the fact that IT IS IN THEIR INTEREST to put the various versions on sale as soon as possible (for money, not for customer satisfaction), while for us players it doesn't change our lives a week in more or less!! I realized that my game was taken away from me on March 31st with the announcement of the closure of the Official Servers and since I'm on XBox (Official Legacy Pve) I can't get my save game for free even if I kept my base and my dinos until the last day (despite the sense of uselessness and loss of all the work created) and despite the disappointment I will buy Ark again to find my two dear friends; it was supposed to come out by the end of October for everyone and we learned that it would be announced with in the XBox Event, October 25th was my birthday and I had taken leave from work both that day and also the whole Halloween week to start Asa full time and prepare for the Extralife Event...result: on the 25th they announced the delay for the consoles!! Yet another slap in the face as a birthday present and unused work holidays... I am the first to be OFFENDED but, even after 7 months of disappointments and false promises, staying here criticizing only the negative and even writing insults ( and there are quite a few who write about it) I just find it CHILDISH!!
    1 point
  24. Everybody sticking up for wildcard is kinda funny LOL they have had this game for 8years and even with a remaster and supposedly fresh code, we get the same game with same bugs and exploits. Not a single new game mechanic has been added either or new creature animations. Game was a legit copy and paste with better graphics…….
    1 point
  25. The problem with Wildcard is that they have dealt with too much issues. Financial, gameplay etc. They broke too many promises to the point the community will just up their pitchforks. I am not even going to point every single fault they did there, because there's way too many. Its true that some of us are just whiny lil dodos or snot-nosed brat that can't behave civilized, but that doesn't mean we are always in the wrong here. Its because of too many broken promises and too many issues plagued with ASA development that caused people to start hating them. It doesn't matter if they did a lot of thing, if they choose to break the promise and made themselves the laughing stock, no amount of hard work will make them climb out of the hole they dug too deep in. People can wait, but if the devs continues to only post little crunch every single week, people are going to get fed up with what they are doing. They might as well only post crunch when its necessary with some juicy info, not just post one just to fill it with nonsensical details. People don't want to waste their few minutes time to look at crunch only to be nothing but little details every time.
    1 point
  26. No event? 😖 Due to the constant crashes and rollbacks, players have lost so much. Animals in taming are simply gone after the crashes, collected resources..simply gone..everything has to be redone. People get tired and angry. Give the players help for their progress in the game and give a rate of 2 !!💞
    1 point
  27. Good idea visual mutations would be a nice touch to this game.
    1 point
  28. In English: I don't know if this improvement is supported, but thinking about the multiple graphical improvements in the game, when using the new engine it can be integrated into a bigger headache. It is a unique mutation improvement that is very rare to have, there may not be many models, but between 5 to 10 different models it would create an experience for the explorer who wants to differentiate their new generations more than by color or aesthetics. This means that our created dinos can generate united appearances like these examples: Trisector: when mating and having many, many mutations can generate a new appearance with a random horn design, imagine getting to see a friend and he arrives with a trisector, but this is not the same as those in the world, it has curved horns perhaps some broken. Grafic generated AI Unicorn: But look, who comes over there, it's a friend riding his new unicorn, but what is that, a new unicorn hairstyle, I want it, does it sound like a great idea or not? Grafic generated AI Megaterion: This is repeating the spider but this time it will carry my new litter from megaregion that has come out with hair a little longer than normal, and by the way it will carry that few that have a little more fur on my shoulders. Rex: What happened to your rex? Does he have a broken tooth? and how did you get those rex with claws with those claws with different textures. Grafic generated AI Golem: The wild golem is very interesting because it cannot be generated with a different design of cracks and or rocks with a different design. Dragon: Dragons can generate different pattern designs on their horns, tails and rumps through breeding. Grafic generated AI I hope it may be of interest to add this graphic improvement --- En español: Una mutación única muy rara que genera una apariencia aleatoria. No sé si tenga apoyo esta mejora, pero pensando en las mutiple mejoras graficas en el juego, al usar el nuevo motor puede ser integrado en mayor dolor de cabeza. Es una mejora unica de mutación muy raras de tener no sebe ser muchos modelos pero si entre unos 5 a 10 modelos diferentes crearía una experiencia para el explorador quiere diferenciar mas que por el color o la estética su nuevas generaciones Esto consiste en que nuestros dinos creados puedas generar unas apariencias unidas como estos ejemplo: Trisector: al aparear y tenga muchas pero muchas mutaciones puedan generar un apariencia nuevas con un diseño de cuernos aleatorios, imagina llegar a ver a un amigo y llega con un trisector, pero este no es igual a los del mundo este tiene unos cernos curvados talvez alguno roto. Unicornio: Pero vean quien llega por ahi es un amigo montando su nuevo unicornio pero que es eso un nuevo peinado en unicornio, yo lo quiero, suena una gran idea o no ? Megaterion: Esto repitiendo la araña pero esta ves llevara mi nueva camada de megaregion que an salido con un pelo un poco más largo de lo normal, y de paso llevara eso pocos que me tiene una poco mas de pelaje en los hombros. Rex: Que le paso a tu rex tiene un un cormillo roto? y como conseguiste esos rex con garras con esas grarras con diferentes textura. Golem: El golem salvaje es muy interesante por que no puede ser generar con una diseño diferentes de grietas y o rocas con diseño diferente. Dragon: los dragones puede generar con la crianza una diseños de patrones diferente en sus cuernos, las y cormillos. Espero que pueda ser de interés agregar esta mejora gráfica
    1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. Someone there is saying game development is difficult, and we should empathize with them. Why should we? You go to a restaurant to eat, the food is bad, do you forgive the chef? Because cooking is difficult? This is a huge joke. Update: If the game could run smoothly, all of this would be fine. But it frequently throws errors and the game shuts down. Empathize? Zzzzz.
    1 point
  31. Sounds like Grove Street dropped the ball. Oh and question co owner if WC had interview and said all code rewritten. Animals falling through ceilings ASE then to fall through ground ASE. Crossbow not reloading ASE. Getting off animals and glitch into them. So lied with yeah new code or if old code should know fixes as already fixed most. 2 weeks and official servers already at max Dino capicity Dino limit at 100. I just don't get new tech but we can't improve on old game except graphical enhancements. Trailer shows baby argys has anyone seen any? Or more misleading like 4 player split screen. I loved ASE and can't wait for ASA but your Public relations really sux to be fair.
    1 point
  32. Well that was a complete and utter nothingburger.
    1 point
  33. They can't help that PS has a lot of checks they have to go through to get "verified" before launching. You can blame Sony for that. It isn't on them. Also PC is their largest fanbase. Both Xbox and PS players need to quit trying to act like they're the largest portion of their fanbase lol.
    1 point
  34. Nothing about price and pre download on Xbox
    1 point
  35. A lot of text and nothing said. Why are you betraying playstation users so hard? 1 week since last crunch and again no date. Not shooting against PC or Xbox here, but the PS5 is the most sold console and probably your biggest fan base and you let us down like nothing
    1 point
  36. The 999 daily Rollback reset the decay system every time...
    1 point
  37. A little reminder about a bug fix in progress, and how devoutly they've been working on getting consol ASA released >:) No info about creature vote or Dreadnoughtus dossier (I hope its going t be good with all this time put into it...). Looks to me almost like they had nothing to show, so they whipped up a few pointless paragraphs for the Crunch. Pretty much nothing here, so final Crunch Rank... 0/10.
    1 point
  38. I make practically the same structures over and over. Can we have deployable blueprints?
    1 point
  39. PVP = Pointless waste of time
    1 point
  40. I welcome the challenge of no pods. I like rules that make games harder...for the fun of it. Ark is a marathon anyway. Enjoy it. Stop complaining. Roll up your sleeves and figure it out. Strategize. Use time wisely. Position yourself for success. Build two bases to spread out the herd. Breed on weekends. Tribe up and take turns babysitting. Build a community on the server so you don't all breed rexes. Specialize and trade. Think smart. Survive. You can do it. Good luck.
    1 point
  41. Doesn’t matter if it’s new servers pc players are the biggest cheaters in gaming history. Wayyyyyyyy more people cheat on pc then console. Pc players should be restricted to playing by themselves until gaming companies figure out a way to ban anyone instantly from loading in with cheat programs or messing with program files to get an upper hand on others in the game.
    1 point
  42. With the addition of quarter wall and ceiling, a quarter slope would also be a nice addition. This would include the variants with it such as stairs and maybe ramps.
    1 point
  43. They flat out told us it was going to be released in EA when they first announced it.
    1 point
  44. An idea for saddle and equipment upgrade/customization that is different from just the quality system and is more primitive and tribal theme friendly. Would let you get access to saddle Upgrades a different way and differs between creatures etc, good for maps that have an absence of tek or Industrial technology and want a more paleo, tribal, medieval or Ancient feel to the game. War Saddle - A war saddle is a saddle version that can be crafted for many creatures that are rideable and comes with many ways to upgrade and augment it visually and functionally. Made by crafting an Artifact of any kind with a saddle, War Saddles have the unique ability to give a tribe-wide Alpha buff to all your dinos nearby when the creature uses their Roar ability, whether or not it has mechanics. They also can be upgraded with Trophies found from slain creatures. All the leftover bones, skulls, eyes, tentacles, feathers and scales you collected can now be used to decorate and customize the saddle, which also adds additional armor, damage or speed to the dino (depending on the piece). These are either added directly onto the saddle or crafted into items able to be added in the case of ones requiring multiple of a trophy such as Vertebrae, Feathers, Teeth or Claws. Examples being Alpha Raptor Claw - Damage Alpha Rex Skull - Defense and Damage Alpha Rex Tooth - Damage Alpha Megalodon Fin - Speed Alpha Mosasaur Tooth - Damage Alpha Tuso Eye - Decoration Alpha Basilisk Fang - Damage Argentavis Talon - Damage Sauropod Vertebrae - Defense Therizino Claws - Defense and Damage Thylacoleo Hook-Claws - Damage and Speed Sarco Scales - Defense Megalodon Tooth - Damage Tuso Tentacle - Damage and Speed Basilisk Scale - Defense Rock Drake Feather - Speed War Saddles can be somewhat customized beyond just the Trophies too. They each have 4 Slots. A head slot, a spine slot, and one for the sides (or hips/thigh/flank region on most dinos), and a 4th for banners or flags, the first 3 can be equipped with either a trophy or other items that can be used for armor, augmentation or pure decoration, which can all be individually painted before putting them on. Shields are another item that can be equipped onto the Saddles, working as you might expect one too realistically, they block and stop projectiles entirely, and are subject to the strengths of the material they're made of, meaning they may need to be repaired and some will be better than others. Shields tier Riot and above cannot be equipped onto War Saddles.
    1 point
  45. I think right now the Greenhouse structures are bugged or too dark in my opinion. They don't let much light in at all for me at least. I like the look of the structures, but would like the tint to be removed/similar to how it was on A:SE. Similarly, if Stone Pillars could be made slightly larger so that they are the same, if not larger in size than the Wooden Pillars. Again, similar to how it was in A:SE. It would just make them feel more substantial. Right now to me they look a little thin and not as strong or load bearing as the Wooden Pillars. Thanks for reading!
    1 point
  46. Most Ark PVP is really just Player vs Offline Base.
    1 point
  47. From the album: Featured Screenshots

    Screenshot by BigMama85 Credit: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2995430604
    1 point
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