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Mike585x last won the day on June 19 2024

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  1. I have literally none of these issues you mention on Series X... But I do agree on waiting. I've always said I'd rather wait as long as it takes until stuff is ready, rather than have to deal with a disaster release lol.
  2. Oh boo hoo you won't be able to pillar everything on day 1. And the way you say "invest", sounds even more like you planned on selling the land for real $. "shame on me tho for expecting wildcard to actually hit a release on time", as if the first 10 delays weren't clear enough 🤣 Go back to work.
  3. Lmao, apparently a lot more than PvP 🤣. People still can't even log into any Aberration server because they are full most of the time... Guess that means no one plays PvE ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 🙄 However, they will probably get rid of many "dead" PvE servers next though..
  4. It might not be what you're after, but there actually is a quite popular mod for chain link & barbed wire fences that many use on Official servers.
  5. You are clearly missing the sarcasm everyone is presenting. We know the "launch date", the joke is that nothing is ever on schedule.
  6. Yeah for real. It's extremely bad. Sometimes it will just censor your entire paragraph it's super frustrating. I've also heard that PC players see uncensored chat, causing Xbox players to miss SO MUCH of what is being said because they don't have to type again to correct themselves (they are unaware of what was censored so have no need to retype). Also, most of a time it's a struggle to even get the chat box to pop up to begin with! Have to fight with the map and menu popping up simultaneously to get it to stick. That's when you can actually even type anything at all, because sometimes it doesn't send your messages as well whatsoever after typing them, and you have to relog/reload the game to fix it. Extremely frustrating. The entire chat system needs to be looked into and worked on.
  7. I understand what you are getting at, but I just wanted to point out that you can disable those features on console as well (at least on Series X you can).
  8. Can't confirm, but I've heard from a few sources that it has to do with the "barbed wire" skin from chain link fence mod.
  9. It's so bad... I suggest please taking the time to work on it and/or have it certified for removal like it ended up being on ASE.
  10. You know, there was a time when people enjoyed the game without events, colors, or bonus rates. I'm not defending it or anything, I'm just saying there's more to the game than worrying about this stuff, acting like it hampers you from enjoying the game for what it is. No one is forcing you to enjoy the events. It might not be "up to par" with your standards, but it's literally better than nothing at all. I'm thankful enough that they didn't revert the game to ASE Legacy rates upon release of ASA, if anything. Even so, I'll take what I can get. But if you really feel like getting your word in, I heard they listen on the official discord more than here. Edit: Don't get it misconstrued either, I do feel the events/rates could for sure be better, I just won't whine about it. A more constructive post could go a long way.
  11. It's 2x for 2 weeks straight, all that time saved adds up. They don't have to give us any bonuses yet they do... I'll take what I can get.
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