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Community Crunch 381: Sunsets on ASE, New Horizons on ASA and FAQ


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The movement speed changes aren't good for many reasons, but I think for the ARK devs the worst reason is going to be design scope. Removing movement speed will create numerous problems than it will solve, adding more to their workload. Not only will there be many implications in PVE, such as quite literally not being able to jump far enough to complete jump puzzles or being able to run away from any dinosaur on the beach for example, it will have many more implications in PVP.

Just wait until PC players are sniping crossplay console players who are running around at a laughable 100% speed. Join and spectate MTS arena for 5 minutes and you'll understand the futility of removing movement speed. It'll make players significantly weaker than dinos and have less counter-play against them. Knocking people off dinos will be the meta as players will not be able to run away, dodge, or get back on their own dinos. It will make PVP less vibrant and have less strategic/tactical depth. Furthermore, cheating remains an issue and cheaters will become even more powerful as aimbots will be even stronger against slower players and players will have less options to deal with it such as running behind cover/line of sighting.

Movement speed helps newer players significantly more than it helps the old. It is their only defense and the only way they'll have a chance against some of us who have been playing for 5+ years. Now you can dig your feet in and attempt to completely redesign the game, adding 1000s of hours of development time in order to constantly fix the issues that arise or you can go with what you know that already works. This is better for the existing playerbase, it gives newer players a chance against the old and it will allow the devs to move on to ARK 2 in a timely manner (which is where big sweeping design changes like this should be instead of a remaster). 

At least consider a cap of 160-170% which will remove the outliers and hopefully mitigate whatever reason you think these changes need to be implemented for.

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5 hours ago, Vaugsy said:

Looking forward to no longer purchasing the game! I don’t understand what is going through their heads. No cryoes, no movement speed levelling, no steam crossplay on launch, removed mutation cap, like what????!? I’m literally in a discord of 30 people discussing this and all 30 of us aren’t buying the game anymore 💀😂💀😂💀🥸

Good riddance, movement speed levelling was horrid and if you actually read the post you'd know that the other things mentioned are a non-issue. Bye bye 🙋‍♂️

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3 hours ago, IllIIlllIIlIIllI said:

Is it so hard to have an official without PC-console crossplay? All they do is cheat, Jesus Christ why is it so hard for y'all to do. Quit pushing this onto people, it's absurd that you disable soft crossplay because "unfair advantage" then go back and push it onto all official servers.

Maybe read it again but slowly, there is infact going to be console-to-console only servers, if you even make the mistake of playing official in the first place lmao

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2 hours ago, 460Galaxy said:

Well the day has come.  Ive played this game since 2016, active the whole time. But all i can say is good riddance. Good riddance to the lag, good riddance to the random crashes, good riddance to the woeful lack of maintenance on official servers, good riddance to the arrogant way you've treated official players, most of which 'were' your most dedicated long term fans. But mostly good riddance to an inexperienced, incompetent poorly managed developer who's only claim to fame will ever be they got lucky with 1 game. Then because of said inexperience, incompetence and poor management did nothing but ruin that game. And obviously the inexperience and incompetence continues, no other developer openly expects people to pay for them to learn how to use new tech. What a joke, this is the 2nd time youve charged players for an 'unfinished' early access game essentially expecting them to not only test your product but then wait patiently for you to fix bugs. Like we did last time. Well not this time. Fool me once.... 

Well, you got one thing right, they did get lucky.

They made one of (if not THE) most successful indie survival games, and they were indeed lucky to do so. It almost died on arrival due to poopty business practices (non-compete clauses) and was brought back from the brink to become the great game it is today. Yeah, they had their missteps, but certainly no more than any of the triple A developers they were aiming to produce a game of similar quality to.

Actually, my apologies, you got two things right. You are a fool as well, as you stated. Good riddance to you too, the franchise will go on just fine without you complaining like it seems you likely do quite often (oh who am I kidding, we both know you'll buy ASA so you can complain there as well 😉.)

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58 minutes ago, BruisingPikmin said:

Good riddance, movement speed levelling was horrid and if you actually read the post you'd know that the other things mentioned are a non-issue. Bye bye 🙋‍♂️


31 minutes ago, BruisingPikmin said:

Well, you got one thing right, they did get lucky.

They made one of (if not THE) most successful indie survival games, and they were indeed lucky to do so. It almost died on arrival due to poopty business practices (non-compete clauses) and was brought back from the brink to become the great game it is today. Yeah, they had their missteps, but certainly no more than any of the triple A developers they were aiming to produce a game of similar quality to.

Actually, my apologies, you got two things right. You are a fool as well, as you stated. Good riddance to you too, the franchise will go on just fine without you complaining like it seems you likely do quite often (oh who am I kidding, we both know you'll buy ASA so you can complain there as well 😉.)

Another Ignorant disrespectful PC player instead of gas lighting say something useful or be quiet and let the adults with serious issues about this game present their issues since you have no problems and you have access to you save files on PC and game runs smoothly for you . You need to stop gas lighting and move on.

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6 hours ago, Kurtious said:

i only have one question, will there be kbm support day 1 on console?

More important: Will ASA have good controler and TV support for consoles? Do we get rid off all the ever changing double functions and overlaps of keys, the dynamic wheel wich even keeps changing while you are using it, interacting with an object outside the center of focus, menu fonts too small to read on a 4K screen unless you stick your head in the screen and all the other issues you won't notice when you test only at a desk setup on a small monitor with mouse & keyboard?

Don't forget, console gaming originates in the livingroom, on the cauch, staring at a TV.

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So what I've gathered from this crunch is that wildcard has no idea what the pvp playerbase wants.

Nobody that actually played the game for an extended period of time asked for movement speed to be removed.

No cryos is gonna cause an uproar and you'll either have people leaving the game or be forced to add them back. You can't just give people something that important they've been used to for 5 years which was eventually turned into part of the base game and just take it away. Most of the current playerbase hasn't even seen the game before cryos.

Rhyniognatha better be getting nerfed into the ground if they're gonna be there on launch or they're gonna be the only tame in the game that is even viable for open world pvp. With no nets or other fast fliers they have absolutely 0 counters. fun game. Even unofficials with every dlc available mostly either nerfed its hp by 80% or completely removed it because it's just that broken even at low levels.


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2 hours ago, Noffek said:

By the way, the ASE patch just downloaded. I go to unofficial PC sessions and what do I see? Well, I don't see any server that would be available with and without a password. It looks like the client would not have a connection to the Nitrado, G-poral etc. network. I know they turned off the official ones, but out of the thousands of private servers on the list, not a single one was online? Or maybe the WC/SG did something wrong with the shutdown again. Console not PC

On XBox are avaible (56 Dedi - 98 Not-Dedi - 7674 PC-Session)

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1 hour ago, ThePikafan said:

Rhyniognatha better be getting nerfed into the ground if they're gonna be there on launch or they're gonna be the only tame in the game that is even viable for open world pvp. With no nets or other fast fliers they have absolutely 0 counters. fun game. Even unofficials with every dlc available mostly either nerfed its hp by 80% or completely removed it because it's just that broken even at low levels.


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TEK creature variants and Cryopods will not be available.

Cryopods/fridges were the single best QOL ever added to the game, so much so you made it so they could be learned on every map. Not including them at the start is the dumbest decision in a long history of dumb decisions by WC/Snail and shows you really don't care about QOL and it was only added to reduce tickets on your end and not about the player experience. You can keep your bad decisions and I will keep my money. Thanks for making this an easier decision for me.

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48 minutes ago, CervantesMor said:

At the moment I can't comment... I still have to swallow the shutdown of our lands...

Liberation (look...it's sunny outside...no, that's not a Ptera...) ....hmmm...I'd rather say "sense of loss"

I feel you...
We all need therapy to overcome this severe case of Stockholm Syndrome.

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