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CosmicSkeleton last won the day on January 25

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  1. Why would anyone want some goofy club that they’ll likely have to pay for when they can, you know, build their own on a server? Hell, back when I was running a PvE cluster we did exactly that. oh wait, guess they can’t do that on officials what with you guys never fixing the pillaring issue.
  2. Throwing my hat in the ring here, partially because I feel what I’ll say is pertinent and partially because I’m a jackass who wants to watch sparks fly a little longer. Pride as a concept is fine, the issue that arises is those that use it as a shield against criticism. In the case of companies it’s them using it to parade around how inclusive they are while haranguing those that don’t share their views. With the more extreme individuals I get not wanting to associate with them, but even the people that want to leave it at not wanting any identity politics from either camp in their hobbies are labeled as evil (yes yes I know, fence sitting is compliance but somehow magically only for the bad and yadda yadda). There’s also them campaigning for the good fight as a means of distracting the consumer from their more anti-consumer business practices or general incompetence. Can’t call the bad company or its practices bad because they put up the [insert group here] flag. Moving on from companies you’ve the individuals that use pride as a shield to keep you from calling out their blatantly predatory actions. People that can and will commit frankly heinous acts and then scurry behind the flag so the people that actually want to affect positive change will protect them while being none the wiser about the monster in their midst. Now do remember this isn’t a pride exclusive thing; this applies to any group of any color or creed: straight, lgbt, black, white, left, right, whatever. It’s important to recognize and identify these people when you see them. They are parasites that will happily destroy everything you work for their cheap and sordid pleasures. That same energy you use to disdain those you see as your “enemy” should be used excising these tumors to the body that is your movement, lest they cause more harm than can be repaired. Do not let monsters hide behind a flag. Call them out.
  3. Realistically speaking SOTF is the only place where it’d fly. Even then it’d basically double kill an already struggling game mode.
  4. You’d think if they were so confident in this “we” nonsense they’d, you know, post a screenshot or something of all of these players allegedly clamoring for this shop.
  5. Honestly the idea of setting a vote for how long a delay will be is borderline ubisoft and nintendo levels of consumer disdain. At this point just say “we don’t like you people and only sorta kinda tolerate you for the paper in your wallet”.
  6. You keep saying “we”. Unless you’re some sort of symbiote host or have multiple personalities that are all in agreement the only person I see around here campaigning for this is you. That or this is some 4D chess play to try and ruin wildcard/snail’s reputation even further than they’ve managed to in past years. Either way kindly stop presuming to speak for everyone. I don’t even play ASA and I can see how badly this would skew an already skewed system.
  7. The people will yearn for the times when meshrafting was the biggest threat at sea.
  8. No one’s demonizing you, you’re just making an arse of yourself by advocating for making the game into a p2w system.
  9. Or you could just go to unofficial which can have servers with different rates rather than give wildcard a means to squeeze money out of people silly enough to whale for this of all games.
  10. Sadly I feel as though any capitalization that is made will also be locked behind a paywall. As you’ve said Rag is one of the most popular maps from the base game so it’s all but guaranteed that someone has eyes on it.
  11. They’ve been radio silent on the next round of voting since announcing the hiatus. My advice is to take some time to think up a good submission while waiting.
  12. See, that’s the neat thing about wildcard incompetence: more often than not adding one thing breaks another. The only difference now is whereas before with ASE being the only game meant they had they had to fix it (or simply say they’ll fix it and put it off indefinitely) now they can default on saying they planned to offer no more support for the old game and leave whatever mistakes were introduced courtesy of their screw up in the old game. They don’t have to maliciously and intentionally break AsE to try and force players to move, they can simply keep on the course they’re on and no one can call them on it because they said no more support.
  13. Nonsense! That right there’s prime warm up material for a full range upper body day. Just throw an extra scoop of pre workout in the smoothie and you’ll be fine.
  14. Pretty sure it was a joke, bud. The player count screenshot was the clue. I don’t think anyone here genuinely thinks they’ll pull a cyberpunk and animated series their way back to success.
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