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  1. Yeah, finally first in-game screenshot. I know it's a photo mode but looks great. Waiting for more
  2. Finally good community crunch. I hope devs plan to make another Q&A based on community questions. If yes there should be a place to collect our questions. I made a topic for ASA questions here:
  3. Congratulations to Yi qi My top 4 of this voting was Ornimegalonyx Yi qi Maevia Eureka Chimerarachne Yingi so I like final result. I was sure that only this 4 creatures have chance to win and I was also sure that Maevia Eureka won't win in this voting system (lot of people were very hyped for a cute spider but also many didn't want spider to win so most of them probably put Maevia Eureka on last place to be sure it won't win). I expected Chimerarachne Yingi could win because it was a lot of hype but probably people didn't want another bug like creature. I'm a little sad that giant flightless owl wasn't higher because the concept and design is very cool. Now for The Center I would like to see more dinos in top 10 and I hope dino like creature will win on this map.
  4. I think it has to be EA because you pay for ASA (recreation od ARK on UE 5 with all DLCs) but at launch you will get only The Island map so most of ASA content (rest of the maps) will be added after launch.
  5. October is not that bad, some people expected even end of the year. Of course there is still not the exact date so it can be end of October but Wildcard gave us September 30th as a date of shutting down official servers of ARK so I expect they plan to launch ASA early October (becouse shutting down ARK servers one month before ASA launch will be a bad idea). Good news is cheaper price and a launch discount. Now I can patiently wait for ASA gameplay (probably end of September). It would be also cool to see recteation of first iconic ARK trailer but made in ASA. Just no more delays please
  6. We have an update coming to the ASA roadmap next week Hope no ASA delay but as I know Wildcard it will probably be September or even early October because devs were too optimistic about launch date as always.
  7. I like that finally we will have higher walls so no need to construct 2 stories high floors to avoid having head of your character inside ceeling if your character is tall.
  8. I still prefer ASA + ARK 2 (and 1 month of closed beta) without DLCs for 49,99 than ASA with DLCs for 59,99. In fact I'm interested in buying ASA + ARK 2 + new ASA DLC + Explorer’s Pass (I love Scorched Earth) but without Genesis Pass (I'm not a fan of Genesis 1 and 2). So maybe we should have more options? Right now for me is worse deal than the bundle (I pay more for less).
  9. Hope Jeremy is not a liar and he really wanted UE 5 upgrade to be free but Snail Games forced Wildcard to make it as paid DLC instead. Snail Games cares only about money so maybe they forced Wildcard to choose - ARK upgrade as paid DLC and paid expansions or NFT poop in ARK 2. If so, Wildcard just chose lesser evil. But it's still sad that Wildcard broke promise of ARK upgrade to be free for all ARK: Survival Evolved owners. They should make promises only if they are 100% sure that they can keep their word. It wasn't their first time.
  10. A bitter appeal for Wildcard devs Roadmap... It was so bad and I don't understand why few days ago Jeremy Stieglitz was so excited - we've got only bad news. I expected this roadmap to be dissapointing because I was expecting delays but it isn't dissapointing, it's just sad. Everyone expected ARK 2 moved to 2024 but rather early 2024 not end of 2024 (so probably early 2025 because we will have a few small delays just before ARK 2 launch for sure as always). In June 2025 we'll have 10th ARK: Survival Evolved launch anniversary so can you guys from Wildcard just promise us that you will give us ARK 2 not later than 10 years after ARK: Survival Evolved? Or maybe better not promise because my main problem in this roadmap are broken promises. First about ARK UE 5 update. Me and for sure many other ARK players would be ok with paid remaster (you can buy new version of ARK and support Wildard in making ARK 2). But there is one big problem - you announced ARK UE 5 update will be free for all ARK: Survival Evolved players and now you changed your mind (it looks like you were surprised not only how much time but also how much money do you need for making ARK 2 - it shouldn't be a surprise for experienced devs like you). That's first broken promise and many ARK players will call it was a lie. Also there is still a big group of players in official servers so if they want to play ARK: SE in the future like this they will be forced to buy ASA. I also don't like idea of paying for DLCs maps again. If you want us to pay for ARK remaster just give us one final price for everything. Now about ARK Animated Series. At start of 2023 you promised us that it's just around the corner and people are expecting this series very, very soon. Today you wrote just few words informing us that you still even don't know on what platform the series will launch, also no date when to expect this show. That's second broken promise. Will we see Animated Series in first half of 2023? That's why I'm sad now and why I can't trust you guys anymore. Just don't make promises if you are not sure you can keep it. Respect your community. You should know it but you still make the same mistakes again and again. There will be no ARK 2 gameplay trailer or screenshots this year. I just hope when you released info about ARK 2 in 2020 you've already making this game, it wasn't just a idea and now ARK 2 is very advanced in development right now but not ready to be shown yet. But you should be ready to show us how ARK: Survival Ascended looks on UE 5 and I think all of our community of ARK players would like to see some trailer soon. So don't promie us this trailer, just show it to us. So please Wildcard - no more promises, just show us new trailer of ARK on UE 5 and inform us when you know where and when we will be able to watch Animated Series. Restore our faith in you. You have to change a lot in communication with fans. Good luck.
  11. True but I don't expect a lot of people to buy the game, install it just to vote and refund game after this. So there will be much less votes made by people not playing ARK.
  12. The winner is ok for me (probably people just want very powerful creatures) but not my top 3 (it was nr 4 for me). I cant believe why people vote for Hatzegopteryx (just little different Quetzal) and Panthera Atrox (just a cave lion, for me Giant Cheetah was more cool) in top 3 so I'm happy that Sky Giga won out of the 3. Also I can't understand why Razana was eliminated first (it was cool idea and I saw many people was hyped for that), why Nothosaurus was so low in voting (I didn't expect it to win but expect to be higher) and why Gorgonopsid was so low (one of most hyped and very cool creature, many people wanted it to be added to ARK, for sure it deserved more votes than Panthera Atrox). Gorgonopsid and Nothosaurus were the most interesting for me. Before voting I was hoping devs will add more creatures (maybe top 3) not only the winner but now when we have votiong results I don't feel big hype for adding nr 2 and nr 3 to the game and I'm only waiting for winner - now sky in ARK will be more dangerous place for sure
  13. Do I need to sign up in voting page (rankedvote.co) for my vote to count? I already voted without registering so I'm not sure if my vote count or not.
  14. The same. I tried but I just can't play ARK in FPP on foot, game is much less immersive for me so please devs let us choose between 1st and 3rd person view like in ARK 1 and everyone will be happy.
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