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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/27/2019 in all areas

  1. Hoping upcoming QOL improvements including activating Tek Helmet by different button not "E" And damn manticore landing issue.now facing with it in 3 maps by adding valguero official clusters.
    5 points
  2. Raised my new icey wyvern. Also raised a lovely red and black fire wyv that I gifted to a chap who is solo on my map
    4 points
  3. Valguero, Official PvP, All by myself I got my base (a 3x3x2 cube) upgraded to all stone now and I shouldn't have to worry about beginner griefers and most dinos. As I was upgrading it, I found a level 4 survivor wandering outside. I welcomed him to the area and he suggested that we merge tribes. I invited him to my tribe and gave him my leftover gear (I have upgraded a few times), which he promptly used to kill me. I think I have not quite adjusted to the realities of a PvP server. If you see anyone that you do not know, kill them on sight. If you see bodies sleeping near your base, drag them into the water so they will drown when they awaken. The cost of freedom is eternal vigilance. My innocence has been burned out with the fires of betrayal. I respawned nearby, kicked him from the tribe, ran back to my base, and closed the door on my base while he was outside. I then ran off and hid in the bushes while he was calling "Sorry! I didn't mean it! Please come back!" Riiiight. I will give him one kill and loot from my own foolishness, but this means war. I built up resources over the next couple of game days and came back to find him gone from the area and my base was intact. Near dusk, I saw a dragon flying around with a survivor on its back. I cannot tell between the various types of dragons easily (especially in the shadows), but it did not zip around like a Managamr, I think it may have been a wyvern. It landed and the survivor yelled "Hello!" at my base a few times and then had the dragon breathe fire at it a few times (which did not seem to actually damage anything). I logged out and went to eat a snack. They were gone when I logged back on. I guess they had gotten bored since I did not come out to play and they could not force me by attacking my base. I decided that between griefers and dragons, I had better upgrade to a metal house. It can still be broken with C4, but that takes a bit of effort. I had experience with C4 users from my brief PvP time on The Island. I have plenty of metal, but no cementing paste. I am not about to kill 500 Ankys to make enough paste to build a metal house, so I went looking for Beaver dams. As I went from the main lake to a nearby lake, I saw a Dire Bear. I had tranq gear, but I had heard that Dire Bears can be nasty customers. I thought it might also take a while and I only had a couple of hours to spare, so I left it alone and went a different direction to look for dams. I looked up Dire Bears later and it seems that they are comparable to Rexes. I will need to have a good plan before I try to tame one by myself. Also, I will need to build a metal dino pen in which to keep it so that griefers do not kill it for sport while I am AFK. I decided to hop on my raft (basic with no sail) and cruise around the edges of the lake to look for beaver dams. There were lots of good drops and I spent the rest of the day sailing from one to another picking up loot from the drops (yellows, purples, blues). The best thing that I got was a shotgun (wish it were a blueprint), I think craftsman (mastercraft maybe?) class. I will need to start making gunpowder now and take the engram for shotgun ammo. I am missing having tamed dinos and a flyer would make it so that i can cover more area than with a raft. I am going to build a dino pen on top of my house with a hatchframe entrance on top. Then I can tame a Pteranodon or two and keep them safe. I had tamed one a few days ago, but lost him during the aforementioned griefer episode when I died. I had left the Ptera sitting on top of my base on passive so that it did not get lured off the top. That still left it plenty vulnerable to arrows or other flyers.
    3 points
  4. PS4 - unofficial cluster Spent more time on Scorched last night, but not a single heat wave during my time there. I did come across a few claimable dinos out in the middle of nowhere, so now I have a couple wyverns and a morrellotops on the map. I found and tamed two event colored blue dinos. A beautiful Thyla and a cool wolf for my buddy who loves wolves. Transferred over to Valguerro, and my buddy has gone on a Tapejara and Giga run! He has at least 40 Taps of all colors. He also had about 12 gigas of various ages out in the yard. I stopped by to give him the wolf I had tamed on Scorched. He then gave me a completely neon green Tapa!!! The Neon green is my favorite ARK dino color, so I was super stoked. I threw out a few of the Owls that I had transferred over from the Center, as I am trying to breed an all black Owl. My buddy and I then transferred over to Extinction. I gave him another wolf I had tamed in the snow biome over the weekend that had the cyan feet he was looking for. I then stopped by his base, and discovered that he had the mint green stripe that I was missing to complete my all Mint owl. I quickly bred it to my mint female, but the stripe did not come thru. He had to leave then, so tonight, I am going to see if he will bring that male to my base, and I will breed with all my breeders, in order to get that stripe added into my own stock. I then headed out and did 2 element veins, coming home 1/2 hour later with nearly 9k in element, plus shards and dust. I then transferred back to Valguerro, and organized the owls I had thrown out earlier in the night. I still need to build a breeding barn on this map, but just not feeling the energy to farm up the materials and build it currently. I should do it soon however, so I can get to breeding on this map as well. (The tame limit on Valguerro map is 350, but only 150 on the other maps on this cluster.)
    3 points
  5. So been bitten by the Ark bug again, although I've been playing on my own private servers I've been feeling the urge to get back into official on my own. I choose an empty Aberration server, with the aim of just keeping my self to my self and get to a decent level. The server is empty most of the time apart front the odd straggler probably jumped over to unlock engrams. I start with building a crab trap on fertile river I end up building my base around this, I didn't expect such a base this big but its makes a change from trying to squeeze everything into a tiny 4x4. After approx. two weeks I have finalized all my species x and auto turrets around my perimeter, I have an army or Revengers, Raptors for eggs, dodo's a single spino and a few other dinos for chores (Doed/Ank) and of course my trusty crab. I've got too comfy being on my own down here I don't even check to see who's online, however last night I checked and the server was over half full, the panic sets in haha, I imagine them all preparing to raid me, then I hear a couple of my species X shoot off followed by a couple of messages in global Luckily for me they all seem really friendly and have come over to give me an fertilized Managarmr Egg, Maybe its just a little gift before the decapitate me, time will tell
    3 points
  6. SP Valguero (Foreword: The foundation in the cave is finished, and walls have sprung up out of the simple necessity to support the many AA::OCD Vaults needed to contain all the Phat Lewtz! Lights buzz and perhaps flicker from time to time in the base, especially when Goner is charging his Hagenuk MT-2000. But lately, thoughts have turned to assembling a cadre of Deinos...) We've got this down to a "T," or is it down to a "Tee?" "Hey, HLN-A, is the common expression down to a 'T' or down to a 'Tee?'" "Seriously?" she inquires. "Hmm, so I'm not going to be able to order groceries through you either?" "Funny. Have you ever thought about hugging a Kentrosaurus? I've heard they bring good luck." "Heh, not really," I concede. But we really do have this down to a T. And by this, I mean stealing Deino eggs. I've spotted another Deino nest in the White Cliffs area, which is of course surrounded by a bunch of the murder chickens. Knowing the routine, Triton maintains an altitude of angels two and flaps about a hundred meters away. At this point, it's all up to Appy. Oh, by the way, Appy is a new addition to the crew. She's a peach and charcoal colored jerboa with no fear, wearing a set of aviator goggles, a parachute, and carrying a small accordion. When we reach the jump-off point, she gives me a little salute and launches herself from my shoulder. A second later, her canopy opens, and Triton spirals downward back toward the nest. As Appy passes through the thousand foot mark, she starts playing the, "Beer Barrel Polka," on her accordion. It takes a second or two, but the Deinos soon notice and charge toward her descending form, necks craned upward. And as they're all hopping around below her, expecting a snack, Triton and I land, grab the egg, and launch skyward again. I look down as the Deinos charge angrily back, but they're too late. After that, Triton wings his way toward Appy, deftly catching her parachute in his talons (Sometimes closer to the ground than others), and heads toward safety. Aside from all the low level eggs we've recovered (Stolen) which will be used for kibble, we managed to nab two 150's and one 140. The two 150s have been hatched (Male and Female) and are maturing now. Unfortunately, I didn't bump the maturation level up high enough after the snow owl debacle a while back, so they should be fully grown in three or four years. Sigh.... (Edit by HLN-A: #ServesYouRight)
    3 points
  7. Today I hopped on Valguero to do a little metal mining before 2x was over, within 5 minutes of being there i noticed it was getting extreme lag, but i headed out anyhow and went farming, I saw a nice spot of metal that hadn't been farmed yet and went to land, as i did two Chalk golems popped up out of the ground and I quickly flew back up into the sky found a safe rock and dropped my anky off on it, then headed back and led the two chalk golems off the cliff, returning afterwards to get the metal. It turned out to be a nice little hall of 2.5k ingots worth and i headed home. I thought i hadn't seen one of my friends on the server for awhile so i decided to fly to their house and see if they had been on, over 5 allo, a lake and up a cliff, i arrived at their house, 6 days decay left, yep they hadn't been on recently, hope they come back soon, went to fly back to my house and had almost got back and.... the server crashed. When the server finally came back on, i found myself almost dead on the ground, thank god i did a mindwipe and reset my skills from crafting else I would of been dead for sure, I whistled my bird to me and flew back home. looked like we got a 10 minute rollback, so i checked the metal, was still in the forge, and set it to smelting, then headed upstairs and started making a ton of gunpowered, watching the server stutter and stall off and on I decided sense 2x was over i'd head back to the island and hatch some rex eggs. I got on the island and within the first 5 minutes that i was there, DC'ed... I restarted ark as every time i get DC'ed i can't connect to a server unless i do, looked for the server and it was missing... hrm... did it crash? a few moments later it popped back up, 700 ping, 400 ping, 100 ping, ah there we go, checked it a few more times and the ping was fine, I noted that hardly anyone was on it as well, once i got back on, I found everyone got disconnected from it. well... off to what i set to do... hatch rex eggs. I pulled out my 9 eggs and tossed them down in the hatchery room, and sat around for a hour waiting for them to hatch while talking to my tribemate on valguero who was doing the same with wyvern. as the egg was about to hatch, DC'ed... doh... i felt i was going to end up with a dead baby... When i got back on the server, i looked at the egg and it had 2 minutes left... hrm.. rollback? well i was happy the eggs were safe. I picked up 8 of the 9 eggs and quickly stuck them in the fridge, i'll hatch them another day. and as i got back into the hatchery the baby hatched, a nice light grey rex with a green back and dark spine. I claimed it then shoved some meat into its inventory and looked at the stats. 23k health and 1007.8 melee! yes! i was so happy, fed him for a little bit and noticed server was getting choppy so i cryo'ed him and stuck him in the fridge. I stuck around for awhile and just to make sure the server saved a couple times before I headed out. I got a plee of help when I was about to head out from another friend on a ragnarok server, he'd lost his gear and was afraid he was gonna lose his rex too as he had just joined that server, luckly it was one I had a base on, so i grabbed my tapa and headed to obelisk, 9 minutes before i could transfer. hrm... i let him know... then headed to my vault and grabbed some of my backup gear for him, along with a gps and a canteen. once i got on the server another friend from valguero was helping them, and he got his rex back, we met up on the beach down below the castle , and i gave him his new gear along with 2 cryo pods. we all hung around for abit, laughed, and ventured a little then headed back to our bases even though the server was getting some heavy lag spikes, even killed a high level alpha carno. I refreshed my spino trap while i was there and opened the doors so my friends could use it while they were on the server, sense the doors don't actually have to be closed to keep the spino in. then headed back to Valguero. Once back on valguero I went home and started making bullets, finally getting out of the darkages, though i know i'll still use my trusty crossbow and pike, as they have saved me many of times. I was going to craft a nice shotgun blueprint i found but was short on supplies, so i headed out to get some cp so i could make more polymer, at first all went fine, took the materials hopped on bird, killed the beavers, leaving the dams destroyed. but then came that last dam.... as soon as i opened it I was hit by a beaver and it bounced me 1/2 way into the lake, trying to dodge beavers and swim back to shore, samon decided to join in and attack me as well... omg.... my armor started breaking... as i got to the shore, one final hit and i was dead. In fear for my bird, i hopped on the wyvern and quickly flew to the lake across the bay, and i managed to retrieve all my stuff, bird safely sitting on the ground and not one beaver to be found, as quickly as they appeared they all seemed to of vanished as well. well sorry wyvern, no beaver snacks for you! once back home I started making poly and... arg, only 1/2 of what i needed in obsidian... well... we'll leave that for another day. I don't know if wildcard owns the server cluster of if they are leasing it from someone, but the servers seem to need some serious maintenance, talking with the people i play with on 4 of 5 of the servers, they are all experiencing DC's and server crashes. Somethings not right somewhere, hopefully they will straiten it out soon, hopefully before the Genesis launch.
    3 points
  8. What is being done about those effected by cryofridge glitch? Tek boss teleporter, with the way the obilisks are nowadays it's so hard to get dinos on to the ring. Make it cost a lot and have a 24hr cool down or something like that. Maybe underwater tek powered domes, kinda like city protection shields on ext
    2 points
  9. Neither has an effect on Titans in singleplayer. I've checked. I have a good old titanosaur that I tamed with Immersive Taming, and that one can be fed. It won't eat by itself, but it has thousands of food and I can just top it off when I'm in the area. That doesn't work with Extinction Titans. There was a patch that forced them to starve (to make sure they eventually died on PVP servers, I think) and it broke singleplayer. They never fixed it, or (to my knowledge) even defined if them being impossible to keep as permanent tames in singleplayer was even an intentional change. And since the Forest Titan I've been testing it with has a much lower food stat and loses a point of hunger every few minutes, the only reason it's still alive is that I don't have time to play that often. Building structures on it would be completely pointless though. Adjusting how much creatures eat seems to break all kinds of other things, especially with taming and raising babies. The default food values seem to be hardcoded, and the instant an animal loads it applies the default hunger decay. *then* it checks to see how the modified values affect it. Or that's how it felt. Maybe they changed that, I don't know. In any case, the result was that if you had modified hunger/food values, there was a chance that tames would instantly starve to death before the game realized that "Oh, right. They aren't really *that* hungry yet." Especially with babies if you went out of render range for more than a few minutes. Short version: "Allow Raid Feeding" works on Titanosaurs, has no effect on Titans. Titans cannot be force fed even with it enabled. A nice Quality of Life change would be to make it work on both types of creature in singleplayer, and allow Titans to eat normally if it is enabled.
    1 point
  10. there are several player boats sitting under 50/50 now, so if any fall from the sky people have a chance to reclaim them on our valguero server. no ones done anything down inside the ab cave yet at 50/50 though.
    1 point
  11. I like that! Hire this guy or girl lol.
    1 point
  12. Build a big cage under that spot so they fall into the cage and are safe? I think it's possible on Valguero, whereas it's very difficult on Ab, 50/50 is red zone.
    1 point
  13. QOL update suggestions the blasted reload glitch... The 50% chance of fat fingers upon Ascension ... The derpiness of lightning wyvern babies... The amount of engram points on single player Most importantly not a quality of life, but a meaning of life for the vast majority of dinos. Unfortunately most of the dinos have no purpose for taming. In fact a large portion of the creatures is only a source of food for the more useful ones.
    1 point
  14. Rework the Quetz - Give it improved abilities, maybe a second attack like the wyvern wing attack and reskin it Fix landing lag - whenever I try to land my flying tames mainly wyverns and they commonly fly around even when there's a clear and ready space to do so Reskin Wyverns - they look great now but increase the diversity of wyverns Update recipe system - give it a better interface and make it easier to understand Update all dinosaur that haven't been TLCd
    1 point
  15. well if its that time for QUALITY OF LIFE IMPROVEMENTS . I would assume fixes would come under this . tek bridges broken still for 2nd time on officials at least . the centre map redwood biome is still metallic and looks poo since extinction lol . cryo fridges bug which few know about but as a game changer is defo a game breaker . we lost 250 dino to this but still play . geez , how loyal we are lol. now is the time to just fix your damn game . allas were just too used to it being broken and just getting on with it . totally understand why you don't invest in time which is money to fix what you believe isn't worthy but for god sakes if something worked fine once and looked good once but a simple non qc tested update or patch broke something and you got told about it . then why havnt you just at least fixed that yet lol
    1 point
  16. went on ark searched for empty servers to start my new tribe on got in-prisoned 3 times and still haven't found a empty server
    1 point
  17. does that say pubic? instead of public tf
    1 point
  18. Looking forward to the upcoming Quality of life changes! Any chance we could have a method to speed up neutering/spaying someday? Perhaps by holding scissors in your hand or something.
    1 point
  19. A productful day on Ark. Started off pottering around base before hoping across to Extinction to hit up a few Element Veins for dust to transfer across to Valguero to craft up element, wanted to craft up a Tek Replicator. After a brief panic search for my prized gigas (turns out they were on Ragnarok) I grabed a cryoed giga and went out in search for an vein on my managarmr. I ended up taking on two 10k element veins, an absolute breeze on my giga. It was just a bit of a drag, each wave took forever. The corrupted creatures had a habit of getting lost. But I completed them both and got the element. A quick conversion of the element into dust at the city terminals before transferring most of the dust to Valguero. Returned to Valguero and grabed a basilo and went hunting for black pearls in the deep under water cave. Success, came out with more than enough. Gathered all the resources for a replicator into a ravager, just in time for a beacon to come down near by our base. Got to the beacon and crafted up the replicator. Went back to base and installed the replicator. We have now official hit Tek Tier., I cant wait to start crafting up tek gennys and teleporters.
    1 point
  20. EU-PVP-Official-[REDACTED] It's been a quiet week on the mountain. Raiders tried their luck a couple of times, but losses were minimal. I'm satisfied that my base designs are at least up to the job of fending off the dumb ones, so now all I have to worry about are the smart, well-prepared, technologically superior attackers. Hmm. Currently working on a second backup base in the snow biome. The snow is my white whale, and by thunder it will be tamed like a whale. Celebration mid-week when Kimiko the Sabertooth reached her 24-hour anniversary, becoming the longest serving dino in the squad! The old girl eventually bought the farm at 26/27 hours, and will be remembered as a shining inspiration by future generations of cannon fodder.
    1 point
  21. went to work, did my job, started playing ark went with character to abe to get some recipies....got lost...died...died again....kept dying....asked a frenchy from my island server to come pick me up on that abe server. died while waiting spawned in "safe" zone, portal....came across basilisk...guess what, died again found a survivor....offline....drowned him...felt better friend came, took me to a crate, ported back to island decided that if i started collectiong recipies i should get em all, on my crafter character....so i went to extinction...nobody there....maybe they went extinct went to red obe...found out there is nothing under red obe found a portal thingy to move back, waited 15 mins, moved back made some taxidermy thingies back on island, small ones, placed some dinos..... decided i need more weight on my crafting character to be able to make taxidermy decided to eat a mindwipe tonic .....realized after eating that i forgot something veeeeeerrrrry important....like...all engrams.... cursed, logged out and went home
    1 point
  22. Started a new character on Valguero after being away for 3+ years. Made a little thatch cottage in an area by the water, seemingly easy going with a few herbivores wandering around. Using the Immersive Taming mod, tamed a level 135 Ankylosaurus that became 200 something. Named him Spike and set him to wander as I think they can gather that way, and I was no where near the saddle yet. A level 80 T Rex came out of NOWHERE and ate my best friend and bashed my cottage in right before I logged off. I died then led the Rex away, salvaging most of my progress except for Spike. He didn't seem that he attacked the Rex as much as he should have - I was thinking with the level difference he probably should have won. So next time going to start again... probably just try to tame a Pteranodon when the Rex isn't looking, and fly to a better place to build a wooden house.
    1 point
  23. Recovered from last nights antic. Crafted up a new set of equipment and bred up a new otter, Buizel II. Hatched up some more high level Deinonychus in an attempt to find higher stats, the 150 egg hatched up with our new higest hp stat. Need to work that into our current bloodline. Did a bit of exploring and some more hunting for stone bps, I think I have the main bps now. Finished up the night in a bit of a pickle. Off exploring the white cliffs for some more deino eggs with my thyla, I ended up becoming trapped in the big fortress creavas with the lake in the middle. The walls were at an incline and the tunnel exit was to small for thylas. I had send out an SOS and get an alliance member to give me a lift out with a wyvern. How embarrassing lol.
    1 point
  24. Long time reader, first time poster. I have been experiencing the wonders and frustrations of PvP for a month or two now. I don't mind getting my house wiped from time to time and I am determined to overcome and prove myself better than griefers. In any case, on to my current story: I few weeks ago, I contracted swamp fever from a griefer that passed it to me before he killed my sleeping body in the remains of my metal house that he (or maybe she) had cracked with C4. At first I panicked, "Oh, no! Swamp Fever! I'm gonna die!". Then reality set in, "Wait. I die almost every day. No big deal." Unfortunately, dying does not cure swamp fever. I debated making a swamp expedition to get leech blood so that I could make the cure, but I really do not have the level of dino tech at the moment to survive long enough in the swamp. I had contracted swamp fever before and cured it by travelling to another world (also on The Island) and back again. It was a stressful trip since I did not know how to take any items with me and I had to build up enough to survive the trip in the other world. The method that I used was to build a raft and sail to the red obelisk, which was not too bad on The Island. This time, I had a "better" idea. Not only would I travel to another world to cure my swamp fever, I would also pick up some engrams that I could not get on The Island by travelling to Valguero and back. I was specifically looking for the cliff platform although I had not yet discovered that it takes fungal wood that I cannot get back on The Island. I had done absolutely no research on Valguero other than watching a couple of YouTube videos of the Dienonychus ripping up a few survivors. A journey of discovery awaited me! I chose the islands in the center of the lake on Valguero which I found out later were in fact the safest place to start. After a few close encounters with sharks and jellyfish, I managed to find a shallow area that reached about halfway to the main shore from the islands and I reached the shore. The big rocks formed in the distinctive Ark "A" called to me and I wandered in that direction. The green obelisk seemed closer to me, so I went through the "A" arch to the next lake. Cave Bears seemed a bit extreme to me so I built a raft fo rsafer voyaging. Fortunately, redwoods let you stand in one spot and get enough wood to build a raft. Back on The Island, I usually built a storage chest to hold everything since I did not boost my weight capacity too much. I followed the lake back into the White Cliffs area. The green obelisk was just to the left, but at the top of unscaleable cliffs. So close and yet so far. I continued sailing until I saw a path to the top of the cliffs, but there was an alpha Rex guarding it. Grrrr. I cailed to the end of the White Cliffs lake and decided to set up a house there long enough to build some good armor and weapons to hike around the cliffs and back to the green obelisk. It looks all tranquil and idyllic near the White Cliffs with the sheep and rodents and other grazers, but every once in a while a Raptor, a Sabretooth, or a pack of Hyenas rip through and tear up everything including any survivors foolish enough to stand around unprotected. The trees on the plains under the cliffs hold hardly any wood ot thatch in them. I went for long excursions to find and bring back wood, returning unmolested about half the time. I respawned in the general area and eventually could find my way around without a map since I died so many times. After about 4 game days, I had built two stone foundations, one stone wall, and a bed. Any storage cabinets got ripped up by the pack of level 90 hyenas that made my body their personal chew toy. I eventually killed one of them and gave up on the little house on the prairie idea. My next spawn, I started as near as I could get to the green obelisk and just ran naked the whole way to it dodging obstacles and predators. As I came up to the obelisk, I could see that someone had walled it off between some cliffs and put a Rex and a Raptor in the pen to guard the obelisk. Sigh. Deciding that I had nothing more to lose, I jumped in. I managed to get the Rex trapped behind a storage box that someone had left in the pen and the Raptor was off on the other side of the pen not noticing me yet. I had a chance! I accessed the obelisk's menu and started searching for my Island home world. I was enjoying the lack of swamp fever, but given the effort required I would almost have wanted to just live with it. No other worlds appeared on the list. What?!?! Is there some restriction to clustering or something? I had picked a Valguero server that was still "Ofiicial" but not too crowded. I had assumed that if it let me travel from The Island to Valguero that it would let me travel back. I was still trying to figure out what i was doing wrong when the Raptor noticed me and everything went dark as usual. I did not decide where to respawn although I did still have a bed in the little house (two foundations and a wall) on the prarie. I gave up for the night and I will do some research on travelling between workds. It does not seem as cut and dried as I had first imagined.
    1 point
  25. Here’s a quality of life improvement FIX NINTENDO SWITCH ARK
    0 points
  26. 0 points
  27. Please add the s+ nests that collect and incubate eggs for you!
    0 points
  28. ¿Has estado pensando en reiniciar los servidores 0, para que todos comiencen desde cero? ya que hay varias personas que lo han estado pidiendo
    0 points
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