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caleb68 last won the day on November 2 2020

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  1. Honestly, I don't get it. Cop killed a guy. Cop is in jail facing murder chargers. People riot because cop killed guy. but.... every day in the US people are killed by cops, thieves, thugs, gangs... and they don't give two cents then... The guy getting killed isn't the reason for the riots, its just a excuse for people to behave badly, destroy other peoples property, and be criminals themselves. So whats the point? is there one really? fighting bad behavior with bad behavior? has it ever worked in the past? no, will it ever work? no.
  2. so um... wheres the event? when is it actually going to start? obviously not the time the wiki said. that was 37 min ago. nm... just say gp's post.... so another late patch then before event... hope its not like last year and crashes all the servers.
  3. Epic FAIL on wildcards part - Not enough Servers for the Number of people who purchased Genesis
  4. 8:51 PST - Ark Update available - 25.6gb download it says on one machine, 24.33gb on the other machine. it always amazes me how the update sizes are the same with just about every game... except ark.
  5. *looks at clock* wildcard has some strange idea what PST is lol....
  6. your joking right? its a platform with wire mesh on the sides holding in barrels. its not that hard to see. The pictures are done in a 'tek' look but that doesn't mean the items themselves are.
  7. I don't get it... seems most just read ' will be enabled Tuesday' then went ballistic about it before continuing to read 'the 21st' which is, totally, 1 week from today. So … all you going 'gah I have less then 24hrs! wc you suck' need to go back, re-read the article, and then apologize for your comment. Thank you Wildcard for restoring my character and imprints, I'm glad that I was able to finish off the work that I had started with baby dino's and only losing one in the process. i'm going to make sure to let my friends know as well, many don't read the website and rely on word of mouth for upcoming things like this.
  8. Structure & Dino Decay is shut off currently while the address the problems that 112 caused for many players, losing their character and being unable to complete their baby's, feed their dinos, and maintain their bases. They stated that the decay was going to be off for 1 month, with a weeks warning to when it will be turned back on. So until then, expect rendering lag to grow, and last for up to 15 days after while you wait for the abandoned bases to decay (even longer for the tech items).
  9. Game suggestion - Fix the server stalls happening on the Official Servers. Its really hard to play when you have server stalls happening every 5 minutes that last up to 1 minute. Not to mention all the rubber banding introduced with the Easter Patch.
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