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Wipe Official Servers



After almost 2 years of constant breeding, every larger group now has incredibly mutated dinos that are nowhere close to what the game was originally balanced around. This means that dinos like Rhinos or Therizinosaurs deal much more damage and are much harder to kill than they were 1.5 years ago when the game released. Politically, the game is currently very stale, with alliances constant, no big conflicts and many people leaving the main cluster for others clusters or other games for a fresher and more exciting experience. A wipe would easily reset breeding back to its original state and bring these dinos back down to what they were originally, and bring back many players that have left over the last year.


edit: im talking (mostly) about the Official PvP network, non-legacy, main cluster)

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I have a solution I made my own topic recently so I will post the solution here.


wild card can make new sets of servers and out it under the category of new ark or something like how primitive plus is in it down category so in the new serves you can’t transfer dinos or characters from the old ones or stuff it’s like ark just started from scratch and before anyone says that I also want a wipe because I am new or something I played ark since day 1 I love the game and currently allied with strong alias across many servers so I’m fine with the game just don’t think it’s fair for others so a wipe would be great but again that years of breeding all gone would not be nice so they should make new sets of servers and that would make the Megas happy for not wiping and the new ppl happy for adding servers. Or they can make new servers where no one can transfer anything in except their characters for like 3 months but ppl can transfer stuff out. That’s what it think I would like to see your opinion 

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6 minutes ago, Fukushu said:

@namelessit will but you want a fresh start with everyone on the same terms? Why do you want such a thing on PVE, why do you care about that? 

I guess I need to clarify my attitude and the purpose of this suggestion here:


    1, I don't want any form of wipe, permanently for any reason

    2, I believe at some point of time, for some reason, the current main pve cluster will be wiped, or a new cluster will form to replace it (effectively labeling the old one for future destruction)

    3, If a wipe have to happen, then I prefer a partial one to a full one


    To suggest a partial wipe that remove most influence of exploits, and to take away any reason for new cluster or full wipe

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3 hours ago, Krazeehhh said:

I have 6.5k hours on official pvp, does that make me new?  I would love a wipe.

Im in one of the biggest tribes on PC PvP

i play official pvp for a year now and soon you may come across a dino i made. it sadly leaked and these stats will soon be the standard for all tribes except for a few big ones. these stats where a lot of work to but a lot of smaller tribes will benefit from it with the bossfights greatly. making the little tribes stronger.

you must also know that big tribes will rise from the ashes super fast. a wipe means nothing for pvp. our tribe restarted from scratch 2 times. devwiped just because of 1 player each time. only took a couple of days to get an abb base running with 25 indus forges.

yss accepts everybody though.

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Wipe PVP servers or atleast Remove clusters

Arks losing tons of players on xbox due to all the duping, your capped turret towers can be drained in like a hour by someone throwing duped clusters at them. Tribes have unlimited endgame items that they use to wipe legit tribes. No one even uses dinos for pvp anymore they just fly around with duped tek suits clustering or suiciding duped meks into your base untill your wiped. When are wildcard going to do something about it?

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I have been playing this game for like 4 years I think. On steam and on Xbox and I would not want a solid wipe. Now I have no problem with wiping and resetting servers that have a below 20-30 person average.  Or even doing an a half once a year wipe and reset on some servers.

To me wiping and or changing low pop servers to the more popular or new maps is a wise and smart choice. But to take a game like this where long term breeding and building can take FOREVER to just have developers say F you we don’t care about your dedication to our game is just stupid. 


And i play official pvp mostly. But I also play on a privet netrado server with friend I have made in this game.

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On 5/1/2019 at 11:01 AM, Quilleute said:

The only ones , that want a wipe its the damn kids that always are winning about something , instead of playing the game. I play the game for 3 years and dont have any problem with my evolution and i still have much to work for

. Just because , you are too lazy to work for your stuff and want everything for yesterday , i dont have to be punished by all that posture of yours.

My server is constantly with 20+ people on, and everyday new players start on my server, 1 out of 10 succed and keep playing, cause all the others only know beg and ask for stuff, and we dont support that kind of attitude .

Sir not only is yoor post extremely ignorant but it is also objectively wrong. I’m very plugged into the PvP scene and I can accurately say 90% of the PvP community wants some sort of wipe or new official server cluster. The current official servers are ravaged by duped loot and tames. Peoples bases get mek ran every day by duped meks. There are players with 1000s of tames duped to their character. 

Now I will say the game needs to be fixed before they wipe anything or it’s pointless (Duping/Meshing) 


However, if wanting a fresh reset where official servers will be fresh and, more importantly,  clear of duped loot/tames makes me a “damn kid” then call me a goofy goober and lets play some hopscotch 

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162 upvotes? Looks to me like a wipe is not popular at all. If the alpha tribes and all the other people really wanted a wipe this should have at the very least 3000 upvotes. You see the amount of people participating on official servers and the number of upvotes these posts get and it is far 2 low. 

Also when i see people talking about original balance you have to remember the game released in early access. Their original balance was based off not having breeding in the game at all and since it is a main feature everyone plays for getting people to vote for a wipe so long as they have pixels they want to protect chances are they will down vote instead of up vote.

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You know when you want to play on pve servers everywhere you have pillars without bases and you cant do anything to start play there with friends? So we start play on beginners servers where max lvl is 44 on start beginner server was full . So we need fresh Pve or wipe some server or go play another game.(i choose option 2 on this moment i have all dlcs).

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@namelessthe game will also be not supported anymore at some point.

Wildcard will not be able to stop duping as long as you can transfer, upload or download. You even randomly dupe items intentionally when you upload or download them or dupe your character. This has always been an issue but you still haven't answered my question: Why do you want that partial wipe? To prevent wildcard from fully wiping in the future? That's a really, really bad reason (or excuse for your real reason) to wipe NOW and not in some years/never.

Look at the PS4 or XBOX   PVP servers, they were and still are heavily dupe invested. Some tribes have hundreds of the same MEK and they still didn't wipe, why would they wipe PVE with the few dupers, why do you think it will happen? Do you know why legacy became legacy?

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22 hours ago, ChoppinBlades said:

So for noobs and lazy people this might be cool... but for someone who has been playing since day 1.... you gmfu! It didnt stay up all those hours to get new stats and mutations for it to be all taken away. The countless hours i put into base designs over all the different maps. You wipe official and most of the ark player base will be leaving the game. It would be suicide for wildcard, most players would expect that from future games from wildcard so wouldnt waste time.  

Most people would come back with a wipe everyone likes early game late game ark gets so fkn boring

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I don't know if this can be a good idea or no... for veteran players, all their content erased and start all over, for some players, thousands hours spent into the game. I know this is very frustrating for all new players to find a place to build on a PVE server, or be clean by an alpha tribe on a PVP server. In some points, this game is like a rpg, spending lot of hours to evolve, find better stuff, find better dinos, better saddles, theory crafting, optimization... i would not like to start over again the same thing i already did in the past for like one thousand hour just because a unjustified general wipe. After a month this would be the same problem as before, people will build everywhere, with not a single place to build our base, and alpha tribe on pvp server will be there to clean everything again. The game is like that, a wipe will change nothing, maybe one solution is some readjustments on many points in the game

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