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Wipe Official Servers



After almost 2 years of constant breeding, every larger group now has incredibly mutated dinos that are nowhere close to what the game was originally balanced around. This means that dinos like Rhinos or Therizinosaurs deal much more damage and are much harder to kill than they were 1.5 years ago when the game released. Politically, the game is currently very stale, with alliances constant, no big conflicts and many people leaving the main cluster for others clusters or other games for a fresher and more exciting experience. A wipe would easily reset breeding back to its original state and bring these dinos back down to what they were originally, and bring back many players that have left over the last year.


edit: im talking (mostly) about the Official PvP network, non-legacy, main cluster)

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15 hours ago, LaughAssassin said:

On official and smal tribes even, this is a better solution to the problem. 

You can have defences ready against these dinos,  and then all you have to do is tame a golem which is very easy now and steal cryo lines and bam you have usable dinos. 


16 hours ago, LightningCloud957 said:

I already hear so much about "wiping the servers completely" that I already know it benefits no one. Wipe the servers and within months,  people are back to endgame. The thing is there is no way of rebuilding because once you are out its even harder to the point its brutal. People quit as a result of being wiped and the game holds out until dlc or a new game mode. This is why I believe we should take a different route and create these "rebuild servers" for all existing servers. They are pve clusters that only characters can transfer in but materials and loot can be transferred out(similar to the release of scorhed earth, abberation and extinction).  These servers are made for players to regain dinos and a base and move back into pvp with a higher survival chance. However if implementing these types of servers it must do the following:

1. Seasonal wipes every two weeks if not every month 

2. No drops aside from white beacons should exist to prevent players from getting op gear and then just raiding

3. Rebuild servers are limited to just the center map, prevents people from using dlc creatures 

4. Rebuild servers are exclusive and follow the cluster but change to be pve. E.g. official pvp - official rebuild pvp, official small tribes- official small tribes rebuild pvp (both have the same ruleset as there servers but are a pve version that wipe after 30 days)

5. Obekisks become unbuildable zones preventing people from being unable to leave the servers once they join


This solution is better but the only reason that all official pvp servers (well I guess aside from classic) is because of the mesh, there are many bases in the mesh and I'm sure you all agree everyone should lose everything including characters to return to the state prior to meshing. Saying that they should implement mesh fixes for common methods before doing this. 

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On 4/24/2019 at 11:47 PM, Weiss said:

I don't care if pvp servers are wiped, but I don't want my pve servers wiped.

This is exactly how I feel. 

Different playstyle and mindset on PVP vs. PVE

I came from playing Rust and the wipes were necessary as a pvp-centric game. We were happy to have them. You either get too strong, the server dies off as people get raided, or you have been emptied out. There are servers with weekly and monthly wipes, some modded servers are even longer. In any case, the wipes are an integral part of that game, keep things fresh and interesting. It allows you to play from primitive to endgame in whatever way you see fit over and over. 

PVE Is a whole different ballgame. It is typically more casual. Play at your own pace, learn the game, not forced to pull full day sessions to keep up. In my case, we wanted to learn the game playing PVE, we hopped to 5 or 6 different servers until we found one that was suited to our skill level. It took us days to understand the mechanics and play half-decent. a month before we had passable tames and were being more efficient. 

In our case, playing PVP would not have allowed us the time to grow. Not wiping after months of playing gave us a chance to learn most things so when server transfers opened we were confident in exploring other maps knowing we had a home to go back to. 

The people who feel like they wanted a different playstyle went to PVP

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Myself and my tribe did not use exploits. I don't think we should be punished because of some who did.

I want to jump to Genesis, grind out our base, tame the new dino's, start breeding them while maintaining all we grinded for on the other maps. 

The owl glitch did not affect me. I don't care who used it. 

The item/blueprint dupes may have affected me with server performance. Nothing can be done now.

Most of the bp's we got we got ourselves so little chance that affects me either.


Release the map, continue working on bug fixes after to prevent future exploits.

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On 5/1/2019 at 11:01 AM, Quilleute said:

The only ones , that want a wipe its the damn kids that always are winning about something , instead of playing the game. I play the game for 3 years and dont have any problem with my evolution and i still have much to work for

. Just because , you are too lazy to work for your stuff and want everything for yesterday , i dont have to be punished by all that posture of yours.

My server is constantly with 20+ people on, and everyday new players start on my server, 1 out of 10 succed and keep playing, cause all the others only know beg and ask for stuff, and we dont support that kind of attitude .

Yeah, those "damn kids winning"

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Just now, yekrucifixion187 said:


Myself and my tribe did not use exploits. I don't think we should be punished because of some who did.

I want to jump to Genesis, grind out our base, tame the new dino's, start breeding them while maintaining all we grinded for on the other maps. 

The owl glitch did not affect me. I don't care who used it. 

The item/blueprint dupes may have affected me with server performance. Nothing can be done now.

Most of the bp's we got we got ourselves so little chance that affects me either.


Release the map, continue working on bug fixes after to prevent future exploits.


To be honest, that is what I wished for too.

But I am some how worried that all the screams that shout "wipe" will finally cause an effect, which could either be a full server wipe or a new isolated official cluster.

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On 9/25/2019 at 12:18 PM, ForzaProiettile said:

I'd support a wipe. It would make things interesting and fresh. 

What would make things even more interesting is if they changed official servers back into hardcore mode. If dinos don't get to respawn, players should not have that opportunity either. This would be DND Features at its finest. 

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Genesis wipe

Being that this is a new season and the fact that there are super mutated Dino’s. Genesis needs a new start. The game has become stale. Mega tribes with no real skill of the game protect even worse tribes just for their numbers. A wipe would encourage these beginner players to really learn the game ultimately making the pvp on the game even more epic than it has ever been. 

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1 hour ago, covenantgrunt said:

Yeah Arkpocalypse is pretty cool. But here is thing about officials, currently the only people left on official servers are megatribes, a handful of survivors of past 1.5+ year of warfare, paranoid veterans living in unraidable caves. The rich political dynamics that used to exist when there were lot of tribes different sizes and multiple tribes used to share a server is long gone.

PvP between megatribes has become very stale due to cave meta. There is no real raids anymore just griefing easily replaced surface teleporters, because mainbases are now fully built into nearly unraidable caves. People just inside or mesh these days, because its become impossible to take down mainbases by war alone.

Officials need to have cave bases disabled and rebooted. That will bring the pvp back. I been playing classics more than officials last few days. And its a ton more fun with exciting due to actual land bases to raid instead of everyone being on caves., A large number of diverse tribes populate it creating interesting social or political situations that used to be a hallmark of ARK. Officials used to be like that in 2017- middle of 2018. And it can be again with a fresh restart.

So let me get this straight, just cause PVP is dead , why do PVE players , that worked so many years , have to be subject to wipe ?

I worked my ass off for years , to achieve all my goals so far , and I still hope achieve more, and enjoy the gameplay.

The subject of this all idiot post is “wipe all servers “  completely idiotic for me . Fortunately devs already spoken , and wipe is not even considered at this moment. 

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(Hear me out please) new servers or wipe

So hello ark devs and ark players I have something to say.

ark is a great game I love it i play it a lot played it since day 1 but I have come to a conclusion.

its been 3 years since official release and the server wipe and since then if you didn’t get to be a alpha/mega in the first year and continue then you can never build up because no matter how hard you try the Megas who played since day 1 will always be stronger than you and will wipe you eventually even if you are a new player even if you found a dead server they will come and raid you and that makes many ppl leave ark and not play like me and my friends I am a very big fan of ark love the game but this makes me leave I’m fine with getting raided but you can’t build up to be a mega or alpha so many ppl leave ark cuz of this problem so I have a solution.

Option A:you can wipe the servers  

option B: if you don’t want to wipe them I understand that so I have a plan. Make new servers for all the maps and those servers will be placed under their on category like how primitive plus is then that’s where the newcomers or old ppl who left ark go to play it’s like a new world of ark like it just got wiped or just got released oh yeah and you can’t transfer anything into those servers from the old ones and also you can’t transfer stuff out of those servers to the old ones 


I hope you read this ark this would bring a lot of ppl back to the game and you can count me and 20 of my friends in so if you see 21 ppl coming back to ark just so you know that’s us well 20 cuz I still play ark but you know what I mean please take sometime read this and if you have any questions send it to my e mail ark thank you and I hope you think about it. 

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On 5/8/2019 at 9:24 AM, Arlie87 said:

I'm sure smalltribes servers are/will be dying. Normal official servers have been dead for a long time thanks to megatribes. The biggest issue at the moment is that any server you see maybe has 35/70 people online, but once you join you wont find any bases. You know why? Because everyone has mesh bases everywhere. There are actual mesh wars going on where people are trying to find the mesh bases of the people who meshed their mesh base. That is how the game is right now. 

We need official server wipes AFTER meshing is fixed to get everyone out of the damn walls, so the game can be played as it was intended OR we need new servers like Classic PvP. I'm confident that ALOT of people will come back to play. I know at least 10 people in my list alone who would be back to play and i'm only 1 person. 

I would love to see classic servers on Xbox we don't have them yet. Yes official is a waste of time at times. Love the game been in Mega alliances, right now it's just mesh wars. I haven't played in a 6 months. I remember on Abb I was getting shot by somone with a tek rifle from in the mesh.  while we were putting up turret towers and etc. And just like you said we had to figure out how he got into the mesh to stop it.

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Honestly yeah we need a wipe. I've been playing ark since it came out on xbox. I've spent countless hours and still keep trying on officials and have been wiped by toxic mega tribes. I'd grind so hard in just 2 days for a metal base with turrets and x plants, hidden in woods and still be wiped the next day. I've been actually staying the past couple months on unofficials waiting for a wipe. I'll jump on officials here and there again, watch I be wiped by another tek tier tribe again. 

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On 1/31/2020 at 6:42 AM, ello788 said:

Most people who scream for a wipe plays pvp. There are a few people who wants a wipe to pve but not as much as pvp since meshing or duping does not affect pve players as much as it does to pvp. I rather not have a wipe to pve.

Without any quantified statistics, I believe 99%+ PvE players do not want a wipe. However, I am always worrying that when PvP server wipes (or becomes the next legacy), PvE servers will become the collateral damage.

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as today we tried to startover again. we got attacked in 20 minutes, by duped stuff. we had nothing. like i mentioned before. WIPE ALL SERVERS. meshing and duping is still an issue. why arent the devs listening? new players or come back players wont make a chance against the cheaters/dupers. make this game legit. FIX UR GAME FFS!!!!!!

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