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So what did you do in ARK today?


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playing abberation got dashboarded. ie game crashed. log back in jump on drake blood spurting from my drake flying off animation trying to attack back. being hit by a basically invisible ravager while the server registers me being hit by it but me not doing any damage back or able to hit like it was invisible by the time the server caught up half health on the drake just another day in ark .... bring an ally from another server over to come to my little outpost to make metal runs easier for us both to get and farm ..... gets dashboarded too not so far from my base. so strip his body of all gear and tames take it back to mine. he logs out because games giving major issues dont blame him .... put his tames in my cryofridge and armour etc in vault. just another day in the life of ark .. lol

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@Milsurp Honestly it's 200% me just being lazy. If I actually built the wall on that side of the base or just made another cryofridge and some pods I could avoid the issue entirely. I keep the spino there as a guard but it's halfhearted at best lol. If all goes well I'll be moving maps pretty soon so it'll be a moot point either way.

I've had a few busy few days since, wow was it really only Tuesday? Feels like forever ago.

So I took on the Beta Dragon on Wednesday. I don't know if it's because no one talks about beta bosses or what but I did not expect to struggle as much as I did. We won, but barely. The victory cost me 15 rexes, and I only managed to recover 5 of the saddles. It was a bitter victory to lose so much, and I ended up spending some time to regroup away from the game that night.

Spent Thursday, Friday and Saturday rebuilding my army, farming for new saddles, all that fun stuff. I didn't really expect to be ready for another boss, I expected maybe 3 weeks or so. But, two things worked in my favor. 1 is that part of why I struggled on the boss was one of my rexes didn't teleport. And, remember that I had a spare rex and saddle? So I ended up "only" needing 13 new rexes and 8 saddles, rather than a full 15 of each.

I wasn't really planning on it but earlier today I realized I was actually in a position to do the Alpha fight; originally I projected a minimum of 3 weeks due to PAX and Genesis but since I won't be around when most of my tribemates on the server are going to be playing, I might as well just keep going here on SP. But I was ready for it, so I took my shot and went for it.

Alpha Dragon, just days after a narrow victory against the Beta. Definitely one of the most tense things I've ever done in this game, rolling solo with my wild-tamed yuty and 19 bred super rexes. The yuty survived. 14 rexes did not. And neither did the Dragon. Victory! But again at an impossibly high cost. But this time the adrenaline kept me moving, having finally felled one of the most difficult bosses in the entire game.

I brought the remnants of my army home for a well deserved rest and a name change to reflect their "Alpha" status as Dragonslayers.

And honestly now I'm a bit lost on what to do next. Obviously the Overseer is my next target. But I'm not sure if I should try to do the 3 difficulty levels as I have been with every other boss, or just skip to Alpha so I can move maps, and come back to do Gamma and Beta for the achievements later on. For completion's sake I'd like to do all 3 levels, but the thought of doing the Tek Cave 3 separate times makes me tense just thinking about it.

I also have no idea what to bring. I do intend to bring my "Alpha" boss survivors since I can keep leveling them while I raise the new generation. Surprisingly 2 of my G3 rexes survived. I know allos are kind of the meta for Overseer, but one problem with that...I've never found a decent level female allo to tame, so I only have 2 males of middling stats. I feel like my time would be better spent rebuilding my already highly bred rex army vs trying to build a new allo army from scratch. I'm up to 83 points in HP and 76 melee, that's some pretty serious firepower. They can easily hit 35k+ HP and 1k+ melee so I feel their lack of speed is compensated by their bulk and raw power. Starting from scratch with allos seems like it would be going backwards at this late point in the game.

I am also working on breeding yutys, I think it's unfortunately time to retire Yulia. She's a wild tame of unremarkable stats carrying a primitive saddle. I can do better, and she almost met her end on both dragons. I think she's earned her rest.

I've got a couple weeks to think about it before I start seriously working on my Overseer prep. In the meantime I'm just knocking off some smaller projects and farming metal by the ton.

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so i recently got an xbox and my friend gave me his hard copy version of ark and also gave me a gift card with enough money to get all the DLC's (including gen). spawned near blue ob on rag, harvested the boxes, collected what metal nodes were there and made my way to viking bay. i get to the cool rock formation near blue ob and lo and behold in my way is a freakin alpha raptor and its goons. i say screw that and swim past them via the ocean (yes i am that lazy) . managed to get to viking bay to find 3 megalos, leveled 150, 135 and 120. they are of course scattered. so i make a house on the rock formation and build a somewhat defensive barrier, consisting of 10 high lvl dilos and a few spiked walls. i tamed two parasuar for warning systems, i grinded for some narcos and knocked out a 150 trike. few it up and used it to make 500 narcos. after about an two hours of all this i figure i am ready for anything. i managed to get some crystal and also get some obsidian from the beach on the other side of the bay. made a spyglass and magnifying glass. i wanted a fast, preferably carnivous travel mount, luckily i knew where to find what i wanted. i went back to the raptors and socuted out. i swear i was in the the ark gods above good graces. 150, 150 and 145 raptors, as well as a lvl 100 alpha raptor, aside form the alpha i had my hunting pack. after painful hour of trying to separate the alpha from the other three i managed to get the alpha stuck in the water streams, i built a 2x2 stone trap. it took a few deaths but i got all 3 stuck in the pen. i knocked them out and went to look for a sheep. came back with mutton and feed them up. i now had 3 raptors ready to tear anything apart. i decided i dont trust myself with these amazing tames so i bred them out and go the best stats into a pair i can breed later. they were locked in a stone room where nothing can get them. luckily i did as after 3-4 hours of day night came and well those megalos were not happy with their new neighbor, it did not take long for them to find me and want me gone. my dilos were set to turret mode and had been pumped into health and a lot of melee. well that done nothing as they chomper their way through. they somehow made their way up to my house, i had made the foundations and walls out of stone so they could not get in, i waited till day for them to sleep, i then built a 5x5 stone pen and led them down into the pen. so i rebuild everything i lost and i retamed a few dilos. all in all i think this was a productive day

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Yesterday, Jumped to Valgero and raided some dienonycus nests, then jumped to Rag, Hatched the eggs.

I made several sets of high level Flak armor and some Ghillie, then cryopoded a few dinos that weren't in active use, added a staircase up to the level that house our tek transmitter so it has 2 way to access that area, spruced the new staircase up with a couple Y plants, refilled food  troughs, made some ammo, leveled up a pair of Yutys and then traveled to the Island.

Finished the night with beating the gamma dragon boss. Turned out well, 18 rexs, 1 yuty and a daedon, no losses, and the boss was beaten in under a min. I think we'll leave the daedon for the Beta, Should do that battle sometime this week I think.

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so logged on and decided i was gonna tame some utility tames, recently i seem to prefer mammoths over beavers when it comes to wood gatherer, mainly cause mammoths can hold their ass in a fight, anyway i found a nice 130 mammoth in the snow and decided it shall be mines. 20 mins later i have my mammoth surrounded by spike while beating the crap out of every wolf who so much as looks my way. i managed to build a stone 3x3 pen and trap a pack of high lvl wolves in it. i had some mutton on my raptor so i fed them 3-5 each depending on lvl. i now had 5 high lvl wolves and a sweet mammoth. i checked the wolves stats and named the best ones after their stats. as i make my trek down i spot a yuty and 3 carnos. not wanting to risk my new tames i whistle my two dud wolves onto them as a diversion, the rest of us quickly leg it. just as we jumped off a cliff. both of the wolves die. sad about loosing two of my wolves i trek on wards. finally got home and saddled up the mammoth. i decided while i go find an anky or deodic i might aswell breed the wolves. well i screwed up. the two dud wolves were male, my remaining ones are females. so now extremely pissed i decide to go back and find a good male. found 4 candidates. 120, 150, 145, 135, 130. tamed all 5 up and brought them back. so one had a better melee and one had better health, so i swapped them out and started breeding, while the rest sat around never to be used. i head out on one of the second best overall wolf to find a deodic. well it did not take long to find one, 5 minutes into tranqing it a freakin rex appears out of nowhere. i ran off to a safe spot and checked its level, a f***ing 150 male rex. so now i had to choose between the two, screw it the doedic can die, i will tame that rex. so i leave to go find another doedic. i found a 100 (it will do) tamed it up and made my way back, i came back to see the rex being ganged on by 3 sabers, a flock or vultures and and 4 argents, i whistle stop and charge in on my wolf, primitive shotgun in hand, i managed to kill the argents and sabers allowing the rex to heal up. it was too risky and hard to aim at the vultures with my shoty so i used a rifle. he was enarly dead but the rex won. as i started to leave he turns to me and charges full bore at me, after i saved him from near death multiple times he wants to kill me. i ran away and forgot the deodic. after going back and getting the doedic i decided that was enough for today

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So I jumped on official PVP for the first time ever the last couple of days whilst waiting to switch my un-official pvp server to Genesis.

I went for small tribe servers as i'm going solo and after a few deaths on The Island I settled on Valguero.  I made a base right on the coast on some rocks with an overhanging cliff (too high to jump down from) and surrounded by tall rocks, essentially providing cover from all angles, I thought I was pretty safe..........

I set up here for a few days, tamed an Anky and Ptera and was just starting the metal grind.  The plan was to then use the Ptera to go exploring around the map.

However, Saturday night I was having a lot of trouble getting onto the server, timeouts etc and about 4 or 5 attempts later I am finally in.  Starving, almost dead I wake up outside to see my base completely vanished.  It looks like the entire base has been wiped, tames included but strangely, all of my flak gear was left on my body...

So for now, I've based in a cool little corner of the beach, again surrounded on all sides by rocks and cliffs but enough space for a 3x2x2 and still be completely invisible from the beach and only marginally visible from the sky, I also managed to tame a very bright purple event 150 raptor which I've hidden as far into the rocks as possible....

I havent logged back on since

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On 2/24/2020 at 8:28 PM, Kodking194 said:

i came back to see the rex being ganged on by 3 sabers, a flock or vultures and and 4 argents, i whistle stop and charge in on my wolf, primitive shotgun in hand, i managed to kill the argents and sabers allowing the rex to heal up. it was too risky and hard to aim at the vultures with my shoty so i used a rifle. he was enarly dead but the rex won. as i started to leave he turns to me and charges full bore at me, after i saved him from near death multiple times he wants to kill me. i ran away and forgot the deodic. after going back and getting the doedic i decided that was enough for today

Hah, that's what's great about the Immersive Tame mod, it has a setting for combat assistance starting the tame process. That Burgesssssss guy put a lot of work into that mod.

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2 hours ago, Milsurp said:

Hah, that's what's great about the Immersive Tame mod, it has a setting for combat assistance starting the tame process. That Burgesssssss guy put a lot of work into that mod.

I have heard of it and know a bit about it, could you enlighten me on what it does and how it works?


so I logged on and grinded some structures for a bit. after that I decided It was time I got a flier. I scouted out 10 argent candidates. tamed all 10 and took them back. I then moved to the flat area near the caste just above the dams (I love building there). I made my new base and set everything up just fine. I built a few different taming pens and then went out for some tames. honestly anything that would be useful. I found a 145 anky, a high lvl pack of hyeanadons. now since I don't have the maps installed yet on my new xbox I decided to spawn in some creatures not on rag that I wanted. I came up with a great idea earlier. I tamed all those high lvl argents because to get and owl I have to sacrifice an argent. the level it as when wild is the level I make the owl. I spawned one in and killed my argent. tamed the owl up and repeated the same thing 5 times. I now had a fertilizing source. I tamed some beetles and a phiomia. made a farm and left it to grow. I looked around at what I had accomplished and though I had done a job well done. I logged off to wait for genesis to launch. so freakin hyped.

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Island PvE unofficial

After days spent running various caves hunting for a megatherium bp I got super bored and frustrated. I grabbed 19 of my imprinted megatherium, leaving a breeding pair behind, threw normal saddles on them, hopped on my yuti and headed to an obelisk. My megatherium aren't fully leveled and I didnt exspect to survive but I wanted to test how close I was to beating broodmother. They 20k hp and ~500% melee. I started with gamma and was surprised at how easy it was. I grabbed my daeodon, healed up my army, and attempted beta. I succeeded... but lost 7 megatherium. Tomorrow I'll breed up replacements and work on fully leveling them. Then back to the BP hunt. It's encouraging to know that I should be able to beat alpha with a decent saddle and fully leveled sloths.

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3 hours ago, Kodking194 said:

<snip my comment about Immersive Tame mod>

I have heard of it and know a bit about it, could you enlighten me on what it does and how it works?

Sure. It adds a whole new taming mechanic which I find amazingly better than Ark's default.  The idea is that you generally have to run around in the wild with your prospective tame, getting to be its friend by feeding it, defending it from enemies / helping it kill things, and petting it / giving it care as it starts to like you more, until it's fully tamed. The food is a special taming bait which you make with the mini-stations included in the mod (food or kibble).

As I said, there's an option to start the taming by defending it in combat, and once you do that it goes non-aggro to you and you can run around with it per the normal taming process. Which is extremely fun compared to the boring default trap-tranq-wait taming.

But, there's more! hehe. Big predator tames aren't up for listening to some little monkey-thing, even if you feed it. We're still food to it, until we prove we're not food by defeating it in combat. You craft a trophy bait (you get the part by killing something big - rex, spino sail, wyvern talon), toss it out at your tame, it accepts your challenge and the fight is on. Do enough damage to win and it goes to non-aggro on you and you can run around with it per the regular process. 

I find this to be the best process. It adds progression as you can't just tame a rex as soon as you get tranq arrows. You have to be able to kill a rex, spino or wyvern for the trophy part, and you have to be able to stand up to a rex in combat before it will let you tame it. This is a perfect progression mechanic imo, well done to the mod author.

There's a full-bore in-game control panel accessible to admins (hold E on the taming journal) which lets you customize most anything.There's even a "knockout" setting to preserve the regular knockout taming method, and you can also choose to regular-tame anything. Fantastic flexibility.

I set the difficulties up because the defaults feel too easy, but the taming food requirements down because grinding food and kibble isn't the point lol. The settings are saved in a file, and you can copy that into another server to transfer the settings. I can post mine for you if you like. I have it set so taming takes about 1/3 of the regular tranq taming time, all predators and some aggressive herbivores need combat taming, and it takes about half of the taming food of the defaults. I also changed the kibble recipes to just convert kibble directly into Immersive Taming baits. 

Let me know if you try it and want to try my settings, I'll post it for you (and everyone). 





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Today I found a level 162 male tek rex near my base, lured him into the allo trap and knocked him out. All because he had the misfortune of being male, high-level, and with better colors than my old male tek rex (who has some green which is almost always inherited by his offspring, so out of about 20 his kids only one was not green at all and therefore deserving of life).

Another thing I did today was expanding the borders of my base to accommodate my ever-growing number of tames (which I can't cryo because I'm too much of a lazy potato to go to the nearest obelisk and make more pods, so pods are only for saving babies for later. And for getting tamed rexes out of the allo trap which totally counts even if it only happened once and probably will only happen once more).

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Today I hatched a bunch of dodo eggs and some allo eggs in hopes of getting any mutation with color (for dodos) and an actually useful mutation (for allos, current ones are pretty, but mutated only in stamina and oxygen). Nothing worthy of keeping hatched from either of those.

Also, lost my only megatherium because due to the lags I only saw a wild allo pack approaching AFTER they were too close to me to escape.

Oh, and a tree has respawned in my base due to the fence now being farther from it. I decided to build a little greenhouse thingy around it for safety, because there's not much use in chopping it, so might as well keep it as an overly large houseplant.

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Today: finished raising Nightshade (male tek rex, gray head, dark gray sides, magenta lights, the rest is black) and took him on a meat run/leveling trip. Went marvelously, thanks to him being fully imprinted.

Got another mutated color on an allo, but killed it because the accompanying mutation didn't improve anything important. Also, because the new color clashed with his inherited ones. Like, REALLY clashed. Because it was purple on the back, and the inherited colors were black on the sides and bright red on the belly. Hideous. Probably wouldn't have let it live even if the mutation landed on an useful stat.

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I played gen for first and last time wed. Not a bad start for me hubby kept dying to everything in the bog. I think he panics and looses his head a bit when starting fresh.. meanwhile I was taming up a mini army of protectors raptor pack 125+ for all three, 2 paras and a ptera where we realised we didn't have flight.

Completed the gamma beatdown arena area over and over loot seems ok but after the 3rd run it's just boring.

And once we had beds down and a cave to call home my interest waned. We explored each new biome and it's just meh! 

Back to my island play through. Might not be a map I'm interested in but once hubby got his feet under him I think he likes it.

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