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So what did you do in ARK today?


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PS4 - Unofficial cluster


I played a ton this weekend, mostly focusing on breeding my Owls for more color mutations. I went back into my cryo fridges and realized I had a bunch of owls that had the brick red color in a zone or two. Spent the majority of the day breeding them, and I now have a breeding pair with all brick red Except the stripe.  I spent a bunch of time trying to breed in a stripe I thought was the same brick red. But once it took, it was clear that it was too bright to be brick red. :(

Got a pair of twin M-F vanilla colored owls at max level, so I have been breeding them like crazy to swap out with my other non colored breeders, so that I can hopefully get the color mutations on babies with good stats. Spent Sunday breeding those, and got 3 color mutations out of about 400 eggs hatched,  But all three were colors I already had, and in zones I already had. :( :(


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Been a loong time since I played regularly and posted anything as it's been a busy year trying to work on my till software and make a go of starting up my own company however.

I decided to donate my PC components to my wife for her to have a living room based media/games PC so that I could justify upgrading my own.  Now running Ryzen 5 3600 with 16GB fast DDR 4 and an RTX 2060 Super and ARK now finally runs smoothly with every setting on EPIC (only 1080 since my monitors don't support more).  I have to say it does look very pretty on max settings - looking forward to see how it handles a big battle or OSD defense or such now.

We migrated over to Valguero when it was released officially and have slowly been building up.  We modified the server configs (unofficial server) so that  we could start farming element from the mini-Broodmother (30 per kill) before we were ready to do the real boss(es).  Have to say although I was a little critical of the map to start with (lots of repetition in rock formations and such down south) - this has soon passed with all the beautiful spots the modders have included.

I obviously purchased the next "Season Pass" - with 4.5k hours in the game over the various maps it's probably about time I gave a little more appreciation back in the form of my hard earned.. and gaining a couple more maps when released is just a bonus.

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22 hours ago, Aushegun said:

PS4 - Unofficial cluster


I played a ton this weekend, mostly focusing on breeding my Owls for more color mutations. I went back into my cryo fridges and realized I had a bunch of owls that had the brick red color in a zone or two. Spent the majority of the day breeding them, and I now have a breeding pair with all brick red Except the stripe.  I spent a bunch of time trying to breed in a stripe I thought was the same brick red. But once it took, it was clear that it was too bright to be brick red. :(

Got a pair of twin M-F vanilla colored owls at max level, so I have been breeding them like crazy to swap out with my other non colored breeders, so that I can hopefully get the color mutations on babies with good stats. Spent Sunday breeding those, and got 3 color mutations out of about 400 eggs hatched,  But all three were colors I already had, and in zones I already had. :( :(


Yeah do last night the Extinction server in my Kluster went kaplooey!  The only thing they could do to get it back was to do a 25 hour rollback.   So basically over 50% of my weekend work was rolled back.


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I've been focused on breeding a number of creature lines to combine stats lately. Managed to combine four 40+ stats onto a single Griffin, but it also picked up a mutation. Normally I wouldn't want the mutation at this point... but its a melee damage mutation with what I think is a really nice color mutation. Private server with several mods running to allow Griffin breeding (obviously).

The Griffin is such a fantastic flyer with the classic treatment and some nice stats. The color is a bonus. Love this Griffin.




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21 hours ago, Nicoli612 said:

Went Ice Wyvern egg hunting. Found a 150. Flew home. Game stuttered just as I hit the button to equip my desert clothes, hit it again as it hadn't done anything. Then registered both and ate the egg =(

Then fly past the 150 wyvern and it's event coloured ???

Try this... drop a few peaceful wild creatures near where the Ice Wyvern nest is normally. Get the Ice Wyvern on your tail and lead it to where the peaceful wild dinos are, and get it fixated on them. Then fly away quickly while the Ice Wyvern is near the nesting site. Come back later and check the nest. 

I've used this process on Ragnarok to 'milk' Ice Wyverns of many, many event colored babies of the same level. 

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2 hours ago, DeHammer said:

Try this... drop a few peaceful wild creatures near where the Ice Wyvern nest is normally. Get the Ice Wyvern on your tail and lead it to where the peaceful wild dinos are, and get it fixated on them. Then fly away quickly while the Ice Wyvern is near the nesting site. Come back later and check the nest. 

I've used this process on Ragnarok to 'milk' Ice Wyverns of many, many event colored babies of the same level. 

Will have to in future. Sadly it disappeared off into the map

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Spent my time again in the dev kit.

Since my custom weather events are done, I'm back at preparing the test map and managed to complete all the static meshes for the perimeter of the island, as well as a few icebergs. Next step, finishing up the static meshes for the inland!

My test map (the island section) is roughly the size of the redwood forest of the Island, which should provide plenty of room for testers to build up! Here is the current status :


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Just wanna say, I thoroughly enjoy reading everyone's adventures, goals and progress on this thread. It kinda helps because I don't have the experience/courage to try and play online yet and this is where I can learn from experienced players trials and errors. 

Today I played on my Island singleplayer and upgraded my shack to be a smallish/practical wooden base with an attached medium sized dino garage, dodo cage and main house for smithy's, storage and forges. I have built on the farthest South West point of the Island, inland a little, on a ridge. I was thinking that I could use cliff sides rather than having to build walls around everything. Below the ridge has Rex, terror birds and raptor spawns but it seems that the ridge itself doesn't spawn the Rex's or terror birds so I have put aside walling in my base. Besides, most of my defenseless dinos can fit in the garage only leaving Theri and low lvl expendable Stego outside.

I spent a loooooong time thinking through design, gathering mats and building the base only to use it for a little while and then realize I will have to upgrade it from wood to stone or metal and redesign for industrial forge and other crafting stations (metal seems a little overpowered building material for a single player world base that isn't next to giga spawns).

All I want to do is explore, tame and kill but it seems like I spend most my time gathering mats, building and occasionally losing a mount and getting into a dying cycle of trying to retrieve my stuff. Kinda wish there was a machine I could drop mats into and it just spit out a functional well designed base.

My long term goal is to breed strong Rexes and defeat all the island bosses to officially call myself "experienced" in Ark to eventually be a useful edition to a good tribe on PVE server.

I'm also trying to be as vanilla as possible so that I will experience the full game with all of it's difficulties and still be able to beat it. I have bumped up a few things to make it feasible on a singleplayer world but I try not to touch the settings as much as possible. Also, NO creative mode ?

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1 hour ago, Cythraul said:

Just wanna say, I thoroughly enjoy reading everyone's adventures, goals and progress on this thread. It kinda helps because I don't have the experience/courage to try and play online yet and this is where I can learn from experienced players trials and errors. 

Today I played on my Island singleplayer and upgraded my shack to be a smallish/practical wooden base with an attached medium sized dino garage, dodo cage and main house for smithy's, storage and forges. I have built on the farthest South West point of the Island, inland a little, on a ridge. I was thinking that I could use cliff sides rather than having to build walls around everything. Below the ridge has Rex, terror birds and raptor spawns but it seems that the ridge itself doesn't spawn the Rex's or terror birds so I have put aside walling in my base. Besides, most of my defenseless dinos can fit in the garage only leaving Theri and low lvl expendable Stego outside.

I spent a loooooong time thinking through design, gathering mats and building the base only to use it for a little while and then realize I will have to upgrade it from wood to stone or metal and redesign for industrial forge and other crafting stations (metal seems a little overpowered building material for a single player world base that isn't next to giga spawns).

All I want to do is explore, tame and kill but it seems like I spend most my time gathering mats, building and occasionally losing a mount and getting into a dying cycle of trying to retrieve my stuff. Kinda wish there was a machine I could drop mats into and it just spit out a functional well designed base.

My long term goal is to breed strong Rexes and defeat all the island bosses to officially call myself "experienced" in Ark to eventually be a useful edition to a good tribe on PVE server.

I'm also trying to be as vanilla as possible so that I will experience the full game with all of it's difficulties and still be able to beat it. I have bumped up a few things to make it feasible on a singleplayer world but I try not to touch the settings as much as possible. Also, NO creative mode ?

dude u dont have to beat the bosses to be a great addittion to a tribe, just find a group of friends to play with and play with them, u will learn the ropes, i got good by playin with friends, honestly i do better with others.

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11 hours ago, Cythraul said:

Just wanna say, I thoroughly enjoy reading everyone's adventures, goals and progress on this thread. It kinda helps because I don't have the experience/courage to try and play online yet and this is where I can learn from experienced players trials and errors. 

Today I played on my Island singleplayer and upgraded my shack to be a smallish/practical wooden base with an attached medium sized dino garage, dodo cage and main house for smithy's, storage and forges. I have built on the farthest South West point of the Island, inland a little, on a ridge. I was thinking that I could use cliff sides rather than having to build walls around everything. Below the ridge has Rex, terror birds and raptor spawns but it seems that the ridge itself doesn't spawn the Rex's or terror birds so I have put aside walling in my base. Besides, most of my defenseless dinos can fit in the garage only leaving Theri and low lvl expendable Stego outside.

I spent a loooooong time thinking through design, gathering mats and building the base only to use it for a little while and then realize I will have to upgrade it from wood to stone or metal and redesign for industrial forge and other crafting stations (metal seems a little overpowered building material for a single player world base that isn't next to giga spawns).

All I want to do is explore, tame and kill but it seems like I spend most my time gathering mats, building and occasionally losing a mount and getting into a dying cycle of trying to retrieve my stuff. Kinda wish there was a machine I could drop mats into and it just spit out a functional well designed base.

My long term goal is to breed strong Rexes and defeat all the island bosses to officially call myself "experienced" in Ark to eventually be a useful edition to a good tribe on PVE server.

I'm also trying to be as vanilla as possible so that I will experience the full game with all of it's difficulties and still be able to beat it. I have bumped up a few things to make it feasible on a singleplayer world but I try not to touch the settings as much as possible. Also, NO creative mode ?

Just enjoy the game the way you want to, and at your own pace.

After getting my head kicked in on Official PvP when I first bought the game, I switched to single player, and stayed there for nearly 2 years. Only going back online in January of this year. I play on unofficial PvE, and I love it.  I play solo tribe, because trolls still like to inside people, even in PvE.  But I have made some friends that we trade dinos, breedings, and party chat when playing at the same time. It has been fun, and I'm glad For my experience on single player, as it allows me to get along well online, without having to call out for help in chat every 2 minutes.

I would also recommend the phone app Dododex, as it contains great info to help with taming, making kibble and dyes, etc.

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PS4 - unofficial cluster


So I was asked to become an admin on the cluster recently, and I was honored, and going to accept, but then after doing my due diligence, and talking to 1/2 dozen former and current admins, it became clear that becoming an admin takes away all the enjoyment of playing ARK. :(  And currently I am having a blast, and really don't want to screw that up.  Sure it is selfish of me, as the cluster needs more admins, but I just don't want for ARK to become another job. With my back injury and health issues a couple years ago, I am no longer to enjoy many of the outdoor activities that I used to, so much of my evenings and weekends now involve ARK.  I don't want to mess with that enjoyment now.

WHo knows, maybe in 6 months, I will get kind of stagnant in the game, and being an admin will give me a new direction within the game. But for now, I will just continue to be a player.


As a player, I continued breeding my owls for mutations. Last night, I got a different shade of red on the back, royal blue shoulder, as well as Olive chest, and rust colored shoulder mutations. My buddy got a smokey gray/black chest as well as back mutations.

On Monday, I got an orange mutation which at the time I believed I already had.  But after transferring it to my base on the center where my Orange and Black mutation owls are. (I intentionally have not kept all of my owls on the same map, in case of a server crash/wipe.)   once I compared it to my other orange owls, I can see it is yet a 3rd orange color. So I have more work ahead of me to get an all orange in the same shade.


I also found a new spot on Valguerro with plenty of room to build a new base and breeding barn.  There currently is a tiny starter base there, and the times will end tomorrow, and considering the base was built in metal, means the people have not been on in a long time.  Knowing this, I went ahead and started building all around the allowed edge of their base. So Friday when it decays, I can start my barn build.  Fingers crossed they don't come back at the last second and refresh.

When I returned to my original base, I see that two event colored rexs were attacking my base and dinos, all of which were on passive.  It seems they passed thru an unknown blind spot in my turrets. So I had to kill them, as they were badly hurting one of my Colored Yutys. Too bad, because one of them was a super cool blue body.

I will continue to transfer over dinos to the new base location tonight if I get a chance.


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I'm playing my SP game on Extinction and decide to just go wandering off and grab metal nodes when I see them. I eventually end up in the SE dome, grab some metal, and then I see the giant metal wall. Oh, and it looks like there's a cave on the left side of it. I'm like, "We should go check that out," and both Mortley (owl) and Myrtle (otter) agree. My HLN-A robot is still talking about the last time I pooped, so she doesn't get a vote. Anyway, we get in a tangle with some bats and take care of them right at the entrance. Overall, it's not so bad, so we decide to move further in, each of us filled with the spirit of adventure.

(Small Note: I didn't enable cave flying for this game and completely forgot about it.)

Mortley goes, "Ooof!" as he bangs into an invisible barrier, and Myrtle and I are thrown off. I plummet like Wile E. Coyote, and Myrtle is above me in the air, flapping her little otter limbs for all she's worth for a couple seconds, before she's falling too. 

Wham! I land on a snake, turning part of it two dimensional. Scrambling to my feet, I see all the bad . . . bad . . . things that are heading toward me, which is when Myrtle lands on my head with a Thunk! The front half of her body is hanging down in my face, and she's like, "AHHHHHH!" And I'm like, "AHHHHHH!" 

Monsters begin attacking from all sides as I start sprinting for the entrance. I see the torpor icon flashing, and my Helena robot thing is like, "You are so *Beeped* right now." I'm nearing the entrance, while chugging medical brews like they're beers and I'm on spring break. And then . . . we make it out of the cave, and I run a ways along the metal wall, before stopping, winded, with a heart rate of a bazillion. Luckily, there's nothing there when I look back the way we came. 

"Whew," we all say or think right before noticing the damage numbers coming out of the cave. Then we all say something else... *BEEP!*

Myrtle's back around my neck, praying to the Long John Silver's restaurant chain for good fortune, while HLN-A is trying to figure out how to stop following me. I grit my teeth and start running back to the cave.

"Oh, *Beep* me," my HLN-A bot says as she gets dragged along behind.

As I get closer to the cave, I see Mortley on the ground right near the entrance, with a bunch of things chomping on him. Seeing as he's on passive, he's smoking a cigar and perusing the Help Wanted pages while this is going on. I barrel in there and leap for the saddle, only to be denied by a mantis that knocks me away. I try again and trip over a partially flattened snake that's really mad at me for some reason. And on the third try, I finally make it into the saddle, and we're off in a flurry of flapping wings. Woo, that was a close one. 

After that, we decided that we'd had enough wandering for one day and headed back to base. 


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12 hours ago, Chudz66 said:


As I get closer to the cave, I see Mortley on the ground right near the entrance, with a bunch of things chomping on him. Seeing as he's on passive, he's smoking a cigar and perusing the Help Wanted pages while this is going on. I barrel in there and leap for the saddle, only to be denied by a mantis that knocks me away. I try again and trip over a partially flattened snake that's really mad at me for some reason. And on the third try, I finally make it into the saddle, and we're off in a flurry of flapping wings. Woo, that was a close one. 


Maybe he is looking for a safer job?

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PS4 - Unofficial Cluster


Wasn't able to get on until later than normal last night. Last Friday I made a new friend on the Extinction map, and he was impressed by the colored Owl i had flown over to his base. At the time, he had 4 owls at his base, 3 vanilla colored, and 1 mix of pink, red and cyan, that is the same kind that everyone on the cluster has, and they have like 20,000 mutations on them.

He asked if he could breed to my all Blue owl, and I told him that I don't give away or sell my solid color owls or eggs. But if he wanted to breed up his own solid color one, he should  follow me to my base, and I would give him some of my event colored wild tames, that had 1-2 zones of event color on them, and he could put in the work, to get a solid color one.

He was cool with that, so I ended up give him 4-5 grown owls, plus 6-8 eggs from other various partially  colored one.  In return, he gave me a pair of twins m-f max level owls.


I tell him I am currently trying to breed up an all Black, an all cyan, and an all mint green owl. Along with finishing my all orange owl.

He and I then played and bred a ton of owls on Saturday and Sunday. as well as nearly each night this week.


Last night, I log on, and he texts me in chat, tells me to stop by his base.  So I swing by, and he last at least 85 Owls sitting around his base, plus a whole breeding barn full ( he had asked me about my barn set up, and really liked it. and actually he modified my design, and I like his modification even better)

But he had dozens of colored owls, including a FULL BLACK owl!  He told me he got 3 zones of black mutation in one night, so he spent the next day on combining them and finally got it to be solid.  He also go an totally different orange than what I have, plus a Forest Green, that I don't have, and a dark dark red.

I told him that RNG had blessed him with so many color mutations in such a short time.

Meanwhile I hatched about 100 eggs last night, and got only 3 color mutations, 2 of which I already had. The 3rd is a wing stripe, and I'm not sure if I have one in Cryo with that already or not.

There are rumors of a color event running on Extinction this week on my cluster, and if so, I will be a taming fool all weekend, as I am always looking for more colors.

In the meantime, I've had to cryo most of my other dinos and finished owls, as my owl breeding barn now had 8 males and 60+ females all identical.  I'm a believer that you get an increased chance of color mutations, if you breeding similar or identical looking  parents.

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Logged on for what must have been the first time all week. With building our own industrial forge we had hit one of our self imposed milestones and so now I can raise myself a rock drake.

First port of call however was to upgrade our hatchery, the current one certainly doesnt have enough ac units to incubate a drake egg. Started of in the metal cave farming metal and crystal. I then took the anglerfish out for a swim round the central lake to harvest up silica pearls for electronics. I then started upgrading the barn, it was just going to a small extension, but it turned into a small redesign. I pushed out the outerwall and went wild again with glass greenhouse ceilings and walls yet again. Hooked up the new incubator and called it a night. Raising a rock drake will have to wait.

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Improved the wyvern trap after hastily constructing one on a time limit last time I was on. Raised it higher and added a small stone hut nearby with spawn point, narco arrow storage, generator and remote keypad for the trap gate. 

Explored the wyvern trench and saw an event coloured 170 wyvern floating around, dived into the trench and nabbed its egg. 

Not on until Monday now when I'll be hatching and raising it ?

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Started off by hoping quickly on to the Center to grab some rock drake eggs and transfered them across to our Valguero base. Got a few eggs down on the incubator and hatched them up, including one of my 175 specials which hatched the usual drake that I would expect for those eggs. While they raised up, I finished touching up the breeding barn and added the final touches.

Once the drakes had finished maturing, I took a drake for a spin round the map. While a thylacoleo is great for ground travel, a drake is so much better, for the first time I got to experience the map fully in all its glory. I hadnt quite appreciated how expansive the map was. 

Next I went for a few trips down into the Aberration zone. The first trip down was to gather up a few red gems from roll rats to craft up a gas collector, need gas balls for a hazard suit. Made the trip back to the surface crafted up the gas collector and returned to the Aberration zone and installed the collector. A few more trips collecting blue gems and gas balls, and I had enough to craft up a few sets of hazard suits. I finished up by doing a little more bases building before logging off.



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This is definitely how you hold a crossbow. I have perfect form.

I have returned to Ark to seek the vengeance that has been denied me for lo these countless days*. Let they who have wronged me know that my wrath is vast and all-consuming.

Here I am playing Caveman Barbies with a skin taken from the mangled corpse of a raider who I bludgeoned to death and ate. It's all gone a bit Colonel Kurtz here on the mountain. 


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