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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/09/2023 in all areas

  1. There's absolutely nothing wrong with using it! Heck, so what if artists have lost their actual jobs and livelihoods over it? it's not you so you don't even have to worry about such nonsense! I don't see why everyone on the submissions forum doesn't simply just generate AI images, to hell with these artists on here, why pay them when we can just get our submission images generated for free, supporting artists is absolutely nonsense, in fact let's just go so far as stating nothing at all so that people will look at it and believe we did them as a full on 4 day long strenuous work of art! /s
    4 points
  2. Many AI generators use other people's work online without their permission for the AI's database, which is borderline if not genuine theft. It also feels very scummy to just make a quick image and earn the same amount of credit as someone who's spent hours upon hours drawing, but I guess that depends on the circumstances (like I said, context helps a lot). At the moment AI isn't to the point where it's replacing people's jobs and whatnot, but it's a very big concern for artists as AI very well could reach that point.
    3 points
  3. I mean sure there's nothing against the rules about it in these creature votes but that doesn't stop it from being kind of a scummy thing to do as like others in the comments have said many AI generators use other peoples work without their permission for AI databases not to mention it's kind of iffy that someone who just types up some code to get an image gets the same amount of credit as an artist who spends hours on a single piece of art. AI art is controversial for a very good reason if they were up front and honest from the start about it however I wouldn't have much issue with this submission because I totally get it it's tough for people with no art skills or friends willing to do art commissions for them especially with how fast these votes come out so it's totally understandable that someone would use AI art for their subs however they should at the very least be up front and honest about it this dude wasn't and only left a disclaimer once people called them out on it and it's a tiny bit of text at the bottom of the page that most people won't see that's just being dishonest imo. again sure they haven't broken any rules but that doesn't make what they've done acceptable
    2 points
  4. Without a doubt Slejo. I expect that by the end of this month or the start of next we see something like this” we at WC regret to inform you that the release date for the early access of ASA won’t be until December 2023-January 2024. We apologize for the delay, but we want to make sure that we are still committed to bringing product that you expect and deserve. Thank your for you patience anew look forward to seeing you in ASA very soon- StudioWildcard”…..who wants to place bets on this?
    2 points
  5. You are absolutely correct Cerv. The worst part is we are left to speculation on what is and isn’t going to be a part of ASA. I wish I would have screen shot Dollie’s post, for some reason I just didn’t think of it. You’re also correct that enough of us get involved in speaking up about these QOL (possible), then there’s a chance they may change. If enough of us complain, we have a chained,. Look what happened on march 29 cc. Same here kings, I have serious doubts myself it’ll but until October. I too won’t drop money on it until I see gameplay. I play on Xbox so our graphics are slightly better than ps, but they are catching up. That’s the one thing I believe a lot of people are still waiting on, I know that’s what I’m waiting for.
    2 points
  6. Orcinus citoniensis – wolf of the sea Dossier: Common Name: Killer Whale Species: Orcinus citoniensis Time: Late Pliocene Diet: Piscivore Temperament: Loyal Wild: Orcinus citoniensis is mostly seen among the ark’s shallow waters. Some tribes even call them wolfs of the sea, which is a very accurate title if you ask me. Thanks to Orcinus citoniensis intelligence and speed it is an excellent hunter and is definitely the apex predator in its habitat. It developed special hunting strategies to take down creatures much larger than itself. Even the brutal megalodon or the fearsome mosasaurus are no match for an Orcinus Family. Besides hunting Orcinus citoniensis is a very playful animal and tries to interact with humans or smaller animals whenever it can. Especially young animals try to sneak away from their mother just to play with tribes near beaches or rafts. That’s how humans are gaining their trust in the process. Domesticated: Once tamed Orcinus citoniensis is the perfect mount for traversing the oceans and all of its secrets. It is a very fast swimmer and can adept even in the most dire situations. This feature makes it a must have for any sea-based tribe. Due to its social nature, it sometimes takes care of babies of other species. Creatures raised by Orcinus citoniensis tend to be more powerful and smarter than its relatives. That aspect makes even bigger tribes think twice before attacking a tribe which has access to Orcinus citoniensis. Taming: Young Orcinus that swim around beaches or rafts can be passive tamed by playing with them. Orcinus will try to come closer to your survivor and ask for a special item. Depending on the item you need to activate a specific emote in front of the young whale. If it worked the whale jumps out of the water and after some time it asks for the next item. Those items could be trophy drops like Tusoteuthis Tentacle, Megalodon tooth and Basilosaurus blubber or just food like kibble and honey. Abilities: Aquatic Nanny: After some feedback I decided to remove the nanny ability completely since we are getting gigantoraptor with Ragnarok anyway. I added a XP sharing ability to still have something that interacts with young creatures. XP Sharing: Adult Orcinus can share their gained XP with young creatures. If Orcinus reaches a certain amount of XP, it can interact with a baby for a short period of time to transfer some of its XP. The baby getting imprinted in the process. The fully grown-up baby now gets levels based on the amount of XP the Orcinus transferred. This would give it a unique Ability to interact with babies since Gigantoraptor will be the ultimate nanny. So Orcinus could be more like a teacher for young animals. Hunting: Every Orcinus citoniensis can be specialized with a trophy drop. Feeding Orcinus citoniensis a Tusoteuthis Tentacle will give them damage buffs against Tusoteuthis (temporarily). This works with every other trophy drop as well. Megalodon tooth = Megalodon Tusoteuthis Tentacle = Tusoteuthis Basilosaurus Blubber = Basilosaurus Alpha Leedscthys Blubber = Alphas and leedscthys Alpha Mosasaur tooth = Alphas and Mosasaurus Alpha Tusoteuthis Eye = Alphas and tusoteuthis Alpha Megalodon Fin = Alpha and megalodons Ammonite Bile = Ammonites Bio Toxin = Eels and jellyfish Chitin = Dunkleo and eurypterid Etc. Orcinus citoniensis also gets a pack buff like direwolfs or the allosaurus. The pack leader also inflicts a small debuff, where other animals in the pack deal a bleed affect, or just extra damage after hitting the same target as the pack leader. Ambush: Orcinus can ambush out of the water and try to grab a nearby flyer or animal near the beach. Successful grabbed creatures now get dragged back into the water. The grabbed creature will lose oxygen if it tries to escape Orcinus bite. For this ambush Orcinus is able to leave the water and beach itself for a short period of time. (It could work like Xiphactinus from AA) Echolocation: After some feedback in the comments, I decided to build a useful ability around echolocation. Thanks to AudioDK and Gecko1611 for giving me this idea. Orcinus will be able to send an echo into the water. If Orcinus has no trophies in his inventory it will mark any creature nearby that could drop trophies and will collect them more efficiently after killing those creatures. After consuming a trophy and sending an echo it will mark any creature in a wider radius that would be affected by the damage buff of the Orcinus. Orcinus will be able to see its level and health to decide if it wants to attack or not. After killing a specific number of creatures within the buff timer, Orcinus will be able to convert all the farmed trophy drops and make it into a blueprint. (Rarity depends on the amount Orcinus was able to collect during the timer) Orcinus could also locate cave or deep sea drops nearby with its echolocation, making it a valuable creature for underwater caves. Outside of the Cave it could mark the deep-sea crate which is spawning on the map with an arrow pointing into the general direction. So it’s more like a hunt for the drop rather than an accurate position reveal. Drops found with this ability could get a buff in loot quality. Immobilizing Sound: As in the comments mentioned by PrimalNacho, Orcinus could have a call that immobilized and could be disorienting the target. Unmounted and wild creatures would be stunned for a short amount of time while other players or mounted creatures may have their controls switched. (I don’t know much about Ark PvP, but I can imagine this being very useful) I think this would lead to some random but also funny moments. Attacks: Left Click: Bite Attack Right Click: Tail Attack, that stuns the target for a short time, while the Orcinus turns around for a fast escape. Space bar (near surface): Orcinus jumps out of the water. If near a beach or a flyer like Pelagornis is above Orcinus it starts the ambush attack. Pressing Ctrl: Echolocation Pressing X: Send out the Immobilizing Sound. This ability has a cooldown. Pressing C : Orcinus citoniensis consumes a random trophy out of its inventory to activate the hunting buffs. This ability also has a cooldown. And that’s my submission for Center. A friendly but also strong creature in the ocean is something that is needed. Additionally, I think a killer whale would just perfectly fit into the ocean of Center.
    1 point
  7. Art once again done by the amazingly talented Riskybiscuits Species: Shastasaurus Sikanniensis Time: Middle-Late Triassic Diet: Carnivore Temperament: Passive Wild The Shastasaurus is one of the largest ocean dwellers I have ever witnessed on any of the Arks rivalling the Leedsycthis in terms of sheer mass and being too large for even the mighty tusotuthis to grab a hold of. However, despite its titanic size it is incredibly passive mostly ignoring all other creatures in its vicinity as very few are a threat to it with it only really focusing on smaller schools of fish which it feeds on. If a threat does arrive though such as a group of Mosasaurs or a Leedsycthis it has the special ability of echolocation and is able to detect the threat coming from a mile away. Not just that but it’s echolocation is so powerful that it can charge a large sonic blast with it being able to disorient nearly any hostile allowing the creature to make a quick getaway. Also, much like it’s close relative the ichthyosaurus it is a very social animal living in a tight family unit however due to the sheer size of the Shasta's appetite each member requires an enormous quantity of food and as a result the family units must separate to try and find food on their own to avoid competing for food sources. Sadly, due to the family units splitting up to feed many shastas will never reunite with them and will become incredibly isolated as a result. Domesticated As most Shastasaurus have become isolated and alone due to separating from their families all it requires to domesticate one is simple companionship the best way I have found to do this is with it’s close relative the Ichthyosaurus simply bring a group of them over and the 2 species will begin to interact with the Shastasaurus eventually joining the group and therefore your tribe. Once tamed the Shastasaurus makes for an incredible beast of burden able to carry an insane amount of weight due to this a lot of survivors have constructed a special saddle on the back of the creature this saddle is essentially a submarine as anyone inside it is able to breath and survive the intense pressure of the deep ocean. The saddle also comes equipped with Torpedoes that are essential for any underwater combat as they deal heavy explosive damage. And that’s not even the best part of the saddle when the shastasaurus surfaces above the water the saddle will transform and essentially turn the Shastasaurus into a whaling ship coming equipped with Harpoon launchers these harpoons come equipped with Metal wiring that is attached to each harpoon once fired at a creature it prevents them from moving allowing survivors to easily catch creatures. Abilities and features ·When underwater Saddle acts as a submarine survivors will not lose oxygen and will be able to build in it ·Saddle fires torpedoes these are underwater specific projectiles that deal heavy explosive damage upon impact and they can only be crafted in the inventory of the Shasta (similar to the Equus) ·When the Shasta surfaces the saddle transforms into a whaling ship where the submarine dome disappears and opens up to reveal Harpoon guns these guns are manned turrets that come equipped with metal wiring attached to each harpoon and when fired at an enemy creature it prevents them from moving and essentially binds them this can also be done on enemy players and land creatures and if a creature is small enough you are able to reel them in closer even larger creatures can be reeled in if enough Harpoon guns are fired on it. However the guns have their weaknesses to compensate firstly a creature or enemy player can break out of the Harpoon if they struggle enough (similar to the desmodus or Bloodstalker) and the Harpoon turrets have a durability meter and after a while will require repairs ·Saddle also comes equipped with a Submarine scope allowing you to view the surface of the water while submerged it also acts as a magnifying glass and shows the current health and torpidity of a creature ·Cannot be grabbed by a Tuso due to it’s sheer size ·Has echolocation this essentially gives the Shasta a built in submarine radar allowing it to detect any hostile creatures or players in the immediate area and Highlights everything nearby ·Can charge up a sonic blast with it’s echolocation when fired it disorients enemies essentially acting as a flashbang grenade and enabling the shasta to make an escape if the fight looks to be unwinnable this blast also can disable tek structures and gear including tek underwater bases ·Is very efficient at gathering oil from underwater oil veins and gathers Black pearls effectively from eurypterids and other creatures that drop them ·Saddle is similar to the andrewsarchus saddle as it doesn't require anything to power it and will produce oxygen in the submarine mode for no cost ·Shastasaurus can use it's massive tail to create large whirlpools in the water these can trap enemies in them for a short period of time and disorient them ·Can use a type of suction feeding to suck smaller creatures into it's beak and grip hold of them ·If swarmed the shasta can fire off a sonar pulse this will be a concussive explosion of sound coming off the shasta that will push all enemies back when the shasta is being swarmed ·Can only be tamed by bringing a bunch of tamed Ichthyosaurus or other Shastasaurus and putting them on wandering near it this will cause the wild shasta to interact with those tames and slowly begin to integrate into your tribe however if one of it's companions or the shasta itself is hurt the taming effectiveness will decrease and if one of them is killed the shasta will no longer be tameable and If the player attacks one of the shasta's companions or the shasta itself the whole group will become hostile to the player
    1 point
  8. "Will the Miracinonyx be resubmitted if it loses?" I'll resubmit it for Valguero. But after that, I'm done with it. I want move on and make new creature ideas for future votes. Anyways... From the same creator as the Ornimegalonyx and the Armadillosuchus The Miracinonyx! The ultimate embracer of SPEED CREEP Wild: I used to believe that Gallimimus were the fastest sprinters of this ecosystem - that was, until I witnessed Miracinonyx rapidos. It appeared out of the bushes as a mere blur, whizzing the air behind it as it blitzed forwards. Before I had even realized it, it had already killed a Gallimimus. Domesticated: I hope you’re well prepared to ride a Miracinonyx, because their speed is overwhelming. I’d compare the force of their initial velocity to the rush of a roller coaster launch - and much like any roller coaster, you better be holding on damn tight, because this fervent feline will send you shooting up nearly-vertical cliffs and speeding across bodies of water. If you can stomach the g-force, you’ll be able to take advantage of its speed in crafty ways - most notably by laying waste to everything you run past. You'll be able to leave a trail of fire in your wake, or perhaps toss aside explosives for a bombing run. Kind of reminds me of an old racing video game that I forgot the name of… What does it do? SPEED The Miracinonyx aims to be the fastest creature in the entire game - surpassing even the speediest DLC mounts. With it, you'll be able to rush across the surface of water, shoot right up cliffs, and bolt through any dense, complex terrain in mere seconds. So whether you're faced with the most rugged of canyons, the widest of oceans, or the densest forest floors, the Miracinonyx is sure to let you quickly overcome any landscape and get you from point A to B with lightning-fast velocity. This is a mount made for absolute speed demons. That said, it's also capable of pulling off some craftily combative tricks. With blazing agility, it can spark up some heat and trap foes in trails of fire. Even snarkier is its ability to run up to a target and quickly slip an active bear trap, grenade, or other primed weapon right under their feet. Should all else fail, a well-timed speedy swipe is sure to deal some sufficient hit-and-run damage. After a long day of running, the Miracinonyx would be more than happy to turn a few rocks into scratching posts, grinding chunks of it into fine sparkpowder. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Extra Notes: Receives no fall damage. Possesses some degree of swimming/paddling. Can transition from swimming to running atop the water. Default sprinting speed is akin to that of a Managarmr. Sprinting speed upon using its Maximum Boost ability lets it just barely surpass the TEK Skiff. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Abilities: [C/Crouch] - Style Switch The Miracinonyx has four different Styles that it can switch into, each with its own gimmick. Standard Style: The default mode. Allows the Miracinonyx to use its standard [Mouse1] attack. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hazard Deployment Style: In this Style, the Miracinonyx’s [Mouse1] attack is replaced with an aiming reticle that allows the player to throw any deployable traps or explosives on the run in Mario Kart-fashion. Deployables must be in your inventory beforehand, and you can cycle through which one you wish to throw. If you deploy a trap (such as a plant species Y or bear trap), it’ll be instantly ready the moment it hits the ground, while an explosive (such as grenades and plant species Z fruit) will have a quicker fuse time. There is no cooldown or limit to how many deployables you can throw per second, so theoretically (and if your Miracinonyx has enough weight), you could run through an open field and completely spam it in hundreds of bombs or bear traps in mere seconds, transforming any empty space into a crazy minefield within the blink of an eye. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blazing Style: In this Style, the Miracinonyx sparks its claws ablaze through friction. Holding down [Mouse1] will create a fire trail as you run. The Miracinonyx requires sparkpowder in its inventory to produce a fire trail, and it depletes through it quite rapidly. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Leisure Travel Style: In this Style, the Miracinonyx will autonomously swerve around nearby obstacles, such as rocks, trees, and creatures. (If auto-dodging is too much of a pain for Wildcard to program, they could alternatively just make it burst through obstacles like the Andrewsarchus does) This would allow players to leisurely travel through the densest forest floors at high speed without the inconvenience of getting snagged on a tree trunk or rock. However, you cannot attack while in this Style. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ [Mouse1] - Speed Swipe (Requires Standard Style) Tap [Mouse1] to perform a normal attack, much like any other creature. However, if you hold [Mouse1] while sprinting, you’ll begin charging up a powerful swipe attack. While charging, a meter appears on the screen. The meter contains a slim green bar, followed by a large red bar, while an arrow glides across the meter. Time the meter correctly and land on the green bar to deal high damage! ... But if you mistime the attack and release on the red bar (or if you stop sprinting) you’ll fumble the swipe. A good sense of distance and delay-prediction are needed to perform landing a perfectly-timed swipe on your target. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ [Mouse2] - Maximum Boost Hold down [Mouse2] to cause the Miracinonyx to rocket forwards at speeds so great, it becomes a blur. While under the effects of this super-speedy boost, turning becomes harder, but you can zip across the surface of water. If Leisure Travel Style is selected when using Maximum Boost, it has the additional benefit of destroying trees and rocks on the run. While speeding, you'll be able to drift by quickly readjusting your direction. If you're good at controlling the drift, then you'll be able to masterfully overcome this ability's innate turn speed reduction. ↩️↪️ Maximum Boost can be held for as long as you like, but once you let go, a cooldown will occur. Bumping into any non-destructible objects - such as a wall, or too steep a slope - will forcibly halt the ability to an end. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ [Spacebar] - Clamber Up Press [Spacebar] to jump, or hold [Spacebar] to charge up an even greater jump. If you double tap Spacebar] when against a wall, you will latch onto it and can climb. If you hold [Spacebar] when against a very large creature, like a Bronto, you will also climb up it. Upon reaching its top, you’ll leap off its back and gain a speed boost. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ [Melee/Pistol Whip] - Scratching Post Use this interaction to scratch the Miracinonyx’s claws against a rock. Doing so will sharpen the Miracinonyx’s claws and grant it a temporary damage boost. As a bonus, you’ll scrape out a sizable chunk of sparkpowder from the rock: a resource that no existing creature can farm. Alternatively, you can scratch a tree, which will yield thatch. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ [Radial Menu Interaction] - Cuddle For Warmth Give some nice pats to your fellow Miracinonyx and gain a temporary boost to insulation (thanks to Stewbarry3.14 for suggesting this humorously loveable idea). ________________________________________________________________________________________________ 𝕋𝔼𝕂 𝕊𝕒𝕕𝕕𝕝𝕖: Through the use of a TEK Saddle, the Miracinonyx’s Blazing Style is modified. Instead of fire trails, it will instead produce trails of physical barriers, and require Element as fuel. Barriers persist for a long duration, but enemies can damage them to make them disappear faster. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Taming Process Baby Miracinonyx are found hiding in bushes or tight corners in the wild, shy of everything that wanders by. Players must approach carefully and repeatedly feed it meat to gain its trust. But beware of its parents, which lurk around the vicinity. Should the baby be startled, its nearby parents will immediately attack anything responsible for scaring it. If you do manage to tame it, the baby will be imprinted to you, and must be raised from there on. Even when in the safety of human care, the baby Miracinonyx remains an incredibly nervous creature. You won't be able to complete the imprinting process by yourself. In order to give your Miracinonyx the full enrichment it deserves, pair it with a "companion dog" (Like a Direwolf, Ravager, or other similarly-sized creature). Much like how real cheetahs are raised in captivity, this companion will help you get the full imprint potential out of your baby. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Thanks for reading. I'll be reading the comments of this submission whenever I can, so feel free to leave any suggestions.
    1 point
  9. Arachnophobes beware, for the Mongolarachne is here! Coming from the Middle Jurassic time period, the Mongolarachne has gone through many classifications since its first discovery in 2013 as only two fossils of the animal have been discovered. The general consensus though is that the “Mongo” could be a stem-orbicularian meaning that the webs it would weave are closely resembling the orb webs certain modern spiders can weave. They have been noted on having a cribellum which would have allowed them to weave silk that is, although fine, could be weak when slack but when prey is caught it could harden and stick to any prey caught in the webs as modern spiders with a cribellum operate. One of the more fascinating theories about the Mongo is that it could potentially also be a Deinopidae or a “net casting spider” also meaning that it is the latest Deinopidae ever discovered! Net casting spiders will weave a net out of their silk and after securing the net to their front legs, will launch themselves at prey before chowing down. Dossier: Wild: Today I witnessed a truly horrifying sight. The Mongolarachne. As I was out surveying, I nearly became this massive beast’s next meal as I unknowingly wandered into one of its web traps it had lain under the tree it was currently descending from. I could not even scream before its web net was around me but before the silk hardened, I was able to grab my gun. My bullets had next to no effect but by pure luck my flashlight scared it away, leaving it dazed enough for me to escape. Interestingly it showed similar signs to that of a seizure for a few seconds before climbing back up its tree. Domesticated: I have yet to see anyone successfully tame a Mongolarachne, but I do believe that taming is possible as it shows heightened levels of intelligence. My theory stems from its willingness to recruit other creatures of this ark as they can both mutually benefit from the relationship, mostly to make getting a meal easier. I suspect that with a combination of certain bright lights as well as the direct puncture of the underbelly with any number of narcotic weaponries, the rapid assault on its nervous system should send it in a shock in which it could then be nursed back to health. Other ways of overloading the nervous system may be possible but I’m not going to risk my hide to test what does and doesn’t set it off. When tamed I suspect the Mongolarachne could be extremely useful for the taming of many of the creatures around the ark as well as a safe alternative to help bring down some of the more dangerous ones. Taming: One of the main ways to “stun” a Mongo is to use bright lights head on, as many Deinopidae (net casting spiders) are very susceptible to light and the Mongo will rear back exposing its underbelly where tranqs can be shot at into it to start knocking it out. In a lore sense most spiders have a large amount of their nervous system along their underbellies, so by flashing it, it overloads the nervous system allowing it to then be affected by narcotics. This will take several stuns to pull off as well as lots of tranqs as they will have a high torpor drain when not stunned, akin to a Giga’s torpor drain and it will have a very large torpor pool. The Mongo will gain a buff where it cannot be stunned until a timer runs out so it will not be stun locked, real world Deinopidae are able to regrow burnt optical organs after a period of time. Saddle: Driver is sat on top of the Mongo’s head, with two passengers along the side of the head/main body to give them sightlines on things that are caught in the net. Countermeasures: · Weak to bright sudden lights: Bright lights stun Mongos for an increased time, with them exposing their underbellies so that extra damage and torpidity can be done. Damage to the underbelly can only be done by projectiles, players with melee weapons, small to medium sized tames, bleed can be applied to underbelly. (Lights include Flashlight, Electric Prod, Z fruit, Charge Lantern) · Placed Charge lanterns and Light Pets can provide a nice deterrent from prowling Mongos · Other possible stuns: Both Pachyrhinosaurus scents at once, plant x + plant y at once, Many narcotic traps at once · Immobile while pounced: While pounced on prey the Mongo cannot move and will not be able to until the net is broken, the Mongo releases the net, or the prey is eaten · Stamina drain while pounced: In order to keep something captured both immobile and defended a constant stream of fresh webbing is required to keep the net in top shape. The Mongo constantly produces a stream of fresh webbing and gets tired over time doing so if the prey is awake. Knocked out creatures will not constantly drain stamina as they are no longer fighting against the webbing. · Web Net cooldown: A Mongo both tame and wild will have a cooldown before it can weave another web net onto its front legs so as to not allow consecutive pounce attempts. · Slow speed: The Mongo is slow moving in both walking and sprinting with its main form of movement being large jumps allowing for quick getaways as long as you watch where the Mongo is launching itself · Very slow swim speed, can be attacked from below for extra damage in water · Affected by Large Bear Traps (not plant y, plant y only helps stun not root) Perks: · High health pool · Large stamina pool · High weight capacity · Far jumps · Can climb · Takes reduced damage from all sources when not stunned and not hit in the underbelly (high defense) · No fall damage · Has tough plated chitin to reduce fire/megatherium bug bonus damage to normal · Immune to bleed when not attacking underbelly · Immune to Shadowmane poison, Cnidaria and Electrophorus shock · Immune to Freeze, both Mana AND Snow Owl (its fuzzy) Symbiotic Relationships: · Beelzebufo: Species of Tarantulas have been seen using frogs to guard their eggs from bugs that want a quick snack and in return protect the frog from its predators with its size. The Beelzebufo could sit on top of the back like the babies can and could obtain cementing paste at an increased rate. It could be a way for the Beel to get free food while protecting the main course the Mongo is trying to eat without any annoying Meganura getting at it first · Araneo: Could help reduce the amount of time the spider silk produces in the Mongo's inventory for each Araneo on the back and could reduce the time the Mongo takes to weave bigger webs, but only SLIGHTLY less · Bloodstalkers: Could help reduce the stamina drain per Bloodstalker on prey a Mongo is holding down as they could help lighten the load, and help fight against the creature trying to escape Buffs would be shown with a percentage increase/decrease for the respective change Appearance: Male Mongos will be slimmer than female Mongos but the same size. The Mongo will be based mostly off a Tarantula with it being a bigger, thicker build than the other spiders of Ark. It will have a fuzzy coat like a Tarantula. It will have patterning and spikes like many Orb Weavers have. Its eyes will resemble that of a jumping spider but still have the Chelicerae(jaws) of a Tarantula. Its front two(2) legs will be elongated like the fossil and Deinopidae arachnids have but will be slightly slimmer than its other six(6) legs but still retain the fuzzy look. While weaving a web net before a pounce you can see a noticeable change in the Mongos movement where the start of the charge will be a slow movement of the front legs and as the size of the web net increases the faster the legs will move to help players visualize what stage the net is in. While in the web trap laying mode the spines at the back of the abdomen around the Cribellum will flash the color that they are to indicate to players that the Mongo is about to lay traps in the area. Hunting: A wild Mongo will lay down traps surrounding the area as it wanders, waiting for something to trip the web where it will then aggro onto the trapped entity and weave a web to then pounce on it. Wild wandering Mongos will lay up to three(3) web traps on the ground. If flying or gliding in the vicinity of one it will attempt to launch itself into the air, where quick reactions to dodge the incoming giant will determine whether you are caught or not. It will also attempt the pounce on gliding tames but their speed should take you out of range before they are able to pounce on you but be careful not to land near it. It will always try to trap its prey first as being an intelligent being it knows its chances of a meal are higher when the odds are in its favor but if anything happens to escape it will chase and bite at entities until it is ready to weave another net. They can also be found on redwood trees and cliffs with them having one(1) web trap directly under the surface they are on. The Pounce: When a wild Mongo senses a web trap has caught something or something in the air catches its eye it will weave a web net around its front elongated legs where it will create the right size net and then launch itself in the direction of the entity. An entity caught by the pounce will slowly be wrapped up by the Mongo where it will then start biting into whatever it caught dealing high damage as well as torpidity. Captured entities can still perform attacks for a time before the net hardens as most webs produced from a spider with a cribellum have the ability to harden and dry out after touching prey for a time. In this brief time a player can stun the Mongo to instantly break out of any net/web trap they or any creature are stuck in, freeing them, and giving them time to escape while the Mongo pursues until outran. A mounted creature that is wrapped in a net before it hardens can be dismounted but if the creature is not dismounted before the net hardens the rider loses the ability to do any actions or be interacted with by any outside force. A mounted creature will be attacked first without the rider being attacked but if the mount is killed the rider will be freed to flee. A mounted creature that is in a net cannot do actions for a time that starts when the Mongo has fully webbed the tame, when the timer runs out the rider can then attack to try to break the web and rapidly decrease the Mongo’s stamina. When a Mongo’s stamina is depleted, any entity caught in the web net is freed. Mounted creatures will not be targeted by creatures that would aggro to it while caught in a Mongo web so as to not have a successful escape met by a group of predators to immediately chow down on you and your tame. Players and creatures that escape the Mongo’s web are given the “Terrifying Presence” buff to signify the nullification of aggro. A Mongo will raise its head slightly if it is pounced which can protect the rider from attacks from the front. The Mongo can utilize its webs differently depending on the drag weight of the creature with a drag weight of 600 being the largest a Mongo can successfully pounce and wrap up. Web Trap: Functioning similar to a small/large bear trap or Y plant trap, any creature that walks over the web trap will be stuck for a time with the ability to break out of the web with enough attack actions. If pounced while stuck in a web trap the Mongo will be able to wrap up a creature faster than it would if it was pounced on without a web trap. For creatures the Mongo cannot tie down in its grasp, creatures that walk on web traps have reduced movement speed for a short time period. As it is a spider web it will not have a decomposition timer like a Y plant trap does, but a trap spotted before something is caught in it can be broken easily. Wild Mongos will approach the area of a broken web trap and will eventually re-lay more traps in the area as it wanders. Food Chain: The Mongo is an apex of sorts, preferring forests and canyon areas that prefer to lie in wait for prey to wander into web traps rather than outright pouncing on everything in sight, with the exception of flying and gliding entities. They will attack and pounce on everything caught in web traps even Rexes. Bigger predators such as Rexes and Gigas can aggro onto the Mongo. Maneuverability: The Mongo would be about the same speed as a Theri and much in the same aspect as a Theri, it will be able to outlast other large tames in a race but can still be run down if caution is not taken. The Mongo is able to climb as well as jump very high like a Karkinos or Reaper giving it very good maneuverability. PvE Usage: A tamed Mongo can be manually made to start weaving a net with a crosshair indicating the direction the spider will pounce, no aim assist will be added like with raptors as the Mongo’s size will give it a large capturing radius. With the two seats on the side of the Mongo’s saddle, two passengers will be able to use ranged weaponry on whatever the Mongo has trapped in the net allowing for easy taming with the ability of the hardened net to prevent wild dino damage to be done to the captured creature as well as having smaller prey animals not be hunted by predators while caught in a Mongo’s net, preventing any reduction in taming effectiveness. As this is a tame and not a building, this living trap can help tame creatures in areas where other tribes’ structures are located. Structures cannot be placed near a Mongos legs if something is caught. PvP Usage: In tribe fights, a Mongo with enough silk in its inventory can produce a minefield of web traps that will stop anything that passes over it in its tracks, leaving things an easy target for attack. With its ability to fully capture a tame, it can force enemies to have to focus on freeing their comrade giving more opportunities to attack, with the Mongo able to retreat to the backlines to heal with its large jump. If not on the frontlines trapping enemy tames, the Mongo could use its bulky defense to defend the flanks and rear of your tribe by setting traps around your friends and with its damage reduction it is able to stall out most high damage dealing dinos giving your friends time to react to the surprise threat. The Mongo will also have the ability to pry open dino and behemoth gates, leaving them “webbed open” for a brief time to make entering a base’s defense easier. The webbing on the door is set on a timer and cannot be interacted with by either parties. Webbed open gates when freed will have to be manually closed by the owner. Breeding: Mongos are able to breed naturally and will produce an egg akin to the Araneo and Mantis eggs. Unlike most spiders the females will NOT eat the male after breeding. After the egg is hatched the baby Mongo will have the option to sit on a mother spider to rest on the abdomen with a maximum of three baby Mongos being able to be sat like a Maewing and fed until Juvenile where they are separated. Baby Mongos while on a mother’s back will have increased imprint done to it. (Placeholder risk for breeding: Males will have to shed their exoskeleton to regrow their “bits” leaving them knocked out with their damage reduction buff removed and having extra damage and debuffs able to be applied anywhere.) Incubation and Maturation: An infant Mongo’s life cycle will take around over three(3) days on 1x including incubation and maturation Imprint: On 1x, imprints will count for 20% of the bar, with a baby on a mother’s back gaining 40% for an imprint. Baby Mongos on a mother’s back will only ask to be fed raw and cooked prime, raw and cooked mutton, cooked prime meat jerky, Superior kibble, narcotic, or biotoxin. If a baby Mongo is removed from the back of the mother, the extra buff will not be applied upon the feeding of the baby as to not allow rerolls for easier to obtain items. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR THOSE INTERESTED Concept: While the real-world Mongo is only a few inches in length, Ark is not afraid to upscale creatures, so I say why not go all out and have the Ark Mongo be a bit bigger than a Rex. Its appearance would take from a mix of real-world spiders including Tarantulas, Orb Weavers and others, while also retaining the elongated front legs from their fossils. Their main form of attack would be to weave a web net around their two front legs before doing a pounce not unlike that of the Raptor where it would then wrap the prey up before starting to attack. The Mongo would be a very high health, high damage creature with a large stamina pool but slow movement speed. To add a bit more utility and to help its lack of speed, the Mongo would be able to set web traps on the ground, acting like a bear trap or a Plant Y trap. In the wild it could leave a few in the area it is spawned in, and if a creature steps in the web, it is stuck but has the ability to attack out of the web such as players are able to break out of a Bloodstalker string before the web hardens. While tamed the Mongo could also passively generate spider webbing in its inventory which could be used as a replacement for fiber, but at certain thresholds it could craft and place the web traps with a player also being able to take it out of the Mongo’s inventory and place it themselves. For the web net, it could weave different sizes depending on how long the action key for the weaving is held going from small, medium, large, and extra-large, with the small web net being able to capture players and player sized tames. Like the Rhyniognatha, the size of the web woven could affect creatures of different drag weights with the extra-large webs being able to hold down Spinos and Reapers and other similar drag weight creatures. While pounced on a creature the Mongo is immobile and will not attack the webbed creature unless manually done by the rider or set on aggressive. The saddle of the Mongo will hold three players with the driver set on the top of the head and the other two along the sides of the torso so that they are able to attack webbed entities from range. It can also climb walls. The idea: As both a PvP and PvE player and mostly PvE, one of the staple aspects of progressing through the game is the taming of new dinos. In PvP we are able to pick up creatures and drop them into traps in order to make the taming process easier. In PvE however the ability to move a creature into a trap in such a way is disabled, so my main focus was to create a perfect taming companion tame to help offset the inability of PvE players to easily trap dinos to tame, while also adding enough utility as to not have it be outclassed by other tames in PvP and to bring something unique to Ark. For PvP, there are so many really good offensive tames where there are little to no counters to them, with the skill set that comes with the Mongo, it is a high skill counter to many of Ark’s more annoying metas while not being an outright damage steamroller as with its many strengths it also has many weaknesses that can be exploited. Terrifying Presence (“Something horrible is near”): The buff given to any entity that is pounced on by a Mongo, a timer is started when an entity escapes the pounce webbing. Prevents creatures below a drag weight of 600 and NOT on the aggro list of the Mongo from being aggro’d to the entity. Radiation: The Mongo WILL be hurt by radiation if brought to Aberration or any other area with a similar effect. Interactions with Reapers and Reaper Queens: Reapers can be fully tied down by Mongos but when damaged the Reaper’s acid blood can damage the web even when hardened, allowing for an easier but not free kill. A “Melting” bar will appear and fill as the trapped Reaper takes damage, when full the Reaper escapes. Reaper Queens cannot be fully tied down and are the one of the biggest creatures a Mongo can web down, they are able to bite, shoot from the tail and impregnate when health is low enough. Reaper Queens cannot move or tail spin while in webs. Reaper Queens can be damaged without risk of breaking the webs, but in return Reaper Queens acid blood will damage the Mongo in order to not give a free impregnation. “Dissolving” debuff will be shown when Reaper Queen is caught and damaged, Mongo will take damage over time not affected by the high armor. Button input (Console, can be swapped to appropriate key input for PC): · Right Trigger: Bite (High damage) · Hold Right Trigger: Narcotic Bite (Torpor attack, decent damage, good for a last-minute torp, will not be a free knockout on creatures as the torp/damage ratio will result in the creature dying before knocking out if only attacked with the Narcotic Bite) · Left Trigger: Quick pounce where camera is facing with small sized net. Pounce cooldown is shown in the bottom left of screen · Hold Left Trigger: Crosshair appears, and Mongo starts to increase the size of the web net over time with the size of the net displayed in the bottom left of screen with S, M, L, XL indicating the changes, release to pounce. · Hold Left Trigger after creature is Pounced: Cut webbing to set the creature free. Pounce cooldown is shown in bottom left of screen · A Button: Jump · Hold A Button: Charged Jump with crosshair · Click in Left Stick: Sprint, while sprinting can climb surfaces · Tap Left Bumper (Mine Laying Mode Toggle): Shows indication of how many web traps are in Mongo’s inventory, back spikes will start to pulse when active, tap again to toggle off and back spikes will no longer pulse · Right Trigger after Left Bumper (Mine Laying Mode is ACTIVE): will place a web trap directly behind the Mongo, if the Mongo is on a surface the web trap will fall as if a net projectile was shot downward but will become a web trap when it lands on a surface or if it collides with an entity, falling web trap will spawn relative to the rear end of the Mongo · Click Right Stick: Roar · Click and hold Right Stick: Pry open enemy gates Taming Foods: · Favorite: Exceptional Kibble · Raw Mutton · Spoiled Meat · Raw Meat Drops when killed: · Spider Silk · Organic Polymer · Chitin · Pelt · Raw Meat Aggro’d creatures: · Basilisk · Karkinos · Spinos · Rock Drakes · Reapers, R-Reapers, Reaper Queens, R-Reaper Queens · Nameless · Rex · Gigas · Charcars · Rhyns · Wyverns (Not Crystal Wyverns) · All hostile water creatures · Deathworms · All bosses · Magmasaurs · Rock Golems, X-Rock Golems · Amargasaurus · Megatherium · Attack and Defense Drones · All Corrupted · Fasolasuchus? · Enraged Ferox · Giant Bees (if hive is broken) · Griffin · Insect Swarm · Lamprey · Leech · Seeker if charge pet is active · Summoner · Therizino · Voidwyrm Thank you for reviewing my creature submission! Sorry for the info dump but me and my friends brainstormed hard to think of mechanics that would make it unique while also finding ways to help balance the creature into a fun, fair, and useful tame, to be viable in both PvP and PvE as well as to help it stand out from the others currently in Ark. Any and all feedback is appreciated, and I will try to respond to comments whenever possible. Links: · https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mongolarachne, Mongolarachne description and history · https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cribellum, Cribellum description · https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deinopidae, Deinopidae spider information · https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3889289/, speculation on Mongo traits .
    1 point
  10. What did I say that was negative? I talked about I'm having fun playing ARK not on the official servers. If the official servers are bringing you down, stop playing on them. That is all I'm saying. I played on the official servers way back in 2017. I saw how toxic they were and stopped playing there and never went back. There is a whole bigger community of players that don't play on the official servers. You keep talking like the people that play on the official servers are the ARK community. That is far from the truth. The majority of people playing ARK do not play on the official servers. There are thousands of small communities of players, many organized in Discord servers or by other means. Strong friendships and a lot of fun is had in those communities. It is many of the posts in this forum that are very negative and reflect the toxic environment that is the official servers. Move from those and you will find there is a much bigger community out there that plays ARK and is a lot of fun. Those communities are not focused on the end of official servers. They mostly could care less that they are being closed. They almost never even say a single thing about it. BTW, I never said you don't have a right to your opinion. I'm just stating mine, which is its just a game. There is no such thing as an investment in a game, there is just playing a game and having fun playing it. When the servers shut down, you are losing nothing. You can still play the game elsewhere, since that is all a game really is. That is why I've probably started at least 100 characters in the 10k hours of ARK that I've played and enjoyed doing that. BTW, if you haven't noticed, there is a lot of toxicity in these forums. That is the internet for you. People will say exactly what they think here. That is just how it is. If you want hugs and affirmations, this is not the place for you.
    1 point
  11. We already know you can vote with your dollars if you want to. But that still does not excuse what they're trying to do and it still should be talked about. It's not just a simple or easy thing to be quiet about. If people within the ark community let them get away with this we are going to have a big problem, other gaming communities are watching what they're doing,haven't commented but they're watching what players ( the Ark community)is going to do. So yes I will keep stating what's going to happen. We should be coming together as a whole Community to actually not have them do this. But we are so divided and being negative towards each other.😔 The hostility that I've had to deal with since starting up speaking in the forms has been very sad. So you have the people who want to switch over to Asa. Okay, but you should not keep commenting negative comments on the people who are showing their distaste for what wild card / snail games is doing. People have a right to their opinions. That might be how you feel but people who have invested in their characters time and to selectively bred their animals to a certain level of stats think otherwise. Me for instance. And why would you want to do what you've spent years doing all over again. Some people like me invested in one character. I don't want to have to keep investing in more characters. I kept doing that when I was on unofficial servers it was a headache. I couldn't keep one character.not one. For example I had servers closed down, people couldn't keep up the upkeep of their server they shut down or you had servers where even on PVE they would constantly harass you build around you etc. I did not get that on official servers. From being on official servers for the last two years I've not seen any hackers. I have not seen any harassment etc. As I said before they can go to the route of what they originally said they can have our characters transfer over. We do not need a remastered version of a game we already have. The have not worked out any of the problems of the original game. Wild card/snail games has not shown anything that would warrant any problems . They are saying it would take time and money to transfer people's characters and everything from one game to another which is bogus because other game developers are able to do this. They are worth over a billion dollars. They're not a small DEV company.They don't want to put really any time or money into doing this transfer after stating they would. Snail games basically is coming to our community for revenue nothing else. Which they should not be doing. They are not really caring about what they're doing to the ark player community.
    1 point
  12. I had thought that it consumes the normal amount in a mount, if you only use the boosters, one element is enough to make several jumps before it is consumed, but for each shield you generate, one element is spent
    1 point
  13. vi que mejorastes alguna cosas como el tameo, parece divertido
    1 point
  14. There's nothing wrong with using AI art. Nor does anyone have to declare that's it's AI art.
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. That is actually a tough question Somes. I think as a whole the community would pick the Aquatic version just for this map but I look at which creatures could fit on all maps. So it would probably be between the Venom,Chiller and Mountain ones. Mainly because they are targeted for biomes that are on every map for the most part. Probably the mountain one for me though...I think it has abilities that fit everyones playstyles. I wish it had a breathe weapon like the others but I guess you wanted to be different.
    1 point
  17. You should ad a tek saddle that makes it able to swim in the ground and to change the bleeding effect of the wings with torpor, and different others effect by constantly applying them on the wings with the help of the tek saddle (the narcotics, bio toxins and others things must be present in the saddle to apply the effect). ''Swim in the ground'' means at the surface and to not be a land creature more than an aquatic one it only can bounce the medium sized creature (parasaurs, iguanodons) away by swimming really fast at them, but has the effect to stop the flying fish (like a car crashes but one car got sending in the air).
    1 point
  18. I LOVE the idea of a sword wielding rex however Centre would not be the map for it perhaps do it again for Crystal Isles Elderitch death zone where it can flex on all the other dangerous creatures with a sword to tame
    1 point
  19. I really like the idea of a disorienting and confusing call. I added it into the submission (credit goes to you <3)
    1 point
  20. I am invalidating my Maiacetus vote because I have continued to be rude to multiple creators here, I know it will disappoint many people seeing this vote go down but my decision is final. I apologize for the problems I have caused here.
    1 point
  21. It's a poopty move to still sell Ark and DLC while you guys are abandoning it. There's no warning that there will be no servers/multiplayer and no further patches.
    1 point
  22. Oh, I really like this! A usable plain giant turtle would be so cool!
    1 point
  23. You did great on creature submission bro, I thinks it’s really cool and deserves a spot on the top 10, I recommend resubmitting this for say lost island and other big ocean maps if it doesn’t make in the top 10 or when, we really need more ocean creatures and dinosaurs in the game, the oceans are miserable and boring and haven’t been shown any love by the devs, kudos to you bro ✊
    1 point
  24. Your idea is so perfect and thank you very much,dude.
    1 point
  25. Thank you! Even tho I'm gonna bring this submission back for the Valguero vote I'd still definitely love seeing it in mod form. Knowing how high quality Ark Additions is they could definitely do this idea and creature justice. Plus since mods are coming to consoles with Ascended it would mean that everyone could enjoy it, which would be great.
    1 point
  26. Look sort of like a more accurate spino.
    1 point
  27. As we have stated in our creature submission guidelines, entries must be that of an extinct or prehistoric creature. If you can work that into this submission you can then reach out to me to have the lock on this thread lifted.
    1 point
  28. HONESTLY- This would be very handy and useful for the oceans. I'd like to see more love for the oceans and more reasons to actually go and explore them. Most of the time, I don't even bother going into the oceans unless I need some resource I can only find there. ❤️ Also much love for the squids. They're an amazing group of critters!
    1 point
  29. thats the thing though i believe it was DLC extinction when cryopods and fridges got introduced and if WC keep it as that for re-releasing it then omg arrgggghhhhh, similar to maewings ..... all are a massive QOL adjustment. So far i cannot recall anything saying these will be released on the island so it could be a LONG wait till we get them and that will hurt all these 'newer' players who thought they where part of the base game .... either way time will or wont tell at this point.
    1 point
  30. I played for years and did heavy alpha tribe breeding on official servers so I understand that grind very well. I would never play this game again without cryopods. It is the largest QOL addition they have made by far. The take is nonsensical. Cryopods will be in ASA at launch.
    1 point
  31. 1 point
  32. I do understand the lack of time being a concern seeing as this vote came a week earlier than expected (for me at least), but if you ever do decide to use AI images for a future vote, please mention that the images are generated and why they're present, many people including myself frown upon its use but context would help out greatly 👍
    1 point
  33. There’s no design here, it’s ai generated schlock
    1 point
  34. Yup it WILL be another nightmare no pods or maewings plus all the little extras we have from the other DLC's missing too UNLESS since if you BUY ASA you get access to all the other DLC's for free which 'unlocks' the tech? - doubtful but people can dream I suppose. Personally I am just going to sit back and watch a few youtubes for a few weeks to see how bad the poop is - I am still reallllly against even touching it in regards to buying it AGAIN - I will be glad when the official actually get turned off tbh.
    1 point
  35. I think you’re spot on cosmic, they’ve done it before. Perfect example is the tapejara and the tropeo. The tropeo is just a reskinned tape with a a jet powered saddle. I have never really been a big fan of aberration so it doesn’t affect me that much, I’m actually more concerned about other things than creature votes, who’s submission has won more than once, yata yata yata. Don’t get me wrong, the creature additions are cool and all, but they’re kinda like hanging curtains in the living room of the house while the kitchen is on fire. With the lack of actual news and information in the last few crunches, my feeling is they’re going to delay ASA until December at least and go back to releasing scorched and the island at the same time, which is probably going change their price point….again. I’m also really concerned about how primitive they have mentioned on going with ASA. I don’t know how many old school Ark players are still around, but for those of you who started playing after 2017, the game was a different game pre-2017. Some aspects were down right awesome other parts of the game were far far from awesome. Breeding was a complete nightmare without cryopods, and even that is a mild understatement. Let put this way, if you wanted to breed in old school ark, YOU HAD NO LIFE!!! It took forever to raise tames for boss fights, especially if you were in a small tribe or solo. If you were in that type of scenario, you were basically forced to buy your boss tames. Not to mention when you finally did get a boss team, trying to get them to the obelisk to do the boss fight was another migraine in the works. Walking 18 rexes, a yuti and deadon to the obelisk is probably one of the worst pains in the rump you could think of. Then just to get there and realize some jack*ss left their boss team ON THE PLATFORM AND LOGGED OFF! Not to mention the shacks, buildings and fences that were quite literally PACKED around every ob with boss teams. THAT is the kind of experience that is waiting for those who never experienced that debacle. Back to breeding, the other annoying issue waiting for us is, tribes breeding for bosses or just breeding tames because they want to bogs down servers BADLY! I don’t care how advanced UR5 is or gonna be, THE SAME THING WILL HAPPEN! Even the most advanced systems have their limitations. The point I’m getting to is that cryopods not only were a godsend to the breeding and taming of creatures, but they were more important to the running health of the servers. Not having cryopods at launch of ASA in my opinion is a such an insanely stupid idea that even the words “stupid idea” can’t express how stupid of a decision it would be. Now I would love to see the other QOL additions, that I believe should be, available at launch, just because I remember how daunting breeding and raising really was. Incubators, maewings and tek troughs really helped make the small and solo tribes have a level playing field with the big tribes in regards to breeding, it allowed people to actually have a life and not be, quite literally, tied to the game. Other things that I believe should be a part of ASA is flyer speed leveling. If WC is gonna try to have lightning strike twice that needs to be available. Allow flyers like quetzs worth something again. Allow us to build turrets on the platform saddles (in PvE), keep netguns on launch and actual real separate balancing for PvE and PvP. Remove some of the pointless nerfs that PvE had to take because of PvP balancing. Lastly, with the creature vote for The Center, I hope you guys are able to update that map. IMO it’s probably one of the best mod maps and deserves to have the best work. It has some of recognition being the first map to be added and deserves the love. With all that being said I look forward to Asa and I hope that it is everything we hope for and that WC/SG doesn’t try to pull any stupid shenanigans, but that’s probably just wishful hoping on my part.
    1 point
  36. I’d suggest voting for something better like Shastasaurus, Nyctosaurus, or another less popular creature because the other people in this vote deserve recognition. There’s so many good vote ideas that get ignored in favor of repeat top ten creatures and votes boosted by YouTubers, My previous creature ideas are already being added to a mod so I really shouldn’t even be in this vote in the first place. Go give the other less popular votes some love.
    1 point
  37. This deserves to win. Such a well thought out idea and would be so fun have
    1 point
  38. So the Tyrannosaurus rex we have in ARK is a little boring, at least compared to the new crazy creatures like Carchar and Rhynio. Yes, it has that roar, but well... meh. So what kind of cool abilities could be added to the Tyranno to make it a less standard creature in ARK 2? Grab. Perhaps the Tyranno should have an ability like ASE's Megalosaurus, being able to grab survivors and other small creatures. Then perhaps it could continue biting a grabbed creature until its dead and swallowed. This was seen in the cinematic trailer for ARK 2, so why not let it do something similar in the game? Bone-crushing Chomp. When it lived, Tyrannosaurus was an apex predator with a highly advanced skull capable of giving it efficient senses and a bone crushing bite. The jaws of this tyrannosaur could be brought down to deliver a bite force of over 12,000 pounds, easily crushing bones. Perhaps in ARK 2, Tyranno could have bone-crushing effect from its bite. This could work like a combination of Bleed and Injured, slowing and wounding the creature. Senses. Very much unlike the movie Jurassic Park, Tyrannosaurus was in fact perfectly capable of seeing you if you stood still. Analysis of its skull shows highly acute predator senses, allowing it to see and smell potential prey easily. Perhaps in ARK 2, Tyranno could be given a predator senses ability. This could work similar to a TEK helmet or Desmodus' ability, allowing it to easily sniff out and find potential prey. But what ideas do YOU have? ⬇
    1 point
  39. now available https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jCSgtg4yxDUwSwwxAHtQqXq4ScBDs5fi/view?usp=sharing The only change in this release is the addition of some discord permission requirements for /asv-admin commands where only users who are Moderators or Administrator can use these commands. @Sirendire I have also renamed "botconfig.json" to "template-botconfig.json" so that it doesn't overwrite your config if you have already tried using ASVBot. If you're a first time user just fill out your details in "template-botconfig.json" before saving it as "botconfig.json" and running ASVBot.exe
    1 point
  40. The Smilodon was a ferocious creature when it lived, having bulk and superior weaponry to any other predator of the time. It could hunt and kill animals much larger than itself with its fatigue and killer fangs. ARK 2 Smilodon So for ARK 2 perhaps we could have a Smilodon that is more reminiscent of that than the current Sabertooth. Perhaps it can latch onto large creatures like a Deinonychus, and then use a special attack to deliver a death-bite with its fangs. This attack could potentially do way more damage than normal and stun the target. Or perhaps for smaller creatures, like a Parasaurolophus, it can pounce on it. This would involve the Smilodon jumping on the animal and the two creatures rolling over with the Smilodon on top, pinning it down. So.... What do you think? What other abilities could the new Smilodon have?
    1 point
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