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  1. The design of the creature is not my favorite but the ability you give to it are way too cool however the amount of buff it get is insane, 100 % buff, the game gonna be easy. You should nerf all the buff it has because it don't seems to be a fighter and if it's too powerful it may ruin the other ability.
  2. I think that if none of your incredible creatures won a vote or only one you should seriously think about adding some in a mod just like ark additions. I really think it can be awesome and probably a lot of people are hoping for that. It's all your choice but please 🙏.
  3. I still don't know precisely how big it is and I think its important due to all of its capabilities depending on being big
  4. J'adore cette creature et je trouve qu'elle ressemble un peu à un parachute, peut-être ajouter une option à sélectionner via la creature qui fait que quand le joueur tombe dans le vide le dino fonce dessus et fait office de parachute. Sinon en sifflant ou en tapant dans les mains.
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