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ladymarina last won the day on August 10 2023

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About ladymarina

  • Birthday 06/09/1988

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  1. @ElementZeroS7L Exactly 💯 thank you I have been saying this since this all began. Since snail and wild are card cut official servers. We already paid for the full game..... There is no reason that we now have to do microtransactions except for some skins etc. (Maybe)I can see that. For A DLC REALLY it all should be free. I agree with everything you have said. We have already paid for the game and then have to pay for the game all over again. He's early already paid $100 and something over that actually for the whole DLC and what's so funny is they still have ASE available to buy should it not be free now....... Still disappointed and still they haven't really shown anything worth paying an extra amount of money for SmH
  2. Well I knew this was going to happen. Wildcard/SG should have let us console players have our game up until the launch of ASA . I knew this was bound to happen. Once again console players get a kick in the butt. That's why I was fighting for us to keep Ark SE . At least a few servers open. This is just insane who, knows ? There could be another delay. We could have had more time to play with our friends and enjoy our dinos etc.😭 Instead you cut off the servers, Made it so that the console players can only play on Nitrado which is a horrible Server service, Hard for the players who cannot afford a monthly subscription (like me) and now we don't even get to see Asa come to consoles. SMH. This is disappointing, so disappointing. This is so 😢
  3. Thank you I was saying that myself that they can do call gaming. They should even put out a demo so people can even see how this is going to work. They haven't done anything.
  4. Really wild card and snail games. No game play at all still even in the last week of you closing down the console servers no confirmations no guarantees nothing. You guys should be ashamed of yourselves. What are we going to do for people who cannot afford then that trial servers you need to make more of a clarification. Instead of just saying oh it's going to be snapshots. Give us gameplay give us real pictures instead of just drawings. Expect people to buy a game they haven't even seen much of really!
  5. Agreed. There is nothing that they're showing us for ASA or what console players are directly going to do. Besides Nitrado. This is just a ploy so that they can get money out of people. Not caring what they're going to do with people who cannot afford a P S5 or Xbox series x. There are too many people in this country fighting to survive right now. This game has helped me through depression and I won't have that anymore. I don't know what I'm going to do.😞
  6. Does anyone realize they haven't showed anything for us Asa. Nothing at all no gameplay l,no real in depth content except for pictures. They need to keep some of the Official open for people who cannot afford like me. already there's problems with this nitrado situation which I'm sorry, nitrado is a nightmare. Can someone also tell me what is going to happen if you can't pay this $24a month. in this time and age where people are struggling, where we have inflation, and the quality of living has gone up. That might not be affecting everyone but it sure affecting me. They need to do better.
  7. Well I've seen in the comments... I already see people are having problems with these new Nitadao servers. So wild card/ snail games we are just supposed to pay $25 a month you're not giving us a way to transfer our character and everything to an undecated server or anything just pay for everything right? Problems are already arising with the save files and you haven't said one word about it. As I said before you should save some servers for the people who can't afford $25 a month.
  8. Wildcard/Snail games are you absolutely serious. What about the people who don't want to use nitrado or who cannot afford it like me. They are the worst server provider and 20% off?! You should just give everyone their own free server so that their dinos and everything don't go. Your saying we will lose all of our structures items and dinosaurs , everything is going to be deleted. And you're saying you have everyone at heart. It sounds more like heartless to me. So everyone on official servers will lose everything. And what save files for the console players you're not saying anything about that. Just like what you're doing with switch another company is running that you can do it for official servers on console. To keep the official servers alive.
  9. I'm sorry wc/sg, where is info on what is going to be done with consoles Xbox One and PS4. We have been waiting for a while why you keep trying to wait till the last minute in order for us to get information about all this. Give answers stop trying to beat around the bush we have less than 2 months now give us answers. If Nintendo switch is going to have Ark survival SE you need to make it so that there are some servers for console players. On the original Xbox 1 and PS4. You can have another company handle those servers just like another company handles Nintendo switch give us answers.
  10. Wild card and snail games. Stop beating around the bush give us information that is needed. What are console players going to do about save files. You have to give us something. And what are people going to do who don't want to start from the beginning you have to answer some of these questions.Tell the community that you say you care about so much something. The people who are on ASE and on console we need more answers. What you're giving us is irrelevant.
  11. Well it isn't surprising I'm so sure there are going to do what they always do. Well card slash snail games you need to give us clarification. Because this is seeming very very bad for the console players. Tell us something that we want to hear stop beating around the bush.
  12. Well it was a matter of time before this happened I knew it would. They definitely need to get their act together. Even $39 is better than $60 but it's still sad on how they're trying to make us pay for a game we already have. It should be more like 15 to $20 and now all the maps aren't going to be added they need to clarify on that pronto. Nightmare needs to be rectified. They need to tell us how we're going to be able to keep our dinos our places where we're at and I will be able to still have fun via multiplayer for people who can't afford a server.
  13. GP I don't know what to believe I believe it's going to be by the beginning of August I have no belief in anything they say at all. Who knows they might change it around again they sure have already.
  14. Gp we have less than 2 months. August is literally a month away.
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