Jen Posted October 15, 2016 Share Posted October 15, 2016 Hello Survivors, Welcome to your latest edition of the Community Crunch! ARK: Evolution Event! We’re running another! And it’s live, here are all the juicy details; Through the weekend the Official ARK Network will be affected by an Evolution Event! Survivors playing this weekend will get to experience the following bonuses: 2x Harvesting Rate 2x Taming Rate 2x EXP Rate So be sure to log in and enjoy the increased rates whilst you can! And not only that but all Official Server networks have received a permanent increase in difficulty to 5.0 - this means that the maps will get tougher but the rewards will be better! ARK: Scorched Earth 25% Off! To celebrate the upcoming release of ARK v248 - Scorched Earth is now on sale for 25% off on Steam! Get it while it's hot! September Survivor League Championship Winners! Last weekend we held our latest Survivor League Championship Matches! The best survivors went head to head in 3 epic matches for a chance at $65,000 and their spot in August Survivor League! If you missed the games, you can check them out here: Congratulations to the winners, who can be found on our updated Survivor League page, listing their placing as well as how much of the prize pool they’ve walked away with! We are also announcing that the October Survivor League qualifiers has begun. The scores from previous have been reset due to changes made in the most recent update possibly affecting scores. However we hope this reset will give all players new and old a chance at the top this month. The qualifying period will run for 28 days and end on the 14th of November. And the end of these 28 days, the top placing competitors will participate in the Championship games. The October Survivor League Championships will be played and broadcast live on Twitch on Saturday, November the 19th. In case you missed it, the winners for September were announced in our previous announcement, here: And if you're new to ARK: Survival of the Fittest and would like more information on our Survivor League: May the odds be ever in your favor this month, Survivors! Last Man Standing Mod 5-Man Tournament Winners! Last weekend was also the Last Man Standing Tournament! The tournament was run using a Survival of the Fittest mod created by community member Katti, hosted by Davnell, and had a prize pool sponsored by Studio Wildcard. Different than the Survivor League, Last Man Standing uses tribes of 5 and will consist of three 1.5 hour matches where points are awarded for tribe survival placement (10 points for 1st, descending by 1 point for each successive position, 0 points for 11th place and below). The highest points accumulated at the end of the three matches was crowned the winner! You can subscribe to the mod here: If you missed the games, you can check them out here: Prize Pool: 1st place: 2500 USD (5x500 USD) 2nd Place: 1250 USD (5x250 USD) 3rd Place: 750 USD (5x150 USD) 4th Place: 500 USD Steam gift cards (5x100 USD cards) 5th Place: Scorched Earth keys (x5) Congratulations to the winners, and all of the participants! It was an epic weekend filled with battles and fun. We will strive to continue supporting our mod community in the future so that great creations like this can receive the notoriety and playtime they deserve. NVidia Ansel Photography Contest Super Resolution Version: ARK: Survival Evolved and the Scorched Earth Expansion Pack now include support for NVIDIA Ansel -- a revolutionary new way to capture in-game shots. Compose a shots from any position, adjust with post-process filters, capture HDR images in high fidelity formats, and share the screenshots in 360 via a smartphone, PC or VR headset. Learn more about these features in the NVIDIA blog. Now let’s get to the contest! There were 3 potential categories for survivors to enter their shots into and they were the following: Three Categories Super Resolution: These should be taken at 8x Super Resolution. Players can optionally use Depth of Field effects accessible in Spectator mode by pressing the [Delete] key. Panoramic 360 Stereoscopic 3D: These should be taken at 4x Super Resolution, in 360 Stereoscopic 3D mode. We will crop them to 2D for web display, while also providing the 3D version for viewing within VR display. Freeform: Any settings, whacky and creative use of Ansel filters are encouraged. Adding humorous titles/captions in Photoshop is also acceptable for this category! And now without further ado, here are your entries! You’ll want to click on the image title to be able to download the maximum size image, we’ve resized them for display purposes Super Resolution! Winners! EXFIB0 - On Top Of The World GG Fizz - The Jerboa Kingdom Soulyouth - Bug v Bug GamerPerfection - When ARK Became A Scorched Earth Soulyouth - Get down here! Naked Zombo - Paradise Honourable Mentions! Soulyouth - Skelly Biffo Soulyouth - Soar Soulyouth - Shooting Range Panoramic 360 Stereoscopic 3D! Winners! EXFIB0 - Unleash the Beast KISHKO - The Broodmother's Lair Naked Zombo - 360 Paradise City GG Fizz - The Jerboa Kingdom Market GG Fizz - The Jerboa KingdomThrone Room Honourable Mention! EXFIB0 - Obelisk Freeform! Winner! Soulyouth - HEADSHOT Honourable Mentions! Naked Zombo - Jason KISHKO - Red Obelisk Another great set of brilliant entries, thank you everyone! Remember, we’ll be running this contest again next week so if you missed out this week, don’t sweat and give it another go next! Community Contests! ARKitect! This is an award given to Survivors to celebrate the amazing structures you build. These bases are judged based upon a number of different factors such as their creativity, uniqueness, how fun of a base it is, the difficulty of building it, the functionality it provides and much more! And without further ado, the ARKitect for Community Crunch 67 is… a tie! Between... Fizz with their Jerboa Kingdom! ...and SD Medieval Underworld by StoneyDragon & Chaos! Amazing large-scale builds, Survivors! ARKVideo! This contest is open for all types of video be they funny, epic, scenic, stories, whatever inspires you. Just a general reminder that they should remain safe for work, think of the children! And without further ado, the ARKVideo for Community Crunch 67 is… GHOST OF SCORCHED EARTH! FEAR EVOLVED BEGINS by ThickFreedom! (A warning to our younger Survivors, this video contains explicit language.) Thanks to everyone who entered again, awesome submissions as always. You can check out the rest of the entries here: Fan Feature! ARK: Scorched Earth Song | Set Fire To The Sky by NerdOut! The Magic Sliding Rock by Lame Wolf Productions Alien Abduction by ThickFreedom Top 10 PvP Base Building Tips by ThickFreedom Fishing Hut Build by yocimir Which Wyvern is the Best? by yocimir 1x1 Base Design by KISHKO 2x2 Base Design by EXFIB0 3x3 PvP Base Design by EXFIB0 Ark Illustrated (Series 1) by JoeStansbury Rule#1 by Autu Source: The Dodorex Cometh by Mullins the Great Source: Desert Camo Lightning Wyvern by Sharkcat Source: Electric Sign Lightning Wyvern by Sharkcat Source: Boat by Valoule Dragon Fortress by Maexch3n! Balaur Dossier by Shadlos Source: Snakehead Dossier by Shadlos Source: Pelecanimimus Dossier by Mega Source: Ibis & Tick dossier by Mega Source: White Horn Dossier by Shadlos Source: Mod Spotlight... Annunaki Genesis! Ced: Hey Ark Survivors, I'm here with the creators of one of the most talked about mods in the workshop now: Annunaki Genesis! We'll start with a brief introduction of the team. Who's all involved and what are the roles of the team members? Quote Psycho: Hi there Ark Community! First off thank you for the honor! I’m Psycho, owner & lead developer of Annunaki Genesis. My fellow developer is Alice, and Toranaga is helping us out as community manager! Ced: Annunaki is a huge undertaking. I remember first loading up the mod and being overwhelmed with the amount of content in it. What was the inspiration for the mod? Quote Psycho: The main inspiration was the event Fear Evolved, ironically enough! It was our favorite event, whereby we were very impressed with the Dodorex and the Zomdodo’s, and it’s undertaking to defeat it, which gave us many ideas that eventually became the foundation for Annunaki Genesis. Like for example the Wardens, which are the World Bosses and considered as end-game progression content. Over time the original idea quickly expanded and more features came to mind and were implemented. The event is also the main reason why the Warchief is a Dodorex, and the strongest creature obtainable in the mod is Raphus, which is also a Dodorex. They are both meant as a tribute to Fear Evolved! Ced: The variety of creatures in Annunaki always intrigued me. I'm also curious of the name, because there is some lore behind the word Annunaki. Was there any intent for it to make reference to some of the history behind the word? Quote Psycho: The Annunaki name is chosen initially based of the sumerian civilization. The Wardens were originally with 5 and the representation of the Annunaki Annuna Deities. We originally wanted to add more mid-tier Bosses, which would represent the Igigi, but eventually we chose to rename them for easier terminology and combined them into additional Wardens. Other creatures like the Badass’ are the Ark’s original inhabitants (non-survivors), which are advanced in certain areas like harvesting, combat or taming purposes. Alpha’s and the tamable Ark Bosses were added to add an additional variety and diversity for players to help them progress and battle the Wardens. The additional Genesis is added as a metaphor to define the fact the the Survivor (player) starts of on a new journey in the Annunaki Ark variant. Ced: That adds a lot more depth into this mod. I kind of guessed it was related to the history behind the name. So this mod has been out there a while. What is it like maintaining such a high profile mod for the amount of time it's been out? Quote Psycho: To be fair, we never expected the mod to become this big and popular as it is right now! We are very honored and excited to be a part of Ark: Survival Evolved! So far it has been an amazing journey, whereby we’ve learned many new things, from community interactions to acquiring new developing skills in the Ark Dev Kit. However, we did have our bumps along the way. From time to time it can be quite stressful and exhausting as life goes on, but we eventually overcome as a team, which in the end is added as experience! Ced: I know all too well! There's a lot that goes into making and maintaining a mod - while keeping a happy and active community. All you can do is learn and apply that knowledge to things you do in the future. So, how would you explain Annunaki to a newcomer to ARK? I have to admit when I installed the mod, I didn't quite know what to expect. Do you see as more of a dinosaur mod or something more comprehensive and overarching like a Total Conversion? Quote Psycho: Annunaki Genesis is not meant for the feint of heart. It’s quite brutal and unforgiving for every Rambo out there, whereby we would recommend it to players that have a basic understanding and experience of Ark: Survival Evolved itself and it’s mechanics. It not only gives you a challenging variety of creatures, but adds additional gameplay mechanics, items, weapons and armor to improve your chance of survivability in the harsh environments of the Ark. All in all we would describe Annunaki Genesis as a mod variant of a Total Conversion. Ced: That's how I always viewed it. It seemed to contain a lot of balance changes and things that would not be very familiar to normal ARK players. In essence, it changes the way you play the game like a Total Conversion would. So what's in the future for Annunaki? Are there plans to keep adding more variants to the creatures or more gameplay - or are you mostly at a stable point in the mod? Quote Psycho: At this moment Annunaki Genesis is at a stable point regarding its balance. This doesn’t exclude improvements or possible fixes. That said, no more new variants of creatures or new gameplay mechanics will be added, but it will be kept up-to-date with the latest version of the Ark Dev Kit, so that players can continue to enjoy it. However, due to some issues that can’t be fixed, without taking actions to which we don’t stand for that result in major player progression loss, Psycho has decided and is working on a reboot of the Annunaki Genesis mod in his free time, while the other team members manage the current mod. In this new variant of Annunaki, more gameplay mechanics, creatures, items and more will be implemented. Ced: Wow, that sounds like a lot of work but it also sounds like you are dedicated to the community you've built around the mod. In terms of development, is this your first time jumping into game design? Quote Psycho: My dedication comes from both the community as does it from Ark: Survival Evolved itself. While I love modding, it’s even more encouraging to develop for a dedicated fanbase and a game you thoroughly enjoy playing! That said, I’ve had some past experiences with modding, but never for a public audience. Annunaki Genesis was my first major modding experience for working with the Unreal Engine and publishing it online. Ced: Well I'm looking forward to checking this mod out in depth and the reboot as well. Thanks for taking the time out! Is there anything you'd like to say to the community or your fans before we part? Quote Psycho: Anytime, it’s our pleasure to do this! To the community and our fans, thank you for all the support so far! To both newcomers and veterans of Annunaki, we hope you’re having fun and are enjoying the experience to the fullest! That's it for this week's Crunch, thanks for tuning in guys! As always if you’ve got anything to share please get in touch and be sure to follow us on: Twitter: Facebook: Reddit: Imzy: Until next time... Wildcard Jen and the ARK: Survival Evolved Team! View full article Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Soulyouth Posted October 15, 2016 Share Posted October 15, 2016 Holy poop!t GG Fizz! that The Jerboa Kingdom city is amazing! Thanks for the contest WC, Playing round with the Ansel stuff seeing how good the game looks pumped all the way up is so fun edit: wow just noticed it was 3 winning entries this week DILO thank you so much for liking my stuff. I your game. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marksman00048 Posted October 15, 2016 Share Posted October 15, 2016 Digest. Digest. Digest. Digest. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GG Fizz Posted October 15, 2016 Share Posted October 15, 2016 Finally made it to the Community Crunch!!! so happy!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Administrator Chris Posted October 15, 2016 Administrator Share Posted October 15, 2016 Wow that Jerboa Kingdom is crazy! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EXFIB0 Posted October 15, 2016 Share Posted October 15, 2016 Some very interesting and unique submissions this week yet again! More and more people are getting in the Ansel category which is good. GG Fizz put a lot of work into this build and it turned out pretty good. Valoule and Maexch3n did some awesome builds aswell. Overall another very good crunch! Keep them coming. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brie Posted October 15, 2016 Share Posted October 15, 2016 Whoa! GG Fizz FTW!!!! His Jerboa Kingdom looks hella amazing, I doubt anyone else could have done that. Especially since he didn't use any mods or anything. I loooove his creativity. I'm just really impressed by his works. Thanks ark devs for noticing senpai Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EliteGamer11388 Posted October 15, 2016 Share Posted October 15, 2016 Congratulations to Annunaki for getting in this!! It's a great mod, with a great upcoming reboot, with a dedicated team behind it! They deserve the recognition! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JoeStansbury Posted October 15, 2016 Share Posted October 15, 2016 Thanks for sharing my illustrations in the crunch! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stoneydradon86 Posted October 15, 2016 Share Posted October 15, 2016 also so happy and fizz thats a amazing build Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Katti Posted October 16, 2016 Share Posted October 16, 2016 Thank you so much for all the support. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scorpio Posted October 16, 2016 Share Posted October 16, 2016 Devs please add annunaki genesis to the main game as a total conversion Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ranger1 Posted October 16, 2016 Share Posted October 16, 2016 12 hours ago, GG Fizz said: Finally made it to the Community Crunch!!! so happy!!! Extremely well done Fizz! All of the entries were amazing this week. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Volunteer Moderator GP Posted October 16, 2016 Volunteer Moderator Share Posted October 16, 2016 Lots of great entries in this week! It's great to see so many people taking part in this now, it's awesome! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Lime Inc. Posted October 16, 2016 Share Posted October 16, 2016 12 hours ago, GG Fizz said: Finally made it to the Community Crunch!!! so happy!!! dude that entry is sick AF I did some big builds but damn dude, this is all kinds of amazing. blew me away. you on private or public server would love to build there sometime Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HighFlyer15 Posted October 16, 2016 Share Posted October 16, 2016 Wait, so Psycho was the one being interviewed, but he also referred to himself in third person at one point For a second I thought he was back working on the original mod. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kenpachi Posted October 16, 2016 Share Posted October 16, 2016 Is there any way we can get Annunaki Genesis onto the Xbox one please. Saw sl1pg8r and everynightriot play with this mod along with zuiljin and would love for this to come to the console. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SatansPegasus Posted October 16, 2016 Share Posted October 16, 2016 Here's a bit of a stupid question can anyone even those on console put forward creations for the crunch or is it pc builds only. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Volunteer Moderator GP Posted October 16, 2016 Volunteer Moderator Share Posted October 16, 2016 4 minutes ago, SatansPegasus said: Here's a bit of a stupid question can anyone even those on console put forward creations for the crunch or is it pc builds only. Anyone can submit stuff into the Crunch regardless of platform. Obviously the ANSEL thing is a different story altogether, but yeah Xbox players can submit stuff. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SatansPegasus Posted October 16, 2016 Share Posted October 16, 2016 15 minutes ago, GamerPerfection said: Anyone can submit stuff into the Crunch regardless of platform. Obviously the ANSEL thing is a different story altogether, but yeah Xbox players can submit stuff. Thank You Gamer. Now its just a shame that im limited to what i can do but that never stopped me on minecraft and it sure as hell wont stop me on ark. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sharkcat Posted October 16, 2016 Share Posted October 16, 2016 Awesome works , nice to see my skins also Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
budropolus Posted October 17, 2016 Share Posted October 17, 2016 The Dragon Fortress by Maexch3n looks awesome Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
soulstar Posted October 17, 2016 Share Posted October 17, 2016 hi i waned to ask is there gonna be a Halloween element in the game this year like it hade last year Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Volunteer Moderator GP Posted October 17, 2016 Volunteer Moderator Share Posted October 17, 2016 1 minute ago, soulstar said: hi i waned to ask is there gonna be a Halloween element in the game this year like it hade last year Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
soulstar Posted October 17, 2016 Share Posted October 17, 2016 1 minute ago, GamerPerfection said: nice thax man Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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