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Community Crunch 381: Sunsets on ASE, New Horizons on ASA and FAQ


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You’re absolutely right cosmic.  I say this a lot, people in desperation is an ugly, vicious and horrifying thing to witness let alone be subjected to.  To all you PvPers, may the force be with you!  Maybe it might not be too bad if WC sticks to their word for once in 8 years and bring separate balances to PvP and PvE.  I’m a PvE player so I won’t be in the PvP arena.

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16 hours ago, Storm1989 said:

Why no Halloween event with launch in end of October? It would of been perfect timing and a good way to start up Ark ascended.. Also why stop leveling movement speed for players. Having points put into Movement speed was very important for some of the gen 2 missions on alpha difficulty. I hope gen 2 missions will be rebalanced so that they are possible to complete. Please be more clear with your explanations wild card! 

Why no Halloween event you may ask. The reason why they aren’t doing it is because squeezing an event right at the end of the traditional month for Halloween wouldn’t make much sense. In theory the first event SHOULD be the Thanksgiving event but WC decided not to due to them working on some issues with the release of ASA(cross-platform with steam) and they specifically said that it will be done by December, the day of the first event. Next question, why no movement speed? In my opinion, I personally think it’s to re-add some of the primitive aspects of the game forcing you to fight your way out instead of fleeing. But like a said that’s my opinion and what I think on the “No movement speed leveling” controversy.

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No cryos is a big problem. A lot of people play the game solo and can only play a few hours a day so these things are a necessity to not losing their tames every day, and then tame sniping will now be a huge issue for everyone who have a lot of time to play. This change, the no movement speed levels, and what I’ve heard about server transferring planned to not being allowed are all pretty bad negatives. 

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hmm this makes me wonder if the barrier will be removed hopefully? for asa? given u guys are improveing on render distance that is one thing i'd like removed so people not hosting on a server and joining someone elses will have the freedom to go about anywheres...  other then this,lovely chrunch and shasta dossier!

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21 hours ago, darkradeon said:

any real info about 358.17 ? :V

Found this on a German forum and translated via Google:


Evolved Sequence completed: Ascension is imminent: ARK Survival Ascended Respawn Timer Initiated: Recharge mode activated: Sleep well, Survivor, Goodnight x

There are a dozen mechanisms available for them to push out patch notes, they simply choose not to. Awesome company! Glad to support them in the future!

Edited by DreamingVoid
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Looking Forward to ASA. Was worried i was not going to be able to play on release but i will. all these changes are insane! no cryos for a while will be an adjustment but I'll work around it. I only play singleplayer so all of these PVP Aspects Mean nothing to me. One month to go and I'll be ready! see you on the flipside survivors!  

Edited by VoidMarshal
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Only good changes !

The best is : disable levelling movement

Is the best addition to make the dinosaur threat interesting (the basis of a survival game). Whether it was for PVP or gun duels, it made no sense because of the insane speed of the players + the server lags made everything unplayable.

Or for PVE, the survival side, where each dino will become a threat, the more complicated taming. It will change that just spawn take a few note runs, put the levels in speed and no longer be afraid of any dinosaurs.

Maybe just increasing the default speed very slightly would be a good idea (10-20%)?

The cave nerf is great too.

The only point where I am divided are the cryopods, I see a lot of positives, but also negatives, such as those who do not have the time to breed them, or the storage of dinos for those who have a small base. Being able to steal other players' dinosaurs by killing them or raiding their base is also a huge miss.

Maybe think about leaving the cryo but with a nerf?

Please, in any case don't go back for player speed despite the few cries, everyone I know agrees that it's an excellent addition whether for PVP or PVE, and we had already been talking about it for years that it would be the best thing for ark where the dinos were no longer a threat.


Thanks !



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13 minutes ago, creamly23 said:

Only good changes !

The best is : disable levelling movement

Is the best addition to make the dinosaur threat interesting (the basis of a survival game). Whether it was for PVP or gun duels, it made no sense because of the insane speed of the players + the server lags made everything unplayable.

Or for PVE, the survival side, where each dino will become a threat, the more complicated taming. It will change that just spawn take a few note runs, put the levels in speed and no longer be afraid of any dinosaurs.

Maybe just increasing the default speed very slightly would be a good idea (10-20%)?

The cave nerf is great too.

The only point where I am divided are the cryopods, I see a lot of positives, but also negatives, such as those who do not have the time to breed them, or the storage of dinos for those who have a small base. Being able to steal other players' dinosaurs by killing them or raiding their base is also a huge miss.

Maybe think about leaving the cryo but with a nerf?

Please, in any case don't go back for player speed despite the few cries, everyone I know agrees that it's an excellent addition whether for PVP or PVE, and we had already been talking about it for years that it would be the best thing for ark where the dinos were no longer a threat.


Thanks !



100% agree with that !!! 😀

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4 hours ago, ccz2887 said:

I say this a lot, people in desperation is an ugly, vicious and horrifying thing to witness let alone be subjected to.

Few are more vicious than the man who allowed himself to get drunk on power and was forced to wake up to the hangover of weakness. Sadly enough this’ll also be a problem in pve. People WILL spam pillars and foundations everywhere and far more than they ever did in ASE. The brawls and petty squabbles for territory as everyone scrambles to either reclaim their old spots or take the places they wanted but could never have will be beyond ugly.

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19 minutes ago, CosmicSkeleton said:

Few are more vicious than the man who allowed himself to get drunk on power and was forced to wake up to the hangover of weakness. Sadly enough this’ll also be a problem in pve. People WILL spam pillars and foundations everywhere and far more than they ever did in ASE. The brawls and petty squabbles for territory as everyone scrambles to either reclaim their old spots or take the places they wanted but could never have will be beyond ugly.

Popcorn Meme GIFs | Tenor

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Okay I'm too lazy to read through an pick up on all the complainers so I'll just give my ten cents on this crunch (or at least the parts that matter regarding ASA information.)


No movement speed Leveling


I rather like this change, it means tames that are never getting used will finally have a purpose again. Like the Carno, it's meant to hybridize speed and power but most would either stick with a raptor and bump speed and melee up a few times or just get a T-rex. Now players will need to think about what they need, do they want to be fast but forgo strength? Do they want to keep the annoying creatures off them bur sacrifice speed? Or do they want the middle ground, out speed the bigger dinosaurs but be tough enough to bully the small fires. Plus it gives flying more meaning. Also I don't play official so this has NO effect on me either way, so if YOU don't play official why are YOU crying? And if you ARE going to play officials in spite of this, why are you STILL complaining?


Where's My Cryopods!!! 😭


In the Extinction DLC likely months away from now, They'll return eventually if the information here is anything to go by. Just use the TEK Transponder for now, really the second best thing at the moment


No fixing the Mutation Bug


I think what people fail to understand, or perhaps just refuse to read is the part that comes right after... The removal of the 255 stat cap for tames. Half the fun in breeding is creating monstrously powerful creatures, so FORCING a 20 mutation cap would defeat the purpose of that, especially since creatures only naturally spawn at a level of 125 (150 on some maps, and 180 for some creatures) and thus only giving 124 points across seven stats, it means that most creatures won't get to take advantage of that blessing even AFTER leveling. If anything the mutation cap should be removed, it doesn't work anyway and WC stated they have no intention on fixing it. Letting tames go above the 20 mutation limit means stats like stamina and carry weight can reach limitless heights. And with more Stamina, it means the speed nerf no longer seems like a hinderance now that you can run longer than before.

Not Nerfing the Rhiognatha


Why does it need a nerf? It's pretty slow without being able to level speed, and it's currently the only thing that can carry extra big tames now that the Tek Skiff is out of play until Gen Part 1/2. And as mentioned earlier, flying is going to be a critical way of getting around with speed no longer being level-able in official servers. Besides, it can't breed (yet) so its not like EVERY OTHER tame that's going to be able to be bred to insanely high levels and possibly destroy it with ease anyway.


Release date when? Trailer When?!?


If we take WC's  info at face value, ASA should release on the 31st of October. Meaning a Trailer should drop any time between now and then. Possibly during a weekly Crunch, Next Week (Oct 6th) is a bit optimistic so I would say bet on either the 13th, 20th, or 27th (probably that last one). Have patience, Nerva didn't build The New Legion in a day.


I'm not going to Buy ASA because (BLAH BLAH BLAH), I'll stay on ASE instead.


... Then why are you still here? You Know all future Crunches will focus more on ASA than it will ASE, and ASE's official servers just went down for good (Good riddance). So why come here? To Troll? For Attention? Well congratulations you got it, along with a person who's just going to "Ignore" you on sight if they haven't done so weeks ago already. You can Have ASE, you will be neither missed or remembered.

Edited by TyranntX
Forgot a tidbit
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9 hours ago, Joebl0w13 said:

Well said. After reading some of this thread you would think this game didn't exist before cryo pods. 🤪

Right, was a very different game. I still remember breeding things like gigas, mosa and tuso was an artform. Everything had to be planned to a 'T' You knew if yu cracked those eggs or mated the mosa or tuso that was it, it would be 28hrs later before yu could rest lol

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2 minutes ago, 460Galaxy said:

Right, was a very different game. I still remember breeding things like gigas, mosa and tuso was an artform. Everything had to be planned to a 'T' You knew if yu cracked those eggs or mated the mosa or tuso that was it, it would be 28hrs later before yu could rest lol

It made them more rare and worth the effort. Everything now is instant and expendable. 

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36 minutes ago, Legitarkplayer23 said:

The movement speed change is going to make for some great gameplay on pve. Love it. The whole slowdown will be great overall.

I'll be too busy trying to find the new limit to breeding anyway, as in how high can I make stats before the game starts to break down? and compare it to ASE, just to flex ASA's superiority 

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30 minutes ago, Diabolos said:

In PVE Gigas aren't going to be needed beyond meat gathering and king titan fights, as Carchas will be the new OSD go to. A good Basilo > a good tuso outside the water boss on gen 1 too. 

Depends on how ya play i guess. To some pve is about collecting not just 'need'. A strong imprinted giga, arguably easier to tame than carchers, early game, was good for killing titano's for xp. And i know a lot dont like the ocean but, way back when, alpha tuso and mosa were a great way 'if not best' to level up, let alone get black prls and fishing rods. so strong imprinted water tames were almost a necessity even if only to get artis from the 2 ocean caves. Again though, depends on how ya play

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