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Wipe Official Servers



After almost 2 years of constant breeding, every larger group now has incredibly mutated dinos that are nowhere close to what the game was originally balanced around. This means that dinos like Rhinos or Therizinosaurs deal much more damage and are much harder to kill than they were 1.5 years ago when the game released. Politically, the game is currently very stale, with alliances constant, no big conflicts and many people leaving the main cluster for others clusters or other games for a fresher and more exciting experience. A wipe would easily reset breeding back to its original state and bring these dinos back down to what they were originally, and bring back many players that have left over the last year.


edit: im talking (mostly) about the Official PvP network, non-legacy, main cluster)

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pls wipe all servers. its not playable for newcomers or returning players. i played like 5k hours on pc version, but when we want to restart, we get wiped after 1 hour everytime we try. its not possible for us to play. wildcard should refund our money, as we cant startover on smalltribes official. duping, cheating and meshing should be fixed first, otherwise it would be pointless and the problems will come again

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On 4/26/2019 at 4:36 AM, BertNoobians said:

its funny that people with a low post count want a wipe, and people with a high post count dont want a wipe.

new players will always want a wipe, that will never change, they want to start equal with all the others.

90% of the starters only play this game for a few weeks upto a few months,

and there would be more people that want a wipe because there will always be more starters then established players.

this is why it is extremely hypocritical and mean to ask for a wipe because statistics say that you are not even here anymore after 3 months.

some dinos like tuso mosa and basilo take 1.5 years where they are now, they are op, but they are not even close to max possible. you want to wipe this work.

I have 7k hours, my post count is low, your statement dont mean poop, I agree wipe official

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18 minutes ago, Caeleb1234 said:

Wipe official severs

i think the severs should be wiped  to give all players a chance 

when you bulid a base alpha will just raid or someone 10x stronger then you

so players dont get to experience to have a base 



Why not upvote this suggestion, instead of making a new thread?


Or just choose official servers that do wipe on a schedule.

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Frankly, official PVE servers, especially P+ PVE on ps4 need to to be wiped if not shut down entirely. In regards to PS4 official primitive+ pve, there are only a few tribes/individuals who feel the run the server. I speak of tribes, House 336 and ArkAngels/desert isles, and a solo individual known as Krull. House 336 and arkangels treat the p+ official pve server like it's pvp, by kiting poison wyverns across the map well away from their spawn areas to grief other players, kiting hoards of wild rock golems to someone's gates, etc. And individuals like Krull who pillar EVERYWHERE across maps like ragnarok, with no apparent intention to build where pillard. Incidentally, this Krull only logs in hours before the first decay timers are set to expire just to reset, they don't play the game as intended. Or hardly ever. There are some of us who are passionate enough about the game that we invest in private servers and cluster with others to make a friendly environment for other gamers and keep pve, pve. Private servers are the future, when it comes to ark multiplayer gameplay. The true ark fandom lies in the private cluster. Official PVE servers need to have monthly extinction events and serve simply as a tutorial for new players, not serve as a permanent home to unfriendly, selfish and spiteful PVE noobs. That's not to say you should only be able to play it one time through, if you're fine with starting fresh each month, go for it. At least in private clusters, individuals who are unable to practice fair play can actually be banned. 

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You clearly don't have a good understanding of official servers. The whole reason for playing official servers is because they do not wipe; if you cannot keep up, then play on servers that wipe every month. If official servers wipe I would no longer play official because I would have no more respect for the meaning of what official servers are.

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The idea of wiping is totally evil. It doesn't matter if you become successful or not. If u are talking about the problem of not finding empty place. There are other solutions to that problem like the tribe which will claim a lot of land just by pillar/foundation, it may be possible to limit how many pillars/foundations a tribe can use in 1 server. 

Someone informed about Rust, Rust gets wiped so many players did not buy Rust. So Do not ask Ark to be like Rust at least in this case.

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11 minutes ago, Hazardousbread said:

Arkpoc only lasts a month, and those other ones are only available on pc. I’m offering a suggestion for some servers that are mostly dead and ruled by one tribe.

They might as while just add a wipe cycle to all official PvP servers.


It's either got to be a hard no wipe policy or a specific wipe cycle, not some between.


As for crossark clusters, form a team and take back the cluster. It's a challenge.

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It has come to the point of ridiculousness on PvE servers to have anywhere decent to build for new players because of how old the servers themselves are almost everywhere decent to build in has become taken and just kills it for new people to ARK to come in and play with friends and build up a new tribe because of this.. Not to mention the amount of ridiculous breeding that goes on lagging up the servers... i have seen bases that do nothing but breed the large Giganotosaurus and clone them repetitively... i mean i get that people hate the whole wiping of servers due to their mutated dinos but being unable to build anywhere remotely decent to be able to experience the full game and story with friends is a little unfair in this gamer's opinion when you want to be able to build your own base and have fun and be able to stand a chance..but its a bit hard to do that when everywhere you go is taken up.. or even just spawning anywhere in with a new survivor is just right smack dab inside someones base...

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On official and smal tribes even, this is a better solution to the problem. 

36 minutes ago, LightningCloud957 said:

I already hear so much about "wiping the servers completely" that I already know it benefits no one. Wipe the servers and within months,  people are back to endgame. The thing is there is no way of rebuilding because once you are out its even harder to the point its brutal. People quit as a result of being wiped and the game holds out until dlc or a new game mode. This is why I believe we should take a different route and create these "rebuild servers" for all existing servers. They are pve clusters that only characters can transfer in but materials and loot can be transferred out(similar to the release of scorhed earth, abberation and extinction).  These servers are made for players to regain dinos and a base and move back into pvp with a higher survival chance. However if implementing these types of servers it must do the following:

1. Seasonal wipes every two weeks if not every month 

2. No drops aside from white beacons should exist to prevent players from getting op gear and then just raiding

3. Rebuild servers are limited to just the center map, prevents people from using dlc creatures 

4. Rebuild servers are exclusive and follow the cluster but change to be pve. E.g. official pvp - official rebuild pvp, official small tribes- official small tribes rebuild pvp (both have the same ruleset as there servers but are a pve version that wipe after 30 days)

5. Obekisks become unbuildable zones preventing people from being unable to leave the servers once they join


You can have defences ready against these dinos,  and then all you have to do is tame a golem which is very easy now and steal cryo lines and bam you have usable dinos. 

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On ‎4‎/‎26‎/‎2019 at 10:11 AM, Bagelbyte2 said:

Dont whine and complain because you died to someone who has invested lots of time and has skill in a game. Dont like it get better.

This post lol, do you want to rephrase that ? because all I am hearing is dudes that may be in a larger tribe trying not to get dev wiped, mostly because they have no skill. Oh lug nuts meshed me, lets mesh back (major skill), oh we cant get in here lets inside him (loads more skill) oh my mate from server 9 million knows how to dupe we can mek rush them wow so skilled. imo and from those who are LEGIT that are in bigger tribes, they agree its stale and have expressed they would love a wipe. in fact that's why most are looking at vaguero for that excitement of beach bashing with clubs, and getting to take the server and establishing who is boss again because their bored with the way things are.



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9 hours ago, BertNoobians said:

its funny that people with a low post count want a wipe, and people with a high post count dont want a wipe.

new players will always want a wipe, that will never change, they want to start equal with all the others.

90% of the starters only play this game for a few weeks upto a few months,

and there would be more people that want a wipe because there will always be more starters then established players.

this is why it is extremely hypocritical and mean to ask for a wipe because statistics say that you are not even here anymore after 3 months.

some dinos like tuso mosa and basilo take 1.5 years where they are now, they are op, but they are not even close to max possible. you want to wipe this work.

There not here for more then 3 months because its pointless to play official pvp, the whole point of ark is to grind to the top yet when the servers are 2 year olds its impossible to do that no one wants to play on official it's dead content smalltribes and unofficial is the only reason ark isn't truly dead and most old players only have one of these accounts to submit support tickets 

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@namelessNo, I'm saying that you want the wipe to happen now because of selfish reasons. I'm saying that you want the wipe to happen to put everyone on equal terms if that even means anything on PVE. I don't understand your reasoning for wanting the wipe and the few people that dupe on PVE do not influence me or most people there.

I would bet that most people on PVE don't even think about dupers because it doesn't influence them in any way. You on the other hand think that those duped items are ruining your game? I'm trying to understand the reason for it. 

This is a totally different matter for PVP where heavy duping exploits should be a reason for a wipe because they directly effect everyone playing there.

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19 minutes ago, Fukushu said:

@namelessthe game will also be not supported anymore at some point.

Wildcard will not be able to stop duping as long as you can transfer, upload or download. 

what if:

Uploaded items are saved in the local servers first, and then uploaded to ark data cloud when local server is saving? Duplication can not happen if server saves right after item leaves server, is that correct?


19 minutes ago, Fukushu said:

@namelessthe game will also be not supported anymore at some point.

Look at the PS4 or XBOX   PVP servers, they were and still are heavily dupe invested. Some tribes have hundreds of the same MEK and they still didn't wipe, why would they wipe PVE with the few dupers, why do you think it will happen? Do you know why legacy became legacy?

I made this suggestion exactly because I know why legacy became legacy: what is happening to legacy right now? As player population drops and server is shuted down one by one, complete removal of whole cluster is finally justified.


2 minutes ago, Fukushu said:

@namelessNo, I'm saying that you want the wipe to happen now because of selfish reasons. I'm saying that you want the wipe to happen to put everyone on equal terms if that even means anything on PVE. I don't understand your reasoning for wanting the wipe and the few people that dupe on PVE do not influence me or most people there.

If you really want to, you may come to the official servers I am on, check what I have, and decide for yourself how likely this can be true.


5 minutes ago, Fukushu said:

I would bet that most people on PVE don't even think about dupers because it doesn't influence them in any way. You on the other hand think that those duped items are ruining your game? I'm trying to understand the reason for it. 

When I was on official legacy, I didn't think baby taming is going to affect me either, and now legacies are legacies.

When there was no transfer timers, I didn't think duplication  is going to affect me either, and now transfer timers are transfer timers.

Before Christmas, I didn't think meshing will affect me either, and now creatures are getting killed at random places.


I am not sure what you think, but I see a pattern there and I wish bad things will not happen this time...……..


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Official Wipe?

An official wipe is a must in order to reinvigorate the player base and the game itself while there are many things needing to be changed and possibly added I dont see Ark going to the next level without a clean wipe of everything and everyone. Megas have turned the official servers into PVE servers basically, we have to change and balance the power in the community.

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On 26.04.2019 at 17:01, Sixgunalmany said:

Протрите все и понизьте количество серверов. Нам не нужно столько серверов прямо сейчас. Так много я вижу с менее чем 5 человек одновременно. 

Не видишь больше 5 но и не меньше 3 потому что все играют на максимально пустых что-бы их не рейдили 5 раз в трайбы с 450 лвл мобов так что лучше даже больше!

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On 4/25/2019 at 12:36 PM, BertNoobians said:

its funny that people with a low post count want a wipe, and people with a high post count dont want a wipe.

new players will always want a wipe, that will never change, they want to start equal with all the others.

90% of the starters only play this game for a few weeks upto a few months,

and there would be more people that want a wipe because there will always be more starters then established players.

this is why it is extremely hypocritical and mean to ask for a wipe because statistics say that you are not even here anymore after 3 months.

some dinos like tuso mosa and basilo take 1.5 years where they are now, they are op, but they are not even close to max possible. you want to wipe this work.

The reason Officials need to be wiped is the fact that Duping and meshing destroyed the entire player basis. The only remaining PvP “survivors” are all duper’s or meshers or both. The duped gear has been circulating through every tribe on Ark official and that’s a fact. It literlly destroyed the player basis everyone was meshed or wiped by duper tribes.

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34 minutes ago, Shovelhands said:

There not here for more then 3 months because its pointless to play official pvp, the whole point of ark is to grind to the top yet when the servers are 2 year olds its impossible to do that no one wants to play on official it's dead content smalltribes and unofficial is the only reason ark isn't truly dead and most old players only have one of these accounts to submit support tickets 

its the big tribes and wanna bee arkers from other servers that ruin the lives of the beginners in pvp ark. i fly around almost every day and see the horror of blown in little starter bases. this is something our tribe doesnt do , only the scumbag tribes. ths is why a little tribe cant grow to the top. toxic behaviour wont change with a devwipe. its also to easy to offline raid right now. small tribes cant protect themselfs. has nothing to do with dino stats that are to high that need to be reset.

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lmao, probably stupidest suggestion I've ever seen. I guess Wildcard is more than happy to schedule server wipe every year or month. It's going to save lots money for running servers. Cause people will just quit for doing same thing over and over again. Lol, how many time do you want to breed a rex from 200 to 1k? Oh, and you don't know about the level cap? how long have you played the game? 1 day or 2 days? Go and play unofficial or single player where you can just delete your game save everyday lol.

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