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Separate PvE and PvP balances



There should be a way to separate the balances made to dinosaurs and game mechanics between PvE and PvP.

Multiple balances have made PvE nothing but hard. Managarmr being a recent example, in PvE they're useless now thanks to the many balances made to make PvP better.

Flier nerf was a huge change in PvE making fliers and transportation harder by forcing us to land since PvP was taking to the skies too often and the game tried to "ground" the fight

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3 hours ago, Voltarendolo said:

Please Tell me more than just the Managarmr  Gacha and Velo (like the not finished Extinciton DLC pack
(Flyer nerv was allso in favior for PVE players since nobody uses ground Dinos befor anymore for travel and Transport)

How long have you played Ark?


Flyer Speed nerf was needed by both PvP and PvE, not taking about that. Though WC should have added a setting for single player mode and unofficials to have a choice.


Here is a non-exclusive list

Giga nerf

Griffin nerf

Meat feeding nerf

Moschop nerf

Dolphin nerf



The newest DLC is fresh in everyones mind, and was particularly unbalanced which screams of pay to win (dlc pay wall). But WC has a long history of nerfs that were needed for PvP but not for PvE.

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On 4/24/2019 at 8:18 AM, covenantgrunt said:

In pve they should just enable creative mode and God mode. People should not even have to farm just spawn in creatures and bases. And instant kill anything by right clicking on it. It's pve balance don't matter.

No I am PVP player by Heart and even in PVE Balancing matters (not as much as PVP but it does)

Why should they feel pround when you dont have to achive something?

Just becouse I am a PVP player by heart dosnt mean I dont care for other People who allso call ARK there "Home" if PVP or not I dont care but It should make both of this groups some fun

one easy Fix I would see Is not devide PVP and PVE Dinos since most PVE Player Breed them for boss fights... why not give them a Buff in the Boss arena? that there Range is extended and Damage is buffed?

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On 4/24/2019 at 1:18 AM, covenantgrunt said:

In pve they should just enable creative mode and God mode. People should not even have to farm just spawn in creatures and bases. And instant kill anything by right clicking on it. It's pve balance don't matter.

I think exactly the same could be said for pvp. Might make more sense actually. Then the kiddies wouldn't complain that an op dung beatle wiped their entire base. Just spawn in a new base, then spawn in whatever dinos you want to do battle with whomever you want! 

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I stll hope they will allow PVE server wild dino grabbing, but with separate rules from pvp server to avoid griefing. Like :

- cannot drop dinoes near other people's building, or when there is an unconscious dino nearby with shorter range in case someone is taming near our own building, so dropping carried wild dino uses building placement rule without factoring in height PLUS if there is other tribe's unconscious dino.

- if dc or off mount, the wild dino will despawn after X minutes, reset when reconnected or on mount again.

- when landing for stam, grabbed wild dino will be tethered to the feet of the bird and will despawn after X minutes, same with the above rule, reset when fly again.

That would be great and make taming easier with all the pillars everywhere on pve server.


That, or allow placing structure as TEMPORARY STRUCTURE (max 7h) that can only be placed only when there is an own unconscious dino nearby and is near other ppl's building. That would be useful for taming anywhere and put spike walls around the tame while nearby other ppl's building.


These things are PVE stuffs and should be separated. There will be a lot more ideas to make PVE server better for PVE that doesn't need to be in pvp server so this separate pvp/pve development is a good idea.






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On 4/28/2019 at 9:36 AM, ArgentavisMaximus said:

I signed up just to reply to this. Everyone on my PVE server had been working for ages to breed Mana for our titan raids. Then poof. All those hours and weeks gone for nothing. PLEASE make the PVE and PVP separate. Mana is useless now. PVP is 100% valid and should of course be balanced well, but PVE is a different breed and needs different balancing. 

Don't just ignore PVE and assume modders are going to keep "fixing" it all for PVE either. I get those kinds of replies on the Steam forums. "PVP makes the rules, just go get modders to fix PVE for you." That's not okay either. 

Unless you play on console where there is no mods to fix what the developers break :) RIP

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Please WildCard make this a reality! As a solo PvE player, this would really help with boss fights. Also this would tie in really nicely with the third most upvoted thing on this forum: making wyverns and griffins breedable / saddlable. Obviously this would break PvP (large tribes mutating extremely high level stats to the point of ridiculousness), but would be a really nice feature for PvE (don’t have to spend another 20 hours finding an egg, raising it, and leveling it up every time it dies in the boss arena).

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WC still don't get what pve is.  This is the problem.  This game was made by pvp'ers and they just don't understand pve'ers.  We need violent mad angry out to get us mobs THAT ARE NOT ANNOYING.  That is a hard balance to make and the true sign of a pve creator.  You cannot overcome and feel proud if the mob can be easily outsmarted.  At the same time you don't want your hard work ruined every five seconds either.

The mobs in this game are to easy. 

This is still a pvp game when people say comments like, "I had to leave pve to go to pvp cause it wasn't exciting enough."

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5 hours ago, Chubchub2020 said:

There is already a single player setting that adjusts the game for sp. Why couldn't there be a setting for pve that just unnerfs everything? honestly all the nerfs are for pvp they take all of this time to fix pvp and destroy pve. Save the setting you have before the nerf, create a boolean that when =true enacts the nerfs. It would only be a lot of work because they didn't start doing it this way.

I'm not saying that it isn't possible, I'm just saying that it would be A LOT of work that I doubt Wildcard would take the time to do. If you truly want to play with pre-nerf stats, I recommend just playing on unofficial servers instead of official, since I am positive they have no intentions of separating PVE and PVP stats on official

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I think this applies to many different creatures, not just the mana. Titans, upon release, dominated extinction. Undeniably. And it made sense for the gigantic titans to dominate the world. I play both PVE and PVP, and in PVP, I see these enormous, apex predators able to be taken down by any tribe with 4-5 meks. Which is more balanced in general, but when it simply doesn't make sense. The way ARK has always functioned was : Big Monster = Big Threat. The titans no longer adhere to this logical rule. Now, on my PVE world, I have a level 301, health and damage mutated Giganotosaurus. It is about as strong as my level 290 Rex. See the stupidity here? The Giga is roughly 3x the Rex's size, but a higher level, mutated Giga is weaker than your average damage-focused rex. I, of course, remember how OP the Giga was in PVP when it was first released. But I do NOT remember it making PVE less fun, or unbalanced for new players. In fact, the Giga nerfs were DISAPPOINTING in PVE. Like any sane man, I am afraid of wild Gigas. When I first ever tamed a Giga, the nerf was out, but I wasn't aware of this. I was expecting a massive beast of endless might, but I just wasted a lot of tranqs and meat. 



PVP nerfs are slowly ruining the PVE experience, and I have seen it firsthand.

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1 hour ago, Lowly said:

Still waiting to hear what Nerfs PVP has suffered because of PVE needing something

PvP can fly in caves, build in caves, pick up wild Dino's and destroy other peoples; spiked walls, taming pens, pillar spam, land ownership claims

What did PvP suffer because of something PvE did?

I Dont think PVP suffers really from a "PVE-patch" since PVE donst often demand stuff
but Mana was/still is so broken for PVP-players that it start to make the game unplayable

I dont hope that PVP or PVE player suffer from some patches and I dont think we should shout at each other for diffrent needs.
I am pretty sure WE (PVP AND PVE) together would find solutions wich woould be okey for both

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i never played pve more than 5h but the mana nerf kinda made sense i believe even for pve  i used it to kill wild gigas when it first came out even a tamed giga cant kill a wild giga 

so isnt that kinda op ? i remember doing bosses with the mana solo and alpha too used it to farm meat hide polymer etc.. fast way to get around , raid , grief killing bosses taming bosses etc,, so it kinda made other dinos useless tbh right now i have a mana line on pvp hatches at 600 damge 13k hp 2070 stamina 

after leveling up it gets up to 50-60k hp it was for rushing bases , 14k stamina for scouting around 1900 weight for transport 

or 6000 stam 1000dmg and a 190+ saddle for fighting 


so it is still pretty much op 


oh plus i never use any underwater dino now cause the mana is the best tame to go underwater eles arent a problem anymore squids cant grab you 

it is faster than any dino while swiming it could regenerate oxygen if spammed space could regain stam underwater also could fight sea dinos 

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I agree that PvE balancing should be different from PvE... But like how should that be done is uncertain. And the flyer nerf is needed not only it is b/c the game is better when flyers have fixed movement speed but also 1 less waste attribute for breeders to worry about.

Speaking of flyers, most flyers especially Quetz are completely obsolete at this point especially in PvE when there is hover skiff in the game with easy element source in Gen 2... 

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15 hours ago, Aylana314159 said:

Its not. The mana is just the newest example. The whole history of Ark is PvP nerf needed, PvE unfortunately gets affected.

Please Tell me more than just the Managarmr  Gacha and Velo (like the not finished Extinciton DLC pack
(Flyer nerv was allso in favior for PVE players since nobody uses ground Dinos befor anymore for travel and Transport)

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Flier nerf bothered me to the point where I quit using them, now days its been so long ago I just don't care anymore. Of all the nerfs however there is one that I cant help but point at and ask.. Really? You really did this?

It was the slingshot nerf. They applied TWO nerfs to the slingshot because it was overpowered in pvp servers as players would use them on each other. They slowed down the fire rate and reduced the torpor it dealt by 25%... on everything.

Slingshots were awful before but people still used them for taming, my first tame ever in a ark server was a trike with a slingshot (before trikes had resistance on the head). Its more of a april fools joke to nerf something like slingshots in pve, this nerf is something Ill never forget and always make fun of :P.

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18 minutes ago, divisd1 said:

I am positive they have no intentions of separating PVE and PVP stats on official

You don't know this for a fact. WC revamped the suggestion forums to see what was most important to players.


Clearly separate balancing for PvE and PvP is very important to players.


Each needs to be properly balanced.

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Before Flier Nerf:
Less than 5 minutes to fly from one base on my Unofficial to another base.

After Flier Nerf:
15+ minutes between bases, with one or two rest stops.

This was my unofficial, my rules, my server. And the flier nerf was unwanted, but was forced on us regardless of how much I verbally rejected it, or verbally requested configs to opt-out.

Flier nerf may never have happened to PvE if PvE and PvP were coded separately.

I see zero reasons why any tame needs any nerf on any PvE server.

Who cares if a tame dodo on PvE could 1-shot a wild giga... (just to show an example of an extreme). I cant imagine any downside or "unfair" advantage to this.

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100% agreed, in addition to the seperate nerfings And along the same lines, clipping should be different. Pve should be allowed to clip, at least more than we can now. What I mean by this is, in unoffical you can change the server settings to allow your buildings to clip into the terrain for a smoother build. Being able to incorporate mountainsides or use foundations the "flatten" a spot is probably the best thing about unofficial servers. I cant imagine a reason pve shouldn't be allowed to do this.

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