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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/06/2023 in all areas

  1. boring crunch why is it so empty? can you reveal stuff wildcard please!
    4 points
  2. Can we get gameplay now, the game releases this month and we don't even know what the game looks like.
    3 points
  3. Why not just stop community crunch unless there’s something to… crunch?
    3 points
  4. Look on the bright side, there's only three more Fridays between now and the ASA's launch (if we take what we know at face value). They'll have to show us something before then
    3 points
  5. This only proves that the Community Votes were really the only thing making this community feel alive and enthusiastic for the past few months. When you don't have that to pad Community Crunches with, it really feels empty.
    3 points
  6. Why release anything? Just annoying the community. Even a pathetic picture of a rock would have done...
    3 points
  7. Wait, so that's all your giving us this week?? I'm fiending! Lol
    3 points
  8. As a player since EA and someone who focuses on breeding with the lack of Cryopods and being a full time employee with real world responsibilities your really going to kill the game for people like myself. Cryopods were the largest quality of life change for people who actually had some sort of life outside of Ark and once again you will be putting players who can average 14-16 hours a day ahead only because they can log in and put meat in a inventory not because they have any form of skill over another player or have any sort of level of achievement they have progressed to.
    3 points
  9. "we are hard at work on the concept and dossier for the mighty Dreadnoughtus. Be on the lookout for the concept and dossier in the coming weeks" This line is hilarious. No one gives a damn about a dossier for a creature thats like 5 maps down the line coming out who knows when next year. You know what people do want to see in the coming weeks? LITERALLY ANYTHING for your new game that comes out this month.
    2 points
  10. What a weak CC holy smokes Batman. So much for building on the momentum of last weeks excitement with 3 weeks left to launch....
    2 points
  11. Bummer, nothing special to see in this crunch, cya next week
    2 points
  12. Is there a place to go to meet new people. To play on official ark. I’m an old generation gamer from the 70 and 80. Love to play this game with other folks. How do you meet up and communicate if you’re an Xbox player?
    1 point
  13. This is a joke, right? Or a blatant F-U to the fans/players. Where is Elon when you need someone to sh*t on Snail Games?
    1 point
  14. Will be hard going in to the caves with small tames or without tames as tames you are used to - do not pass entrance. Will be hard to tame new dino and get it alive across the map to safe base. I guess how i will perform on gen2 quests with so bad movement speed. It was already hard, now it will be impossible
    1 point
  15. I was on this weeks crunch!!!🥹 Would have liked to see some ASA doe even if it was just a blade of grass
    1 point
  16. We've seen a few concept pieces... but no Steam page, no gameplay, no system specs? Every event that was supposed to have SOMETHING for ark 2 or ASA hasn't had anything. ATP I doubt ASA actually is a thing being worked on. Just seems like trying to string people along for ark-2 preorders. Just like Ark the animated series. Just like Primal Survival way back when in 2016.
    1 point
  17. come'on! Could you have put in a little effort to talk about ASA? why not throw in some short stories from the dev's? talk about difficulties in development, dlss/fsr implementation, remodeling processes, lighting. You could show us a picture of a poop in ue5 and it would fully satisfy everyone until the next week's crunch. :(
    1 point
  18. Another crunch with absolutely nothing of value to it. 🤷‍♀️ What happened to atleast bringing the comparison images back? Meanwhile other games are releasing images, feature announcements, adjustments and other things of actual interest to create and hold energy. Week after week I'm finding myself lose hope and interest. 🥴
    1 point
  19. Woah. There was so little in this it even had "Community Corner" in the title... Anyways, I do hope this time it's taking for the art will means the Dreadnoughtus will look super cool. I'm hoping it doesn't have feathers/fluff like in the concept art. It looks cool, but its pretty silly and very weird to put on a sauropod.
    1 point
  20. Why does Ark 2 have a Steam page, but ASA is supposedly coming out in 3 weeks, but there is nothing?
    1 point
  21. Figured this weeks would be pretty slim, looking forward to the dread art
    1 point
  22. What's interesting is, this time around, people on the Xbox platform can jump on and feed/imprint using Cloud Gaming and a phone. Wish I had that back in the day.
    1 point
  23. Just an random suggestion, I think it should be an only water map basicelly in ASA something like Atlantis, imagen water from the deepest point to the sky border and gigantic underwater caves were the land creatures live
    1 point
  24. FYI the next update won't be for another couple of days. I'm working on allowing multi-select on all tabs to allow the pipe separated commands to be generated and used. Unfortunately having the ability to select multiple records means I need to slightly re-work the map draw to accept a list of selections and not just a single one. @SpenceFoxtrot Along with this are a couple of fixes to duplicate tribe/player data in various dropdowns. @darkradeon has also found an issue where ASV fails when the file size is > 3GB (Island 892 last backup). I have a fix for this and will include that in the next release too.
    1 point
  25. It's not so much a "substantiated opinion" as a personal preference. Don't get me wrong, you're absolutely entitled to that personal preference, but playing lots of hours in PvE doesn't give your preference more weight than someone else's personal preference. My personal preference, as a player with thousands of hours, who has spent more time in PvE than PvP, is the opposite of yours. I think removing the ability to boost run speed makes the game more challenging, and therefore better and more enjoyable. But again, that's a personal preference, there is no objective measure of what's fun. But there is a slightly general objective measure of what's more or less difficult, more or less challenging. Removing the ability to boost speed makes the PvE game somewhat more difficult and challenging, that much is true, and the two of us have different personal preferences about whether that will make the game more enjoyable. To help explain what I mean here's an example... I think Aberration was the best map WildCard made themselves. It had the best level of PvE difficulty and challenges, having a progression that was built in to the biomes, felt natural, was less impacted by the native buginess of ARK, and felt like they took the time to actually complete the map (as compared to Extinction which feels like they just gave up before finishing it). But I have a friend and long-term tribe mate who liked Aberration the least, in fact he actively disliked it. Why? Because of "no flyers". His favorite way to play ARK is from the back of an argy. Not a wyvern, not a managarmr, not even a rock drake on Aberration. He's at his happiest when we're at the level of progression where the argy is the main work horse of game play. Is he wrong? No. Am I right? No. We just each have our preferences. So while you're fully entitled to prefer the ability to boost movement speed, in no way does your number of hours in PvE make your opinion more substantiated than anyone else's. Your personal preference carries the same weight as anyone else's personal preference, but no more than that. If we're evaluating movement speed in the big picture, rather than just your preference or my preference, the real question that should be asked is "What is the preference of the majority of players?" That's a question I would love to see answered but there is, unfortunately, no way to measure the preference of the majority where this change is concerned. All we have to go by are the preferences expressed by a few people on the forums/Discord/Twitter. It might be possible, if someone was able to collect all of the opinions that have been expressed on forums/Discord/Twitter to present an evaluation of that data set, but since no one is willing to do the work of collecting all of those opinions and presenting them as honest data, we have no way of knowing what the player base really thinks. You don't like it, and I support your right to dislike it, but this is not a change in which anyone's opinion is more substantiated than anyone else's.
    1 point
  26. Yes, I never did catch a lot of PvP gameplay but yeah for me the early-game PvP is the best, "COD" with tranqs, bolas and whatever. Very interesting matches. I also really like the "end"games of SOTF when on foot against other people on foot. No speed advantage for anyone there. Though I think base speed for players is like 120 or so it feels like and stamina is out of the roof there... Yes, PvP: Against another player, and both have insane speed, its a fast superhuman like fight... It doesnt fit Ark in my opinion neither. PvE: When your speed is above 130, the main common threats, Raptors, Cats, Carnos etc can easily be tricked or avoided. Making an encounter wild a big part of the wildlife a choice like "meh, I dont want to play now" -> Unless you want to play, they dont appeal a higher threat to a human than a rat... True. But I think its also true that beeing able to sneak out of the fight. Which can be hard either way, opens up the motivation to be able to get that "AhHAH! aint gonne get me! See you around!" for the weaker player. Else its gonne be just a stomp and the new player will have a really hard time trying to struggle his/her way into tricking/winning ANY ground in the "dispute" Another situation: A endgame player on foot with a RocketLauncher and a shotgun VS an endgame player with a high tier Therizino. The player is gonig to need a decent amount of speed to kite even a few shots before the Therizino hits him 2-3 times max and kill him... Without any speed, the Therizino stomps if it wouldnt stomp anyway, but why would a Therizino be stronger weapon than endgame BP shotguns? You can correct me on this for sure as I am not a experienced PvP player... The motivation against removing the boosting of speed though, especially in dinos, comes from my PvE experience. And in general its more a feeling (from someone that played 10k+ hours) than that I can give a substantiated opinion. PvP wise for me its a total agreement. But the freedom to chance and boost speed, in PvE (and Singleplayer) in dinos opens up personification, fun and fast pace... It should always have been limited more though I agree... Or the wildlife needs to be faster, I dunno
    1 point
  27. What was a real game-changer for me to determine how many dinos I had in my base was also the Kibble-system change. My base was kind of a really interesting place to hang out though if you know what I mean... Im not the kind of player to keep the houndreds of old bred Rexes though. Having them all in my base should be and is too much of a struggle for me. I just "release" them. With cryos you could just drop them on the ground though. Also a lot easier idd... Maybe they should add a "kill-off fuction" like with the Ovis. Get some good prime from it or something. Then also make keeping Dinos a bit harder, so having insane hordes doesnt sound so appealing etc...
    1 point
  28. Doing so is against COC, by the time they actually reach the Tame-limit (whatever it will be) Those exessive Rafts owners and dino-count-stealers could have been removed and those players might even get bans... Do you want to take that risk? I will be there to report you doing something like that for sure... Yes Ive seen some tame-limit reached on servers also. Not too many times, but I had the luxurity to avoid those servers and start playing somewhere else. In the end I dont think its gonig to be something that will be a real issue. They will open up new servers, I highly doubt they wouldnt, if they find out the servers are getting to crowded...
    1 point
  29. Ab, in the red zone. Some minor physical security issues.
    1 point
  30. Hello Hello, As of the time i'm writing this message right now : it's 5oct 20h46 (8PM) in California and 5oct 23h46 (11PM) in New York, and even nearly 6 AM of 6th october in France, from where im sending this message. I've been checking both of these : https://arkutils.netlify.app/tools/officialdownload/Oct2023 https://survivetheark.com/index.php?/server-backups/ but only PC servers saves are available out there. But as stated in the thread over here : " On Thursday 5th.... You’ll be able to: Access to all official save games for all platforms – PC, PlayStation, and Xbox. ". So I'm replying to this thread hoping to make it more visible, and most of all : to find a way to get a hand over hours and hours of time spent on the game. Since i'm convinced that there are many people that are or will be wondering the same about this issue, I'm asking clearly the topic, so googling the problem might make them fall here : How to download ark xbox servers save - october 2023 Having answers about this is important for those who don't wanna rent some nitrado stuff ...
    1 point
  31. A lot of older school dinos with have a resurgence in use. Even though it will only last until all the other maps/OP dinos are re-released. It will be fun for a bit.
    1 point
  32. As long as we can change it on our own servers then go nuts. I do understand the reason behind it, but that is only relevant for pvp and low level pve. Once you're high enough and gotten some gear that you can literally knock a raptor out with your hands then it's just annoying to run slow. Even more so when doing the daily stuff around the base, don't want to waste any more time that needed. And with the daily chores in mind I really hope S+ will be converted to ASA, gonna miss the QoL stuff otherwise...
    1 point
  33. When a guy can run 100mph and its impossible to get a shotgun round onto him because he's basically the flash, yes, it makes the PvP dumb. Human v Human pvp sucked in Ark for the most part, and speed characters contributed a ton to that fact. Slowing characters down should lead to better gunfights. It was also way too easy to escape on foot when you got knocked off your mount with a speed character. The amount of speed you can achieve in Ark wouldn't work in any other first or third person shooter. Imagine COD where one guy can move as fast as an Ark character. It breaks the gunplay. Just because Ark wasnt a dedicated FPS or TPS game, doesnt mean it can't have solid gameplay in those aspects. It was hands down a cheesy mechanic and the game will be much better with this change.
    1 point
  34. To be fair, al lot of them weren't around during the pre-extinction times. WC said that tools and buildings are going to be released based on the maps they came from, meaning the TEK Transponder is obviously going to be available to everyone as soon as they defeat the boss required to unlock it. It mat not be on par as fitting a dinosaur in your pocket, but at least its the next best thing when it comes to storing the creatures you don't need, AND you can use it to transfer them over to whatever map unlocks next as soon as it's released. But do these children care (Not being insulting when I'm calling the children, I'm calling them what they most likely are)? No, they just to have all the tools they used to bully people on official just like they could in ASE. They want to be lazy and brute force their way through "all the hard parts" instead of be made to think things through. Personally I'm glad we won't have Cryo-pods right away, means I can relive the genuine ARK experience again along with a few extra layers of problem solving. I get to see the old strategies employed prior to the release of SE, and even some new ones with the added fact that all the voted creatures native to The Island will be roaming about and thus can be used to aid with survival. I get to see new takes on plans using said new creatures, constructing bases in ways that weren't possible in the early days of ARK. this ties in well with the speed nerf, Yeah I'll be leveling speed anyway in unofficial but in single player or if I ever decide to give official a chance in ASA I'll be glad that I have an excuse to tame the smaller mounts. These were all good changes, and I welcome them. Now if only Immersive Taming would get ported over like Ark Additions is (or at least a mod that does the same thing). Then this game would get a solid 10/10 from me.
    1 point
  35. As much as I love the movement speed change, I equally hate this cryopod change. It's going to be impossible to hide small solo or duo bases now. The only way to beat the parasaur scan was to cyro your animal's and dont sign off in your base. Well, now you're screwed. Even just from a server stress/load management aspect, this change sucks. I understand that UE5 is a much more capable engine, but everything has its limitations. When people build massive bases and have 100s of dinos out at all times, I find it very hard to believe the game will still run smoothly when rendering all that in at once. Everyone talks about the "old school" Ark feeling, but people seem to forget that there were also really really negative aspects of the game that were fixed in time. Cryopods were one of those overwhelmingly positive changes. This is a huge step backwards in an otherwise very good community crunch.
    1 point
  36. V disappointed in no cryos at launch, as someone who was around in ASE EA I know just how much the game improved when they came out. I really don't want to get into breeding again at all without them, and even on day 1 I know I will need a huge base again, and so will everyone else. No building in an out of the way place and ppl spreading out across the maps, the old high value areas (near to resources, water and obes) will return, most won't get them and moving around will be tedious, you will need outposts everywhere - rip building on officials for anyone not there the first couple of days. It's bad news for the game imo. It's not just about quickly podding a dino for those who weren't around back then, its about base size needed, breeding (raising a giga without cryos is literally bad for your health), transport, tedious dino maintenance, server health and tame caps. No cryos in PVP may be a good idea, no cryos in PVE is crazy bad idea.
    1 point
  37. I think it'll be fun to play without cryopods again for a while. We'll have to get tames around the map the way we did before Extinction. And if it gets tedious, there's sure to be a ASA version of Dino Storage that we can add to our servers until Extinction comes out.
    1 point
  38. lol, you don't need an early access and lie to listen community to discover that if you put hands on fire you get them burned. cryos are meant to make the game playable and not a time consuming tamagochi. bad decay time settings already ruined PVE experience (looking at you power cables!). Summed on no changes on mutations mechanics as well no real hint about fighting structure spamming and huge breeding factories, is just making ASA pve official already worse than ASE official before starting.
    1 point
  39. Good riddance. It's silly that you can level up movement speed to the point nothing is a threat anymore. It's a good decision.
    1 point
  40. I think it was for mainly PVP, but I think for PVE they just wanted people to use different types of tame for different purposes and not just a speedy Theri, Spino or Allo. I think they just want people to use the travel mounts that Ark has but no one really uses if they leveled up a super fast battle mount or harvesters
    1 point
  41. Yea i really dont understand why the devs dont cap them properly. Dollie made clear they want to do something about the cave meta, but said it is a hard thing to do in regards to balance. Capping mutations would be one very important part in making that possible balance-wise. On top of that, it would help balance late game vs early game.
    1 point
  42. Well, it's both at the same time, since it's basically a single corporation that uses different names. If you look at how they describe themselves on Steam it looks like this: DEVELOPER: Studio Wildcard, Instinct Games, Efecto Studios, Virtual Basement LLC PUBLISHER: Studio Wildcard, Snail Games USA WildCard is a wholly owned subsidiary of Snail Games so in one sense you're right, it's really Snail Games from a corporate point of view. But Snail owns multiple subsidiaries and each of those subsidiaries produces different products, so WildCard is still a separate development studio under the parent ownership of Snail. If you really want to get a better understanding of the relationship between the two check out the wikipedia articles on the two of them, and with a little bit of web searching you can find articles by the gaming press that talk about when the merger/buyout happened.
    1 point
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