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Everything posted by St1ckyBandit

  1. Thats a little bit of an over simplification if you ask me. Obviously no one has a patent on "spider" or for example "sword," but if I design a specific unique sword that I own the rights to, a movie production company can't just rip my design off without coming to some agreement with me first. I thought the shoulder pet version was the same spider as the voting submission one, just altered to be a shoulder pet. Only when I read the comments here did I find out thats not the case. It's clearly a rip off. I guess the monetization efforts for ark have hit such a desperate level that WC is just outright stealing community designs now. Shameless.
  2. If you want crabs that bad there are other ways to attain them.
  3. How did you get rhynios from club ark? Just spamming the tame wheel ? Or did you get lucky?
  4. Still having this issue. Can someone at least tell me if uploading dinos works for them on official?
  5. Now this isnt an area I'm familiar with as I always transferred dinos in pods on ASE, so forgive me if I'm just an idiot, but is there something wrong with uploading dinos currently? Last week I tried to upload my dragon from the island to SE to go hit a bunch of notes, and got a message akin to "Uploaded dino too soon. Wait until the timer." It gives me an 11 hour and 40 minute countdown. Thought this was weird as I'm the only one in the tribe and have never uploaded a dino. Tried again today and got the same message with the same timer. Am I doing something wrong or are transfers messed up? Tried googling and didnt find anything really relevant. Any help is greatly appreciated. I'm on ps5 official console smalls.
  6. Thats fine but the delays, bugs, and poor optimization isnt Shi's fault. The dev team and publisher have both been sub par going all the way back to the beginning. Again, amazing concepts, but there's never been solid execution to realize all those good ideas.
  7. I'd love to see a true sequel to Ark from another studio/dev team and publisher. WC had their chance. Good concepts but poor execution.
  8. The power of Raptors. The power of Dodos The power of Pegoooooos
  9. The center just came out 3 weeks ago. Are you expecting a map every 5 mins ? I get that WC is the king of delays but a June-Sept release gap for maps isn't big at all really.
  10. Coding rocks to be on the ground and not floating midair is rocket surgery to WC.
  11. Holy smokes this game is a top notch cluster fluff.
  12. Yup and wood is much more susceptible to Dino damage. There's a trade off with each, giving them different uses. I go stone 99% of the time. Better look (imo) and wood feels more fragile because more things can damage it. Building in caves makes this discussion moot because 1 c4 takes out even metal foundations.
  13. This is a GREAT idea. They refuse to take the artifacts out of the caves so giving us another way to get them would solve a lot of problems.
  14. Yes I come to the game's forum to talk about the game. Wild concept.
  15. Lol fancy and cool. No its just logical and commonplace to complain about a company that fails to deliver a quality product time and time again while taking every opportunity to monetize that same subpar product. It's not life, but you're on a gaming forum.... where people talk about the game.
  16. The difference is that Fortnite is actually a polished, well running game. Monetization is fine as long as the game already has a strong base, a capable dev team, and is optimized. With ark, we have none of those things yet they continue to crank out ways to take more money from us without actually fixing or stabilizing the game first.
  17. The wheels have been off since they decided to close down ASE and charge for ASA. If things were going well, they would have just went ahead with making ASA a free upgrade like it was planned to be originally. But Shi has been in desperation mode since the failure of his smartcar endeavor, so ASA soley exists to make them as much money as possible, not deliver a quality polished game they can be proud of. Its pretty obvious with the road they've decided to go down, introducing ptw dinos and loot boxes and we're only on the 3rd map. I certainly dont see the game getting LESS monetized in the future.
  18. After the clubs release, Im now convinced this schill is actually a plant by WC to see how a store would go over with the community.
  19. Havent been yet. I'm a bit scared if I go there I'll get ark'd and never get my character back.
  20. Rust is an example of a game with a cash shop thats purely cosmetic and works well for both consumers and publishers alike. My guess is Bobs tall tales didn't sell as well as they hoped so they had to crank out a last second paid addition to monetize The Center. No other explanation makes sense for a creature this amazing getting zero fanfare before its seemingly lumped in with the release of The Center.
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