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ladyteruki last won the day on August 31 2024

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About ladyteruki

  • Birthday 01/25/1982

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  1. Right ? What is Early Access for, if not improving the content ? There are so many creatures that have been rendered obsolete over the years ! In huge part because of the kibble rework, but also because they've been "replaced" by new, shiny, yet similar creatures ; I could name the Onyc and the Desmodus, for instance (when the Onyc could simply have gotten a TLC). While I appreciate that dinos like the Pegomastax got a slight TLC in ASA (since it can now gather Gacha crystals, which is absolutely brilliant to give the Pego some utility while still remaining somewhat accurate to its "persona"), most seem to have been plopped into the remastered maps without much of a thought. We all know this work will never be prioritized once out of the Early Access phase, so the time is now.
  2. I love people who talk about "entitlement" like it's a bad thing... when, it is, in fact, that players are entitled to the content THEY ALREADY PAID FOR. In October of 2023. Like, legally, we have paid for this. But instead we are asked to pay for other stuff and the product we already are the paying customers of is further delayed. It's not a bad thing to demand more clarity about a product that basically we gave an advance for to WildCard. It's our money we're asking about. I understand being patient but two, three years until players have access to the content they paid for is way too much, especially when WildCard, in dire need of cashflow, keeps pushing less ethical content. So basically, the devs/artists who should be working on the content we have already paid for (and/or potentially the free creatures that WildCard already promised we would vote on), are instead put on other projects like the 5 Fantastic Tames to make money in the short term... As someone else said about it, it was the ONE GOOD THING about WildCard : the lack of being microtransactioned to death. Forgive me if I play ASE in the meantime, a game that not only is fully paid for, but also has all of the content I paid for.
  3. I believe the Bob DLCs are only for maps that used to be paid DLC in ASE. They can't sell those maps again for ASA because *large gesture at everything* obviously, but they can release an additional DLC that does make them money when a remastered map is released. Since Lost Colony is in itself a paid DLC, there is no reason to release a paid DLC on top of it. I mean, don't give them any ideas XD
  4. Happy new year, WildCard. Good luck for the road ahead. You're dropping a paid full DLC while in Early Access, for a game that hasn't yet released all the content people already paid for in October of 2023 (aka 2 years before the release of Lost Colony), and now you're doing pre-orders for it. Where will the spiral of desperation end... Hold up, no community-voted creature for the two Genesis maps ?! I hope it's omitted for brevity's sake and not because you're going back on that promise. Also, stop trying to make the Fantastic Tames to happen. It's not going to happen.
  5. It's weird how the poster art for the Animated Series... doesn't look anything like the art style of the animated series. You didn't use AI, did you ? Acknowledging the problem is not the same as fixing it. What we need is to give those two the infrastructure they need to organize superevents like this on a semi-regular basis. Not weekly obviously, but often. Because I have discovered SO MANY Ark content creators from this video alone ! The master of traps strikes again ! (you forgot the description) I am in love with the RK-WL idea. Having alternatives to HLNA is a cool concept. Even if it's malfunctioning (...on purpose ?).
  6. I have a feeling this was very hard for you to publish, given that WildCard has avoided talking about how the sausage (or rather, the cake) is made for years, but I appreciate that you discuss the complicated choices that come with game development. More players (not all, of course, but more) would be willing to cut you some slack if you did this more often. Also, taking time before announcing a firm release date instead of pushing it back at the last minute is a good habit, and as we all know, it's never too late to change your habits. No offense to Raas (I've been watching him for years, there's no animosity in what I'm about to say), but I was hoping for someone bigger. Diesel-sized, precisely. But I guess that's not happening (the guest or... the bigger thing, it's hard to tell at this point).
  7. I meant "toothier" than the previous versions released by Garuga, but thanks for the nightmares XD God, someone needs a dentist.
  8. The Archelon is one of my favorte Ark Additions dinos, so this is good... well not news, because it had leaked a couple of weeks ago, but good thing nonetheless. does it look toothier here, or is it just the artwork that gives that impression ? WAIT, REALLY ?! You're finally adding algae as a resource ? Did I read that right ? I've always thought the underwater needed its own unique resource (especially with pearls being more and more available on land as new maps appeared), so this is making me very happy. The wiki seems to suggest that they're a component of the sushi you were alluding to last week ? I love this. More resources and recipes is always a good time for me as a PvE and SP player (and not the crap like green gems and fragmented green gems being the same thing under a different name, but ACTUALLY new resources). Am I reading too much into that "such as" ? Maybe. Maybe not. We'll see next month. That's a VERY cool shot ! And if they don't, people complain that nothing is going on, the game is stale, ARK is dead, and at least ASE had such and such map so why bother with ASA ? so it's a no-win situation.
  9. Disappointed not to find Raasclark's short here (an excerpt of a longer video, granted), it was one of my favorite ARK videos this week, if not one of my favorite videos this week. Aaaaaaah great, now I'm craving sushi. Thanks, WildCard.
  10. Really looking forward to what BTT will bring this time (I dream of corrugated roofs and chain link fences in Ark, sue me !), especially since this DLC has been the most exciting part of ASA so far. Also kinda curious about what paid creature BTT will introduce (since the Dread is part of the free map), but much less. Plus, more time for Ragnarok is GOOD. *clenches jaw* Honestly if it turns out to introduce gameplay that can limit the effect of pillars (with contesting mechanics, for instance), this is good. But otherwise... this is not going to make life on servers any healthier. Especially in PvE where there is no alternative.
  11. Probably that I've missed an episode, but is there going to be a airship in the BTT update ? Previous concept art seemed to imply there would be one included with Aberration's steampunk content, but I don't remember reading anything about it since, while this recap would have been the perfect place to bring it up. (I keep finding it weird that the new spider is called "Cosmo" and not "The Cosmo" XD ) It should be illegal to be as talented as ampreh... It's just not fair for everyone else. WildCard needs to commission an entire ARK comic book from them or something.
  12. Personally I'm of the mindset that it's better to have dinosaurs for that than automatons (plenty of other games have robots, ARK's the dinosaur one), but that said... ...repairing structures autonomously is a cool feature. Also those Owl Griffins are very cute.
  13. I swear the design of the Yi Thing changes every time we see it. Then again the initial concept art was um, not universally liked, to say the least, and the only way was up. This looks a bit closer to the proposed design, I'd say. Congrats on making it into the Community Crunch this week, GP !
  14. Oh hello, Maevia Eureka. Fancy meeting you here... in shoulder pet form ? I'm a bit confused by the term "Cosmo" which seems to imply that it's a character name, not a species name. Is it not a tame like the Oasisaur, it's a companion more similar to HLNA ? Intriguing.
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