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Wipe Official Servers



After almost 2 years of constant breeding, every larger group now has incredibly mutated dinos that are nowhere close to what the game was originally balanced around. This means that dinos like Rhinos or Therizinosaurs deal much more damage and are much harder to kill than they were 1.5 years ago when the game released. Politically, the game is currently very stale, with alliances constant, no big conflicts and many people leaving the main cluster for others clusters or other games for a fresher and more exciting experience. A wipe would easily reset breeding back to its original state and bring these dinos back down to what they were originally, and bring back many players that have left over the last year.


edit: im talking (mostly) about the Official PvP network, non-legacy, main cluster)

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This post is talking about pvp so maybe my understanding is wrong, but....

If one want to start fresh, there are hundreds private servers starting everyday.

I think the isolation of legacy server is not an attempt to start fresh but to remove the effect of baby taming bug. And I think that is a mistake. This game is supposed o "evolve", and evolution happens by fixing mistakes, not by starting a new thing or total annihilation. Some one suggested to wipe the cluster once more mistakes are fixed, but as long as the game lives, there will be new contents; as long as there are new contents, there will be new mistakes. If mistakes justifies annihilation, then everything will just start over and over again with no change and no hope.


Whether  PVP or PVE, I think the point of this massive official cluster is to construct a story in which everyone build their experience upon the ones before them. As a player who had ark since its first appearance (I think it was exactly 4 years ago from now), it kind of surprise me every time (usually when a player scream "why is this game so difficult!!!!!") I realize how easy it has become now. Not because the game had changed (though it is apart of the reason), but because of the work of all the players in these 4 years. 

New players may not understand this, but in my opinion, playing in ark official cluster is like witnessing the rise of a mini civilization. Where even if you come late, you can still benefit from the people before you, and even if you leave, your work can still affect the people after you.

Personally, I don't like the idea of nuking the world just because it has problems. So it would be a shame to see this story end in the way the legacies did. 

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I think if people are only still playing to tend to their large hordes of crap they need to really think about what they are actually doing with their time.  it's a easily ingrained mental pathway that allows humans to get irrationally obsessive over sunk costs and they feel like they have "wasted their time" when they lose things and think of it as a lost investment.

The truth of the matter is that the moment you spend a resource like time it is a sunk cost you can never recover, so spend it to gain fun.  Throwing resources at something solely because you've already thrown tons of resources at it is NEVER a good idea.

tldr; your crap in a video game doesn't matter, the memories you make do, go make some memories instead of organizing your fridge.

and no i didn't upvote this i could care less what happens i just don't like seeing people wasting their time.

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So, I do find it humorous that there is so much animosity towards the OP on wiping official - particularly concerning folks losing countless hours of time taming, building, breeding, advancing their characters, yet it's perfectly acceptable to wipe legacy servers?  The vast majority of those legacy players have been playing, building, breeding, etc., far longer than most of the official players - by a long shot.  Personally, I have been playing since early 2016, and have endured several biome changes which destroyed several of my bases, the introduction of the un-tuned Giga, which subsequently destroyed about 200 dinos that I had at the time, griefers on the server, etc... 

Regardless, I have put in at least as much time as any others of you official players (check my Steam profile), but it's ok to call for a wipe for legacy?  Put yourself in our shoes - there's a reason we stay on legacy.  Yes, the communities are generally more hospitable than official, but the primary reason is that we are well-established, and we no more want to start over than any of you saying that it would kill the game for you.  Your time is more valuable than anyone's on legacy?  We all paid for the game - we all expect to be able to play the game in the manner that it was designed.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander - call for a wipe on legacy (and I know this thread was not started with that intent towards legacy, but I just had to comment, given some of your replies about how it would be suicidal for WC to do such), and I say that I call for a wipe on all servers - across the board.  If memory serves, legacy was original separated due to duping, over-mutated dinos, and in general, cheaters.  Take a look at your official servers now, and tell me where the bulk of that has gone?

Go ahead and flame me - I know it's coming, but you and I both know the truth about time and effort invested on both sides of the fence, and where the true issue is now.  Log on any official server and look at a Giga, Boss Rex, Mana, Argent, etc... and compare it to a legacy variant of the same.

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On 7/18/2019 at 2:50 AM, ECADDurand said:

This post lol, do you want to rephrase that ? because all I am hearing is dudes that may be in a larger tribe trying not to get dev wiped, mostly because they have no skill. Oh lug nuts meshed me, lets mesh back (major skill), oh we cant get in here lets inside him (loads more skill) oh my mate from server 9 million knows how to dupe we can mek rush them wow so skilled. imo and from those who are LEGIT that are in bigger tribes, they agree its stale and have expressed they would love a wipe. in fact that's why most are looking at vaguero for that excitement of beach bashing with clubs, and getting to take the server and establishing who is boss again because their bored with the way things are.



Lol funny cause im solo 

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Guys I am here with this suggestion because I dont have much time for playing Ark, and almost every time I play is solo/duo/trio, me and my friends always leave because cant handle with the raids and high level 5000+ days character.

So here it is:

Make 6 new Official servers with 2x taming/exp/harvesting that are going to be wiped every six months.

There's alot of servers with 0~~5 active players, this will make new and old players that leave the game for playing again.

Consider it please, sorry for bad english I am brazilian.


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On 4/23/2019 at 4:20 PM, NoOneBtw said:

After almost 2 years of constant breeding, every larger group now has incredibly mutated dinos that are nowhere close to what the game was originally balanced around. This means that dinos like Rhinos or Therizinosaurs deal much more damage and are much harder to kill than they were 1.5 years ago when the game released. Politically, the game is currently very stale, with alliances constant, no big conflicts and many people leaving the main cluster for others clusters or other games for a fresher and more exciting experience. A wipe would easily reset breeding back to its original state and bring these dinos back down to what they were originally, and bring back many players that have left over the last year.


edit: im talking (mostly) about the Official PvP network, non-legacy, main cluster)

not pve lol you wipe my last year of work and im out and so are 99% of the player base of pve ? pvp is one thing thats all fighting and combat and all that.  pve is basically mine craft for semi adults.. some of us are adults even xD thats what pve lives for.  caving group bossing breeding colors and stats.  its essentially a never ending progression that people put insane amount of time into.  wipe pve and i guarantee nobody i know who no lifes t is game would ever play again lol

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Official servers and small tribe servers need a wipe I have been playing for almost a year now and with all the duping meshing and insane line the game feels so boring everytime you PvP people pull transmitters Tek pocket gigas meks out like their nothing it really needs a wipe and one main cluster with a reasonable tribe limit.


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I play small tribes and can confirm that even on small tribes its gotten to a point that new tribes stand no chance against tribes already built up as all the bigger tribes share lines and have really good breedline. I would welcome a fresh cluster but I tthink they need to look at titans transfers being disabled before they do, as any new cluster with titans enabled would be just cave building or titan chomping 

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My first comment was just to rile up the pve players commenting on this thread, most down voted lol obviously worked. 


But this will will just kill the game more so then the badly thought out turret cap did. I bet nearly everyone that I know that still plays would move on to another game and never look back, and all the people that quit wouldn't even consider going back. 


Doesn't matter though they said in one of the past crunches that this won't be happening thank goodness. 

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On 4/23/2019 at 5:20 PM, NoOneBtw said:

After almost 2 years of constant breeding, every larger group now has incredibly mutated dinos that are nowhere close to what the game was originally balanced around. This means that dinos like Rhinos or Therizinosaurs deal much more damage and are much harder to kill than they were 1.5 years ago when the game released. Politically, the game is currently very stale, with alliances constant, no big conflicts and many people leaving the main cluster for others clusters or other games for a fresher and more exciting experience. A wipe would easily reset breeding back to its original state and bring these dinos back down to what they were originally, and bring back many players that have left over the last year.


edit: im talking (mostly) about the Official PvP network, non-legacy, main cluster)

A wipe wouldn't fix anything. Ark's official servers are notoriously unbalanced, as we know, and the middle-game of ark basically disappears on PVP servers because when you join you are either killed repeatedly, never being allowed out of the early game, or you immediately join an alpha tribe, putting you in the late game, essentially removing the actual central gameplay loop. It's a really glaring problem that should have been addressed long before this game was officially released. 

One of the things people subconsciously, or consciously, love about ark is just how powerful you are by the end of the game compared to the beginning of the game. It's a system that means that basically, you could play for hundreds of hours and still have a ladder to climb. It's great in that way. *Really* bad for the type of competitive multiplayer system they currently have.

The best solution I can think of is to make PVP conditional and inconsequential. Instead of having servers that are always PVP-central, have servers that have "PVP days." These would basically be just what they sound like, days on which players can engage in PVP, destroy each others bases, kill each others dinos etc. Once the PVP day is over the server is reloaded and anything that was destroyed or killed is back the way it was.

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On ‎4‎/‎25‎/‎2019 at 6:36 PM, BertNoobians said:

its funny that people with a low post count want a wipe, and people with a high post count dont want a wipe.

new players will always want a wipe, that will never change, they want to start equal with all the others.

90% of the starters only play this game for a few weeks upto a few months,

and there would be more people that want a wipe because there will always be more starters then established players.

this is why it is extremely hypocritical and mean to ask for a wipe because statistics say that you are not even here anymore after 3 months.

some dinos like tuso mosa and basilo take 1.5 years where they are now, they are op, but they are not even close to max possible. you want to wipe this work.

i got idk maybe 1 to 2 posts here and i've played over 2 years by now it's the same as saying YouTubers don't make new vids about it so it is dead go to the steam hours the buy date the activity in the game not a stupid site

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9 minutes ago, DUB312 said:

I agree, on my server 3 tribes in a 24 hour period got wiped by a tribe using duped clusters!! So in less than 24 hours that's 18 ppl that stopped playing the game! And the game will continue to lose more ppl every day! I have a pic of them saying that's what they used but I guess it's to big to upload! One of the tribes that got wiped was myself included. WILDCARD something needs to be done about this, how do we fill out a ticket to get our base and stuff back from ppl who abuse the exploits and cheats? Liget tribes cant fight other tribes that come over with 300 duped meks!!!

Yeah man i have lost 2 alpha bases now on small tribes due to dupers, what happend to pushing with racers and gigas? at this point they should just give everyone a admin demo gun. I literally had a 4 day tek fob with tek behe spam for miles on our valg by a well known duping tribe who chucked clusters at us for 4 days straight clustering us for 12hrs a day and all we could do is turn off heavys and leave autos on to destroy the clusters untill we ran out of AR. Even the duping tribe told me they want a new cluster released or 6man wipe and thats why there doing it, its a joke.

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This is a common problem on all games which lead to question on why a system was never set up to account for it.

ie -  IF so many Established tribes (%) say they want a server wipe then one is initiated say in a week.

Established as in active and been on the server for a month or 2 or......

Then it would happen.

Something like that and yes it is rough and would need to be hashed out the exact method....


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I really hope that what the developer/ people who own the server believes, but this was not their solution when they created legacy, neither when they decided to delete all the fishing rods.
it is just that legacy is created after aberration release (second dlc), I got a feeling something similar will happen after genesis (4th dlc)
Legacy was created before aber release
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I think a more interesting solution might be to do a new dino balance patch much like they did in early access.  This wouldn't require a wipe and simply rebalance damage and health down a certain order of magnitude where needed.  I think the biggest issue on official is that if you are new you have to resort to insiding, stealing, trading, or whatever to try to get lines to be able to defend yourself and use offensively.  If you have 0 options to acquire new lines you have a substantial weakness in either defense or offense.  

There could be a way to solve this that is somewhat helpful.  Allow leveling tamed/imprinted dinos to boost health, damage, weight, stam quite a bit.  Also, boost gains in stats from imprinting dinos.  At the same time reduce gains from mutations in each category down to much lower levels.  Those with a lot of mutations would still have more health and damage but not at such a level that is ridiculous.  This would allow people to get set up possibly as a newer tribe, tame, breed and imprint, and then level up and have something decent to defend or be offensive with possibly.  It might need further balance after that as well, but it might be a way to solve that issue.  

This could also allow more to build up and hopefully make pvp servers even more active with more people feeling they can now survive and join in on the fun.

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