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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/20/2023 in all areas

  1. BECAUSE PEOPLE LOVE ARK AND THERE IS NO OTHER ALTERNATIVE. How is this SO INCREDIBLY difficult for you to understand? Your level of fanboy here is pathetic. How long have you even been playing Ark? Perhaps you are too new to understand the incompetency of WC…..
    3 points
  2. For the same reason why I am still here; Gecko1611 my good sir. For the same reason why I have written a detailed story journal of my actual experiences in the game and have recently decided to begin posting them on this forum for others to read. (Chapter 9 is out now btw. You commented on my chapter 6 and said you liked it, so I hope you'll enjoy my other chapters and the 10-14 still to come. ) The thing of it is though, is that the story I'm writing happened between 2015 and 2017. (Ark's Golden Years.) I love Ark; I loved the story I got to be a part of during that time; so much so that I wanted to write a physical story of my experience so that I would have an "Ark Story Book" to read myself. (I Love Books and there is no Ark Novel for me to read.) But...my story with Ark Survival Evolved exists only in the past for me. The story that I enjoyed being a part of so much, is a story that could never be recreated in modern Ark due to the various decisions that WildCard has made over the years. I've been around since near the beginning, and WildCard killed Ark for me back in late 2017. That's when my story ends. I haven't touched official servers since then due to the decisions that they have made and have only been able to enjoy Ark in single player ever since; once in awhile also on personal PC hosted servers with a few friends. I can't have that same kind of story with Ark in single player; I can't have that same kind of enjoyment with the game in single player; and there's no reason for me to not get to have that enjoyment except for WildCard's ridiculously stupid decisions. The release of their Scorched Earth map and the huge lawsuit that the company got into during that time was the beginning of the end of Ark official enjoyment for me; and it's only gone (mostly) downhill ever since. I haven't felt truly excited about Ark ever since the release of their Extinction map. (Which should have been the end of Ark 1 with the Genesis maps being Ark 2; not this nonsense that has followed.) I haven't been excited about or hardly even interested in any of the recent creature votes because I'm probably not going to bother with ASA; and if I do it won't be unless it goes on sale for VERY CHEAP many years down the road once all the maps and game content are re-added. Even so, from the looks of things, I'd just be playing ASA on single player by myself again anyways since they clearly haven't learned from their mistakes of why they killed ASE multiplayer for me; so why even bother. Still, does not my 2000+ hours on Ark PC and 2000+ hours on Ark Mobile along with the writing of my Ark FanNonFiction not show my love and dedication? But when I as a player of a game have such love and dedication for it, then see the people who own it continue to slowly ruin it over the course of many years; how can I not feel disappointed, discouraged, angry, and have no faith in WildCard or the future of the game? When I have seen them make not only one absolutely ridiculously terrible decision after another, but even worse have seen them act extremely scummy and hostile towards their own fanbase on multiple occasions over the years? For people like me it's not anything recent they've done which has caused this, but a slow burn that has gradually increased ever since the start. Faith requires proof of reasons for why I should have any. When I have not only seen no proof, but in fact so many continual reasons to the contrary, then how can I possibly have any? Still, I have my fond memories of 2015-2017 when Ark was good; and I have my single player where I can use cheats to my heart's content to fix the things that WildCard refuses to even acknowledge even 8 years later.
    3 points
  3. People hope it will get better and enjoy the CURRENT game as it is without another EA game with missing assets / bugs and only a few shiny features, what you are witnessing is corporate need of cash ei Snail is broke WC is and always has struggled with deadlines no one can deny that ... and this 'upgrade' to UE5 was 'supposed' to have been released within a 5 (?) month period of been revealed .. 'building from the ground up' new shiny things integrated (mostly UE5 shiny things) and adding other mods into the game that already existed .... Anyway i digress, ASE as it stands is a pretty solid game not the best not the worst but dam it can suck hours off you breeding / building etc so people get attached to their toons / bases and maps they have built on - the save we get is literally a snapshot of one map - if we choose to play on it in SP we cannot travel to the other maps ... even hiring a server we still cannot travel .. kinda kills the other maps we paid money for.... Imagine this ... WoW or guild wars 2 or any other 'big' mmo stating that they are shutting down the servers and if u want you can start again but you gotta pay for it and it includes some minimal updates .... that fanbase would be just as annoyed as we are ... Ofc people are annoyed here, why the hell shouldnt they be? negative? yes wanting it all to fail NO just seeing things clearly and are sick of Snail running WC into the ground and watching WC struggle on like a injured animal, simple as that.
    3 points
  4. This is actually something I haven't seen mentioned but is a very good idea. Until shutdown a new section at transmitters appears which allows you to download to a new option of 'local'. Anything uploaded to there could be downloaded into a local game and is gone forever from official. Won't help with buildings, etc but you could retrieve your dinos and characters that way. Would be especially helpful to console players.
    2 points
  5. Yes, I agree. If we cannot download all the maps to replace our single player maps, at least allow our character to keep transferring all of the things we want to keep to our consoles until the servers close so we can use them on all our single player maps. Thank you.
    2 points
  6. So let me get this straight. If console players want to keep their stuff they need to rent expensive servers from an iffy provider and pay monthly for it. Those of us who don't have that option will lose everything because you're not even trying to let us download anything to single player. Or letting us download multiple saves. Every time I think you people can't get any more stupid, you manage to do it. After years of encouraging us to expand into multiple maps, now you're saying we have to cram everything onto one single map. Then you had better let us keep multiple saves or make EVERYTHING transferable. Element pieces and shards and ore. Boss dermises and trophies. Boss fight tributes. Hover skiffs. Anything and everything. You PROMISED us that we would be able to keep our server save for single player. Would it effing kill you to keep even ONE of the promises you made?!
    2 points
  7. I mean honestly at this point I’m more or less shackled to the rails of ark for better or worse by three points. I enjoy most aspects of ark and find it a good time sink when grindfr- I mean warframe isn’t doing anything interesting; I have an obligation to the handful of people that occasionally toss donations to the nitrado account to make sure they get the exact value of what they put in and nothing less; and at this point I’ve sunken literal years of my life into this game and refuse to quit it unless they pull the plug on unofficial AsE.
    2 points
  8. You know, the more I think about it, the more it appears that I don't want Ark to succeed. I don't want Ark to fail either. I want players to thrive. I want players to have a good time. I want players to be given reasons to talk about ASA positively, not because the sales will need it, but because it's actually positive to project ourselves in the game. I want players to celebrate excitedly the upcoming release of a new, more modern, hopefully better version ; instead of being promised it's gonna be all these things on absolutely no visible basis. I want players to not be squeezed until their last cent, and especially not in exchange for a poor experience. I want players to enjoy actual previews of what gameplay is going to be like, whether these previews happen through ingame screenshots, through videos, or simply through written explanations of features. I want players to not be expected to spend money on Day 1 on a game that they know nothing about until the last minute. I want players to not be asked to worship a game that doesn't respect their essential rights as consumers. I want players who take the time to submit custom creatures, with custom art, and who take the time to vote for them, to get the creatures they actually have voted for, or else the concept of a community vote is meaningless. TL;DR : I don't want Ark to succeed or fail in the abstract. The players are what determines the success or failure of Ark, and I want WildCard to act like they know it. I want players to be given reasons to make ARK succeed, and I promise you many of us would happily do it the same way we did it the first time. Our loyalty to this franchise is not owed, it is earned.
    2 points
  9. They took one look at the concept (For the Yi) and threw it out the window
    2 points
  10. Seriously u are asking all of ark fans to be positive, when there is not a single positive thing about whats happening with ark. We need to help them make the right decisions for the future of ark and WC and u asking us to happilly accept?. A survival dinosaur game never been done, and thats why we are trying to say to WC that they are in fact doing the worst possible move in their history. Sometimes we need to guide someone to the right path, but they simple ignore all of our experiences with other companys. They complete ignore our opinions, they don’t give a damn about the horrified state ark is, they are loosing fans every day, and they seems to don’t care either of that. This game in early stages was amazing until they decided to put tek tier in their game, and if u look at actual things in game and where is leading to, u will ended with a survival dinasaur game with tank/ mechs (we already have this ones) in the dinasaur place. This ab creature is very different of the actual people voted to, in fact if u put a pic of this dino along side a pic of dodo u will see no difference between the two of them, with one of them is way bigger then a dodo. If they make a mistake is our job to help them to make the best way course to solve the issue. Tell me in one month we haven’t seen a actual ASA gameplay and u agreed with this nonsense? No comparisons between the ASE to ASA and u agreed with this? A 90 tribe members were perma ban from enjoying the game bc they attacked a tribe that is snail games employees and u agreed with this? A tribe that ask items to build their bases without farming for them and u agreed with this? U agreed when we saw a bug or a tribe who is dupping or ddos servers to their own advantage and we submit a ticket and we got nothing from them? Do u agreed when we need help to unstuck a dino or character and we got nothing? And we have to ask others player to help with this? (This has happened to me and to my dinos in a case of tuso) And i could put more things that need to be adressed to. This is my opinion and i respect yours, but at this stage i see one of my favorite games being ruin by bad decisions and being ignore by the dev.
    2 points
  11. Nitrado as exclusive commercial server? No monopoly is good.
    2 points
  12. Yes, there will be new ASA PvE servers. The game will be almost exactly like it is today, it will just be rebranded as ASA. Everything that you love about ARK and that you hate about ARK will still be there, it will just have a different name and a some minor changes.
    1 point
  13. I'll go further : people being annoyed now are people who wanted to be excited. The ones who didn't want to be excited have long left this community ; by definition, you don't disappoint people who expect nothing ! People who are annoyed about ASA 2 months away from release are people who wanted to picture what it'd be like to have a better experience of Ark than the one they know in ASE, and have been deprived of all the positive opportunities to do that. We've given WildCard a chance to excite us. They said "previews every two weeks" and then we didn't get previews every two weeks. Even in this present Community Crunch, people ask about previews : that's not being negative. That's wanting to be curious and excited, and being refused that because "if you don't like asset comparisons, then we don't know how else to talk about this game". You know how I know people want to be positive and are not allowed to by WildCard ? Look at how active these forums get during a creature submission period. Everyone has ideas. Everyone wants to see things (are they all realistic ? no ! but it's not what matters) in ASA. Everyone is posting pictures, listing abilities, designing custom dossiers, drawing diagrams, doing everything they can do to give some form of reality to the way they imagine playing maps in ASA. That's positive as f*ck ! People WANT to picture what playing ASA will be like. People WANT to imagine what they'll do once The Center will get a TLC (a lot of us are hoping for one at least). People WANT to fantasize about how new creatures will interact with the ones we already know and love. People WANT to be given new ways to find joy in a game they have sunk thousands of hours in ! THIS IS POSITIVE. The reason why the Yi Something incident bothers me (especially considering the creature was at the bottom of my own ranking) is that what little joy this community finds in projecting themselves in ASA, the sliver of hope we try, vote after vote, to build together... WildCard doesn't seem to respect it. Frankly, if someone can post this to introduce to a community a creature that doesn't exist, and make it in a way that it's liked enough that thousands of people vote for it... why can't WildCard find a way to discuss ASA without showing the game ?
    1 point
  14. The same people you write about, myself included, do not believe this company due to their genius for not meeting deadlines. Secondly, in a week's time another decision by them, even more unwise, may be announced, or a change in prices down or up. Third: many of us have known WC and SG for years, as evidenced by my 22,700 hours spent in the ark. And now I have to pay unreasonable money to keep playing saved maps. No thanks. I'm sure ASA will do the same. I'm just helping new players get started, they're unaware of the end of ARK and they're excited about the game. Do you think they will be surprised if one day they want to go to ARK and here their work no longer exists, the game is offline and they just bought the game. I feel sorry for such new ARK players stuffed in a bottle. This will not be a convincing form of player acquisition. And on the other hand, no one is forcing you to read it, these are the thoughts of the authors of the posts and they express their opinions as well as you, if you are not satisfied, change the forum
    1 point
  15. There's an entire genre of games focused on surviving AS Dinosaurs. I know this is probably not what you meant, but I'd be more careful with wording.
    1 point
  16. Agreed!!! I really hope that we get all 6 regions for mutations as it would make these creatures beautiful.
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. So your whole point is the point I just made lol? Loving Ark does not have to come with trusting or loving Wildcard.
    1 point
  19. Wildcard/Snail games are you absolutely serious. What about the people who don't want to use nitrado or who cannot afford it like me. They are the worst server provider and 20% off?! You should just give everyone their own free server so that their dinos and everything don't go. Your saying we will lose all of our structures items and dinosaurs , everything is going to be deleted. And you're saying you have everyone at heart. It sounds more like heartless to me. So everyone on official servers will lose everything. And what save files for the console players you're not saying anything about that. Just like what you're doing with switch another company is running that you can do it for official servers on console. To keep the official servers alive.
    1 point
  20. The content you're looking for isn't even made yet probably lol.
    1 point
  21. To what game? Where is the game that offers a survival experience where I can breed and tame creatures? There is no alternative to Ark. You could not pay me to play Conan’s Exiles. Why are you so emotional? No one is saying it is going to flop.
    1 point
  22. You are the only person in the world who wanted to see what Beaver Dame would look like in ASA….people want to see the tames, you know the content that 99% of the game is based around. To imply they even TRIED to show us ASA is dishonest.
    1 point
  23. The new creature looks great and all, but I honestly wouldn't mind seeing more sneak peaks at how the game's going to look on UE5, primarily the dinosaurs
    1 point
  24. I like that we will be able to save soon. But my one character belongs to 5 maps. I am a solo player. So does this mean I have to pick 1 map to save. My other 4 maps will not be saved. Be lost forever. Because that really really sucks. I have had these bases for years. Some 4 years or longer. Boooo on this…
    1 point
  25. Dont think it was all WC's fault SG's got an unsecured loan of over 4million from nitrado of which 1 mill covered the last rent bill - and in doing so nitrado got themselves a sweet exclusive deal to host asa / ark for the foreseeable future. SG's is deep poop financially so they literally HAVE to make asa work, going as far as launching it as (yet again) EA so that has WC butt covered when half if not more of the ue5 assets, QOL and other improvements are MISSING when / if it goes live in oct, its going to be a mess and not a pleasant one again .. only the island too.
    1 point
  26. actual official already runs upon nitrado so official of ASA running on nitrado too wasn't a big suprise. the real shame is the exclusivity for gaming hosting, nuking g-portal as well many other smaller independent gaming hosting services that are cheaper and more mods & support friendly than nitrado. Also it's a double shame since those companies are far, far, far.. far more involved on what made ARK a great game across communities and modding scene since those companies actually were multiple times the real and only funders for modding, streaming and unofficial communities in general, as well they were involved with sponsoring and partnership on those maps that become free DLCs.
    1 point
  27. I am working to a very interisting animal for valguero, i would like it to not be changed except for improvement in the original design, as most people want. You have time for changing the design for the yi ling (the name is ok) so i think you won't dissapoint me and other, please change the design making it better, for example more feathery and big wings, leg similar to the eagle legs, claws with design very similar to the hawk claws and a beak short and less terror bird like, more similar to a owl beak. I really hope my comment will inspire your change and i already thanks you just for reading it😊
    1 point
  28. The people complaining may love the game as much or more so than you do, this isn’t an echo chamber for fan boys who get the vapors every time someone voices a negative opinion
    1 point
  29. Wild Card once again shoot them self in the foot Who in there right mind will rent a server just to keep there stuff? keep in mind that the official server are very bad they crash often and there is always some problem. So now we have to pay for it and have the same bad problems as it where on official? Hell no. Will not buy Survival Ascended. Wild Card keep showing over and over again that all they care about money and not the costumers/players
    1 point
  30. So you partnered with Nitrado and did NOTHING for solo players? Paying the same amount to host a 10 slot server that only I play costs the same amount for someone who maxes out the 10 slots 24/7. Nitrado states that the server cannot function without 10 slots which seems like a lie…. This update should have been handled in a much different way. You effectively just told the entire playerbase that the game now comes with a forced subscription Single player IS NOT ARK. If Forges don’t smelt once the game turns off, that’s not Ark. Whoever is managing this affair should be fired yesterday. You could not have communicated this to the audience in a worse way. You deserve 200% of the backlash now - it is no longer possible for even the diehards to defend you. RIP, you should have sold the IP years ago to Microsoft.
    1 point
  31. "On Wednesday, we’ll be providing access to your PC saves and you’ll also be able to directly rent a server from Nitrado who can host your PC or console saves. Nitrado servers using the Official Save games are now available for pre-order here. Pre-order your server today and save an additional 20% discount using promo code: SAVEYOURARK You’ll be able to: Access to all official save games for all platforms – PC, PlayStation, and Xbox. Easily import the save game with one click using the web interface. Have access to a comprehensive guide and FAQs telling you everything you need to know about hosting servers. For more information, please visit this page." If I am to understand, the console save in single player mode will be unavailable, but to download the save file for PS or XBOX consoles we will have to pay dearly. "Nitrado servers using the Official Save games are now available for pre-order" here is what WC/Nitrado offers us: "ARK Survival Evolved Official Save Game Server mieten" 20 SLOTS €19.29 30 Tage Subscription In this case, the minimum number of slots is 20, no option for 10 slots. "Create your own configuration. Choose slots & term dynamically. Configure your own server! 20-100 slots 3 - 365 days term" And now the standard server: "ARK SERVER MIETEN" 10 SLOTS €12.39 30 Tage Subscription For comparison, the G-portal offers 10 Sockets for the price of € 11.00 and the current promotion of € 8.80 30 Tage Subscription I will add that there is a small catch: "Importing official ARK: SE saves is only possible on ARK: Survival Evolved Official Save Game servers and is not supported on regular ARK: SE servers." So we can say goodbye to saving a given map in SP mode in the case of consoles. This is no longer an interesting option for family teams and will not leave much choice but to leave ARK permanently. We have to rent as many as 20 slots for less than 20 Euro to use the game save on the console. Where the PC can simply host the game itself and download the .ini file Renting a server together does not make sense, not everyone approves of setting their own options or conversion factors. As previously mentioned, the host would be forced to rent slots on his own server for a fee to relieve server funding. It won't work in many cases. And I won't say that I'm happy with transferring everything to one server or renting two: "ARK Survival Evolved Official Save Game Server mieten" for 40 euros to play with my wife on your favorite maps or to easily transfer entire bases using exoMek. With 12 active servers including characters recreated after the loss of this engram, and moving those bases will traditionally take ages. At least they would unlock all the engrams because in the end what they care about anyway these servers will be turned off. And if someone decides to rent such a server with dedicated records for consoles, he will introduce the procedure of unlocking everything anyway, so it's no difference for them and a huge help for the players. But we know WC/SG and we know they won't, but I'd be surprised if they did. THE MORE I DON'T BUY This ASA
    1 point
  32. I personally use nitrado for my YouTube videos, yet to force a monopoly. Not wise. You all watch, the rates of server rental will skyrocket when nitrado has no competition. Monopoly is bad for the end customer.
    1 point
  33. opinions versus opinions versus truth yet you still havent commented or acknowledged the truth over the Snail 'problems' that have been published the past few days / weeks And congrats with been in the game since EA same as me and that means nothing .... some bugs are STILL around dont even try to deny it either deadlines are shaky at best and now ASA is launching as ANOTHER EA game ....... come on man smell the coffee something has to give and people / consumers will, are and have complained, and tbh they will either move on or stick around to hopefully see something change for the BETTER not worse (ps im one of those btw) Having an opinion others do not not like is just life in general.
    1 point
  34. We love Ark, we can't leave this game because we are addicted to it. That's why we criticize the bad decisions of people who destroy this beautiful adventure..
    1 point
  35. 9 mins in snail financial report .. no lies here they in deep debt - nitrado got the exclusive deal due to a 4 mill sweetener they gave snail to keep its doors open .... PS HOW the hell can that critter still cling to walls?? is its feather all hook like? i get the 'limited' glides itll be like the terror birds version - but i still DO NOT like the design too dodorex for me
    1 point
  36. Fan of the ASA update, but I do believe there’s better options than Nitrado. Not that I think they’re bad, they’re just a little “meh” sometimes. I’ve ran a Nitrado server for several years now and fought with it almost daily. I’ve recently switched to g-portal and my server runs LIGHT YEARS better. Again, not hating, just saying that there were some arguably better choices.
    1 point
  37. I’ve already expressed my feelings on this creature, specifically the size, but I do like that the dossier does point that out unlike most which just ignore the differences.
    1 point
  38. Oh no, it's the point I made in earlier comments. And I never said I completely just Snail or Wild. Its just why are these people who outright say they have NO faith that ARK will succeed still here? If they are so sure there is NOTHING positive with ARK and that there is NO hope for it, then why not move on already?
    0 points
  39. 1: Still feeling mixed about Yi Ling, while it's abilities are a bit cool (wall clinging, guiding, shooting sharp feathers, and a weird diet) I can agree with some for its unusual bird like appearance and not fitting into aberration as a whole. By way, Yi Qi was changed to Yi Ling because according Dollie herself "because the final result was too far removed from the actual Yi Qi" Real life: OG Submission: Now: I honestly think that Yi Qi original submission appearance did not bear a resemblance to the Yi Qi itself, it looked more like a dragon-bat at that time I guess change can happen at times 2: I don't know about Nitrado, I know a lot of people are not likening this choice of severs but I don't have an opinion right now since I know little about Nitrado Lets just see how things go when ASA and the Yi Ling release
    0 points
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