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Wipe Official Servers



After almost 2 years of constant breeding, every larger group now has incredibly mutated dinos that are nowhere close to what the game was originally balanced around. This means that dinos like Rhinos or Therizinosaurs deal much more damage and are much harder to kill than they were 1.5 years ago when the game released. Politically, the game is currently very stale, with alliances constant, no big conflicts and many people leaving the main cluster for others clusters or other games for a fresher and more exciting experience. A wipe would easily reset breeding back to its original state and bring these dinos back down to what they were originally, and bring back many players that have left over the last year.


edit: im talking (mostly) about the Official PvP network, non-legacy, main cluster)

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6 hours ago, UncleBangie said:

Don't wipe, just change the odds on mutations to be considerably more likely when the parents have few mutations. Change it enough so new tribes can get close enough to at least compete a little after a few months breeding, even if they'll never actually fully catch up.


if you are in pve, then you usually trade eggs
if you are in pvp, then you usually steal eggs and cryo pods
i have never seen any tribe catch up by mutating creatures themselves.......

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Everyone that wants a wipe, start you a new character and start over, simple solution for you.  If the people you complain about are better than you, guess what? they still will be.  They will just be "inconvenienced" for a bit with a wipe.  They will still own you and you will still fail.  WE/THEY/YOU - ALL started at the bottom and will rise according to effort/skill levels.   Everyone at the top isn't at the top because they started on a "fresh server".  And for the "whaaa, it's boring at the top", "the game is stale" crybags - throw your tames in the ocean and start over, if that's what you choose for YOURSELF.  

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I played on legacy PvP servers before the new (current) cluster was released. Everyone was excited for the new cluster, but didn't realize that it would literally kill the legacy servers. They didn't wipe them, but they might as well have. They were ghost towns, all of them 0 or 1 players online. Starting over sounds fun now, but trust me, it's not. It was fun for the first week or two, when everyone is running around on the beach with stone tools and the servers don't lag, but a couple weeks in you will realize this is not what you wanted. Theirs better solutions then a full wipe.

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I just got done asking my original tribe mates if they would come back and i got the response i expected but i was surprised about the numbers. 15-58 a resounding NO they would not come back and play. The game they liked is gone.

Either way i hope the majority gets what they want be it a wipe or not a wipe.

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turning off breeding in conquest servers would be a great idea (if not done already)

and asking for plain wipe of all servers just makes you sound like some loser who got wiped and wants revenge through some obscure political schemes on the forum, so stop it, it won't happen

if the servers are not fun anymore let them get bored of the game routine till their dinos starve to death, on my server there were spammers from asgard tribe asking us to join their server, and we all know why, they're looking for slaves to feed their dinos, just let them get sick of it

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we need cheats for this game.


we need cheats for this game. its not possible to play this game normal. we got meshed so many times. there are alot of dupers and aimbotters. so we need cheats and mesh spots te rebuild again. otherwise its pointless to play. a suggestion would be, to wipe all servers, or remove the game from steam and disconnect al servers!


kind regards.

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On 4/20/2021 at 1:45 AM, MichaelJanus said:

I believe it is a good time to exhumate this topic)
Maybe in 2019 it was too early to wipe but now I believe official servers are depopulated enough. Maybe there are few people who still prefer to sit on endless piles of super-mutated dinos and millions of stacks of element but who cares? They are just some old people tired of life)
Gift them an entertainment of starting anew!


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12 hours ago, tom61263 said:

I play small tribes and can confirm that even on small tribes its gotten to a point that new tribes stand no chance against tribes already built up as all the bigger tribes share lines and have really good breedline. I would welcome a fresh cluster but I tthink they need to look at titans transfers being disabled before they do, as any new cluster with titans enabled would be just cave building or titan chomping 

But sharing across tribes is a wipeable offence so yep wipe small tribes for breaching small tribes rules

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2 hours ago, BertNoobians said:

its the big tribes and wanna bee arkers from other servers that ruin the lives of the beginners in pvp ark. i fly around almost every day and see the horror of blown in little starter bases. this is something our tribe doesnt do , only the scumbag tribes. ths is why a little tribe cant grow to the top. toxic behaviour wont change with a devwipe. its also to easy to offline raid right now. small tribes cant protect themselfs. has nothing to do with dino stats that are to high that need to be reset.

I dont believe the wipe should happen cause of dino stats It's the fact that official is super super late game now. Meaning to even compete you have to be given the same poop everyone else has now or its useless and no new player wants that which is why if you look at ark statistics the only rise in players was smalltribes and extinction if smalltribes and official stay the way it is the game will keep dying they released classic and the pop didn't even change if anything more people have quit.

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I agree, on my server 3 tribes in a 24 hour period got wiped by a tribe using duped clusters!! So in less than 24 hours that's 18 ppl that stopped playing the game! And the game will continue to lose more ppl every day! I have a pic of them saying that's what they used but I guess it's to big to upload! One of the tribes that got wiped was myself included. WILDCARD something needs to be done about this, how do we fill out a ticket to get our base and stuff back from ppl who abuse the exploits and cheats? Liget tribes cant fight other tribes that come over with 300 duped meks!!!

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wipe all ark servers.

it would be better to wipe every ark server. duping and meshing destroyed the game and many tribes. fix the duping and meshing and give everyone a fair new chance. to many tribes have duped their stuff. i got meshed alot of times, so i quitted the game. its not possible to startover again. 2 weeks ago, we had a fight against dupers. they have the same giga many times. its not possible to compete against these tribes. atlas is a fail aswell. no offline defence possible on atlas. the game is boring aswell. bad reload timers on weapons. no interesting tames. 

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I am PvP and PvE.

Pvp is getting sorted but it is not perfect. PvE is a disaster. All these massive bases everywhere and OP dinos, u want to be on a server for 1.5-2 years, get your own server.

The servers should wipe after at least 6 months, all structures, this avoids old traps and old bases by people who have long left to disappear. Maybe a 1 week dino transfer period around this tome to let people transfer dinos, as it isnt fair to lose that hard work but u have to see how it feels to players coming into PvE.

PvE is people who love the game, but if you dont believe the official servers are cluttered beyond belief, you are delusional. If you are unable to put the work in building a new base every 6-12 months, you shouldn't be on ARK. Us PvP players mock the poop out of little bitches who complain about having to build back up again... 

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Wait a second

4000 servers






Let's play

Test servers

Crossark (win10&xbox)


Yea sarcasm active: lets wipe 4000 servers of all the different game modes because people mesh on PvP, let's punish all the game modes where meshing offers no advantage like PvE and notame and primative+ oh and arkpocalypse because of people going under the mesh on PvP


Sarcasm ends


Be more specific

Wipe all PvP, also it's the second most voted on topic already




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On 2/5/2021 at 7:52 AM, oflow said:

game has been out for 5 going on six years. instead an across the board wipe maybe play arkpocalypse or wait for ark 2?

Yes I started the game last week and discovered the Arkpocalypse servers a few days ago when looking for servers that were fresh. I didn't realize they wipe regularly...

Nonetheless the current state of the game makes it feel like these Arkpocalypse servers are the only option for those of us just coming to the game. Seems a bit strange but what can you do.

I would say, rather than wiping the servers, just bring new ones up a couple of times a year or something. Give those of us who didn't play the game before a chance to enjoy it as well no?

Doesn't seem like too much to ask...

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