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  • Community Crunch 119 & Raptor TLC!

     Hey Survivors! Welcome to the latest edition of the Community Crunch, now on Mondays! :Jerbhi:

    The Community Crunch is where we share important things going on with ARK, as well as host contests and showcase creations made by the community!

    TLC Phase 2 Preview - Raptor!

    Last week we showed you a preview of the updated Sarcosuchus coming in TLC 2 next month. Today we have another special treat to share: the Raptor!


    The Raptor is one of the most iconic creatures in ARK. Our goal with the Raptor is to keep it an essential early game tame and retain its usefulness to low level or new Survivors for traversing and battling on the ARK. The Raptor will continue to be an excellent scouting dino with its quick speed and high mobility, however it will now also receive a small pack bonus! The Pack Leader will be able to do a special vocalization that increases the packs damage resistance, movement speed, and attack speed for 15 seconds with a 45 second cooldown. This will allow a group of Raptors to stalk and pursue quick targets and quickly take them down.

    The Raptor will also have a pounce ability that allows it to jump and pin down players and smaller creatures. Once pounced upon, the Raptor can use its bite attack to quickly kill its prey. Survivors on foot better be on the lookout for Raptors that may be stalking them through the trees!

    The Great Migration #2!


    In case you missed it among our action-packed announcement post last week, we will be off-lining some additional Legacy servers on March 9th. If you are a player on the Official Legacy Server Network please read the full post at the link below for more information as well as a list of which Legacy servers are being taken down permanently.

    Midweek Madness Sale!


    Community Contests!

    NVidia Ansel Photography Contest


    Super Resolution Version: http://images.nvidia.com/ansel/SuperResolution/ARK-SuperResolution1/ARK__Survival_Evolved_HighRes_2016_09_01_-_14_38_36_55.html

    ARK: Survival Evolved and the Scorched Earth Expansion Pack now include support for NVIDIA Ansel -- a revolutionary new way to capture in-game shots.  Compose shots from any position, adjust with post-process filters, capture HDR images in high-fidelity formats, and share the screenshots in 360 via a smartphone, PC or VR headset. 

    Learn more about these features from the NVIDIA blog.

    Now let’s get to the contest!

    There were 3 potential categories for survivors to enter their shots into and they were the following:

    Four Categories

    *NEW* Freestyle: These can be images or videos taken using NVIDIA's new Freestyle filters! If videos are submitted, they must have a maximum duration of one minute. 

    Super Resolution: These should be taken at 8x Super Resolution. Players can optionally use Depth of Field effects accessible in Spectator mode by pressing the [Delete] key.

    Panoramic 360 Stereoscopic 3D: These should be taken at 4x Super Resolution, in 360 Stereoscopic 3D mode. We will crop them to 2D for web display, while also providing the 3D version for viewing within VR display.

    Freeform: Any settings, whacky and creative use of Ansel filters are encouraged. Adding humorous titles/captions in Photoshop is also acceptable for this category!

    And now without further ado, here are your entries!



    Blue Dragon - The next generation



    Wolf Amaterasu - ARK Chaos Evolved


    StateofMynd42 - WolfLove


    Honourable Mentions!

    Valoule - Grilled sheep


    Ego - Well, now we're talking


    Blue Dragon - Nom nom nom


    Blue Dragon - Hello Aberrent World


    Ego - The strength of the wolf is the pack


    Supertoto - Last Hope


    StateofMynd42 - Smiling Wolf


    roguewolf91 - Morning Pursuit


    GP - The Wilderness


    F1r3fly - Love is Blind (but the neighbors ain't)(Love Filter)


    Ego - Scary night


    Ego - Need more monkeys!


    Ego - Little brothers


    Ego - It's need to swim faster!


    Blue Dragon - Valentine's Day


    Blue Dragon - Sliding to a new world


    Blue Dragon - Protective mother


    Wolf Amaterasu - Burning Crusade


    Super Resolution!


    roguewolf91 - A Couple that Hunts Together Stays Together



    Blue Dragon - Forbidden Love


    Honourable Mentions!

    Valoule - Find the egg


    GP - Hail The Pack Leader


    Blue Dragon - Mothers love


    Blue Dragon - The assist


    Blue Dragon - Jackpot!


    Blue Dragon - Fire vs Rock


    Wolf Amaterasu - Cute Direwolves


    GP - Trapped


    F1r3fly - Love is Blind (but the neighbors ain't)


    Blue Dragon - Rex Battle


    Blue Dragon - Fearless wolf


    AsH - Roar in the Storm


    AsH - Pack Hunting


    AsH - Protecting the Baby


    AsH - Ape Riders


    Wolf Amaterasu - Lone Wolf


    Wolf Amaterasu - Going Fishing with Mommy


    Panoramic 360 Stereoscopic 3D!


    Wolf Amaterasu - Rocky Formations


    Runners up!

    Blue Dragon - In the Center


    roguewolf91 - Downpour


    Honourable Mentions!

    Blue Dragon - Lighthouse overlook


    Wolf Amaterasu - Divided Land


    Valoule - Surrounded


    Blue Dragon - Overflow


    Wolf Amaterasu - Stream


    GP - Aberrant Stream




    Ego - Valentine's Day



    Valoule - Valentine's day


    Honourable Mentions!

    GP - The Dodo That Stole The Pouch


    Morgengrau - New friends


    Morgengrau - The Lonely Wolf


    Morgengrau - Valentine Ark


    Wolf Amaterasu - Winnie the Pooh


    F1r3fly - Rusty Stafford, Emilia's Valentine



    This contest is open to all types of video be they funny, epic, scenic, stories, whatever inspires you. Just a general reminder that they should remain safe for work, think of the children!

    And without further ado, the ARKVideo for Community Crunch 119 is...

    HACK TO THE FUTURE! by Lame Wolf!


    This is an award given to Survivors to celebrate the amazing structures you build. These bases are judged based upon a number of different factors such as their creativity, uniqueness, how fun of a base it is, the difficulty of building it, the functionality it provides and much more!

    The ARKitect for Community Crunch 119 is… a tie!

    Desert Trader Titanosaur base by ThePilgrim!


    Desert Villa Refurb by AaronLongstaff!

    We would also like to announce a runner up this week...

    Gift for Valentine's Day by Valoule!


    If you'd like to check out the submissions from the rest of the entrants, you can do so here:

    Fan Feature!

    ARK Valentine's Build - Heart Island & Tunnel of Love Ride by Wolf Angelus

    Ark—Double Ship Build. No Mods by Tlc138

    GP - Creative Mode: Everything You Need To Know


    Ark Server Configuration Tutorial: Ep. 2 Engrams by ArkPS4

    ARK: Planet of The Apes PVP Server Trailer by ShipWrekt

    HAVE YOUR OWN FLOATING ISLAND!! THIS MOD IS AWESOME! Ark: [Cinematic Experience] NEW!! by SmileB4DEATH_YouTuber_71K

    Sleeping gOOgly - GeeKy gAMer no.1 & gOOgly Owl


    Tree House How To Build by AaronLongstaff

    PC Official PVP: Hydra Mainbase Tour - Pre 100 Turret Patch by AFDR

    Sleeping Giganotosaurus by Albina Diamond

    Dragon by 드찌/어찌

    Manti core by 드찌/어찌

    Ptera TLC ideas. by Nemo

    DragonArk by RedDragon23

    Fanmade Dossier:Deilos by Soviet DodoRupter666

    Yet another Terror Bird..;} by milokamilo

    ALPHA 06 by milokamilo

    Valentine Dire Bear by Sharkcat

    Forest Camo Dire Bear by Sharkcat

    Teddy Dire Bear by Sharkcat

    Jungle Mantis by Sharkcat

    Farmer Mantis by Sharkcat

    Dossier: Sperm Whale by Scanova the Carnotaurus

    Dossier: Giant Jaguar by Scanova the Carnotaurus

    Dossier: Acrocanthosaurus by Scanova the Carnotaurus

    That's it for this post guys! As always if you’ve got anything to share please get in touch and be sure to follow us on:

    Twitter: twitter.com/survivetheark
    Facebook: facebook.com/survivetheark
    Reddit: reddit.com/r/playark
    Instagram: instagram.com/survivetheark

    All the best,
    Studio Wildcard


    Edited by Jen

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    11 hours ago, Wolf Angelus said:

    I am curious if my stuff isn't being looked at because I have to do slideshows now as my CPU is worn out. I don't find any logical explanation why else a pixel art heart would get runner up rather than a fully functional design considering the shaping and theme were identical.


    7 hours ago, GP said:

    For the love of the Crunch stop complaining every single time you don't win something. You still won $150 in this Crunch and yet you still have the selfish nerve to pick apart someone elses entry in this Crunch. You have absolutely no respect for anyone else that enters this competition.

    I won absolutely nothing in this Crunch, although I entered 6 pieces, yet do you see me complaining that I didn't win, or pointing fingers at other people's entries that did win just because it's similar to mine? No. That's because i'm not a selfish competitor.

    P.S. The amount of thousands you've won could easily buy you a few CPU's or more. Also Valoue's box of chocolates is a very original design, more so than yet another building design.

    Personally, I think these awards should be based on sportsmanship as well as quality. Yes Wolf you have done some absolutely amazing builds, so much amazingness that I couldn't wait to see what you would do again. But, be that as it may, I have followed this crunch for over two years now and seen you win more than 80% of them. The other 20% that you have loss, you have always complained about your loss.  I have seen nice people offer you advice when you question your loss and yet I have never seen you follow said advice.
    I cannot stand to watch your videos. You always put in a lot of instructions on how to watch them and then I have to read your signs cause you cant speak (which is fine, you don't have to share your voice or maybe you can't, nothing wrong with that) But you could make subtitles or title screens or use a computer generated voice, anything else really. There is not enough time to read your signs and I'm sorry pausing and unpausing just gets old. Then comes the horrible frames and lag in your videos...it just makes me get a headache.

    I think GP had it right, you could easily get repairs with your winnings. I happen to know for a fact people have offered new parts to you as well. But your pure arrogance and self entitlement in thinking you are the literal best ARK builder ever and declining all help, well I have been looking forward to the new talent here. It is a poor choice on your part to rely on these winning solely to pay your bills. The devs are not responsible for giving you a win just because you need to live off this money. Sorry mate.

    • Thanks 1

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    I have 4 lvl200+ raptors. I was hoping this TLC pass would give me a use for them.... I don't need to kill small animals, but it'd be awfully nice if they could collectively topple Rexes and Spinos. Not sure if the pack boost will allow them to do that or not but I really hope so.

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    the raptor looks awesome, although the tail confuses me a bit, but looks amazing.

    The ptera TLC ideas are good, WILDCARD DO THAT PLEASE!!!!

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    i really adore the raptor's updated look! sad that so many people are complaining about lack of a fully feathered raptor tbh. i always get so tired of this argument of feathers vs no feathers [emoji19] beautiful work to the artists behind these TLC updates!

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    Overall the raptor is great, my only advice would be small adjustments to the head to make it appear more aggressive rather than cute.

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    5 minutes ago, skellri said:

    i really adore the raptor's updated look! sad that so many people are complaining about lack of a fully feathered raptor tbh. i always get so tired of this argument of feathers vs no feathers emoji19.png beautiful work to the artists behind these TLC updates!

    For me it's how much I love the actual real raptor look, and how outright goofy these naked ones seem to me. I will live with what WC gives us, but tht doesn't mean I love each and every dino they push out equally.

    The other thing that causes me to nitpick is my love of realism and immersion. Again the naked Raptors break both for me. I'd laugh at them, but they tear m low level character to shreds.

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    Man love these new raptors, Remind me of the Jurassic world ones which we can all admit they were one of the most awesome part in the movie!

    Well done WC, Well done!

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    I was pleasantly surprised by the new raptor model, but one thing bothers me. The arm feathers feel too unnatural + they shouldn't just stop at the elbow (It has a very unfinished feel to it). However, the overall look gives me a nostalgic feeling, reminding me of the Fossil Fighters raptors (for some reason) which is why I only have the one visual complaint :) 

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    I know WildCard wants to have an iconic half scaly half feathery Raptor
    but it just looks goofy and unnatural to look at, it looks as if it's a native american chieftain where its feathers were just attached to its body.
    I saw something that might interest some of you, it's more natural looking
    where the feathers seamlessly flows through its body 
    but still retains some of its scaly features as well
    here have a look
    Agreed on how it does look odd..... The half scaly part is what's important to keep but more feathers more natural would be better. I love the new face though. This really is a great image! I like it. I vote do it more like this guy suggests.

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    The Phoenix needs to be redone. The abilities are great, but the model animations and mechanics for it are a little dumb. Especially since it's such a difficult tame and yields little reward. The model is a little funky looking, but not too bad. It would be nice if it looked more like the dossier, but I might be dreaming on that one. Along with the animations looking a little strange especially the space bar ability. Originally it was talked about a heat resistant saddle or hazard armor that needed to be worn in order to ride it. This would make more sense and would make it a more difficult mount to use. (High cost high reward.)  Along with the fact sitting on a flaming bird without burning or overheating making no sense at all. The dumbest mechanic about the creature is the fact it can't land. I don't know if wildcard was trying to hinder the creature, but it makes no sense as in the dossier it's landed. There's little point to making the creature unable to land. The smelting and cooking idea is an amazing idea it is just simply not execute well. This is due to the fact it acts as a forge, but simply can't be used as one due to it's abysmal weight stat.  Truly with it's flame attacks and forge ability it should be a top tier creature, yet I have never seen anyone take the time to tame it for more than novelty. 

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    I would like them to be bigger a little bigger and longer and have much more health, weight and stamina for example 740 of health, 600 of weight, stamina and oxygen 720 and 42 of damage and the speed of attack must be a little slower and its speed would increase it by 5% since this is a utahraptor (LEVEL 1) that measures more than 7 meters long and supposedly more than 500kg and less than 1 ton (for my 750kg weight) comparable to a polar bear real in size so my ideas are so farfetched and to balencear so montuar would be created in the smithy and with 24 metal 48 keratin / chitin 97 hide and 89 fiber. unlockable at level 29
    in ability, I would have as passive:
    with these feathers on the head, arms and tail could fall with more smoothness and precision without breaking the legs and when this is in the bushes high pastures and when there is little visibility such as sandstorms and storms, terremostos rains of snow this crouch and could not be easily detected
    and other abilities with the right click this attack with bites and claws with a probability of 7% cause a bleed and if you keep it pressed the button of a kick, the left click that acive the retractable claws when you kick the probality of bleeding it will be 81% and you will be able to drill the armor, with the activated claws would be slower, you could climb a higher angle, slow down faster and if you jump with the activated claws you can climb trees and large rocks and walls (these only with jumps to climb and to the sides to desender is not necessary)
     and the c key would be for the vocalization to call the group (as it is on the page)
    and that ability to point and fall on the medium, small and human creatures paralyze them with the claws and cause 2.4 times more damage and in large creatures if you do not knock them down you stay stuck in your sides causing the same damage but without suffering any damage last 6 seconds
     I mean the utaraptor (I want the common name to be utahraptor not raptor) to be a medium-sized predator for early and experienced assault survivors and such a powerful group to kill two wolves, a dinosaur designed to kill creatures very quickly and con fi rmed by kill and easy to tame and neutralize

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    As I noted on the thread on Reddit, the updated model comes off as a little uncanny. It's not combing the feathery and scaly portions, it's how abrupt the switch between them is. I think something like the Megalosaurus covering might suit it, where you have a little feathering spreading out to the sides from the back creating a feeling of transition, might go a long ways to making the model feel organic. Likewise, sending the arm feathering a little further up the arm to taper off as in the original model would help as well. "Abruptness" is the main issue with the TLC model I think. 

    Edited by Eldar Seer

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    19 hours ago, Bowen42997 said:

    Top 5 creatures TLC I want:

    #5 Hyaenodon: I want it to look like the original model before they changed it to a modern day Hyena. 

    #4 Brontosaurus: They should reduces the size by 25%, change the head and skin texture. Finally change the name to Apatosaurus, their both the same creature. It was thought that the Bronto and Apato were two separate animals, but was discovered that there was a mix up with the fossils.

    #3 Titanoboa: Increase the size by 25%-50%, remove the frill. Have a constricting attack like modern day Boas, Pythons and Anacondas.

    #2 Pachyrhinosaurus: Change the head to look more like the real thing. Increased size by 50%.

    #1 Triceratops: Change the Head to look  more like the JP triceratops. Increased size by 50%.

    5) Have you ever seen a hyena?

    4) Source?

    3) I agree with all except removing the frill

    4) Its not supposed to be real

    1) Again, that's silly. Considering its a styracasaur trike hybrid

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    6 hours ago, PikaSaurus said:

    5) Have you ever seen a hyena?

    4) Source?

    3) I agree with all except removing the frill

    4) Its not supposed to be real

    1) Again, that's silly. Considering its a styracasaur trike hybrid

    5.) Well Hyenadons aren't the same animals as modern Hyenas. Different group of animals, actually.

    4.) The whole Bronto-Apato thing is a well-known fact, although recently Brontosaurus has been reclassified as a valid genus yet again as of two years ago or so. Which is great because "Thunder Lizard" is a cool as Hell name

    3.) Frill is dumb and superfluous. Adds nothing to the design. Might as well scrap it. Honestly the whole species should just have been made up as "titanoviper" since boas are constrictors and not, you know, venomous :.

    2.) I don't see them remodeling the Pachy all so soon but yeah, a head truer to the real thing would be cool. The real life Pachyrhinosaurus has a badass looking.

    And is them remodeling a Trike any sillier than the current one being a Styracosaur hybrid? Scrap the Styracosaur elements and add Styracosaurus into the game. More ceratopsians the better!  

    On the topic of the raptor. It looks REALLY good aside from those feathers on the arms and broken wrists. I really, highly encourage the devs to fix the broken wrist syndrome so many theropods suffer from and either ditch the feathers altogether and add quills as someone suggested, or add more feathers and give them fully feathered-out wings as raptors are known to have. It would really make ARK raptors stand out compared to the hordes of generic raptors we see in so many various dinosaur games. 

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    now if only sabers and terror birds had a pack ablite and the sabertooth should have a pounce attack and terror's should have a kick attack I think I should make a giant tlc suggestion in the suggestion page.... soon @w@

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    On 20-2-2018 at 8:29 AM, GP said:

    For the love of the Crunch stop complaining every single time you don't win something. You still won $150 in this Crunch and yet you still have the selfish nerve to pick apart someone elses entry in this Crunch. You have absolutely no respect for anyone else that enters this competition.

    I won absolutely nothing in this Crunch, although I entered 6 pieces, yet do you see me complaining that I didn't win, or pointing fingers at other people's entries that did win just because it's similar to mine? No. That's because i'm not a selfish competitor.

    P.S. The amount of thousands you've won could easily buy you a few CPU's or more. Also Valoue's box of chocolates is a very original design, more so than yet another building design.

    Why the devs still sponsor him is beyond me, so many people I know have stopped entering all together because of this guy. Now he is entering under two names as to avoid people complaining that the same people keep winning.

    I seriously do not even mind others winning week on week as they seem gratefulll and complimentary to others.

    Kick him out or stop him from entering or at least forbi him from entering from two accounts.

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    Exactly what I was hoping for, for the raptor TLC. They definitely needed a pack boost. Guess this means I can't just punch them unconscious anymore and actually have to tread lightly around them. Good. 

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    The older raptor actually looked cooler, but I do really love the new functionality changes.  Raptors being changed into turkeys is based on highly speculative theorizing of another animal entirely that researchers say we would have been unable to distinguish from a vulture or wild turkey.  These bozos just use their imagination and call it ‘science’ in the name of getting more funding.  

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    I try to respect people's opinion but holy crap...  I absolutely cannot believe a couple people think the old raptor looked better...  the old model doesn't even come close to looking good, let alone better. 

    Edited by xXSMJXx

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    1 hour ago, PneumaPilot said:

    The older raptor actually looked cooler, but I do really love the new functionality changes.  Raptors being changed into turkeys is based on highly speculative theorizing of another animal entirely that researchers say we would have been unable to distinguish from a vulture or wild turkey.  These bozos just use their imagination and call it ‘science’ in the name of getting more funding.  

    It's not "highly speculative theorizing", we have scientific proof of feathered dinosaurs, especially in the raptor lineages. Heck, at one point some sceintists thought raptors to be secondarily flightless birds, though they were in minority. We have a fossil record of feathered dinosaurs, and even a feathered dinosaur tail in amber. We have such detailed feather fossils, that we actually know what color Microraptors, and a few other dinos, were.

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    18 hours ago, Eldar Seer said:

    As I noted on the thread on Reddit, the updated model comes off as a little uncanny. It's not combing the feathery and scaly portions, it's how abrupt the switch between them is. I think something like the Megalosaurus covering might suit it, where you have a little feathering spreading out to the sides from the back creating a feeling of transition, might go a long ways to making the model feel organic. Likewise, sending the arm feathering a little further up the arm to taper off as in the original model would help as well. "Abruptness" is the main issue with the TLC model I think. 

    We definitely share the same general sentiment about the TLC raptor. On page 2 of this thread I made a comment that was coming onto the same points you were making, if in different words & examples. 

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    I really don't like how flimsy the Arms have become, look at the part before the hands, it looks a lot thinner compared to the old model. The way the feathers are connected is also quite bad, they no longer go around the elbow, probably due to the upper arm being shorter too. It also look more chubby, I don't really like it at the moment.

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    On 2/19/2018 at 10:07 PM, Wolf Angelus said:

    I am curious if my stuff isn't being looked at because I have to do slideshows now as my CPU is worn out. I don't find any logical explanation why else a pixel art heart would get runner up rather than a fully functional design considering the shaping and theme were identical.

    For real. As the above poster noted, you've been posting your creations for years. I had to look it up to see if you were the same guy, too I noticed from Ark digests over a year ago and...you are. STILL. COMPLAINING.

    People have been telling you to let others have a chance at being showcased for over TWO YEARS NOW. 

    Can you for once stop when your submissions aren't picked? Is there always an excuse to blame on? Can't give others credit for their creations? Me? Me? Me?

    That valentine's day chocolate box was awesome. My GF also thought it was extremely cute. Individual chocolates were buildings! It's a valentine's day ark digest! 

    You really need to stop being a sore loser, but I don't know... people have been telling you that for over 2 years now and you still continue. I don't think you'll change. Outrageous. 

    Edited by LimitlessAeon

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