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Eldar Seer

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  1. Oh, in terms of movement mechanics this looks a lot like what I suggested way back when for the raptor's TLC. Looks promising.
  2. Ark Digest Question: What are the plans moving forward? Are there TLCs planned for the remaining EA launch/early EA creatures in ARK, or are there other mechanic reworks planned?
  3. After it gets through certification. PC still only has the beta, after all, so console is going to be waiting some time yet. I would assume after it actually pushes to the main branch.
  4. As I've stated before, it is not the Kibble System's job to make dinos useful. They should be desirable to tame in their own right. If they are not, then the dino needs fixing.
  5. As I said in the kibble rework feedback thread, it's not the kibble system's job to make tames useful. That's supposed to be the job of the tame itself. If dinos will not be tamed because they are "useless" without kibble, that's a direct issue with how said tame is implemented. Not the kibble system. That's what the TLCs were/are (assuming we get more) supposed to address in the first place. Not to mention, there are plenty of mammalian/synapsid tames that can only consume kibble for taming, not produce it. Some don't do either (Chalicothere is a beer guzzler, off the top of my head)! People will still tame these dinos if they like them, at least on PvE. I wrote at length on this in the aforementioned thread, so I won't repeat myself in full here. So the TL/DR version: People will tame what they like with the new system, and have more freedom in how to do so. If people want to tame everything as they did before, they are perfectly free to do so. However, there is more freedom given to the player now to play how they like, and it is encouraged. That is in no way a bad thing, especially for what is supposed to be a sandbox game. If the dinos become "useless" after the system is implemented, then I would argue it is time for another round of TLCs.
  6. The idea that multiple full-map DLC within 365 days are expected frankly makes me laugh. Sure, Wildcard puts them out at a decent pace... but that's madness.
  7. Megalodon doesn't need to be bigger, it straight up needs some things to make it worth using. Probably something like the direwolf's abilities, but with a frenzy buff based on kills/injured animals/players than a pack buff. The dire wolf's other abilities would be quite well suited for it.
  8. Definitely hoping we can see the third TLC phase sooner rather than later. Carno and Megalodon in particular need TLC badly.
  9. Can we get confirmation regarding whether or not TLC is finished, or if other older creatures such as the Carno, Plesio, and Megalodon could get some attention in the future?
  10. Trike definitely does need a little more meat on its bones. Especially the hips and tail.
  11. As I noted on the thread on Reddit, the updated model comes off as a little uncanny. It's not combing the feathery and scaly portions, it's how abrupt the switch between them is. I think something like the Megalosaurus covering might suit it, where you have a little feathering spreading out to the sides from the back creating a feeling of transition, might go a long ways to making the model feel organic. Likewise, sending the arm feathering a little further up the arm to taper off as in the original model would help as well. "Abruptness" is the main issue with the TLC model I think.
  12. Holy hell. I've been lurking for a long time now, but that... that's beautiful. I cannot wait to see the new models in action, the before and after beautifully showcases how the skills of the modeling team has, heh, evolved since the game first released into early access. I think all your models from back then could use a touch up, since frankly they just do not compare to what you are showing us now.
  13. I'm just hoping for a chance for lycnathropy in SE. Though, any vampires in SE are going to have a bad time...
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