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  1. Wait, does this mean they are reskin-ing creatures from the Additional Creatures Mod and adding them to the game?
  2. I have a lot of ark fanart, but I dont have twitter so my DA page is undiscovered.
  3. Compy needs some TLC like this... They also need more feathers like this...
  4. I don't understand why they did this, but it looks Ok.
  5. wow, now I can get the game on my phone, when I get my phone.
  6. Well about time they fixed up the bugs. Also I don't see any visual changes to the parasaurolphus.
  7. This means that the other creature could be the female megaloceros, the carno, or the plesio. I really hope its the plesio cuz carno doesn't have a big need for TLC although abilities could do but the plesi looks so derppy, and the female megaloceros too.
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