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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/27/2024 in all areas

  1. Ok... I have had both good and lately also very poor experiences with the support. A well earned "thank you" is good nice. But... "sustained and superb performance" of WC Studio??? Sorry my dear bot, the lack of performance is the resaon you need assistance!
    3 points
  2. now available to download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/17ez4UcGEb_2Z7jhR_V5WzFvL-_JqiQJS/view?usp=drive_link https://github.com/miragedmuk/ASV/releases Fixes Possible fix to read in files "in use by another process". More fixes for content failed to load (invalid reference for Painting Component that doesn't exist) @pleinx Support for FTP over TLS @sTv Removed dangerous "DestroyALL" command from wild command list. Added more appropraite "DestroyWildDinoClasses" to wild command list. Added "AddMutations" to tame command list. @Elgar
    3 points
  3. I’d like to acknowledge and show great appreciation to WC and their team, for the amount of time, efficient as well as a dedicated efforts they put into helping resolve our Ticket issues, in my case GM Raptor was able to help, very pleasant responded to me and took action, I was very pleased. Please recognize him and other members of WC Studio for their sustained and superb performance! Came in like Superman and left with all my Respect towards the WC Team. Thank you WilD Card Family.
    1 point
  4. I have had some decent help from the ASE official Gms. But the irritating part is that you have had to scedule most appointments 2-3 weeks into the future. I live EU but most appointments that were open were USA time, so... Because of strict rules and limitation on what you can help for, I doidnt bother many times, i just cryed it out. But the 1-2 times I asked for help, the help was pretty decent. GM On time etc... There was also this one time an official GM came to help someone else on the server and he/she changed the daytime. He said in Global: Sorry, Couldnt see *Anything* In my mind I was taming a Megalosaurus and it waked up and ate all my pets... Not really, but it was a weak performance from that GM, wasnt neccecery i would say... I probably have a screenshot, I record EVERYTHING. I think the GMs name was Raptor or something... >> Joke he said: "Sorry needed some light 😆" and it wasnt GM Raptor.
    1 point
  5. I real person. I not bot. WC such great and successful devs. GMs such great and wonderful helpers. Beep. Boop
    1 point
  6. AND they still won't fix the save issue on console. I love playing ARK; however, I cannot dedicate the time needed for a server. Come on WildCard, please fix the save issue on the console already.
    1 point
  7. The tension, the thrill and running out of popcorn. @TriniB Please, let us humble noobs no longer wait and tell us your secret.
    1 point
  8. You found all the characters you uploaded (lost) but... you lost them the moment you downloaded them!!
    1 point
  9. Agreed, everyone with any sense knew that was a lie anyway.
    1 point
  10. Addition: today's Patch says it has solved the invisibility problem and the block behind the external walls of the Arena... fingers crossed Fixed cases where Dragon Boss may appear invisible Fixed an issue that caused the Dragon Boss to get stuck on the outside of its arena walls
    1 point
  11. Thanks for the information @Austria here on the Forum recommends using the Green Obelisk to enter the Dragon Arena without problems. I will keep this information in mind while I prepare, it will still take me some time to collect the Art but in the meantime I thank you for letting me know
    1 point
  12. I really think that... Its incredible, ASA is the second chance to save and improve ARK and tis Major updates looks like a jokes
    1 point
  13. Hello my forum friends, I really need some fresh undies im pissing my pants from lauging about this joke of a Major update. Just a minor update with again a bunch of minor poop. gpu crashes, dragon stucken issue, exploits ok fair.. What a joke, rip ark asa.
    1 point
  14. Created a new toon on an official server. Spawned in, right into someone's closed up house, literally, inside a storage box. Cant move, cant do anything. Seriously, everything is just beyond goofy with the game anymore. Why aren't spawn in areas setup as no build locations?
    1 point
  15. Im a business man i don't work for a company, i do it for the customer sell them a emotion with it every time they use my product they have a feeling of satisfaction, if their product breaks or has any complications they come TO ME and i fix it and they will be more happy, because i deliver costumer service with a Smile. Be honest professional and care for your custumers, because of them you have money in the bank at the end of the month. People love to spend their money at me and buy newer and beter version of my product. I would not sell a product that before i sell it i know its bad , you can already know what kind of problems and blowback it gives you. If you are desperate enough and you try it anyway you need to know how to deal with it and how to keep your custumers trust in you on point. You be honest and tell your costummers a simple Sorry (goes a Long end) we knew the product was not up to our standard quality level but we needed the money to develop our next product, but as service standard i will a: always as Quick as possible fix your product even if i have to work over hours, b: i will refund your money if you really not happy with the product or give you a huge discount on the next product and a big sorry, i had to safe my self from going broke. People will understand you because you have served them for many years, you are honest to them, and you help them when they ask for it. This is how you run a succesfull company. Trust me when i say i don't enjoy talking this way for over 8 years i have been a True big fan of ark even tho it's state i had a statisfied feeling to the end. But now we get such a bad product with loads of problems a copy of the old game ( which should be a remaster), People still suck it up and take it in hope of change. But now People are losing everything they built up in months , wildcard does not say a word to nobody, there is no support, on email, tickets discord. What you expect People get so bloody mad and frustrated, if i would do this to my customers, i beter start running cuz people start showing up with torches and pitchforks. Greetings MorgensterTM.
    1 point
  16. And people wonder why Ark2 never got made when it takes 6 months to remake a single ASE map...all the evidence show ASA will have the same cycle as ASE, so you're looking at a 4yr stretch to remake all the content of the original game.
    1 point
  17. We seriously need more maps. Most players have already been through this entire process with Survival Evolved. Many players don't want to play on The Island again or play on The Island in general. Having only one map also makes it more difficult to tame and gather resources with the competition and as a result, it's discouraging. There are so many people selling dinos/items for resources and also RMT. I don't see the point in this since, eventually, the servers will once again be abundant in resources and maxxed out stats. At that point, people would just be giving stuff away. (Maybe it's hype and FOMO... and that's not sustainable) Combine that with the fact that limiting boosted rate events only exists for player retention and i'm having difficulty making sense of all this. I'm not saying that WC is doing a bad job. The quality is there. But why are we playing the same game again? Why are the rates so low when people are constantly complaining about them? Why are serious issues like bosses being invisible, duping, and server instability not being addressed? I personally don't care about the new dinosaur release because I know the entire server will be swarming to get those eggs. It will also be 1x. I'm not looking forward to playing the game right now. Once again, this is reminding me of Diablo 4 and their tone deaf approach. Of course it's impossible to cater to everyone but WC has less of a playerbase to deal with than a game like Diablo. The way rates and breeding are currently set up are objectively not healthy for people. You shouldn't have to interrupt your work/life/sleep only to prevent suffering losses. I decided to play on official for ASA because I figured I would commit to it long-term. It's very difficult though, with work, sleep, exercise, and study, as well as other hobbies. I can only imagine what those with families have to sacrifice to play.
    1 point
  18. So ive got to get this out there please please please listen to your fan base , ive been playing since ase and i love this game but lately this just feels like a huge cash grab. You have an amazing game that honestly if handled properly would make you rich but time after time we are let down. We have a tribe on official of 5 members and we have hit a point where no one gets on anymore. We played for DAYS straight when this came out and now im luckily if they get on at all. Please fix this game and give us what YOU have promised.
    1 point
  19. alright, that ended up working only 2 dead
    1 point
  20. seeing this game slowly die like a terminally ill patient only makes me hope it dies soon without suffering too much. Am I the only one who has this feeling?
    1 point
  21. Non official pvp player here your very wrong the majority of us didn't have mods cause console exist and a good amount of pc players played servers with no mods
    1 point
  22. Best case scenario is team wild clown and it's overlords running out of money, selling off the IP and a studio that actually knows what quality means snapping it up and releasing the ARK we all deserve.
    1 point
  23. So, let me get this straight. You gave us all a clearly defined roadmap for future content releases to keep us contented with the current state of your "game". Then, you reneged on the previous roadmap and swapped the maps that were releasing and the creatures that were releasing with the first map in order to appease players that wanted something akin to the Maewing while delaying the first map once you realized that you would not be able to actually adhere to said roadmap. Now, you're telling us just days before the Center was supposed to release according to your new roadmap that it is not, in fact, releasing on schedule, and in an attempt to soften the blow from the news that the Center was being indefinitely postponed, you're releasing the creature that was swapped in (Gigantoraptor) on a map that most of us are already tired of. You guys should have realized that players would not be happy with this. There is no way to properly sugarcoat this; you guys messed up. Horribly so, in fact. Furthermore, you also revealed that a creature that we have to pay for that was already fairly overpowered to begin with is going to be even more overpowered. The optics are not looking too good for you, Wildcard. Sure, some people are going to buy into this scam, but they are only going to do so because they are now being forced to in order to even the odds against the mega tribes that will have already bought into the scam and will now have an even more distinct advantage over them... My expectations were already abysmal. How did you manage to lower those expectations even further? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tRBDMMVctu8
    1 point
  24. Bro you're the dumbass, A Remake you do to make a much beter game, not a 100 times more horrible product. They promised all kinds of cool poop, a full recoded game. Remade island, unpolish as it can be floating foiliage, Stones, some intern trainee went ape nuts on the peble brush, go look in the snow how rediculous it looks. Mesh holes everywhere. (Center is not up to their quality standards, it seems they smoking pebbles aswell ) look at your island map. The game grapical wise runs like ass it has 300+ seriously player affecting bugs. Duping, meshing, exploiting since day one. They need their partners to make center the had months time to make it and now need months more, so wild card can work on scorched?? Scorched is 90 precent desert, and a bunch of stones. I can indie Remake scorched in a week. They are with a full blown studio.
    1 point
  25. This is exactly what I thought as well. As if the Island came out polished and in great shape after it's 20 delays.
    1 point
  26. I play for 25 years, i never saw devs poop on players like wildcards. 6 MONTHS ON THE ISLAND GODDAMNIT.
    1 point
  27. So the creature (which I'm pretty sure you still have to pay for) can revive others, fly, grow crops (I assume without irrigation or fertilizer) and cure you of any illness? Yeah, totally fair.
    1 point
  28. please add a category in mods that automatically shows mods that are approved on official, PLEASE !!
    1 point
  29. Yes I agree it's like they want us to get to where we were on ASE as quickly as possible but there's no denying the mega tribes are also a big problem it's one of the reasons ASE lost player count too a tribe member cap is needed
    1 point
  30. This is not the problem with ark,it should take a long time to raise babies,the reason why ark is dying is because mega tribes are killing it with cheating,duping and just have too many members they take over a server and there's no competition tribes should be capped at 20 members and no alliances allowed like when ark was good and there was various tribes on a server
    1 point
  31. So if you go out for dinner and you'll get served crap, you gonna start your own restaurant? Grow up, the issues are not about "not being happy with what we get" but about broken promisses, missed deadlines and not (timely) responding to tickets..
    1 point
  32. Reduce tribemember limit to 25 and start again ,mega tribes are cheating duping and killing the game there's no need for a tribe to have 100 members what made ark so good in the beginning is no longer there.theres no even battles now the should be numerous tribes on a server fighting it out
    1 point
  33. It is baffling how understaffed the CS team is and that they sell a product worldwide but only support during local hillbilly time. Got to say, when my toon got tp'ed outside the ark, they helped me first thing the next working day. That was monday evening to me so I only was stuck for almost 3 days... Still, within their limitations excelent service! My recent experience was simply insulting and not handled by the usual ASE support team but one of the well known names in the company, accusing me of breaking rules without any proof... So no way I can ever applaud the WC Studio team for "superb performance" if the STUDIO staff is rude and displays a totalitair dictatorial attitude towards customers.
    0 points
  34. There is no chance, check the game suggestions ( a pointless topic thread) for the main orp discussion, ark the player trading platform is the main priority skins and mods at this stage of the games development 🙄
    0 points
  35. Can't someone who post here just accept what he gets with this game? go develop it if you re not happy lol
    0 points
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