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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/04/2024 in all areas

  1. Look, I try to remain positive, I try to give you guys the benefit of the doubt. Games are hard to make, after all. I've told myself for quite a while that I love Ark. But I think the truth is that I love what Ark could be, if you guys would just knuckle down and work on fixing it. I've seen the negativity that abounds within the community. I think that some of it is deserved, especially for things like not fixing game-breaking bugs, relying on mods and modded content to fix/expand the game you should be developing, not being open and transparent with your community, and not realistically managing expectations in regards to release dates (seriously, just double whatever time you think it'll take and give that date; if you release content "early," that can only be a good thing).... Some of the bluster is just that: bluster. It's toxic negativity spewed by entitled children. Right now, I don't blame them. If/When you get around to fixing things, I'd expect a bit more leeway as you would be proving you're working on things. But despite my usual patience, I genuinely want to play your game, and I'm frustrated to heII that you effectively won't let me. I refuse to spend time playing a game where my progress is randomly wiped by numerous hours. I personally value myself and my own time too much to put myself through that. At this stage, I'm about to take that age-old advice that says "write the book you want to read" and use it to go make the game that I want to play.
    5 points
  2. The mickey mouse thing is cringe as hell. These custom mods being a mandatory and forced part of the game right down to official servers is a huge drawback imo. It reminds me of Ready Player 1 (love the movie btw) where The Oasis had all these different random characters that people used as Avatars. It was a free-for-all with cosmetics so to speak, which worked in the movie because that universe was an amalgamation of all things internet. Ark is not. Ark has a central theme. Ark has a central art style, a certain ook to the game's armor, weapons, tames, map etc. Seeing Mickey, Doom guy, Dr Disrespect, Mary Poppins, Left Shark, Colonel Sanders, or any number of infinite outside skins imported into the game just completely takes away from the look and feel of Ark, the game we actually paid to play.
    5 points
  3. What?! And ruin the love evolved event?! Have you ever had a frozen chocolate candy bar out from the freezer? It's amazing! wc just wants to help their players get the most out of the love evolved event by merging it into the already active winter wonderland event so that their boxes of chocolate hearts can be nice and frosty! 🙃 This is exactly! Ever since almost the very beginning of A.S.E. wc has made it very clear that they do not care about their players' opinions about the game and that they want to turn the game into whatever they want the game to be. They don't care what their game was originally marketed as. They don't care about what games their customers want to play and buy. With the ability to completely overwrite something that someone has already paid for in this new world of digital based gaming, wc only wants the power to do whatever they want whenever they want with their game cause end of the day they've made an online game for them personally to play; and everyone else just gets the "privilege" to play it if they fork over some money. I've felt this way ever since they released the "Extinction Map", actually. Maybe even since "Aberration". Cause those maps fundamentally changed what the game was. Still, in relation to those maps, I didn't mind cause they created a really cool and interesting progression of the story that; while they did change up a lot of things; still felt connected enough to Ark's original vision that it fit what the game was. Once they released Genesis 1 and 2 as expansions to A.S.E. rather than making them their own separate game as Ark 2 as they should have been; and as I thought they would be after the ending of Extinction's ending cinematic; I began to see the destructive trend that wc was going to have going forward. A.S.E. in many ways is no longer the game I originally bought, but A.S.A. is more and more becoming a game that I never want to buy. If you have the means to do so and would actually seriously create a well-crafted pure dinosaur island open world survival game then I would definitely buy it on Steam!🙂 So I say; go for it!
    4 points
  4. What's with this major obsession for mods? I get it, people love them and they perhaps give you less work to do on the game yourself... But the direction of the game and marketing seems to be relying on them A LOT. I've personally never been a fan of mods, that's why I choose to play on console in the first place. Having to rely on them for everything is bogus and largely time/space consuming. Plus to me it always feels like cheating when I use them (unless they are Officially released or are considered Official by the devs themselves, much like Fallout 4 did). Are you still gonna make Official additions for the game itself that don't rely on mods? Like in the last Community Crunch for example, I asked if you are going to release Tek Greenhouse Walls that can function the same way (as the mod you previewed with transparency on/off and one-way usage option) for the folks who still like to play and enjoy the game vanilla-only? Please consider this, thank you!
    4 points
  5. Hey I know a game like that, that just came out recently, and uses UE5 (it's name being similar to "FriendLand")! Jokes aside, a version of that same mentioned game would be so much cooler with realistic graphics like Ark. The biggest issue with most of us gamers is the huge imagination, we know what kind of game we want, but no way to create it like other types of art. For example, I still feel like (this was an idea I had many many years ago) if GTA V turned every citizen into zombies and made it about survival, that would be a dang near perfect game. Sadly, none of the directions any game (even Ark), has ever been close to my "vision" of the potential games have or could have. We can all write a script, but getting it produced is the hardest part. I'd say write down your entire idea somewhere, let the ideas flow, and then perhaps try and find some people with developing skills and work with them to create something beautiful. Don't forget to patent it (or w.e you gotta do) first lol. Oh, and when it's successful- Don't let these dumdum companies win when they get jealous, and try to reach for handouts claiming you "plagiarized" them, because they didn't think of (or create) the idea first. Like one major gaming company tried to do with "FriendLand". Heh.
    3 points
  6. now available. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tj1oQrS3y_Ywi-tC6FsePV7Fcx-e9ctL/view?usp=drive_link Fixes DinoId was incorrectly parsed for ASA. Now matches in-game ID displayed on screen. Added "tamedServer" and "uploadedServer" to tames json export. @Vertyco Added "maturation" to tames json export. @pleinx Fixes for content failed to load. @Elgar & @pleinx Saddles were not listed in tame inventory when that tame did not have anything else in the inventory too. @Elgar @PyscoKillah - ASVBot.exe. Very basic. I'll try put together a "how to" at some point.
    3 points
  7. I'll be honest, mine would probably lean more toward fantasy creatures. (I've always wanted to build a sanctuary for griffons, drakes, phoenixes, etc.) And while I would certainly like to nod to Ark with some things, I'd definitely want to put my own spin on it. Something like a half-and-half critter-care and survival. I've got a bunch of notes on mechanics I'd like to include. The part I'm missing is the most important: The actual coding and game-making. lol
    3 points
  8. Everything in this post is 100% facts. These are all major bugs. The map one with coordinates is annoying. Quick map and inventory map do not match. Animal pathfinding is atrocious. Wild dino AI is nothing compared to what it used to be when being ambushed by raptors and stuff. Even argies were accurate. Base rendering...1000% this. This instanced render thing is not even a real thing. Instead I'm seeing bases SO FAR away...I'd rather see a dino far away, not a base.
    3 points
  9. Love the Love evolved art, amazing 2x but how about updates coming to consoles? fixing keybinds, FOV not saving, A fix from having to re-enter commands on command gui every crash, game close. Fix map and waypoints being off-centered A option to remove console command GUI commands that have been incorrectly typed and unable to remove them from list. Tree’s not loading properly, showing blurry and distorted, Base rendering not loading large bases faster as promised. rhynio crashes when flying and landing. Fix switching tabs in inventory because it makes sort preference reset Looking bald when you actually have full set of hair, reminds me of darktide ‘s hair visual bugs in the beginning when it launched. Terrible path finding for creatures on whistle follow. Because of the distance it often will walk backwards to go around things causing it to un render and stop moving forward. ( very annoying ) Have a bronto follow you and you’ll know what i mean. + in addition, Babies on whistle follow are a disaster following you unless you have following preset set to the lowest, this should be fixed. Babies walk in circles if a door way is blocked just by a tamed animal, it could still have room to fit through but doesn’t want to go through, Wild creatures easy to dodge, Going in circles or side by side motion can miss getting hit by raptor, or Piranha Fix dragon boss not landing, being invisible. so many tribes have lost full sets of boss dinos, ascendant flak gear that was a big farm to get crafted and was treated like if their hard work meant nothing. This is a bug that happened back on Valg a lot on ASE, and really hoped with the “better animal pathfinding” and such would eliminate issues like this Fix sensor chat in Xbox, cannot type lol, and many more things that don’t even make sense to be censored. As this game especially on official server , communication is needed for trades, working together on bosses and etc, unable to communicate properly with people without being fully censored even without any cuss words. this should be a priority. Chat bugs, when pressing enter with keyboard or even with controller, sometimes the chat will flicker and not let you type, causing you to have to restart your game… every time to fix it. The bug happens so often it is really a discouragement to play, because most the time i’m resetting keyboard keybinds and FOV, console commands than actually playing the game.. I have played many hours of ASA, and this doesn't even begin to come close to all its bugs and issues, but i have reported most all this on bug reports and not one of these issues have been fixed. Dollie has said they are working on other boss related problems but nothing else about all the rest.
    3 points
  10. I know, I kinda hinted that without saying lol It's very sad, and one reason I still don't play ASA
    2 points
  11. it wouldn't be too different from ark there are already many fantasy creatures and considering that the dinosaurs in ark couldn't be more different from the real dinosaurs if you also made a game with well-made dinosaurs it would already be beautiful, then if you put some dragon I certainly wouldn't complain, who doesn't like dragons
    2 points
  12. So you’re gonna drop Valentine’s Day updates but meanwhile so many players including myself have spent their money on a game that crashes constantly and you continue to ignore as if it’s not within your ability to fix or at least say something about?
    2 points
  13. their obsession with mods is their way of telling us that they don't know how to develop their game and that we have to do it ourselves
    2 points
  14. How are you going to announce Love Evolved without a confirmation on a real fix for winter wonderland???
    2 points
  15. Please bring back PvE tribe war on official. Why would you disable it? It requires consent on both parties and is a good way for players on PvE to compare tames or settle disputes. a genuinely good feature once again removed for no reason
    1 point
  16. I wasn't referring to everyone, just saying many of us gamers. Our imagination can create the "perfect game" in our heads, but none of them (not even Ark) come close to what we really want. We can dream it, but are not capable of making it a reality. Obviously WC doesn't, that's why we were talking about making a whole new game with better vision lol Not sure if this is a lost in language translation thing or not, since you are clearly using some kind of translator to read my message and quote it.
    1 point
  17. it's certainly true, but ark goes too far, it's a game that could be really great but it's practically a game destroyed by its own owners. the single player is left alone to his fate, the pve suffers from the exaggerated use of pillars that preclude people from building their base, the pvp is completely distorted by the megatribes that block access to the game for new players by occupying the caves exploiting the mutations to have dinosaurs that are exaggeratedly stronger than those that can be obtained without the mutations a system that can only be used by the megatribes for the time and resources needed (there had to be a limit, but no they decided to leave the bug that allows you to overcome it for what ?), because already being 50 players in a single tribe isn't already an overwhelming advantage over all the others. Pvp on small makes no sense because without a function like ORP the tribes are forced to create alliances, effectively recreating the megatribes to be able to defend themselves while they are offline. the pvp orp and hardcore modes, although minor, were appreciated by their players but were not proposed again, malfunctioning servers, hackers and the various bugs are the perfect setting for this series of terrible decisions, but WC is focusing on mods to keep the game alive. if anyone wants to add more to the list.
    1 point
  18. Thank you Mirage ! 😃👍 About bee hives / giant bees, would the informations given by the admin rifle in green mode help you ? I mean when you target something in game with the admin rifle, to get ID. Also, I noticed a bug : when you load a new save for the first time in ArkViewer (by refreshing it with the FTP feature, or by loading manually a new save), several species in the Tamed tab don't appear. I have to exit ArkViewer, then launch it again in order to see every species in the Tamed tab. Not a big deal since the workaround is easy of course. I already noticed it with previous version, but I totally forgot to report it, sorry.
    1 point
  19. Transfers get delayed FOUR TIMES and there's no mention of a new date in this CC or the last. I have to do the leg work and go on twitter searching for information that should be front and center on the official website. Nothing to see here, typical WC backwards upside down public relations. Would love an update or any look at all at The Center, which is supposed to be coming in 3 short weeks. I suppose we all know whats going to happen with that release date. I'd love to be positive but as Eminem once said tellin me to be positive, how am i supposed to be positivewhen i don't see s*** positive,you know what i'm sayin?i rapp about s*** around me, s*** i see,
    1 point
  20. It's a shame I will not be able to enjoy the events. Still no word on the single player saving issue? I guess modding is more important.
    1 point
  21. This one is out of WC reach but very easy to solve: Get Steam and a PC or PS5.
    1 point
  22. Yep, I had 7 different characters for 7 different servers, never lost one.
    1 point
  23. Anyone has the old ASE love evolved 3 (2022) ConfigOverrideSupplyCrateItems for PrimalInventoryBP_GenericFishing_C ? Yes I know some mechanics (chocolate/candies drops at mates and hearts fishes) aren't working anymore but the fishing can be still restored with some ini works... #RestoreEventsInASE EDIT: I got something similar with Beacon, time to test it...
    1 point
  24. Around what month will the voting of creatures start again?
    1 point
  25. Well, no mutations for the Rexes yet. However, I did realize that my Oviraptor at the Rex Base, Ethyl, could use more points in weight. We stopped by after several hours of doing other stuff and found her buried under a pile of Rex eggs. Oops! Emergency Services were called, and in less than two minutes, three Gigantopithecuses (Gigantopitheci?) parachuted in and began the rescue. Ethyl’s fine, but she is considering a lateral job change. And after thinking about it, I might pod her for a bit and level up the other Oviraptor that’s currently in the fridge, focusing on weight. My bees are still recovering from the abrupt decline of their honey stores, so I decided to cheer them up. I gave Butthead and Eff’Wad, two of my ever-growing number of self-tamed pegos, kazoos and other noise makers and sent them on a mission codenamed “Smiley Bees”. I watched as they began heading for the hives with an aura of upbeat kazoo music surrounding them. Eff’Wad honked a bike horn several times, testing it out, and Butthead accompanied him with hand cymbals. They rounded a corner of the base, and the sound of their music faded a bit. After a brief pause, the happy kazoo music ramped up exponentially, punctuated here and there by horn beeps and the crash of cymbals. This went on for all of ten seconds before I heard a loud buzzing noise. I looked around, thinking Buggsy, my Rhynio, was about to land nearby, but he was nowhere in sight. That’s when the kazoo music suddenly changed from happy go lucky tones to the discordant notes of someone accidentally stepping on a Titanoboa nest. The repeated honking of the bike horn and erratic crash of cymbals began getting louder, along with the buzzing. Then, my two pegos burst into view trailed by a swarm of angry bees, who are definitely not music enthusiasts. Butthead flung his cymbals away before diving into the ocean, and Eff’Wad wasn’t far behind. When I . . . um . . . left to do other things, the bees were still loitering above the water while two improvised kazoo-snorkels pierced its surface. I decided to let things cool down around the base, so Buggsy and I headed for my sap platform in the red woods. I had seen a video where someone, I think Syntac, had made a Thyla taming pen on a treehouse platform. I ground out materials, manufactured building pieces, and Buggsy helped ferry them up to be installed. We eventually had something that loosely resembled what I saw in the video, and then it was time to test it out. A low level Thyla attacked us when we landed to save the game, and Buggsy quickly dispatched it. I’m not sure if anyone else runs into this, but my game crashes fairly often when I’m flying near or in the red woods, so I also save quite often. Case in point ten minutes later, I spotted a Rhynio just inside the tree line and decided to get some height for a better view. My game crashed as we were heading upward. I figured I’d spawn at my last save, which was on the ground, so I loaded back in. Nope! We were up in the air still, and I plummeted toward the forest floor. I don’t think flapping my arms as fast as I could helped, but it made me feel a little better during the descent at least. Luckily, I survived the drop and was able to heal up with some medical brews. It kind of killed my adventuring mood for the day, though, so I decided to wrap things up. Happy Ark’ing, All!
    1 point
  26. Lol support for ark. Maybe I'll hit the lottery for 70 billion too.
    1 point
  27. Apologies guys I've not been well this week so haven't had chance to do any investigation or make any further updates. Feeling much better today so hopefully have time to get back on ASV this weekend. @PyscoKillah - I know FTP used the "name" but seems RCON uses IP address. Give that a go - works for my friends server who is also hosted with Nitrado.
    1 point
  28. I spent most of my Sunday making extraordinary kibble and getting the base of my Rex line set up and ready to go. My poor bees. They were so proud of all their honey, and then I came through like a swarm of kibble-making honey-locust. I think there’s only one or two honey left in each hive now, so kibble production is on hold for a bit. Over at the Rex base, I decided we could use a healer, so we put a Help Wanted sign outside. It attracted a handful of Dodos that kept pecking at the sign and a couple of Dilos that tried to eat the Dodos. I had to sic Sabene, my Sabertooth, on them before a new sign was needed. I put a lot of work into that one! Anyway, the only serious looking applicant was a creepy Pegomastax. He was dressed in a dark trench coat and had a large syringe slung over one shoulder. After he knocked at the gate, I said, “The heck with that,” and turned the turret back on. So as Yoda would say, “Time for a Daeodon, it is.” Once we were equipped, Buggsy and I headed up north to the Yuty pen where we began our hunt. As we drifted across the snowy landscape, the fluttering of giant insect wings sent some of the more skittish creatures fleeing for their lives. I’m pretty sure I heard a Kairuku yell, “The sky is falling!” before diving into a snowbank. A little later, we overflew a group of low level Daeodons that were attacking a mammoth, silently rooted for the mammoth, and continued on. We passed a pair of pigs here, a single one there, but they were all low level. Eventually, we happened upon another pig versus mammoth brouhaha, and one of the curly tailed miscreants was level 130. It actually looked to be running away from battle when giant insect legs suddenly latched onto it and pulled it into the sky. The Daeodon was a little bitey on the way back to the taming pen, but Buggsy dropped her in there without a hitch, and she tamed up quickly thanks to the exceptional kibble. I named her Tikachu before podding her. Back at the Rex base, Doc Tika helped heal up the female rexes that were born with the male’s stats, and we soon had a large enough group to start breeding for mutations. Nothing so far, but I have high hopes. Happy Arking, All!
    1 point
  29. Let’s see, what else have I done recently that I haven’t chronicled? Oh, I did finally find a high level female Basilo who is now known as “Betty the Basilo”. There was a 100+ AC saddle waiting for her, too, so she’s pretty beastly. I haven’t found a mate for her yet, though, but I have taken her through both sea caves after leveling her up. I was surprised to see bats in the easy one. Spork the shark, of course, had a retirement party since Betty arrived. I knew I shouldn’t have let my three Pegos rope me into a shot contest, but I figured we’d send Spork off in grand fashion. Talk about a hangover, but it was kinda worth it to see three Pegos bazooka vomit at the same time. I also added the QoL+ mod, seeing as I was really missing the inventory transfer option. The Nanny is also a big help. I wonder if she’d work with Rhynio imprinting? A Rex breeding base was constructed after I found a high level male and female. Right now, all the good stats are on the male, so I’m trying to get females with those stats, but the babies haven’t been cooperating. Today, I didn’t have much time, so I focused on some general upkeep first. And then, I remembered seeing a low level, male unicorn on Herbivore Island and thought what the heck. I grabbed some Rock Carrots and set off for the island on BB Attack. I then came back to base and grabbed a cryopod because I figured I’d need one, before setting out again. Then, I came back again because I forgot to get my ghillie suit, and once again we were off. So after all that, we finally arrived at the island and there was no unicorn to be found. Yargh! I consoled myself by thinking he was probably a jerkwad anyway. Happy Ark’ing all.
    1 point
  30. @yarnevk: My taming trip went well, and I hope your chaos has calmed down. Speaking of my taming trip, I logged back in and shivered until I got Glenda back on my shoulders. Once she was settled, we scanned the area for nearby threats and didn’t see any, so we hopped on Buggsy and began our hunt. A level 40 female Yuty was found within the first two minutes and flown back to the pen. She tamed up with raw prime meat donations from a couple of mammoths and was podded, leaving me with only one cryopod left. Time for the level 145 male, I thought. Searching for the elusive 145 Yuty wasn’t going well. It obviously wasn’t where I remembered it to be, and it didn’t help that Glenda kept pointing in different directions. Her memory must be as bad as mine. While we were hovering, deciding on what to do next, a Yuty roared off in the distance. Glenda let out a happy squeak, and I immediately steered Buggsy in that direction. It . . . wasn’t the level 145, but it was a level 5 female Yuty. I mean, that’s practically a gimme for a kibble group, so I had to tame it, which we did. Once she was podded, we continued our hunt. Our search area expanded, and we eventually found the 145 going on a rampage by some boulders. Buggsy swooped down, deftly grabbed him, and headed for the trap. The only problem was that the Yuty would chomp my Rhynio to death before we got there, so we had to drop him partway and go heal. The second time was the charm, though. The Yuty plopped into the trap and roared in fury, while an under half-health Buggsy landed a safe distance away to heal up. More than a few shocking tranquilizer darts missed their mark while I was trying to knock him out. I’m totally blaming that on the wind and not on the adult libations that I was enjoying at the time. He toppled to the ground eventually, though, and I hopped off Buggsy to begin the taming process. Since we were a cryopod short, I decided to leave the level 5 female here to be picked up later, and went to throw her pod out. Of course, I received the no cryofridge in range message. Buh! Glenda let out an angry chirp and head-butted me softly. “Oh, like you remembered we forgot to set one up?” I asked my otter. She made a chuckling noise and shrugged her shoulders. I sighed. It was all I could do. The 145 tamed up without issue at least, and then began the long, long trip home with Buggsy hauling a Yuty the whole way. I made saddles when we were finally back and set up the kibble group. Ovira was happy because she had egg-collecting duties again, and we soon had our first round of extraordinary kibble. Huzzah!
    1 point
  31. easy, RUN! or bola them and pike em, or RUN!
    1 point
  32. I've been playing intermittently since launch in single player. Hard difficulty but with some of the settings individually tweaked closer to medium. I was mostly on raft-based bases until the release of cryopods, and then relocated to hidden lake, where I've built a 3-story base out of stone, glass, and metal. Ground floor has exterior stables/pens for tames, including one pen I keep empty for creature taming, storage for gear, items, and base pieces, and a full set of industrial crafting stations. Second floor has a bed, a trophy room, resource storage, an industrial grinder, and my cryo fridge. The roof has a greenhouse with 5 plots each for advanced crops, 4 plots each for the original berry types, and 1 plot each for the new berry types. Behind the base, a glassed-in structure with arrays of 6 air conditioners above and 6 air conditioners below, and a refrigerator--an egg hatchery. My core un-podded tames are: - an imprinted Argentavis, leveled for health, stamina, movement speed, carry weight, and melee damage, primarily for scouting supply drops and carrying liftable tames back to base - a high level Beelzebufo, leveled for health, melee damage, and carry weight, primarily for underwater and cave exploration - a high level otter, leveled mostly for melee damage but also with a bit of health, providing the insulation I need to survive the higher temperature extremes which cover all areas of the map in ASA - at the base: an oviraptor to collect eggs; a dung beetle to make fertilzer, and groups of dinos to supply eggs for various kibble types, including kairuku, raptors, ankylosaurus (one is imprinted and leveled for melee damage and carry weight), argentavis, and rex. I also have a therino for wood and fiber harvesting, a doedicurus for stone harvesting, a lystrosaurus to help things build experience, an ovis for wool, and an equus just because. - I'm gradually breeding high level rex for use in boss fights, but haven't been especially rushed so far. - I do have a giant bee hive, although I will admit I had to cheat it into existence because of the single player glitch where all natural bee hives despawn every time you start the game. Most days when I play, I fly around on my argent scouting for high level megatherium and yutyrannus to tame for breeding, killing alphas to gradually build my chibi (a purple dire wolf) to its final level, or swim around on the ocean floor looking for stuff with my frog. I've found two ocean chests so far, but their rate of appearance seems dramatically lower than it did in ASE. I finished getting all the cave trophies a week ago. I had to use the noclip console command on several of them, because my frog tame either meshed partially into the ceiling or got me wedged between it and the ceiling so that we couldn't move; if I was mounted, our hitbox was too big, and if I was dismounted, our hitboxes collided so that neither of us could move. In ASE I would fix this by cryo-podding my mount and then getting him back out, but this is no longer a viable option in ASA due to cryofridge and electric generator range considerations. There's apparently an INI file setting I could use to turn that off if I were playing on PC, but I'm playing on Xbox Series X, so I have to wait and see if the devs ever expose a UI or at least a console command setting to let me do it--or if someone releases a mod which does it. On Tuesday or Wednesday, I logged into the game and all of my map and explorer note progress had been reset to nil for no reason. I don't know why this happened but it's probably related to having done "rejoin session" and been met with a "create character" dialog rather than with my game being restored. Restarting the Ark game does fix this transient problem when it happens, but I suspect my map progression was reset by it. The game does still have a sense of which explorer notes I've opened, because the ones I re-open no longer give me an experience reward. I had been generally putting off explorer note collection anyway, so that I could use them to power-level imprinted tames, but had walked over quite a few by accident while exploring, harvesting resources, etc., or to grab an experience bonus before killing an alpha. I took this as time to start re-gathering the notes in organized fashion, and spent about five to six hours in the game with an Argent flying around and collecting the notes. I feel like I got about a third of them. I had stacked about five hours of bonus experience on my Argent, so instead of quitting game at the end of the night, I just paused overnight. I made a decision that I should stop getting explorer notes with this tame, as experience was starting to come really slowly, and revert to my pattern of collecting nearby notes before fighting alphas. By the time I got to this point, my imprinted Argent had run to about 360K experience, having started from less than 100K. Friday was a huge day for me. Right before pausing my game and going to bed Thursday night, I had finally found an Ascendant Longneck rifle, the first non-primitive Longneck I'd found in a supply drop, and only the third Longneck of any kind I'd seen at all. About 400% bonus damage. Biotoxin is hard to come by because cnidaria are currently mostly spawning meshed into the sea floor, but I had zealously gathered 2-3 stacks of it and been storing it carefully in refrigerators. In spite of its spoil rate, I still had enough left to make 50 shocking tranquilizer darts. It was time to start my Yutyranus hunt in earnest! In the far northeast of the cold area, I got lucky, and found a level 130 male, terrorizing the local mammoth population. From the back of my Argent, I cleared out his carnotaurus escort, cleared out the mammoth prey he was chasing, and killed two abominable snowmen that were stalking around the area harassing me. (That kind of sucked! My argent feels pretty strong against most things but only does about 400 damage per hit on the Snowman, and his "circle behind your mount" AI tactics made the fight slow going. I could dismount and fight him toe to toe, thanks to a full set of ascendant armor including several 500+ pieces and a 1100+ flak helmet I somehow scored in the eastern water cave, and thanks to an 800% ascendant pike and decently leveled melee damage, but doing that meant having to return to base and do several hundred metal ingots and about a dozen chitin stacks worth of repairs, during which I was afraid of losing track of the Yutyranus. But I found him, and brought him down with 4-5 Longneck shots. I tamed him with 100% effectiveness using starve taming tactics, cryopodded him, and then found a female Ovis on the way back to my base, finally awarding me a breeding pair of Ovis and therefore a supply of mutton! The Yutyrannus was so tall that I needed to reorganize my stables. I built a large aerie for argents above the Oviraptor pen, and then resumed hunting for a female to add to the breeding pair. I finally realized that it was important to start getting a supply of extraordinary kibble, and that even a low level female would let me get started on that, and tracked down and tamed a level 60. She ran nearly all the way to the ocean before I tamed her, but I knocked her unconscious on an ice floe clear of any likely predators. I went scouting for fresh prime meet to feed her during taming, and when I came back, she was gone, but I could still hear her snoring. On a hunch, I enabled 'noclip', and there she was, glitched just below the ice floe, laying in water but not quite drowning. I tamed her there, cryopodded her, went back to base, made my first extraordinary kibble, cleared my inventory of loot, recycled anything I wasn't going to use in the industrial grinder, made sure troughs were full and that my generators and preserving bins (for jerky) were good on fuel, parked my toon in the hatchery (which, due to its extreme climate control, was an ideal place to be walking around with no otter), dropped my otter off my shoulder, and logged out for the night, quitting to the main menu but not exiting the game. I went to bed excited. I felt close, finally, to being able to take on boss fights for the first time. I had never done it in single player ARK, only ever on a private server with low difficulty settings and a couple of friends who now no longer play. And I had certainly never done it on a server with max level dinos. All I had left was to find one good female megatherium, and then a few hours of "breeding program" work. I even already had all the alpha trophies I needed to get into the alpha versions of the fights, if I was feeling brave enough to risk disaster. I even set an alarm to wake up early and get started right away. I had six rex eggs all ready to hatch, check for mutations, and perhaps imprint. Maybe some hard grinding on high level supply drops in the hopes of getting lucky with a good saddle blueprint for one of the dinos I would be taking into the boss fight. Saturday morning, I logged back in, not in my egg hatchery, but in the jungle southeast of the northeast mountain, standing next to an opened explorer note, with my argent and otter standing next to me, and a sweet vegetable cake from a Winter Wonderland drop (I'm still getting Wonderland drops, because in Single Player you can't disable the mod yet without losing stuff you got; the event has already been over for nearly a month but there hasn't been a console update since the day it began). I remembered that sweet vegetable cake. I had put it in a refrigerator back at base on Wednesday or Thursday. Horror dawning on me, I looked at my hotbar. In the LB+leftpad slot where I had been keeping my prized Ascendant Longneck, there it was: The spyglass I had been carrying there since November, when I found it in my first white drop on the Footpaw, while I was still building straw bases. The game had rolled back over a dozen hours of critical, irreplaceable progress. I flew back to base to confirm my fears. No Ovis pair. No Yutyrannus at all. No Argentavis aerie. My imprinted Argent, that I had been power leveling with explorer notes, had lost about 230K experience, meaning that I had rolled back to a game before I had killed my first Abominable Snowman, to a game where I had not killed one Alpha Rex with that Argent. And now I had no idea which explorer notes the game considered me to have unlocked or not, so resuming play will be a wearing task of going through the notes and manually making a checklist. I didn't have time to deal with any of this right then, as it was about 10:15am on Saturday morning and I had a Facetime call with my mom coming up. I passed that 45 minutes in part by explaining to my stepdaughter, who was playing her own single player game on a separate console, and let her know that if she didn't want to lose large amounts of progress, she needed to be sure to quit the game, then quit the app, then come back into the game, no more than every couple of hours. She had questions for me about how Studio Wildcard could leave the game in that state, so I showed her what PC+Xbox patch notes looked like, and where they had diverged, and speculated that ASA's product manager has made the strategic decision to: 1, prioritize poor multiplayer performance and exploits over user experience in single-player, non-dedicated, and unofficial servers, including timely release of the needed patch to keep a "passive mod load" command line switch from being used during server startup to let Winter Wonderland end, and 2, to pause further console releases until that delayed post-Wonderland patch was complete, since consoles don't have a way to do passive mod loads. She also had questions for me about why Wildcard would release a game with a bug as severe as saved game rollback, and then leave the bug officially unacknowledged for 3+ months. I said that I didn't know for sure, but said that game development was challenging, that the game studio was trying to do a lot of things at the same time, and that developers can only work on so many things at once. I said that problems like this are frustrating but that companies who do these kinds of things to their users aren't indifferent to that frustration, they're just accountable to other forces that we don't see. I could have elaborated, but she's still a tween and doesn't need to hear my thoughts about business politics in a product technology organization. We also talked a bit more about console commands. Let me tangent to those for a bit. Key console commands I run in single player: - r.volumetricCloud 0 - r.volumetricFog 0 - grass.sizeScale 0.65 These three are quality of life things. The clouds are "can't see your face" dense at points, and can often make it impossible to see what you're doing, especially at mountain altitudes. Water visibility is equally bad, and turns every search for resources underwater into a battle against a pack of 6+ megs, because you can't see them chasing you until you're already in the fight. Maybe these things are fun, or in some way balancing, on the servers, but they do nothing for me in terms of single player. I would consider finding features to tune the density on those settings instead, but disabling them also improves the frame rate for me. The grass scale is just... I can't see resources in the grass at all. Not baby dinos, not metal nodes on the mountain east of the footpaw. It honestly feels like a glitch to me, having played the original Ark. It looks good but it doesn't seem to match the original intention of the designers. - ghost - walk These enable and disable noclip, and are essentially required to play single player unless you want to periodically die or lose tames as a consequence of meshing bugs. I had some horrible experiences using these settings in the original ASE and ending up with tames glitched so that I couldn't reliably re-mount them, so I've used these incredibly sparingly, but sometimes there's no other choice. - kill Yeah, I mean, this one actually is cheating. But I've only done it twice. The first time was after a glitch made the corpse of an alpha tueso despawn after I had finally killed the thing, with no loot drop; I spawned a new one in of the same level and immediately used this command to kill it. And I will confess to having used it on the abominable snowmen. These seem to be spawning at a much higher rate than normal because of the Santa's Big Helpers, and on my difficulty settings each one of them has like 65K health. I'm just not willing to spend 20 minutes fighting one, then have to spend another 20 minutes fighting the next one before I've even had time to heal my tame and repair my armor. The deal I made with myself is that I'll stop doing this to those after I've disabled Winter Wonderland. - destroyWildDinos Easily the most pernicious problem in single player is the way the stasis/hibernate system works. You eventually get whole stretches of map with no wild dinos on them at all, except for the occasional fish. It never happens on official servers (except in PVE when the pillar density gets high and GMs are asleep at the switch), but can get so bad in single player that in certain areas, bases will fail to load because of local dino density, and dinos can hardly even be found elsewhere on the map. I probably have to do this every 20 game days or so, especially after a long run flying around the map collecting supply drops. Ideally I shouldn't ever have to do it at all. But I suspect Wildcard doesn't have any plan to fix this in single player, ever, especially not during the window between the final map update for ASA and the Ark 2 release. The Facetime call with my mom went well; we talked for about 90 minutes, on a variety of topics, and agreed to both buy the B Dylan Hollis cookbook "Baking From Yesteryear" and try out one or two recipes per month and compare notes. I live in Minnesota and she's currently doing the "snowbird thing," wintering in an Arizona townhome, so finding a way to collaborate on an activity like that from a distance will keep us feeling closer to one another. After the call ended, I opened the "My Games & Apps" menu on my Xbox, and went to look for updates, bargaining with unseen forces that Wildcard would have released an out-of-cadence console update for Winter Wonderland and the single player save rollback issue. There was of course no such patch, but a number of other good single player games on my system had updates, including Starfield, where press said that the release improved things but included no new content, and Cyberpunk, where press had been saying that the updates are very good and have finally delivered a game which is much closer to what the initial teasers said would be delivered. I spent the afternoon starting a new character in that game. I can't bear to come back to ASA before the next update. It sucks, because ARK has been an ADHD hyperfocus for me off and on for years now, and I love ASA when it's working. Some of the base design features you can get in this game are just incredible compared to what was possible in unmodded ASE. And if I were a PC player, I would just be working around this stuff. I'm technically competent enough to be able to troubleshoot a lot of stuff. But I'm a console guy. An Xbox Series X is a fixed cost, with an expected service live of 5-10 years, amortizing out to an annual hardware expense less than the cost of an Xbox Live (or, now, Game Pass Core) subscription. PC hardware costs mushroom well above that, especially if you choose _not_ to build your own--in part because game developers don't feel the same obligations to release software that works within spec for a 5 year old hardware fleet that they feel on console with the muscle of a Microsoft or a Sony pressing the issue. And, normally, this means that the user experience on consoles is _less_ glitchy than on PCs--you can do more extensive QA against a known hardware spec, and you don't have to do as much defensive coding against modders and similar. (Although, jailbreaks being a thing, you still have to do some.) But in a game like ARK, or like Payday 2 was, where you have a studio that's struggling to maintain both platforms, and has a core user base with a strong preference for PC, console titles can become second class citizens, with players on those titles frozen out of core features. (My most annoying bug in ARK to date: My stepkid, who is a "horse girl," couldn't tame Equus until I hooked a USB keyboard up to her Xbox and showed her which key to press, because the "feed" button and the "dismount" button have a collision which ASA mediates in the wrong direction and which we couldn't figure out how to resolve. This probably just got straight-up missed because of low gamepad QA coverage.) I love this game. It's unique, with the difficulty curve of a Souls game, the pure scale of a Skyrim, unique gameplay elements that aren't available in almost any other title, and customization almost as great as what you can achieve in something like Minecraft or a modded Fallout. I want so much to play it, to thrive in it, to share it with others. I just can't, right now. So in a week I'll be back to annoying friends in real life by addressing them as "choom" again. I guess I'll see you all in a few months.
    0 points
  33. Wow two sides of just pure whining like oceans and complaining all over again. I myself have been playing 365 hours so far on ASA. Only annoying thing is the one time or two times a Day when the Server crashes and we roll back for 10 Minutes. Thats it. My Game on ps5 doesnt crash. I can Play and enjoy everything I have Seen so far and have no idea DILO everyone here is so frustrated about. Sure the Pop in of bases and Dinos should be improved. And yeah the fps when opening Gates is weak. These Are all points that Are Not making the Game Bad for me. At all. Hope your still having fun!
    0 points
  34. This game does not want me to get a doedic to finish my keep with. Spent few ark days farming metal on nearby hill next to the egg farm using the argy and raft as the ferry (a pego stole my dart stack so I need to restock), while spending some time on the egg farm trying to get clean mating clones established between running out to check for more beavers, dams and metal. Entertained myself getting a high level dimorph and got it cloned into a flock, so that plus a raptor killing beaver (they are just short of a saber and also a functional smithy and a good swimmer) will be my initial foray into the hunters cave since the anky refuses to get the metal just past the start. Looks to me like it could make it if you angle it right - but that is hitboxes for you. So finally after saturday RL chores after dinner I set out with the argy heading north yet again on a doedic hunt. Got distracted spotting a high level beaver fighting something where the swamp meets the river just NE of the redwoods, figured move in close to target track it with the binocs. I guess a high level thyla had come down for a drink, as I got ripped off the argy and tossed into the swamp. Fly back with my latest ptera, land on the other side of the river pulling my argy off the leaping cat so I could check why the death bag icon was not on. Guess when I relogged to reset the weather it did not update the tribe log because no death bag. So had a primitive campfire with some thyla rump roast as it swam across wanting to keep on fighting the birds, while I cleared all the brush looking for my loot, snagged a few green drops for better cloth gear but no luck on the loot. I headed back home to kill baby beavers and logged off to watch an movie instead. Guess I need to get the ankys working another metal hill because I need to make more metal gear and taming darts.
    0 points
  35. Captured on ur console😂 yeah sure so wildcard can what look up ur profile and then watch ur captures? 😂
    0 points
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