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Elgar last won the day on November 19 2024

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  1. No, I still have a few servers in my cluster using the classic save format, I guess, since I can see the .arkprofile files' timestamps being updated as players play. According to what I read on Discord, it seems that Nitrado enabled the new save format on new servers, but old servers still have the classic format. I don't like that, to have such a mix in my cluster, but we don't have any way to control that so far. (Fortunately there is seemingly no issue as players transfer between servers with different save format.) Also, I think I noticed that the function stopped working a while ago, but I forgot to report it, sorry. EDIT : That makes me think, would it be possible to have a visual clue showing us which save format is used by the server currently loaded in ASV...?
  2. Hi Mirage, since you work on a new version, could you please check the "Copy .arkprofile filename" function when you right-click a player's name ? It doesn't work anymore. Thank you ^^
  3. Hi Mirage, I noticed that for Extinction ASV detects a lot of creatures with negative latitude or longitude values. Values as low as -15 for latitude and -12 for longitude. Does that mean that these creatures spawned outside of the map boundaries, or that it's an issue with "calibration" of Extinction's map in ASV ?
  4. Nitrado had the the great idea to force upon us this new save format (confirmed on their discord). It loads in ASV and it can be read. So far I just noticed that tribe logs are missing in ASV, and player explorer has no achievements, but maybe other data is missing. I send you the file in private message.
  5. Thank you Mirage for the Extinction support, that was so quick ! I guess ASV is not compatible with the new save format option described in the patch note ? Additional Server related params/config options for using a “usestore” save system which combines player profiles, tribe data, and the world save into one single file. Note: This is not new, but not previously documented to our knowledge and what we use on our Official Network. -converttostore (imports the current player and tribe data into the .ark save file) Run with -converttostore -usestore and then the next time you relaunch, you should not need -converttostore as all the data will be integrated. Important to note: .arkprofile & .arktribe files are not automatically deleted after conversion so should be deleted manually if you want to save storage space. -usestore (utilizes a different saving method that stores player and tribe data inside of save files) Important to note: when rolling back save data simply do as normal and all the arkprofile and arktribe data will be in sync with the backup save already.
  6. Hi, I noticed today for the first time the "Remove player" button in the Players tab. What does it do exactly please ? Does it delete the .arkprofile file attached to this player ? If yes, does it delete it only locally in ASV subfolders, or does it delete it too via FTP in the server files ?
  7. Hi Mirage, I hope you're well. If you plan to update ArkViewer in the future, would you please consider adding the RenamePlayerId command to the Players tab ? You already added the RenamePlayer command, but one of the worst and most current issues for admins are players who forget (purposely or not) to give a name to their character, who therefore is called "Human". And we quickly have several "Human" characters on servers. Only the RenamePlayerId command allows to discriminate between several Human characters. Link to its description : https://ark.wiki.gg/wiki/Console_commands#RenamePlayerId Thank you !
  8. What I do is I sort items by blueprints first : just click the column header (BP) in order to sort the column (works with every column by the way, very handy), that way you'll see first only the blueprints.
  9. It does exist, but be aware that traits level 3 are very rare. For example, right now on my The Island server, only 16 dinos have the trait mineral bearing level 3, for a population of 32412 dinos. On my The Center server, only 17 dinos, for a population of 35665 dinos. And this trait can be found on a Pegomastax or even a Dodo... So, the chances to find the level 3 trait you want on the species you want are extremely low.
  10. Mmm : Unreal Engine 5.4: The upgrade work is mostly complete. However, we're still putting it through our internal QA processes as there are a lot of changes that we need to make sure are stable before we can release this out to the wild. We're currently targeting sometime between October 15th and November 15th as the launch window for this update. Source : https://survivetheark.com/index.php?/articles.html/community-crunch-425-aberration-launch-and-your-new-buddy-cosmo-r2363/ "Sometime between October 15th and November 15th" is not equivalent to "promised for mid October"... And you wrote your rant on October 15th lol.
  11. Caused by one of yours mods probably, since in vanilla game Gigas can't spawn in this area. Or you were "pranked" by an admin if it's a private server.
  12. Hi, I have a question not directly related to Ark Viewer, but since Mirage and other people here are experts in Ark saves I take my shot 😁 Is it safe to delete .arkprofile, .arktributetribe and .arktribe files relating to inactive people on my dedicated ASA servers ? People who, I'm sure, will never come back. No risk of "corrupting" my .ark save file ?
  13. If you use FTP, It's usually because the save file was downloaded partially, it happens sometimes. For example your save file which should be 130 Mb is only 50 in ArkViewer. In your ArkViewer folder, go to the Aberration subfolder and delete the Aberration_WP.ark file. Then restart ArkViewer and it will download the file again, this time completely hopefully.
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